Here is the final chapter. I hope it meets your expectations. Is there a happy ending for Roman and Dean? Well, you have to read everything carefully if you want to know. Don't forget to read the notes at the end of the episode. Thank you so much for your patience and for putting up with my horrible grammar. I will learn English someday... I will...

The electricity had been cut off. There were no means of transportation available and Bray had cut off the water service as well, in addition to communications. The city was walled so no one could get out. All in order to keep them prisoners and scared.

The vicinity of the tower had been evacuated, the misfits scared people away, throwing small bombs and shooting those who dared to approach the tower. Many people believed that being close to the building, wouldn't be victims of the missile, so Bray ordered to keep all citizens away from that place.

Automatic weapons and military transports had been deactivated from the tower, leaving the security team with no more resources than handguns. However, most of the security team was south of the city amidst the rubble. They couldn't approach the tower and although they arrived they would be victims of the new armada that had taken control. The city was in deep silence. An hour was very little time to do anything.

Bray controlled everything. Now just the giant screens around the city were able to work, because Bray needed to broadcast his last speech to the citizens, before he launched the next missile. The screens start to show Bray and his brothers in the last words a big amount of them would be hearing.

Braun, Luke and Eric were behind his leader. They were standing united, the picture was creepy and the fearful citizen were unable to do anything. This was the worst scenario.

"Resist the twist the truth no matter what the cost. Supplant the rights with wrongs inside our heads. Outlawing all the questions to the answers. That no one likes when someone winds up dead." Bray's words were twisted like some kind of chant. This creepy man was the sinister image of death and desolation. Much worse than any other tyrant who had oppressed them, "What you don't know, the legend goes, can't hurt you. If you only want to live and die in a cage. There's panic and there's chaos, rampant in the streets. Where useless thoughts of peace are met with rage."

People around the city were crying, gathered with their families. The most of them men. Oddly, women were almost disappeared from the city. It was no time to think about it.

Braun had Kevin tied as he aimed a gun to his head. Kevin knew this was the end. He was about to activate the weapon but before he could do it. The entire tower shook. Then Bray saw something that seemed like a strange energy that gleamed with light flashes of bluish and yellow colors. The energy began to surround the tower from its ground floor. Bray pulled Kevin from his clothes and made him look at the strange phenomenon.

"What did you do?" Bray was angry.

"I did nothing!" Then Kevin realized, "Thanks to you, Roman and his lover escaped. Surely that's what they're doing. I have no idea what that is."

"Dean was Roman's lover. Now it all makes sense," Bray could fit the pieces of that puzzle.

"The guys checked everything, including the path at the end of that wall and we found nothing. It's as if our eyes deceive us." Luke assured.

"Roman and Dean are somewhere in the building because they know this is the only safe place after the detonation. When we are sure how the weapon works, because we will see how this idiot uses this beautiful device. We will look for those two, even if we have to demolish the whole building." Bray threatened.

The energy finally covered the entire building, just in that moment Kevin detonated the weapon.

It had been more than a day since the first detonation. The group of citizens led by Shane were refugees in the catacombs under the dunes. Randy, Charlotte, Seth and Sami were at the surface. Night had fallen, and then they saw a light rising in a straight line into the sky, illuminating the night. The ground began to rumble.

"The hell is that?" Charlotte fell to the ground and Sami held her.

"It's the weapon. They were finally able to use it." Seth was disconsolate, "All our effort, ten years of planning were useless. The city will be destroyed."

"Don't say that," Randy stroked Seth's hair, "If you had not planned this for years, the years it took you to gather evidence and convince the people who are now in the catacombs, they all would be dead. Even if the whole city explodes, you made a change. These people can no longer escape from the truth. These women are saving their lives and everything will change after this."

"I think Randy is right, we didn't fail, the lives we saved are the proof that despite the mistakes we made during this journey, we were successful, and the help Charlotte will bring from Europe will be the cherry on the cake. This is the first step, we must keep fighting." Sami couldn't stop the tears.

"You're a great man," Charlotte smiled at Sami.

Sami blushed a little but he returned the smile.

Shortly afterwards a huge explosion was heard that made everyone hug each other tightly. The earth shook a few more moments and a huge cloud of dust emerged from the explosion.


