HP is JKR, the story line and the new concepts are mine

Note: This story happens after DH, and non Canon after it. If you love Ron, and think he is an angel, please close the browser, one click away. After the war DH compliant EWE, Be well.

This is a modified re-published ff. Three or four chapters max. Part of a much longer Ff I decided not to publish.


Music for just a blink of this chapter: (I usually don't recommend music, but this is just so well suited, an oldie.)

Blood Hound – Let's do like they do in the Discovery Channel.

Chapter 1: A dark room Who, How

Grimauld 12, Evening. present-



The room is dark. Inside, the shadows are moving; the air is full of magic and scents of arousal and sex; the sounds are unintelligible, mostly screams and moans can be heard. George closes the door, they had left it opened and he chuckles, "Lucky prat, I would take your place at the drop of a hat, if I were not married, that is."

At that, he goes back to his wife, who waits at the kitchen. He is quite ready for a round of the same he just witnessed; looking at the couple dancing to the sensual rhythm, makes him want a dance of his own.

Fred, Sirius, and Remus, our dear departed or better put, dead to this world, sit in a room not too far away. Hmm, time and space are relative, shall we say, they are in a place unseen to human eyes, a hop and a skip away from Grimauld 12; however, the place is situated in a parallel layer, separated by an abyss, a black hole, only with one-crossing at the time of death and no return bridge.

Once in a while the dead, dead to us, are allowed to enter a room with a view. The view in this case is open to Grimauld 12. How they got there, well, that is a subject for a longer story. Let's just accept they are voyeurs of a sort, or, a better description, watchers of a witch they all loved and considered a friend. While others came to watch of the wizard who meant different things to each one, their ward, their godchild, and for some, their son.

The trio plus a couple, James and Lily Potter, sit on a smaller couch, and all look at the scene. Farther on the back, stands the sullen, yet younger and happier Severus Snape, some say he always had a secret penchant of the young witch. The group watches the short act through a gap that appears as a window, or perhaps, is the virtual projection of a meeting reaching the web of time and space.

The trio, there, fully agrees with George's comment, "Maybe next time will be our turn, but if not, all it is as it should be." They well know, some will make a comeback, but not all.

Later on, they all stand up and call it a night. They leave the room with the viewing window, and go back to wherever place they had gone to, the day they had died.

Some will not come back to this room; next time, they will have been called and on their way to the next station or maybe a next life starting in a mother's womb..


The wireless is playing a Muggle song.

Discovery Channel –Blood Hound (Lyrics)

You and me baby we ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it again now

Love, the kind you clean up

With a mop and bucket

Like the lost catacombs of Egypt

Only God knows where we stuck it

Hieroglyphics? Let me be pacific

I wanna be down in your South Seas

But I got this notion

That the motion of your ocean means

"Small Craft Advisory"

So if I capsize on your thighs

High tide B-5 you sunk my battleship-


Yes, indeed, the song, although crude, is rather accurate.

-Inside the dark room

"Ah, love, -please don't stop", the man's hoarse voice pleads his witch. She feels her wizard, the one she once called her boy, cover her body. Her lean toned calves snake around his waist.

She cannot have enough of him as his body moves within hers; every thrust brings her close to a secret place, one where only the two of them are allowed to enter at once; all she can hear are his grunts and moans, somehow drowned by the music coming out the wireless. His hands are all over her, and she holds on to him with all the strength that she has. She wants maximum contact.

Neither of the couple can believe they are here, together, after 12 years of knowing each other. Before that night, they had never even shared a passionate kiss. And now, they are making wild, shattering love. He has hardly seen her body after the first kiss, there was no time, and at this present time, both are blind inside the dark room.

As for now, they are in a frenzy of loving, just feeling, and just immersed in a symbiotic embrace. His hard cock is diving inside her underwater-warm- moist cave, coming in and out, and as her inner-walls contract, they massage it and nearly break his prick. He is in nirvana.

She is stretched to the limit, the friction and motions make her go out of her mind. She wants him deeper, faster, and harder, pleasure and pain. Their muscles are contracted; the man's back is a study in muscle flexing, glistening with sweat. Hands and mouths are everywhere, touching, biting, licking, neither can have enough. Symbiosis, one of them needs the other, the other feeds on the one, back and forth, each give the other just what they need to live, to go forward.

Yes,' this' started with the kiss of a lifetime, right in front of George and his wife, who left the sitting room for the kitchen once they figured out that "this" would not stop anytime soon. And here is George, going back after things have gone way past the kiss that will forever stay engraved on his mind. He just came to close the door, the noise was driving him mad, and that's all.

