High school DxD Reborn!
Another dragon awakens!
Hey guys this is the long awaited and highly demanded sequel to my High school DxD story "The path of the Sekiryutei". I have plenty of ideas to place into the plot of the sequel and I plan on kicking off the story with an exciting introduction. Rias Gremory has started attending college and she has now become Issei's queen literally.
Issei is the new king of the Gremories peerage and has restored peace temporarily to the human world and the underworld. But peaceful times unfortunately tend to be a short lasting period for Issei Hyoudou. And when the time comes, Issei will have to lead his friends into battle and with all of his strength, protect them and those he cares for.
Now as we journey back into my story, we shall start at Rias' college and the ruin princess, currently has a gentleman caller hot on her tail.
Chapter 1 Issei the Crimson Dragon king
Sebastian P.O.V.
My name is Sebastian Goodridge and I can confidently say, that I am perhaps the most successful and by far the best looking man on my college campus.
Day after day girls would throw themselves towards me and faint at a mere glimpse of my person. Since the day I was born, I have felt this overwhelming superiority of myself and obtaining what I wished for, proved to be in no way difficult.
Well that is until she arrived on this campus. Rias Gremory. A true treasure that I cannot prevent myself wielding a strong desire to make her mine.
The corridors shine in her powerful and beautiful glow. The minute she turns a corner, this dead environment suddenly bursts to life and all eyes immediately dart towards her. They admire her, love her and wish to be close to her.
Yes she is most definitely special. A rare jewel that I must conquer and make my own to add it to my collection.
Alas, despite me gifting her with my presence and conversing with her, which to this day every girl I have encountered yearned for such a thing and considered it to be a gift from god himself. Rias has never looked my way with such thoughts.
My head hurts from having to think so much. Why must she be so immune to my powerful self? But, despite my constant puzzlement, I know the answer to this problem.
The gastric acid inside begins to boil up in the pit of my stomach every time I think about that plebeian!
Issei Hyoudou…
My fists clench so tightly every time his mere name being shouted out diverts the attention of the females of this site which only minutes ago, worshipped me and the ground I walked upon.
It's always Issei this! And Issei that!
I suddenly become invisible as soon as that lower class peasant arrives.
He is nothing more than a piece of chewing gum or scratch that, a dog's excrement that refuses to let go of my shoe and continues to repel those who adored me by his foul odour.
Well I've got news for you Rias' so called fiancée, I'm not going to let you keep me away from, something that truly only I deserve to display for the world to see. Rias Gremory will be mine!
Normal P.O.V.
It was once again another peaceful day on the grounds of Kuoh academy.
With one of the most powerful Old Satan faction leaders taken down by the Sekiryutei, the remaining members of the OSF were forced to retreat and regroup. Granting the Gremories a brief but long overdue times of peace. The hours of school had finally come to an end and Issei along with his fellow peerage, Kiba the knight, Xenovia the knight, Asia the bishop, Gasper the bishop and Koneko the rook, they have retreated to the Occult Research clubhouse. Also known as their base of operations for their secret life as devils.
With Rias and Akeno's third year over and their graduation gone by, the position of President (Buchou) and vice president vacant.
After a poll was held within the Gremory household, the role of the new occult research club room president, was awarded to the new king Issei. However, Rias insisted she would still take care of some of the workload and paper work with Issei due to her gifted talents for such a task.
Whereas the position of vice president was given to Asia Argento. It was a close draw between the gentle bishop and the heavy swordsman, but as the poll drew to a stalemate, Xenovia voluntarily stepped down. Stating that she wanted to nominate herself as the next student council president (Kaicho) after Sona Sitri also left the school to attend college.
Currently all of the remaining students of the Gremory household are now gathered in the clubroom for their first meeting of the year.
"President it appears that we are all here." Kiba said to Issei making him blush and scratch his head nervously.
"Geez Kiba, I told you not to call me president so easily. It still embarrass me when you call me that. When just months ago, you only called me Issei." Issei said making Kiba smile.
"Well you will always be a man I admire and wish to fight alongside Issei-kun." Kiba said easing Issei's nerves.
"Likewise Kiba." Issei said as his friends took their respective seats.
"Here you go Issei-san." The gentle former sister said as she placed a nice warm cup of tea on his desk.