Help from Europe had arrived moments after the explosion. They located Charlotte by GPS and with their advanced technology vehicles, they took the people back to the city. Just arriving, the picture was devastating. Although Roman managed to activate the shield, this was not as effective as he expected and ended up breaking due to the explosion inside the tower, which destroyed the surrounding area and caused a little earthquake.

A big group of the misfits died in and around the building. Also the staff who were loyal to Jericho and Kevin. The city was devastated, there was no electric power. The water had to be collected from the main intake since the service had been interrupted.

From Europe men and women had arrived ready to take control. After what happened, the surviving citizens had no desire to fight. There were injured people everywhere and debris to collect, everything was chaos.

When the dust finally dissipated. Seth, Charlotte, Sami, Dolph, Cody and Randy were in the vicinity of the tower, in the big square at the east oh the building. They were trying to guess why the tower had exploded. That was something nobody understood. To their surprise they found two people wandering around.

One of them was a man in a rather particular wheelchair, the chair was able to work amid the rubble. The other man was an acquaintance of them: Dean.

"Dean, you've been here for six hours and look at your hands, they're bleeding. I don't think we'll find Roman. He was underneath a 13-story tower." The man spoke with tears in his eyes. "The hidden exit we took to get out of the building is also covered in rubble."

Dean was moving debris automatically, his hands and forearms were bleeding but he seemed not to feel pain, he seemed not to hear the man from the wheelchair. "The door is here. We need to find the door and open it and take Roman out of the lab."

"Dean, even if we found the door we used to get out. It was a reinforced door and it just can be opened from inside. Roman himself would need to open it. Even if we receive help to remove the debris, it's been six hours. Oxygen was not enough. If Roman was not crushed by the rubble, he probably suffocated."

"Dean!" Cody smiled and approached his childhood friend.

Seth approached the man in the wheelchair, "You look like Roman,"

"Because I am his cousin. I've been here for 10 years, but no one knew it. Roman protected me because you know people end up exiling all those considered defective and as you can see I'm unable to walk, Roman kept me hidden."

"That was a good way to protect his reputation and protect you," Seth admitted. "Do you know what happened here?"

Some people started to gather in the square. People from Europe, curious citizens and even Naomi and other women.

"Roman and I had been working on this for years: a shield." Jimmy explained.

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta..." Seth repeated, "S.H.I.E.L.D. now I remember having read those words several times but didn't understand what it was about."

"Roman made a shield that would protect the tower from any external attack. Knowing that Bray and Owens would detonate another missile, he decided to use the shield so that the explosion would stay inside the tower, destroying the building and Owens and Bray with them." Jimmy explained.

"Please, now Roman is the hero?" Charlotte snorted, "His cousin and his lover are alive. He didn't do this as an act of redemption, he only saved the lives of the two people he cared."

Dean looked with real hatred at Charlotte, "Shut up bitch!" Dean almost threw himself at her, but Cody stopped him, "You're a jerk. Roman sacrificed himself as an act of redemption. We were safe inside the building. Bray and Owens were never going to destroy the tower as they were inside too. We only had to wait. They would make another attack and that would give us six hours to escape. But Roman chose to activate the shield before it would cause another massacre."

"Why would he do something like that?" Charlotte insisted.

"Roman wanted freedom. Real freedom. He was a murderer, a tyrant. If he survived after this sacrifice, his conscience would be clean and we could be happy and free for real." Dean explained. He had come to that conclusion, "I don't care what you believe or how much you hate Roman. Why the hell do you hate him? Just because it's cool hate the tyrant. Oh! You're the honest here because you hate the tyrant. You have no reason to hate him. After this, the entire city has no reason to hate him!"

"It was his mistaken acts that caused all this catastrophe and..." Charlotte kept complaining.

"Shut up!" Now it was Seth who was angry, "Roman saved your life. In the dumpster your fate would have been different. For fucks sake Charlie! Hate has led us to this and you seem to have no desire to stop this damn chain of hate."

Charlotte couldn't argue with Seth. With him, she didn't have the courage.

Dean again yelled at Charlotte, "You are proof that no matter what Roman had done, bad or good, people is always going to complain, to hate him, to see only the bad stuff. He saved your ass and look! Here you are demeaning his sacrifice. You are proof that this damned city didn't deserve what Roman did for you all!"

Dean broke down. He began to cry disconsolately. "That's why he sedated me so I couldn't stop him. I would have gladly let Owens and Bray destroy this damn city, but he wanted to save his creation and now..."

