Thomas stood in shock before Daenerys. Pregnant. She was pregnant with his child. He stared at her still, silent and in shock. Her smile seemed to slowly deflate the longer he stood there. He needed to say something. Do anything to show her how he felt. He opened his mouth, to say something, he didn't know what. All that came out was a strangled laugh. He was wrapping his arms around her a second later. He was laughing now as he held her. Her arms had wrapped around him and they were both crying.
"I can't believe your pregnant." Thomas managed to choke out. Dany nodded.
She kissed him deeply. "It is a miracle." She laughed. "My house isn't done yet."
Thomas shook his head. "No, House Targaryen will thrive for centuries to come." He placed his hand on her belly. "House Ward will stand behind house Targaryen to whatever end. you know, my mother is going to have her baby any day now. They will be growing up together." Thomas knelt down and kissed her belly. "Our families will be the strongest in Westeros when we are finished."
Dany smiled down upon him. "Rise, my love. For once this war is over, I shall need you reclaim the seven kingdoms for me." Thomas looked at her as he rose. He gave her a strange look.
"You will give me reign to take back the throne for you?"
Dany nodded. "Any way you can. I have had enough of the clever plans. We take the throne your way and when I rule, Tyrion will advise me. They call you my wrath. Its time you truly take that mantle." Thomas nodded his head and kissed her again. Let's get some rest, and tomorrow we head to Winterfell."
*next day*
They all stood at the docks as Lady Ward was escorted down to them. The ship was ready to depart but before they could go, a runner informed them that Thomas's mother had given birth in the night.
When she made it in front of Daenerys, she gave her a tired smile. "Your grace, may I present Daeron Ward." Dany beamed at the little boy. He looked so much like Thomas. When he grew older, he would look exactly like him.
"He's beautiful." She took the baby in her arms and smiled down at him. His brown eyes looked up at her in wonder. The baby cooed up at her and grasped her hair. Thomas looked over her shoulder at his baby brother.
"He likes you." Thomas cooed at the baby.
Dany giggled when the baby smiled. "he has good taste wouldn't you say." She winked at Thomas before cooing over the baby again. "I can't wait for ours to come into the world."
Lady Lysa looked at them shocked. "you too are going to be parents?" She and her husband, Edwin both looked ecstatic when both Thomas and Dany nodded. "You will find no greater joy than holding your babe for the first time. I wish you good fortune and a swift return you two. Thomas, look after her. Make sure she doesn't over extend herself." Thomas and Dany laughed and nodded.
Dany handed the baby back. "We shall return as soon as possible my lady."
"Mother, dear. For you will marry my son. That makes you my daughter." Lysa interrupted. "I would be honored if you called me mother."
Dany cried as she smiled. "Nothing would make me happier, mother." Lysa brought her into her embrace, careful of the baby. When she they parted Thomas stepped forward and embraces his parents.
"I will see you again. I promise." Thomas kissed his brother on the head and soon everyone was on the ship, setting sail.
*2 and a half months later*
Arriving at Castle Cerwyn, Thomas was disappointed to learn that his Horde was still a few weeks away. Apparently carting all the food up North was taking far longer than anticipated. Alas they would have to make do with the unsullied and the Dothraki already with them. Daenerys had decided to leave 20,000 Dothraki on Dragonstone to ward off Euron Greyjoy should he decide to take her island. Now all they had were 5 dragons, 8,000 unsullied and 70,000 Dothraki marching to Winterfell. While no small number Jon Snow was worried, they wouldn't be enough. Thomas couldn't help but agree. By all counts it should be more than enough but the dead scared him far more than he was willing to admit.
That fear also brought his concern for Daenerys. Her belly had expanded quite rapidly. Far quicker than it should have. She looked 6 months into her pregnancy when in reality she was only a little over 3 months. The maester at White Harbor was more than willing to check her pregnancy but offered no comment on why she was showing so much, so early.
