Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke and Katekyo Hitman Reborn. They belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 1

It was just another regular day in the lives off the Seirin students. The canteen was once again like a war zone as the students fought their way to the front of the queue to buy food. Surprisingly, the basketball club members were not part of the mini war going on and were all going to eat their bento on the rooftop.

Kagami's POV

"Oi where the hell is Kuroko! He's late!" I asked the my year mates

" I'm right here Kagami-kun" came from my right"

" GAH! Stop sneaking up on people will you?! When the hell did you get here?!

" I did not sneak up behind you, I came up here with you" came his reply in a monotone voice.

Before I could retort, the door to the roof opened, signalling that our senpai have arrived.

"Oi Bakagami keep your voice down will you, we could hear you all the way down from our classroom!" were Hyūga-sempai's first words were to me.

"Bakagami janai! ( I'm not an idiot!)"

" Maa maa ochitsuku (calm down), let's just eat shall we?" was Kiyoshi-sempai's reply.

Lunch then proceeded as how it usually would when we eat together. Izuki-sempai says more lame puns, Hyūga-sempai then yells at him to shut up with Kiyoshi-sempai telling Hyūga-sempai to calm down. Coach was eating quietly while creating our training regime for the next few weeks and ignored everyone else. Koganei-sempai was having a conversation with Tsuchida-sempai about their last test with Mitobe-sempai nodding in agreement every once in a while. Furi, Kawahara and Fukuda were all discussing about the latest song that came out and Kuroko was as silent as ever. Just another regular day in school. That is until somebody's phone started ringing.

" Nee nee whose phone is ringing?" asked coach.

"Ah sumimasen it is mine." answered Kuroko

What he said next was not what any of us were expecting at all.

Kuroko's POV

We were having lunch together today like we usually do every Thursday. I was enjoying the peace and sense of normalcy when my phone suddenly rang.

" Nee nee whose phone ringing?" asked coach

"Ah sumimasen it is mine"

I looked at the caller ID and was surprised at who was calling.

"Ciao Zio Dino come stai? (Hello Uncle Dino how are you?)"

"Ciao Tetsuya sto bene grazie ( Hello Tetsuya I am fine thank you)" came Uncle Dino's reply.

"Hai bisogno di qualcosa? (Do you need something?)"

" Ha ha dritto al punto, come sempre. (Straight to the point like always.)"


"Va bene va bene, volevo solo dirvi che alcuni dei vostri zii vengono a Tokyo. ( Alright alright, I just wanted to tell you that some of you uncles are coming to Tokyo.)

At those words, I nearly dropped my phone. I was not expecting him to say that at all.

"Ano, Quali dei miei zii sono in visita? (Um, Which of my uncles are visiting?)" I asked him. "Please be Uncle Enma and Uncle Shoichi" I prayed to every deity that I knew of. Of course I had to inherit my otou-san's bad luck in these sort of situations.

"E pensare che è Hayato and Takeshi. ( I think it's Hayato and Takeshi.)"

My face became paler, not that anyone noticed, and I nearly fell down onto my knees then. Uncle Hayato and Uncle Takeshi coming together means a lot of damage control. But at least its not Uncle Kyouya and Uncle Mukuro together, sending them together would probably make Tokyo seem like it just got hit by a nuke only ten times worst.

"Quando stanno arrivando? (When are they arriving?)

"Essi dovrebbero arrivare presto, hanno preso uno dei jet Vongola, dopo tutto. Io suggerisco di andare informare la scuola che è necessario partire presto e andare all'aeroporto di incontrarli. ( They should be arriving soon, they took one of the Vongola jets after all. I suggest that you go notify the school that you need to leave early and go to the airport to meet them.)"

"...Si, credo che sarebbe il miglior modo di agire. Grazie per avermi dato un testa a testa zio. (...Yes, I believe that would be the best course of action. Thank you for giving me a heads up uncle)

"Va bene. Voglio solo contribuire a rendere questo più facile per voi e Tsuna, si sa come arrabbiato egli può ottenere quando i suoi moltiplica lavoro di ufficio. (It's fine. I just want to help make this easier for both you and Tsuna, you know how angry he can get when his paperwork multiplies.)"

"Grazie di nuovo zio. Lascerò subito. Arrivederci zio.(Thank you again uncle. I shall leave right away. Goodbye uncle)

"Addio Tetsu-chan~! (Bye Tetsu-chan~!)"

I ended the call and was met with the shocked faces from the basketball club.


Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this story! I wrote this about 6 months ago and have only remembered it existed just now. I do not know how to speak Italian and only used Google Translate to write all the Italian words so if I made any mistake, feel free to tell me so I can correct it. This has not been beta read so I'm relying on my own skills here. Please review and/or follow/favourite. Until next time! Mata ne!