Seth was also crying, "I can't believe Roman is dead."

"He's not!" Dean shouted, "I will never accept such a thing. You have to prove to me that he's dead, I am going to find him!"

Shane accompanied by the European commission arrived in the debris of the tower.

"And now, there will be no more leaders, we will do what we want," One of the citizens waring in the vicinity asked.

"A city needs order and yes, we are going to organize, but everyone will have participation and your opinions will be heard." Shane clarified.

One of the women spoke, "We have our leader: Naomi. We just want to have a representative and it must be her."

Several men laughed, "We won't accept being led by a woman!"

"I think you should look around," Naomi cleared her throat, "Before, the men were majority, but now most of the dead people are men. We are equal in number, and this being optimistic because I believe there are more women now."

A man in the crowd spoke, "Naomi gave us a shelter, now we would be dead if it had not been for her and the other women. Shut up, and let her be part of the new government, women are people like us."

A discussion originated in the midst of the crowd. There was still a long way to go, but things would change, though it would take time and a lot of effort.

Dean was again removing debris despite his friends' efforts to make him understand. Seth now understands why Roman was protecting this kid so much. Dean loved Roman in a way no one could ever have, not even himself.

Several more hours passed and Dean fainted from fatigue, only then could they keep him out of the rubble.


Dean woke up and the first thing he saw was a dripping serum. He smiled.

"Hey!" A blonde nurse smiled at him, "Dolph told me to take good care of you. I'm Tyler, we had to sedate you. We heal your hands and you're already cured."

"How long did you sedate me?" Dean asked.

Tyler was nervous, "Three days ago."

"Three days," Dean's smile was weird, he touched his face, "OMG I need to shave. Roman wouldn't like to see me this disheveled. It's not like he's gonna say something, he loves me the way I am. But I want to look good for him. He's so handsome."

"De… Dean," Tyler didn't know what was happening with the auburn haired guy, "There's something you need to know. Roman's cousin finally could remove the debris outside of the exit that you used to escape from the tower but the door is so armored that nobody had been able to get in. It's been three days, even if the basement resisted the explosion, three days with no air… It's impossible… I mean."

Dean's gaze changed. His blue eyes were full of hate and he moved so fast and he threw a bottle with medicine that was in the little table beside his bed. The glass broke against the wall. Tyler jumped from his seat. "He's alive!"

Then his gaze changed again and he was weirdly calmed and happy, "He's coming for me. Can you find nice clothes for me?"

"Of course just wait here…" Tyler was nervous and decided to ask for help. The nurse locked the door and left the room. He was looking for Dolph who was with the other doctors checking the wounded people. They both kissed.

"Honey, Dean almost attacked me. He's repeating Roman is alive and is coming for him." Tyler said worriedly.

"You know he's not mentally stable. I'm going to check him now." Dolph said with sadness.

Dolph entered in the room and Dean was smiling, scratching his wrist.

"Deano, are you fine?" Dolph gently asked.

"I am fine, Dolphin." Dean giggled, "Roman is coming for me. Thank you for cure and clean my body. I don't want Roman to see me disheveled. He always looks so handsome. Can you get me some nice clothes?"

Dolph smiled with a deep sorrow. Dean finally lost his mind.

"Uhmm, yes Deano. You just wait here. In an hour I'll be back with… clothes." Dolph wanted to cry.

Tyler and Dolph were outside the room.

"I need to talk with Seth and Charlotte and try to ask hel from Europe. I need them to instruct me how to take care of Dean. In this place we don't know how to deal with someone with this kind of…" Dolph couldn't keep talking, he began to cry.

"Let him alone for a time. Let's go lunch and I will ask some of my friends to lend me some clothes for him. Better if we try to keep him happy." Tyler reassured his boyfriend.

"Sooner or later he will notice Roman is not coming for him and I am afraid that he hurts himself."

"I think that maybe you should send Dean to Europe. Send him to a place where people are really prepared to help persons like Dean."

"He's our brother. Nobody is more prepared than me and Cody to help our bro. Just need some instructions." Dolph shook his head.

Tyler smiled, Dolph was a great person. Both left the hospital, leaving Dean locked inside the room.

The city was being slowly rebuilt. The buildings that survived the catastrophe now housed new families. Women had an important role in the city and everyone was learning to live in harmony. There was still stubborn people but they couldn't do shit.

