Rain Drops

Chapter One


Summary: Rain Drops is a series of one shots, that may or may not turn into a story in the end. I don't know if they will connect or not. The title is the only thing I have thought out before hand. I think about Curiosity in relation to Sasu/Hina and I write. Whatever comes out, comes out.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything associated.

She felt his hands on her hips and before she could say anything in protest (although really how could she protest past the giant lump in her throat) he had thrown her, as if she weighed nothing up into the tree.

A soft gasp alone escaped her and she grabbed onto the lowest branch, dragging her body up onto the sturdy surface and feeling herself jump as he landed on the branch beside her, running up the tree trunk effortlessly, as though he had been doing it all his life.

Panic waged war against her rib cage like a bird in flight. Face reddening she struggled to her feet and pressed her back to the trunk of the tree. "U-u-uchiha-san, I-"

"Shss." The boy hissed, dark eyes flickering to her for a split second before watching again down below.

Hinata felt her breath coming in short little gasps but forced herself to slow it down, one hand over her mouth, feeling as loud as an elephant in a china shop.

"Ino, I don't think you're right I saw him go that way." Sakura's voice whined. Hinata froze for real, eyes wide, staring at Sasuke in surprise.

"I dunno, I'm pretty sure he went over-"

"You're such a baka, why did I even listen to you?"

"Don't call me a baka- it takes one to know one."

Their voices drifted closer and slowly, like a cat on the top of a fence Sasuke shifted, hands still in his pockets along the branch until he joined Hinata at the trunk, standing much closer to her than she preferred.

Lips trembling she buried her face into the tall neck of her sweater, clenching her eyes closed.

As the two girl's voices neared and grew louder, Sasuke felt his eye twitch just a moment. His dark shirt would not be visible in the dim light of the trees, but this girl's crazy white sweater sure wasn't exactly the best camaflouge.

As their joined steps lingered near the other side of the trunk Sasuke grumbled mentally, pushing Hinata into the trunk of the tree, planting his hands on either side of her face to try to block her white with as much of his blue as possible.

He watched as the Kunoichi moved below and arguing pitifully moved on, stumbling through the under bush as they shoved each other half joking half arguing about losing him in the trees.

Finally relaxing a moment Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes, turning back to Hinata and freezing.

Cheeks flaming, eyes wide with either terror or panic or both the girl stared back. Slowly he stepped away, stuffing his hands in his pockets, irritated by the expression on her face.

"Calm down." he grunted, giving a slight huff of disgust.

Hinata didn't move, just stared at him some more, eyes wide.


Shaking his head he moved to jump down, pausing momentarily.

"Are you able to get down on your own?"

Hinata felt her cheeks flame even hotter, only this time there was a bit of irritation to make them glow.

"Hai." she forced out, one word, no stutter. "Yes."

"Whatever." he muttered, jumping down in the most blase way she had ever seen anyone move.

Swallowing hard Hinata forced her limbs to move and jump down after him, heart hammering in her chest like a gorilla.


Sasuke stopped, having started walking away in the moving filtered light of the forest ground. He didn't look over his shoulder, or give any sign that he was listening except for that he stopped walking.

Hinata bit her lip, regretting her sound immediately.

"Iie- n-n-never mind." She spun on her heel, jamming her fingers together nervously and starting a rapid fire walk down the opposite direction he was going. It was the long, long, long way home but she'd rather get a long walk in than deal with him the whole way- or worse have him think she was following...

Her face flushed again, if she got any hotter she would soon be able to function as earth's sun.

"What were you going to say?"

His voice called out after her abruptly and she jumped, having expected him to be the same distance away from her as she had moved from him.

But upon checking over her shoulder in terror she saw him walking slowly and languidly, in no hurry, after her.

After her.


Oh my God, please go away! Her pace increased suddenly, and trying to not jog she stumbled through the woodland, ducking branches and prickly bushes and feeling more and more clumsy with each step. Her feet seemed to be too big and her sweater was made for catching everything one could ever NOT want tangled in one's clothes.

"Stop." he called, sounding both lazy and irritated.

Hinata froze, debating bolting. But the truth was he would probably catch her in less than a second and complying might result in a more merciful interaction.

"N-nani?" she whispered, trying not to bury her face in her hands. Hiding from him would probably look rude. Don't be rude, don't be rude, don't be rude.

