Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. I only own Elaine.

Now let's get this show on the road! Present tense is only present when Elaine writes in her online journal, everything else is past tense. If there is present tense thrown in at the wrong time, it will be corrected.


Edited: July 29/18

This… is me.

A normal, semi-insane sixteen year old who apparently according to her friends tends to bury her nose into danger without really thinking of the consequences. But hey! It's not my fault! You ever try dealing with psycho children with premature white hair, a moody teen with way too tight skinny jeans, and a sadomasochist triangle demon? It isn't fun!

Well… okay, I lied. It's actually pretty freakin' cool.

Most of the time. Other times I'd wish I had had enough courage to punch Bill in the eye besides the last few days of the summer. Ah, sweet, sweet revenge. That was a good moment. The rest of Weirdmageddon... not so much. So, I have a question I wanna ask.

You ever get the feeling… like you were made for something bigger than you could ever imagine? Because let me assure you, waking up in the wrong dimension can certainly make you feel like that. Not that I think it was destiny, but it's a cool thought on its own. One minute you're sleeping in your bed after cramming for first semester finals, next thing you wake up in the Mystery Shack resembling a teenage mummy.

You see, my online journal, Dipper and Mabel had thought that typing in here would be a benefit for my healing psyche. They thought I needed to step away from my beloved book for a while and write out my thoughts in something else. My therapist had also agreed once they told her their idea. I don't exactly see why, but I had no choice. I was forced into it.

… and Mabel kept hiding my pens...

Anyways! With the laptop their dad had bought for me as a welcoming gift, I had begun to write daily entries such as this one. Thoughts about my new friends and family, and all the people I had to say goodbye in Gravity Falls. This entry though, is the start of a much larger collection. I plan on writing out all of my adventures throughout the whole summer. How I had gone from a teen from what I thought was the only dimension in existence, to fighting alongside the townsfolk and saving our dimension!

"I'm not exaggerating, Dipper!" I glared at the boy, puffing my cheeks in annoyance. "You know he would've moved on to more planets after he was done with earth! Heck, he even told me himself he planned on taking over more dimensions once he was finished with ours!"

"I'm not saying you were," Dipper pointed out beside me. He leaned against my desk in my room, glancing from the words on the document to me with a raised brow. "But why are you making it sound like you're talking to an actual audience? You know you're never gonna post this."

"True. But my journal, whether it's this or the book, is my pride and joy. My entries are composed of my thoughts and feelings about everything. So what if it seems like it appears as if I'm talking to some invisible crowd? I like how it looks." I grinned slyly. "Besides, Ford had even agreed to me during one of our phone chats about my theory. So, HA!"

Back to the matter at finger tip and mouse arrow. Enjoy, my sweet journal, for I am about to foretell the greatest story you shall ever hold within your mother boarhey! Dipper, what are

Stop telling me not to announce things that one should say out loud! It's we

Stop cutting me



Enjoy, everyone! For I present to you: Gravity's FalleDipper, MOVE! Gravity's Fallen Angel! Ha! I win!

I laughed as Dipper fought under my foot, which was planted firmly on his back. Who knew simply bending one's arm behind their back would take them down so easily when positioned right? "Let's get this show on the road, eh, Dippin' Dots?"

Brown eyes glared up at me from under his bangs, his face still smashed against the wood floor. "My mate moo."

"Hehe. Love you too, kid."