"I'm glad that everything is going right. Citizens will learn to live in a humbler way and to respect others, at least." Randy told Seth.

"But... just all the suffering, deaths, pain we had to endure to do things right. I can't believe we made all these mistakes." Seth sighed.

"This is the big lesson. Fight for power just ends like this. But at the end, even Roman repent and saved the city." Randy was stil sad.

"You think this is the end? People finally learned the lesson?" Seth was thoughtful.

"I feel this has been happening forever. People killing eachother for power for selfishness. I want to believe things will be different," Randy softly said, "But I think peace is something just temporary. Just a naive illusion. Evil never dies."

"Just like that, godness also never dies," Seth firmly said, "We need to be optimistic."

Randy and Seth entered into Sami's house. Seth heard moans from Charlotte's room and was frightened. Maybe one of those square minded man had entered inside the house and was hurting his sister. Such a surprise was to see Sami naked over his sister. Both were under a thin sheet and the redhead's face was buried in the blonde's breasts and she was quite happy.

"Yes, harder, Sami!" Charlotte demanded.

"What the hell, Sami!" Seth covered his eyes.

Charlotte tightened her legs around Sami's waist and prevented him from pull out, "Please Seth, you have sex with Randal all the time, let me de-stress."

Sami was red as a tomato, trying to cover the blonde's breasts. Seth and Randy left the room.

Despite the horrible circumstances surrounding them, they were all finding happiness in their own way. Charlotte and Sami were apparently getting to know each other better. Seth finally gave Randy a chance and they were both boyfriends. Even Cody could forgive Randy and now Tony and he were getting to know each other too. And Dolph was with the nurse.

Seth didn't have time to complain about what he had just seen because he got a call.

"Come with me, Randy, we must leave urgently."


Seth and Randy arrived at the place and found Naomi who was standing next to Jimmy. Naomi was helping the scientist since he couldn't walk. They were standing in front of the reinforced metal door that Dean and Jimmy had used to escape. The door was opened.

"We found it like this," Naomi clarified, "I bring Jimmy here every day. He wants to find a way to open that door and today we find it like that."

Everyone, flashlight in hand, walked down a large hallway until they reached what was left of the laboratory. The place didn't resist the impact, it was destroyed, all the place was pure rubble, it was impossible to remove the debris. The lab also had its own source of electricity. That's why some of the equipment were turning on and off almost every minute. The entire place was surrounded by electricity.

"The impact made the system go crazy. Even totally destroyed, the lab is trying to work on its own," Jimmy explained.

"That explains why the door opened by itself," Naomi continued checking the debris.

"It'll be impossible to find Roman's body." Seth muttered, "There's nothing here, just destruction."

"It'd be better if Dean doesn't know about these things. This would only make his situation even worse." Randy said sadly.

"Anyway, we're never going to be able to find Roman's body. Everything is crushed by the remains of the 13-story tower." Naomi said sadly, "I'm so sorry, Jimmy."

"Is not like Roman would had been able to survive three days with no air." Jimmy said crying,

"At least now everyone knows that Roman saved his butts," Seth was crying too, "Even if they choose to hate him, deep down they will have to admit he saved them."

"I want to visit Dean," Randy whispered.

"I also want to see him. After all, Roman really loved that boy and it's my responsibility to take care of him," Jimmy nodded sadly.


Dolph met Seth, Randy, Jimmy and Naomi outside the hospital. Tyler finally got the clothes for Dean. Dolph explained what happened with Dean, and the others explained what had happened inside the laboratory. Everyone agreed that it would be best to hide this information and of course please Dean's demands. The teenager's situation was so tragic, they were all deeply hurt by what was happening with him.

They opened the lock with the key Tyler had and upon entering they realized that the room was empty. Dolph looked around and found droplets of blood on the floor. On the bedside table was a small metallic device, with traces of dry blood.

"What is this?" Dolph looked at the object in amazement.

"This was not here." Tyler explained.

Jimmy cocked his head and recognized the device. "I inserted that into Dean's wrist under Roman's orders. It has several uses, it was a key to be able to open the two secret gates that were in the tower, besides being a tracker."

"Dean removed that from his body to keep us from locating him?" Dolph sighed resignedly. "We don't even know this kind of technology."