Daenerys however, was in her element and glowed with her pregnancy. Even with all the glares and unfriendly looks they had all gotten since landing in White Harbor. She smiled at everyone and waved even though none returned her greetings. Of course, she would always admit it bothered her whenever she and Thomas retired for the night. Thomas himself was surprised by how much the people of the north disliked him especially. Whispers of the monster of Zakuul followed him and he even overheard people call him the mad king reborn. Thankfully Daenerys never heard such things and Thomas was able to ignore them for the most part. Jon had warned them on the ship that the North wouldn't look kindly upon them. The King in the North did not lie.
The apparent dislike from the north men was taken the hardest by Missandei and Grey Worm who were baffled at the lack of any attempt to get to know their queen. Thomas tried explaining to them that Daenerys' family was hated up here but even then, they retaliated that she shouldn't be judged by her ancestors. Thomas had no reply to that so they dropped the subject.
The road wasn't all bad though. IT did provide them with a chance to remember old times. Marching through slavers bay and liberating the cities. Many a night they sat around the campfire laughing and reminiscing about the 'good old days', as Dany put it. Arriving at Castle Cerwyn, Jon was greeted with all the pleasantries one would expect for a king while they were all greeted with the bare minimum of respect. Something Daenerys quickly took note of and brought to Jon's attention. This lack of respect would need to be address and Jon had assured her that once they all made it to Winterfell, he could address all the lords at once.
The unsullied arrived shortly after them as the sun began its decent and once the sun rose the next day, everyone would march to Winterfell. Lord Cley Cerwyn had informed Jon that all the Northern houses had been recalled to Winterfell and that the only ones left were them and the Manderley's, who had traveled with them from White Harbor. It would take half a day's ride to reach Winterfell and Jon wanted to leave at first light. To give them as much time to prepare for the night king.
*next day*
The March to Winterfell was thankfully uneventful. Dany insisted on riding even with her growing belly, so Thomas was forced to assign more guards around her and even rode close to make sure she had no trouble. They along with Jon Snow rode towards the center of the column and as they rode through Winter town Dany seemed to deflate at the blatant fear on everyone's faces as they looked upon her and her army. Thomas sighed as he noticed her mood deflate. The North was taking its toll on Dany and the pregnancy certainly wasn't helping. He looked around to make sure none of them were going to try something stupid and he spotted a girl. She was standing there, a look of contemplation as she gazed at them. IT was her gaze that troubled him though, it was her eyes. Eyes that spoke of far too many battles for one so young. He also noticed the Sword and dagger at her hip. Those and the cloths made her out to be a noble. Before he could point her out to Jon though, their dragons flew overhead. Everyone panicked as they soared and roared above them. Dany's face split into a grin as she beheld her three children. Cinder and Saphira weren't far behind and Thomas couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his face as they soared over the castle.
Arriving in the courtyard of Winterfell, Thomas looked around. Lords and Lady's knelt as Jon got off his horse. Thomas held back a laugh at how uncomfortable he looked. Quickly gesturing for everyone to rise, Thomas took note of the cripple and the redhead. Bran and Sansa if he remembered correctly. Jon had quickly embraced Bran before turning to Sansa.
"Welcome home, your grace." Sansa smiled and hugged Jon but her eyes remained open and studying them as Dany Waddled next to him. He smiled as their eyes locked but she didn't smile back. Dany seemed to notice their interaction and she glared lightly at Thomas. Thomas quickly looked away from her to escape her glare but took her hand in his. Jon motioned them forward to introduce them.
"Sansa, this is Queen Daenerys Targaryen and her Commander, Thomas Ward." Daenerys smiled politely and Thomas bowed slightly taking Sansa's hand and kissing the back of it.
"Jon's stories have done you a disservice my Lady. Your much more stunning than he led us to believe." Thomas sent her another smile that she returned with a strained one of her own.
"And the stories I have heard failed to mention your chivalry my Lord." Sansa then turned her attention on Daenerys who was staring right at Thomas. The man blatantly ignored her. "Your grace, Welcome to Winterfell."
Dany turned back to Sansa and smiled again. "Thank you for inviting me into your home, Lady Sansa. The north is as beautiful as your brother claimed."
"We don't have time for this." Everyone turned towards Brandon Stark. "The night King has breached the Wall and is on his way."
