"Thomas!" A young girl's voice could be heard throughout the keep of Magister Illyrio Mopatis. "Thomas where are you!?" The girl chuckled as she wandered the halls looking for her longtime friend. She eventually made her way outside into the wonderful summer's day. Around her rows of flowers bloomed and pools filled with fish were tended by servants. A few nearby servants noticed her and bowed as she passed. Her silver hair flapping in the breeze. Eventually after a few minutes of searching the gardens her piercing Violet eyes found her target.

Sitting on a bench near a pond was young boy around her age. He had short brown hair as well as brown eyes. While not overly muscular his muscles were beginning to show. He wore a simple leather vest over a green shirt. His pants a dull brown color completed the outfit. He appeared to be reading a book and seemed to not have noticed her presence.

"Thomas Ward are you ignoring me in favor of a book?" Thomas jumped in surprise and almost dropped the book, fumbling for a moment before capturing it again. He turned around quickly when he heard a girl's giggle and sent a glare towards the offender.

"Dany that's not funny!" Thomas groaned as Daenerys Targaryen continued giggling as she sat down next to him. "You nearly stopped my heart." Thomas pouted causing Dany's fit of giggles to turn into full blown laughter. Thomas sighed in defeat as he closed the book and looked expectantly at his childhood friend.

After another minute of laughing Dany was finally able to regain control over herself. "Oh Thomas, what am I ever going to do with you." She smiled as he rolled his eyes. "I didn't realize you were so into that book." She sent a pointed look at the closed novel in his lap expectantly, waiting for him to explain. Thomas sighed again but this time with a small smile on his face. Dany had done this multiple times throughout their lives. Ever since they were babies the servants of the keep could hardly remember a time when the two were apart. Thomas was sent to Essos with Dany and her brother Viserys to act as decoy should any assassins find them. The son of an innkeeper, he was taken from his family right after birth to fulfill this task. A story Viserys was all too fond of telling. So over the years the two had become friends, despite Viserys constant disapproval. While Thomas loved to read and fantasize about being a great knight, Dany was fond of playing tricks on him that she couldn't do with her own brother, else she awaken the dragon. The servants would always gossip about how timid she became around Viserys but whenever she was with Thomas, she yearned for adventure.

"I'm waiting Thomas." Daenerys nudged his shoulder when she realized he was lost in thought.

"Oh right, Sorry." Thomas bowed his head as his cheeks flushed red. Dany smiled but held back the laughter so as not to embarrass him any further. "It was about a group of 9 people who form a fellowship to destroy a dark lord who is attempting to rule all the lands. It is a very good book. Even you might find it hard to put it down."

"It certainly does sound interesting. I may just steal it form you in the future." Dany sighed as she looked out over the Garden's. Her smile faltered as her mind drifted back to before she started searching for her friend.

Thomas seemed to pick up on this as he turned to her, face full of concern, "Dany, is something troubling you?"

She sighed as she leaned into him. "It's Viserys again." Thomas' mouth formed an O as he immediately knew what happened. "He says my future husband will be here later today to inspect me and that I need to be on my best behavior." Dany frowned as she sat up and faced him. "I don't want to be sold off like a slave Thomas. I want to marry for love, but Viserys isn't giving me a choice and whenever I voice my displeasure it awakens the dragon and he hits me." A few tears leaked form her eyes and Thomas quickly wiped them away.

"Be strong Dany." He tried to reassure her. "He could turn out to be a wonderful man and make you very happy. Besides, I will always be with you. If he so much as looks at you wrong I will challenge him to a dual." He hoped his attempt at humor would work and when she chuckled it warmed his heart.

"We both know you don't know how to use a sword." She gave him a small smile.

"Then my fists will have to pick up the slack." He raised his fist in the air, shaking it in mock anger.