"As you said you don't know that technology. The device was strategically located in a tissue where no scanner could track it. I don't know how Dean was able to remove the device without bleeding to die." Jimmy explained.

"There's blood on the floor…" Dolph was scared, "Maybe Dean hurt himself."

"We need to find him," Jimmy said thoughtful, "To be honest I am the only one able to remove that device."

They asked their coworkers about what had happened in that room and nobody knew. Nobody had seen anything. The door wasn't forced, and it was weird since Tyler was the only one that had a key. They were looking for Dean inside and outside the building. Nobody had seen the teenager.

It was getting dark and they finally gave up. It was like Dean had vanished off the face of earth.

"Dean could be in some place bleeding, maybe dying." Dolph was crying and Tyler was holding his boyfriend.

"There's no traces of blood, nor in nor out of the hospital. The only place with traces of blood was the room," Randy was trying to be optimistic, "Even if seems impossible, someway Dean could remove the device and stop the bleeding."

"It was you the only one who knew about that technology?" Seth asked Jimmy, "Is there a chance that other person could remove the device and maybe took Dean outside the building."

"There was 50 persons outside that room and no one saw Dean or any other person getting in or out. Plus, the room doesn't have windows or other exits more than the door and it was locked. I am the only one who has a key. The door wasn't forced. All this doesn't make any sense," Tyler assured.

"There was other person who knew about this technology," Jimmy murmured.

"Who?" Dolph asked hopefully.

"Roman." Jimmy said in awe.

"But that's impossible. The lab collapsed and the door was closed for three days. There was no air inside." Naomi was stunned.

All of them stared at each other totally puzzled. It was no logical explanation for this.

It was midnight. An armored vehicle, similar to a van, was parked in the middle of the nowhere, away from the city and away from the dumpster. In the back of the vehicle, there were several boxes. There was also a small matress. Two bodies were curled under the soft sheets, watching the full moon from the reinforced glass window.

"Is this a fantasy? Am I crazy and this is my imagination? Are you really here?" Dean was stunned. He was now dressed in soft white cloth pants and a white tshirt. He softly caressed Roman's face, his wrist had a bandage.

Roman's face was so soft. There was no bumps or bruises. Just flawless as always.

"This is what you want it to be, Dean." Roman's deep voice was velvety and reassuring, "The important thing is that you are happy and stable. Who cares if this is a fantasy?"

Roman smiled. He was as handsome as Dean remembered him. He was dressed in similar clothes as Dean's. His long black hair was loose, giving him a rather wild look, yet his eyes emanated calmness. Roman had finally found the peace he needed. The sacrifice was worthy, not for the city, no no no. It was worth for his own self. Roman had paid his dues and was finally free. Seeing Roman so peaceful, made Dean feel the same.

After ten years of suffering, hate and bitterness, they were in peace with themselves and they were finally free to love each other with no regrets.

"You're right. Who cares if this is a fantasy? I don't care if I'm dying bled in some lonely corner and all this is a hallucination, is still better than be alone in that room," Dean smiled, "You are here with me, Roman. You will finally be my prince charming and we're going to be happy. That's all I care."

Roman softly touched Dean's lips and smiled. Dean shuddered, this was so amazing. They together, free and ready to be happy.

"We will make it, Dean. We will be so happy. You look handsome with that stubble. I like it."

If this was a fantasy, this was better than real life and Dean wanted to be like this forever. Roman wrapped his arms in Dean's thin waist burying his face in the soft auburn mane. How he loved the smell emanating from this kid. The samoan gently brushed his lips and nose on the teenager's neck, Dean shuddered and a small moan escaped out of his lips. Roman now kissed Dean's neck.

They stared at each other with such passion and crashed their lips in a passionate kiss. Roman deepened the kiss, both surrendered completely to their feelings while closing their eyes and feeling the other's heartbeat. Their lips brushed gently and their tongues were tangled into Dean's warm and wet mouth. The feeling was beautiful, tender and passionate at the same time. They kissed for a long time, their souls and hearts entwined in a deep connection. This was magical, the feelings the sensations. Just a kiss and they were seeing the universe. It was amazing, their love was something unique. Like a fairytale, one of a lifetime kind of love.

They just stopped the kiss because they needed to breathe. None of them said anything, just leaned their foreheads against each other trying to regain their normal breathing rate. They opened their eyes about the same time, and remained holding to each other.