"Ah thank you as always Asia for your kindness and consideration." Issei said making Asia blush.
"No I'm the one who should be thankful Issei-san. Thank you for everything you have done for me." Asia said as she bowed to Issei repeatedly.
"There is no need to be so formal Asia. You know I care about you." Issei said making Asia smile and join the others on the sofa.
"Okay now we are all settled, I guess we best get this meeting underway." Issei said as he finished taking a sip from his cup which he placed back onto his wooden desk.
Issei gathered up his papers but then decided to proceed off script instead and placed them back in a pile.
"The first thing I want to say, is thank you for everything you have all done for me over this past year. I was so alone when I first became a devil and I always felt so far away from home. But after I met all of you. After I met Rias, I finally feel like I am at home. And I can proudly say, I'm so grateful and happy that the peerage I joined last year, was with the Gremory household. And I promise to not let any of you down as I attempt to fill in and keep together all of the work that Rias put into the management of our family." Issei said earning him a round of applause and a room full of smiles. Even Gasper the nervous vampire who surprisingly kept his box open and listened along with everyone else with a smile on his face.
"Now the next thing I have to say, is we will be having a familiar face joining our school and this clubroom near the end of the week. So don't expect this room to be any quieter just because our very own president and vice president moved on up a year. Now I believe that's everything on the agenda today. So please feel free to escape and enjoy yourselves." Issei said as he began to dress in his newly gifted motorcycle attire.
"Is it almost time for big sister Rias to finish college Issei-san?" Asia said as Issei put on his heavy duty gloves.
"That's right Asia. So I'm going to go get our stranded queen and bring her home to us so we may all enjoy some good old rest and relaxation together. I've lost track of the last time we were all able to just kick back and watch a movie together." Issei said making Asia smile.
"Are we all going to watch movies together?!" Asia said in an excited tone almost shriek.
"That's right Asia. So be sure to prepare the popcorn and refreshments for our late return to the Hyoudou household." Issei said making Koneko grab Gaspers hand and lead him away towards the magic circle which Issei had prepared.
Vanishing with the others in a flash of crimson light as she discussed snacks with gasper with a smile embedded on her face.
With the clubroom almost empty, Issei picked up his Motorcycle dragon helmet and placed it over his head.
"Now then my queen, your king is on his way to whisk you back to your castle." Issei said as he locked the club house door and made his way to his nearby cloaked powerful vehicle.
Elsewhere, Rias' eyes were whisking to the clock and back towards her college professor as she struggled to contain her excitement. Minutes seemed like hours to her since she saw her beloved king and her patience was beginning to diminish.
All of the students were transfixed to their college professor as he began to finalise his lecture for the day.
However, Rias suddenly detected something was very wrong. Something was about to happen in this very room.
Rias' suspicions proved to be more than just paranoia when all of a sudden, every doorway to the lecture hall were burst open with a song of gunfire to declare their arrival.
Thugs dressed in black with balaclava's to hide their cowardly faces, stormed inside the building and restrained the man in charge before he could resist in any form.
"Right you little brats! Let's have nobody try be a hero now!" One of the gunman said as he aimed an assault rifle towards the left half of the room.
"Greetings students of this fine establishment. Sorry to interrupt your important study session here, but we have a job to do so how's about we all be reasonable intellectual's and stay in your seats. Do as we say, and nobody needs to die today." He said as he arrogantly revealed his face to his spectators.
Rias picked him out as the leader and analysed his features.
The leader of the group of bandits that currently had this room infested, stood proudly amongst the crowd with broad shoulders. He has short brown spiked up hair and a scar over one of his closed eyelids. Indicating to Rias that this clearly wasn't his first hold up in his life.
Judging by the way these brutes were aiming their weapons, it was clear to even an amateur investigator, that these intruders were trained with armed precision. Which meant one false move by anyone in the room, would mean blood staining the cold floor in a normally peaceful environment.
Unlike the other soldier like individuals, the leader carried a bit more arsenal on his person. An RPG rocket launcher on his back, an M19 assault rifle, and what appeared to be a well-polished katana hanging from his hip still in its sheathe. For all you know, that sword could very well be just a deterrent to prevent anyone daring to sneak up on him on the off chance they would be impaled.