"Oh stop it you." Dany laughed and wrapped her arm around him as she once again leaned against him this time her smile never left her face. "Thank you Thomas. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You would survive. You are a survivor Daenerys Stormborn, you always have been and always will be." Thomas wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

They stayed there for a long time. Just enjoying each other's presence and the peace of the garden. Dany had just started drifting off when they were interrupted by a ruff cough from behind them. Quickly separating they turned and saw Viserys Standing there looking at Dany. Thomas paled while Dany stood and bowed her head.

"Dear sister, your future husband shall arrive soon. Go, the servants have your dress ready." Viserys moved over as Dany rushed by him. When she was out of sight he turned back to Thomas with a scowl on his face. "I don't believe I need to remind you to keep your filthy peasant hands away from my sister. Do I?" Viserys growled as he grabbed Thomas's hair and pulled roughly.

"No my lord." Thomas yelped as Viserys hit him across the face.

"Don't ever touch her. She is more valuable than your pathetic life." Viserys shoved him away as he rushed to get ready.

After an hour Thomas was standing behind Viserys and Daenerys as they waited for Khal Drogo to arrive.

"Where is he?" Viserys groaned impatiently. Daenerys shuffled nervously.

"Dothraki are not known for punctuality." Illyrio stated. Not 30 seconds later hooves could be heard down the street. Soon a group of riders rode into the courtyard, none dismounting. Illyrio moved forward to greet them while Viserys held Dany back a moment.

"The one with the long braid is Khal Drogo. They say when a Dothraki loses a fight, they cut off their pony tails. Drogo has never lost and you shall be his queen." Daenerys deftly nodded, her eyes locked on her future husband, unable to look away. Thomas noticed her stiff posture and realized she is terrified. He couldn't blame her, he was terrified of the man as well.

He noticed Dany move forward and started to follow her but Viserys grabbed his arm. "Don't move boy or I will skin you alive and awaken the dragon." Just then Drogo rode off with his men and Viserys panicked. "Where is he going? Did he not like her?"

"Trust me my lord. If he did not like her, we would know it." Illyrio stated as everyone moved inside.

*couple days later*

Dany sat next to her husband. She and Drogo sat upon a Dias while dancers and fighters moved about on the floor below. Drogo laughed and yelled along with his followers while Dany grimaced and generally looked sickened and uncomfortable. Thomas stood behind her ready to receive any gifts bestowed upon her. So far the only gifts were given to Drogo. After an hour or so of this an old man dressed as a knight walked up. Drogo greeted the man and the man responded in kind before moving up to Dany.

"A small gift for the new Khaleesi." The man held out three books towards Daenerys who took them with a smile. "Songs and histories from the seven kingdoms."

"Thank you ser. Are you from my country?"

"Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. I served your father for many years." Jorah looked over towards Viserys who was analyzing the man. "Gods be good I hope to always serve the rightful king." He bowed and stepped down. While leaving Illyrio motioned for a servant to step forward with an intricate box. When the servants opened them he spoke.

"Dragon eggs, Khaleesi. Hardened to stone after many years but still beautiful." Illyrio stated. Thomas could tell the man was very proud of himself. Dany handed the books back to Thomas before reaching out and touching the eggs with great care.

"Thank you Magister Illyrio, they are beautiful." Just then Drogo stood up and moved towards two horses. Thomas noticed Illyrio motion for him to move the box and did as commanded. Dany who stood up with Drogo slowly followed her husband. When she reached Drogo he presented her with a beautiful white stallion. "Thank you, he is beautiful." Drogo only stared at her and she turned to Jorah. "Ser Jorah I don't know How to say thank you in Dothraki."

"The Dothraki don't have a word for Thank you." Dany looked upset over this but before she could say any more Drogo lifted her on her horse. He jumped on his and started moving forward. Dany cast one last glance back and noticed Thomas standing alone on the Dias. He gave her a reassuring smile and a small wave.

Waving back Dany felt a little more confident knowing he would be there when she returned.

*3 days later*

"You have been awfully quiet lately." Thomas commented as he walked besides Dany who rode er white horse.