"I love you Dean. I love you so much."

"Oh Roman, I love you too. I'm so happy now."

Their hands touched every spot of the other's body. Roman took off Dean's tank top and kissed his chest, deeply inhaling his scent. It felt like a lifetime the last time he has Dean on his arms. Roman playfully licked a nipple and the auburn haired guy giggled beneath him. This was the real Dean, the teenager eager for love. Not the soldier, not the guy looking for revenge, just a teenager in love. Dean was being the epitome of sweetness.

Roman kissed the body gently. More and more excited gasps escaping from the mouth of his beloved blue eyed prince. The samoan made a path of soft kisses down Dean's chest and belly. Finally, the raven haired man put Dean's dick on his mouth, sucking gently, feeling again the musky taste of his lover. It was an amazing feeling. Roman, gradually increased the pace to make the teenager come in his throat. Dean was moaning out of control as he released his cum in Roman's mouth softly repeating his name. Then Roman sucked his fingers and proceeded to prepare Dean. The teenager was so anxious.

Soft moans filled the vehicle as they claimed each other again. Roman loved that sound, wanted to hear it again and again. Roman hit his sweet spot again and again. Those thick fingers were driving Dean crazy. "Roman please. I need you." Dean said between moans. "Oh love! I need you, come on, claim my body and my soul, make me yours and only yours. Make me forget my horrible past."

Roman smiled so tenderly. Totally melted by his boyfriend's honesty. He made Dean sit on his lap and the teenager was riding his cock. Dean was slowly swallowing the entire length. After that both surrendered to their feelings. Roman increased the pace of his thrusts as he kissed Dean softly. Both entwined their fingers feeling a deep connection. Pure and unadulterated love.

"Oh Roman!"

"Damn, you feel so good Dean. I love you so much my prince."

Shortly after Roman shot his load inside Dean and both fell on the sheets. Dean was feeling so weak and sleepy. Roman kissed Dean once more.

"Roman, I'm feeling so weak, like I can't keep my eyes open. It's so weird." Dean softly said.

"You lost a lot of blood in your wrist, babe. Now, you just need to close those beautiful baby blue eyes and you will finally rest." Roman softly said.

"I'm so happy Roman. I don't want to fall sleep but I feel like I'm fainting." Dean could barely speak.

"Just rest my love. This the end of this stage of pain and sacrifice and the beginning of a new one of redemption and reward. We did it Dean, we saved each other's souls and now we're free. The best thing is that we can walk this road together."

"The end and the beginning…" Dean whispered with a cute smile, dimples in full display.

"Yes, now, we will begin a long travel, the final stage of our redemption. And we'll do it together. I will show you the path. We're going to a better place."

Dean smiled trying to stay awake, but it was so difficult.

"We sacrificed a lot of things, Dean and finally redeemed our souls. We'll be together forever. Trust me, babe. This is the end of the road, this the end of our suffering and pain. This is our happy ending."

"Yes, Roman our happy ending. Umm I want to know how you escaped from the basement."

"The love I feel for you saved me, Dean. Just as the love you feel for me is saving you now. Just close your eyes and rest. We have a long way to go, baby boy." Roman softly petted Dean's hair.

"Yes, my love. Together."

Dean felt a peace like he never before, his body felt light like a feather and he knew Roman was feeling the same.

A real happiness like never before.

Dean didn't understand what was happening and to be honest he didn't care. They both were finally free to go far away a start this new stage together and that was all he cares.

The teenager he closed his eyes and smiled, feeling safe in the arms of his beautiful samoan prince.

The chant that Bray sings before detonating the missile is a part of the song Dystopia by Megadeth.

This final part is waaaaay different from what I had thought when I began to write this story. The ending was going to be something devastating and tragic for almost everyone, but I changed my mind while writing the story.

The end, before you ask me if Dean imagined everything in a final hallucination or Roman was really alive and they finally reunited. This is the kind of end that you can interpret it as you like best. So, if you wanted a happy ending you know how you have to interpret the final part. The important thing here is that they ended together and will go to a better place ;) and the citizens are going to start again this time making everything as right as they can.

I'd love to know what you think about the final chapter and the whole story. If you are reading my new fanfic, see you in the next episode of "Something That I'm Not", if not then thank you very much and apologies for my shitty grammar.