However, Rias could tell by looking at him due to Kiba being with her so long, that this man definitely knew to an extent some swordsmanship. Which made the situation more problematic and dangerous.
The main problem being, that like the other students in the room, Rias was powerless to do anything in this situation.
"Now my associates will be coming round with a bag to cease your phones and any valuables you have on your person. Don't get any ideas or things will get messy." The leader said again as his men travelled row by row.
When the thugs were halfway through ceasing all of the students' property, one armed assailant suddenly came to a stop and crouched down to look at a certain individuals face.
"You there, hand over your wallet!" The thug aggressively ordered as the shaking hand of Sebastian Goodridge immediately complied.
"I knew it. Hey boss! This little rich boy here, is the son of the head of this here college. He should provide us with some generous spending money." The intimidating man said as he hoisted poor Sebastian up to his feet by his collar.
"Indeed he shall. Excellent work bring him to me." The leader said causing the scared student to wriggle like a worm.
"Unhand me you ruffian do you know who I am?" Sebastian began before his nose suddenly felt cold when the barrel of a machine gun was placed directly in front of it.
"Get moving rich boy. Or I'll make that rich face of yours full of holes." He said in a cold blooded vibe.
Sebastian's leg suddenly felt warm as a liquid began to drip down the side of it.
"Ha-ha! Ha-ha! That's hilarious! Hey boss, rich boy went and pissed his pants!"
Sebastian frozen in fear and embarrassment remaining silent as the robbers mocked him with his life hanging in the balance.
"No! Please don't come any closer! I don't want to die!" A female voice screamed on the other side of the room.
"Hand over your purse girl before I turn nasty!" The criminal said as the woman cowered away from him.
"Please don't hurt me, I'm pregnant!" The girl said as she continuously retreated from the scary crook.
"Your screaming is hurting my ears you bitch!" He said as he prepared to start the blood bath.
Fortunately, just as he proceeded to pull the trigger, Rias took discreet action. As her irises quickly turned red, a complication suddenly overcame the thug's weapon and no blood was spilled as a result.
"Damn! What the hell is wrong with this thing?" The irritated man said as he examined his weapon.
Just as the attacker was about to pull out his knife instead, another of the group diverted both his and everyone's attention away to a more pressing matter.
"Hey boss, there is somebody outside the lecture hall on a bike" The intruder said as he stared out the window.
"Is it a cop?!" The leader said now surprised of this sudden development.
"No I think it's a kid. Maybe somebody else on the site ready to go home or something." The same man replied as he gazed out the window.
A thunderous roar of the motorcycle revved to life and echoed throughout the quiet area.
"What's he doing? Is he leaving?" The leader said as the eyes of the spotter suddenly shot wide open.
"The crazy bastard is coming straight for us!"
"What?! Get away from the doors and surround him!" The leader said as the sound of the vehicle became louder and closer.
As the leader predicted, within seconds, the motorcycle full on collided with the double wooden doors and knocked the doors onto the ground as the rider came to a skidding halt.
The bandits were all pointing their guns at the unidentified intruder and all prepared to kill him where he stood.
"Don't move brat!"
"You're completely surrounded and outnumbered"
The man who burst into the room was covered in full biker gear from head to toe so his face and body was fully fortified in crimson armour.
As the thieves began to get closer, the visor was just visible enough for the closest thug who saw the man under the helmet grin.
The same thug failed to react in time as the mystery biker took him out quickly with a powerful side kick which connected to his jaw and sent him into two of the crooks behind him leaving the receiver out cold.
"You little punk!" One of the thugs said as he prepared to fire on the attacker.
But the mysterious vigilante was too fast and brought the criminal to his knees with a powerful gut punch and his firearm completely dismantled.
Behind him came another assaulter equipped with a pistol.
However, due to his quick reflexes and instincts, the biker kicked the firearm out of the evil doer's hand and then took him out of the picture with a followed up roundhouse kick to his head. Meeting his unconscious body with the ground.
"Damn you!" An assailant said as he proceeded to stab him.
But once again, the criminal was too slow and was disarmed and thrown to the ground after the biker grabbed hold of his arm and the stabber's collar and threw him with perfect co-ordination.
"Fire! Shoot that bastard down!" One of the assumed captains of the squad said causing several gunman to empty their magazines shooting him.
