Disclaimer - I don't own anything

Chapter 1

Yuki opened her eyes slowly, the light coming from nearby window made her wanted to close them again. She was lying in a bed but it isn't familiar. In fact what she could see of the room she was in wasn't familiar either. Yuki doesn't know where she is or what is doing here. The tubes attached to her body made her realize she is in a hospital room. The only thing she remembers are some odd dreams where a man's soothing voice singing and talking to her.

"Yuki." The disbelieving sound made yuki to turn her head to that direction. A girl in her early twenties standing next to her bed and she is almost crying.

"God, I can't believe this. You woke up. I will call the doctor right away and inform everybody immediately." Tsukushi was totally alarmed.

"Who are you and what are you talking about? Where are my parents?" The words coming from the other girl made her panic, she started yelling uncontrollably.

"shh Yuki" Tsukushi tried to soothe but panic gripped her also. This is first time her best friend acting this way. "You're okay; there was an accident you're in the hospital now."

"Mum." Yuki screamed, "Where are my parents?"

Thankfully a nurse came to the room; who failed miserably to calm down yuki. She then pulled out her pager and asked for doctors to their room. "She is terrified and don't even know who I am" explained Tsukushi. Minutes later a group of doctors came barging into the room.

'No, Please tell me what is happening. Who are you people?" Yuki looked from one person to other

"She is terrified" said the nurse to the resident doctors.

"Not uncommon for people woke up from coma "replied the doctor. He then injected sedative to yuki. As yuki slowly went back to sleep he explained "It will settle her anxiety a little. Now that she is awake we should get Doctor Nakamura immediately. "

Tsukushi kicked out of the room immediately with the instruction her presence may alarm the patient more when she wakeup. Waiting outside for Yuki's parents and F4, she thought about Yuki's terrible accident, 48 hours long operation and the 6 months she spend in coma. She send text to Tsukasa about yuki and

"Tsukushi" Tsukasa is running to her in the corridor. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Matsuokas will be here any moments, I send someone to pick them up. How is yuki?" He aasked with concern, His wife didn't look happy for someone who's best friend just woke up from coma she is kind of off. Tsukushi looked very uncomfortable at that point and as she ignored the question because she knew something is not quite right with her friend.

A few moments later Yuki's parents and F4 men are waiting for the news in the corridor of the hospital. Nobody felt like moving to the waiting room the nurse offered.

At the same time inside the hospital room

A man in his late forties entered, he didn't have the typical blue uniform for the doctors. "Miss Matsuoka my name is Nakamur Hideyoshi I am your doctor. How are you feeling?" He talked in a friendly manner which calmed yuki.

"Sore" she replied "And they said I had an accident."

"Yes. You were in an accident. I'll check if everything's okay tomorrow you need to go through more testing." He took the clipboard from the table and writes something on it.

"How long I have been here?" Yuki asked having no sense of how much time had passed. The doctor dodged her question with another question.

"What do you remember for last time? "

"Pain, I remember falling from the swing. I went to the park with my parents. Are they here yet?" answered yuki with a grimace. Doctor Nakamura thought what he should tell her. The assumptions are true but he doesn't know how she will react. Maybe he should've left it until she gets her strength back. But then she will figure it out herself and it not a good way.

"Miss, you are not in the hospital because you fell down from the swing. You were in a car accident six months ago. We tried our best but you fell into coma and you are 24 year old. You are lucky because it is a miracle you survived the accident."

Yuki stared at him dumbfounded. She lost almost twelve years of her life.

" What?" she said.

"I am sorry dear, now you need your rest, and that girl in your room earlier was your best friend. Your parents and friends are outside waiting to meet you. I will send them in if you are ready" Said doctor.

Yuki stared the nodded her she may not remember her friends but she could give them chance for a new start. Doctor Nakamura was almost reached the door when the yuki's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Someone talked to me and sang for me when I was asleep may it just dreams."

He turned back "are you sure?"

"Yes; maybe he is my guardian angel."