"I haven't been in the mood for talking lately." She responded stiffly much to his worry.

"Well if you want, I have something for you." He shuffled nervously, fingering a bag at his side. Dany stopped her horse and looked at him curiously. Taking this as a means to continue, he opened the bag and produced a wrapped item which he held up to her.

Daenerys took it and gave him a soft smile. "Thank you."

"Well go on then. Open it." Thomas replied anxiously.

Careful as to not ruin the wrapping, she undid the ties and pulled the cloth away. She gasped in surprise at what she saw. "I know it isn't as beautiful as dragon eggs or as pretty as a dress but I hope you will get some enjoyment out of it." Wrapped in the brown leather was the book he had been reading in the garden the day Dany met Drogo. "I know you never got the chance to start it and I'm sure Dothraki don't carry many books so I figured you would like it." Thomas stated nervously. She didn't respond right away, instead running her fingers over the cover as her eyes looked upon the title. 'The Fellowship'.

When she didn't respond Thomas looked down and frowned. "I'm sorry it's a stupid gift."

"No!" Dany yelled, surprising a few nearby riders as well as Thomas. "I mean, no. I love it." Dany reached down grabbed his arm forcing it up until she held his hand. "I can't wait to finally read this. I didn't know you finished this already."

"I didn't finish. But I would rather you learn the ending first. That way you could tell me all about it." Thomas gave her a smile that took her breath away. He was truly happy she liked his gift and it relieved the stress he felt about giving it.

"Well I shall have to start right away." Dany smiled as she handed him the reins. "Forward my servant, while I read a mighty tale." Thomas chuckled as he took the reins. Dany Giggled when he mock saluted before opening the book.

A couple hours later Jorah rode up to them. "You need to drink child." Dany sighed as she put the book away. Thomas looked at him questioningly as he stopped the horse. "And eat." He brought up a small bag and took out some dried meat before handing it to her.

"Isn't their anything else?" Dany asked distastefully.

"The Dothraki have two things in abundance, grass and horses." Dany took a bite as she looked upon Jorah. "People can't live on grass." Dany rolled her eyes as she ate. "The shadow lands beyond the shine, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. Murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything, that that's the way the world will end."

Dany nodded but stiffened as she noticed her Husband ride by.

"It will get easier." Dany and Thomas turned to Jorah as he rode away.

"Come on Dany, we need to keep moving." Thomas sighed as Dany nodded.

When they stopped to make camp Jorah moved closer to Daenerys to help her down but Thomas beat him to it. Dany clutched him close as her legs began to give out beneath her. "Thank you Thomas." Dany mumbled gratefully. Thomas grunted as he started moving her towards her tent. They didn't get far before a group of woman pushed him aside and whisked Dany away.

"She trusts you with her life you know." Jorah stated behind Thomas.

"I know." Thomas looked Jorah in the eyes. "I trust her with my life. She is my best friend. I would do anything for her, even give my life."

"She is lucky to have you at her side then." Jorah clapped him on the shoulder.

"Not really. I can't do much of anything really." Thomas said. "All I can do is read and do mundane chores. I can't fight or do anything to really protect her."

"Then why don't I teach you how to wield a sword?" Jorah offered.

"You would do that?" Thomas asked bewildered.

"Of course. Any friend of hers is a friend of mine." Jorah smiled at him. "She will also need all the protectors she can get. Now let's go find you a stick to practice with." Jorah dragged him off while Thomas smiled in absolute joy.

So I watched all six seasons of game of thrones and loved every episode of it. Went on fanfiction found a few stories I liked. After careful planning and probably the most care I have ever put into one of my stories I give you the first chapter. Now I am no expert on Game of Thrones and my terminology may be off. If it is please let me know so I can correct it. Don't just flame me give me something I can work with. Anyway this story will span all six seasons. I will not include scenes from the seven kingdoms as Daenerys isn't there yet. So don't expect the Starks to show up at all. Anyway let me know what you think.