"What were you going to say?"

Oh no. "N-n-nothing, Uchiha-san!" She gasped, shaking her head back and forth. "Gomen, I didn't mean t-t-to waste your time."

"Don't be an idiot." he grumbled, moving forward before she could blink. One delicate finger pressed into her forehead, and she blinked up at him, his eyes penetrating into what she was sure was the depths of her tiny young soul.

"My name is Sasuke. And I want to know what you were going to say."

Hinata stared at him, feeling acutely the touch of his finger on her forehead, against her skin, making blood flood her face like a tsunami of epic proportions.

Feeling trapped, and the only exit appearing to be answering his question she blurt, tripping over her tongue.

"M-m-m-maybe you need a-a girlfriend. So they l-l-l-eave you a-l-l-l-one."

Sasuke blinked at her for a long moment, dark eyes unimpressed. "Like I need that kind of trouble in my life." He took his hand away, stuffing it back in his pocket.

"N-n-n-not a real g-g-g-irlfriend." Hinata frowned at him momentarily, looking down at her fingers. "A f-f-fake one."

The Uchiha pondered this for a minute, contemplating.

A fake girlfriend.

Sorry, I have a girlfriend.

Get off me, I have a girlfriend.

Taken, I have a girlfriend.

A life free of clinging, bitching girls stretched out before him, handed to him by one little phrase. But no one would believe him if he didn't produce the girl at least sometimes... perhaps even often for a period of time at the beginning.

She would have to be of a noble clan, not irritating, therefore not part of his extensive fan club. Someone who could be quiet and who no one would suspect. Someone protected by her status from the menace of his disappointed fan girls and who he could potentially offer something in return. Training perhaps, or protection. Someone who liked someone else.

His eyes lingered on the Hyuuga before him, waiting it seemed for his dismissal.

Someone pretty, who smelled nice...

"You just got the job." He muttered, turning around.

Hinata frowned and then blanched her eyes widening as he started walking away. "N-nani? Gomen, I m-m-must have m-m-misheard-"

"No. You didn't." He called over his shoulder. "You're my girlfriend now."

Incredulous Hinata felt her hands fall to her sides, her feet moving after him a few steps and then stopping. "I-i-ie!" she gasped, terrified at defying an Uchiha. "I-I- can't!"

Sasuke turned, looking at her with the vaguest laziest curiosity ever. "Oh?" He inquired. "Why not?"

HInata gaped like a fish, a dozen reason which had been clamoring for her attention in that moment vanished, like a lightening bolt through the dark sky. "No!" she gasped, no stutter this time to her surprise, her foot stomped on the forest floor, a little less dramatically than she had hoped but it had the desired effect of making Sasuke blink at her, his blase attitude momentarily dispelled.



He walked back to her and didn't stop, pushing her slight figure up against the tree trunk behind her, making her stutter out a series of "M-m-matte! W-w-w-wait!"

His body pressed up against hers, and with the heat of her face radiating off her she was surprised he wasn't getting a burn.

"How about you're my girlfriend-"

"F-f-f-ake girlfriend." Hinata whispered, trying to cling to the last remnants of her dignity.

"And I talk to that Dobe Naruto about how amazing you are on occasion."

Hinata's eyes widened suddenly.


Sasuke smirked, and his face changed. There was definitely more smirk than smile in his facial expression and yet it did change, and something in her belly relaxed, if only for a moment, allowing the glow from her face to reduce to a gentle soft pink, despite his body pinning her to the tree.

Her brain had not put much thought into it at all, which seemed to be the case whenever Naruto was ever even mentioned, and true to form words came thoughtlessly out of her mind.

"A-all right. I'll be your-"


"F-f-fake girlfriend."

Smirking still the Uchiha pulled back, pulling her away from the tree by the hand.

"I'll walk you home."

Hinata stared at his back as they walked, him slightly ahead of her, silent and scary and now her boyfriend.

If only he had not been so curious, if only she had kept her mouth shut, if only he had not asked.

Her eyes flickered briefly to his fingers gently but firmly holding hers.

If only she had not wondered why he was running into the forest, if only she had not followed him in, lost him and had him find her.

If only she had not been so curious herself.

leave me some love, ne?