Jon nodded. "He's right. Everyone, get inside. We have much to discuss." Everyone bowed before filling inside.
The meeting in the great hall was boring. Thomas stood slightly behind Daenerys who was sat next to Jon. The King in the North was letting Sansa run the meeting for now. She explained what had been happening since he left. He perked up slightly when a young boy, a lord apparently, stuttered through his formalities towards the king and Queen. It was rather adorable if he was being honest.
"We need to send ravens to the nights watch as well." Jon spoke up. "No use manning the wall now. We will make our stand here."
The Maester nodded and bowed. "At once your grace."
As the man left a young girl stood up and glared at Dany and Thomas before turning to Jon. "Your grace, what shall happen with us once we defeat the dead? We all remember what happened the last time Dragons came north. We all remember what the mad king did to us. What are her plans for us once this war is over?"
Thomas was impressed by her spunk. She had balls to stand and say that right in front of them. Dany was about to respond when the girl spoke up again.
"Will she set her pet on us? Force us to kneel or burn us alive if we don't?" She looked towards Thomas then. "We all heard what he did to the Tarly's." At that a fat man in the back perked up and Jon tensed. "Did you not know your grace?" The Young girl asked. "He burned Lord Tarly and his son alive when they were his prisoners. Will he burn us as well when we refuse to kneel?"
"Thomas stepped forward then stopping anyone else from speaking. "My lady, I gave them a choice. Bend the knee and go home. Or refuse and die. They chose their fates." Unknown to him, Jon was staring at his back appalled. The fat man in the back stood quickly and glared at him before turning to Jon expectantly. "Who are you?" Thomas asked.
"S-s-Samwell Tarly." He stuttered out, clearly trying to hold back his tears. "Son of Randyll Tarly." Thomas tensed but didn't look guilty.
"I am sorry for your loss Lord Tarly. But your family chose their fates. Your castle is still in tact along with whoever is inside. I promise you no harm came to your mother or any other siblings you may have." Thomas stated before moving to go back to his spot behind Daenerys.
"They had surrendered!" Sam shouted. "They deserved mercy." Thomas looked back around. "he was a hard man but he was still my father and you murdered him and my brother."
"You burned a family alive?" Jon asked him.
Thomas scoffed. "I burned two enemy soldiers alive. After giving them the option to go home and never raise a sword against house Targaryen again. The rest of the men we captured went home. If only two men need die for the rest to back down, then I can live with that."
"You burned prisoners alive! Live men who had a family!" Jon Shouted. "That is cruel." The king in the North Stood and glared at Thomas. Thomas glanced at Dany and saw her conflicted face. She knew what he had done and had even condoned such an action but they weren't in their lands anymore. Pregnant as she was, nether were willing to put the growing babe at risk.
The girl spoke up again. "We all heard the stories of your use of wildfire to burn down a city. How long before you do the same here?" All the lords of the north nodded and began murmuring their agreements. They all glared at Thomas who stood before the high table. The few unsullied in the room were tense, ready to jump to his defense should it come to fighting. Dany was pale, a hand rested on her belly as she sat by unable to use her power to protect him, for her dragons wouldn't get here before he was dead.
Thomas glared at Jon. Ready to defend himself. "I was born to protect House Targaryen, that was my sole purpose, since I was born. And any actions I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, are for the greater good of house Targaryen." Thomas took a deep breath. "I do not regret what I have done nor shall I apologize. None of you were there when I burned Zakuul to the ground. None of you know why I did what I did. How can you judge me when most of you did nothing while the Boltons flayed men and women alive?" Thomas looked around and finally locked eyes with the young girl. "I have come to fight the army of the dead, my lady. I have not come to burn your homes or murder any of you. If you would prefer me to leave then I shall take my dragons and leave you to die."