But to their disappointment, the bullets had no effect on him after they made impact with his armoured jacket and littered the ground around him.
"Damn bullets aren't working on this guy!" One of the thugs said before another RPG wielder appeared with his weapon prepped.
"Clear out of the way!" He said as he rested the launcher on his shoulder.
"Everybody get down!" Rias said as the rocket began to launch from its container.
A huge explosion occurred near the entranceway of the lecture hall and debris descended onto the ground due to the aftermath of the blast.
A cloud of dust cascaded through the doorway leaving the injuries of the biker untold and still unknown.
"Look out!" One of the thugs suddenly yelled but again, it was too late.
The incredibly strong fighter suddenly emerged through the cloud of smoke and sprinted towards two enemies. Grabbing them both by the head and smashing them into the wall.
A puddle of discarded and broken assault rifles lay on the ground. This being proof to all of the fighters who had fallen and been defeated under the cloak of invisibility they voluntarily created for the intruder.
"Don't get cocky kid!" A thug said as he aimed a pistol at a nearby student.
A huge mistake he immediately came to regret.
The second that gun was pointed at an innocent civilian, the bandit felt his arm snap and the bone crunch as he fell to the ground.
"Fuck this. Constantine! Deal with this pest!" The captain said causing the floor to shake as a monstrous giant man walked through the open hole doorway previously created.
The giant stood tall way above the biker and launched his ginormous fist towards him.
But the punch failed to make contact with the biker as the giant cried out in pain as he felt his giant mitten like hand being crushed by the mystery fighter's formidable grip.
The giant was immobile, powerless to the individual's strength and permanently frozen to the spot.
"Impossible, even that big guy couldn't overpower this guy?!" A student said as the roomful of fear suddenly began to disperse.
"Big muscles are useless when they are used for the wrong reasons! Real power comes from protecting others!" The biker said finally revealing his voice to the fear paralysed group of bandits.
The giant came tumbling down after a full powered gut wrenching punch hit him square in the abdomen and caused the beast like man to cough up blood as he fell.
As if the individual was finished with playing around, he picked up the pace and finished off the remaining stragglers who tried to escape with the valuables they had stolen.
Nevertheless, despite the complete annihilation of his squad, the leader still remained by the lecture podium down the stairs showing no sign of fear.
"Interesting, you have piqued my interest's young warrior. Come play with me a little." The leader said as he removed his fire arms and released his blade from its captivity.
As if responding to his call, the biker rushed down the stairs with great speed and reached the stage for battle.
The scar faced leader showed no signs of hesitation as he swung for the fighter's neck with all of his strength and with great confidence.
Unfortunately for this arrogant swordsman, the second he attacked the biker with his blade, the warriors lightning reflexes intercepted the slash and crumbled the well maintained iron sword into pieces leaving only the hilt and the handle to prove it once existed.
Through sheer shock the leader fell backwards and onto the floor next to his nearby discarded fire arms.
As a last resort, the cowering solider reached out for his rocket launcher only to have his hand crushed by the biker's boot.
"Don't even think about it." The biker said suddenly making the already scared solider prettified and begging for mercy as he tried to withstand his intimidating aura.
"Please don't hurt me! What do you want money? Weapons? I will give you anything just name it!" The leader said as he gave up the fight.
"What do I want you ask? What I want is for scum bags like you to stop polluting the world with your false selfish tyranny!" The biker said punching the frozen in feared man's lights out.
With the last of the thugs defeated and immobile, the students began to erupt in cheers and applause for the mystery biker who saved them all.
The previously immobile teacher got to his feet and asked him.
"Who are you?"
"Who am I you ask?" The biker said as he removed his helmet.
And judging by Rias' expression of love and admiration, by that alone you could tell, she knew who it was all along.
"I'm Issei Hyoudou." Issei said causing an even louder uproar of cheers and applause.
Now that's chapter one opened up with a bang! I hope you guys enjoyed it . Sorry for the long wait, but I really wanted to recharge my batteries before I started to write again. This sequel will contain many key events such as Issei and Rias' wedding and the rating game between Sona Sitri's peerage and many more surprises in store. I will have a think first how to carry on into chapter 2 and I will upload it the minute I get any ideas. Until then, I am back to writing High school DxD fan fiction . I hope you all enjoyed it.