"That won't be necessary." Tyrion spoke up and stepped forward. "Lady Mormont, you are right to be worried. Only a fool wouldn't be. But we are not here to conquer the north. We are here to defend it. I have known Thomas for quite some time and while I can't say I agree with every action he has taken; I know he has only done so when he sees no other options available to him." Tyrion looked around. "We owe this man a debt. He saved Jon Snow North of the wall and brought back evidence that the white walkers exist. Evidence we used to convince the Lannister army to come north and help us fight." That set everyone off as they learned the Lannister army marching North. Thomas sent him a thankful nod at diverting attention from him. "I know our people haven't been friends in the past! But we must fight together now or we will all die." Tyrion turned back to Jon who had simmered down and sat. Sansa however seemed to be the angry one now.
"May I ask, how we are meant to feed this great army?" Sansa glared at Tyrion. "While I assured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied or 5 dragons. What do dragons eat anyway?" Sansa looked at Dany.
Dany met her gaze. "Anything they want." She growled out." She would have said more but Thomas interrupted.
"My army is riding North as we speak, my Lady." Thomas was far calmer now as he addressed the lady of Winterfell. "I instructed them to bring as much food form the Reach as they could. That is one of the reasons they aren't here yet. I assure you we will be able to feed everyone."
Sansa stared at him hard for a moment before nodding her head. "Very well. I thank you for your foresight in this endeavor."
"What about justice for my family, your grace?" Sam asked from the back.
Everyone looked at Jon who seemed conflicted. He wanted Thomas punished for his actions but he also couldn't afford to anger Daenerys any more than they already had. He knew that any harm that came to Thomas would be returned a thousand-fold. Deciding on a course he made his decision. "Once we win this war, you are banished from the North, never to return." Sam seemed unhappy but remained quiet, a plan forming in his mind.
"Very well, your grace." Thomas bowed before Jon and took his place behind Daenerys once more. The rest of the meeting carried on but this time with a much heavier atmosphere to it. Thomas could tell Dany wasn't at all pleased with the North or Jon at the moment. Her silent fury radiated off her as she looked around the hall. The north it seemed would not be at all friendly with them.
The next few days flew by as preparations began on the defenses. Thomas kept well away from the Northmen and spent most of his time helping the unsullied and Dothraki dig trenches. Jon had tried to placate Daenerys ever since that meeting. He had even come to Thomas afterwards and spoke to him on it. They were not alright but they would be able to put it aside to fight the dead. Dany however was a different matter She waddled around completely ignoring him checking up on her men and her dragons. Jon had followed her around trying to make sure she wouldn't order Thomas to attack the North. Of course, he never said it out loud but everyone knew what it was.
Thomas watched as they walked off towards the dragons, Jon clearly talking to Dany who remained unresponsive. Thomas shook his head, wondering when he would give up. HE did laugh though when he saw Jon clinging to the back of Viserion as they flew by. Drogon followed him and Rhaegal dived down and landed in front of him. Thomas smiled at the green dragon and put down his shovel. He quickly mounted Rhaegal and soon all three were soaring in the sky. Thomas watched as Jon tried desperately to hold on as Viserion dove into a canyon. When they all landed in front of a waterfall Jon ran to Daenerys. Thomas followed behind him.
"Horses are ruined for me forever." Jon gave her a small smile hoping to be able to talk to her.
Dany stared at him. Thomas walked over to her and leaned close to her ear. "Just talk to him. I don't blame him for what happened. He had to do something. Banishment was the only way. Just talk to him. It's clear the dragons like him if nothing else." Thomas nodded towards the dragons who were watching the three of them intently.
Dany sighed. "Very well." She turned to Jon. "Let's talk." Jon nodded and moved to her. Thomas walked back to the dragons, leaving the two rulers to talk.
Not sure how I feel about this chapter. I know where I want to go but this one was difficult. Especially since Jon is still King in this story and I doubt the Northerners would be welcoming to a Targaryen. Anyway, let me know what you think and what I could have done better. I will go back and change things if they seem odd or out of character. I can't wait for the battle though. Really looking forward to it. As for Thomas being kind to Sansa, well they are in her home surrounded by hostile people. It only makes sense to get in good with whoever rules them. He already had it with Jon now he just wanted Sansa to be on their side. As for Dany's reactions, well she is jealous. It happens.