George's mind is also addled with sex and desire, with the need to experience a fraction of what he just witnessed, sex magic at its peak. He read somewhere that in times gone by, privileged few were able to be present during the first minutes of the first coupling, of a powerful mage and his enchantress; whereby their mere proximity, they would partake of the magic in the air. Maybe it was all true, if one could judge by the state of his body.

How can relationships take such a 180°turn around during the space of less than a few hours, from never sharing a lovers' kiss to doing the Let's do like they do it in the Discovery Channel's monkey dance; or was it just engaging in the hottest sex anyone has seen in a while?

The only way to find out is for us to play to be CSI, and we need to conduct a forensic study of this situation. Let's analyze the facts leading to today.

We might have to push the stop ( □ ), and press the R (Rewind or Back)(◁◁◁)arrow to go back a little bit on time, to the start of this night, or maybe even before, to earlier times?

Oops, must push Back (◁ )a bit further back on time. It seems that the witch's anger must have started a while ago.

Let's try. First push Back(◁)then the Play (▶)Yup, that must be it! Let's see.

A witch's anger

A memory

Or, Harry, oh Ron, and a Ruby-Red ring.

Self denial or paving the road to hell

Snape probably bequeathed the self-sacrificing streak to Harry, thus, he strived to follow his example.

Especially, after he found out how Severus gave his live in the service of others and mostly for him. Yes, he was his role model, give up your dreams, your hopes and even your witch.

He was in love with Hermione since the first time he saw during that fated first train ride. He had never seen such a cute thing, so fierce and cuddly at the same time. Right then, he dreamed with dark-haired-curly hair babies; and, from there on, all his wet dreams, with a few exceptions, always had featured one actress, one that transformed as they both grew up.

He had tried the Ginny thing, and failed. During their second shag, he had screamed at the top of his lungs, loud enough to raise the dead from the grave, "HERMIONE, YES, YES," as he was coming. The entire Burrows had heard, because Miss sly-as-a-weasel-Ginevra Weasley, tired of waiting for Harry's commitment, and wanting to compromise him, "forgot" the silencing charm.

Always jealous of Hermione, wanted the entire family, and, foremost, Hermione, to be a witness of Harry's love for she, Ginny Weasley; however, oops, she also forgot Hermione was O.U.T. that night.

A sonorous smack, followed by, "OUT, OUT OF MY ROOM, YOU. YES. YOU. RIGHT. NOW. SORRY. EXCUSE. FOR. A. WIZARD," a few minutes later.

Followed by the wild laughs of her brothers, and Molly's groans, "That young witch is going to be the dead of all us, rubbish that is what she is."

And Harry was OUT of Ginny's life. Her parents gave her zero sympathy, they just wanted her to settle and see the light. They knew all their children had been damaged by the war. To top it all, Ginny had befriended Tom Riddle, and a part of her soul was lost to the dark. The Weasley had suffered their share of war casualties, and a part of Ginny's soul was one of their loses.

"Harry you need to give me a chance with Hermione. She is the love of my life, please be a good friend and leave her alone." Ron would always tell Harry, he always seemed to know when his plead was a must.

Ron well knew that Harry loved her from afar. He was not blind or dumb; he was just, just, the plain old-fashioned selfish garden variety. In his mind, Harry had too many breaks, he was the hero; heir to two fortunes; admired and sought by many; and if so what should he also have the golden girl?

Never mind that Harry had given part of his fortune to each and everyone of the Weasley; including a lion's share to Ron which he kept well hidden. As for the limelight, Harry had shared it every time. No that was not enough for Ronal B. Weasley, not way, he wanted MORE.

So it was that twelve years after, twenty-three year old Ron had failed to learn; just as many others who have a sure thing. Indeed, Ron had grown accustomed to be unaccountable and just kept on hurting Hermione.

It went from the teenager taunts; to going from witch to the next; to walking away from the trio in their time of need; to the passionate kiss after the battle; which, by the way, was supposed to be his one great accomplishment.

Sure enough, the KISS was to be followed by shagging three witches during the post-battle celebration, "It meant nothing. It was only to let out some steam." Were his own words when Harry admonished him. Hmm.

The offenses continued in successive progression to later infidelities, at the rate of one per month; until the last one, just six weeks before their wedding, Ron's most stellar performance.

Receipts, surprises, and bad assumptions

Hermione found a receipt for 5,000 galleons in the pockets of Rob's robes while she emptied the pockets to bring it to be cleaned. She read the invoice,' one (ring), description: large ruby, xx carats, -cut, purest quality known … made out of platinum, mounted on top of art-deco lion's head, certified…'.

He had often called her his lioness, so romantic! She wept tears of happiness. My Ron, my love, my true valiant lion. I knew he loved me and just needed to grow up, that was all. Those were her first thoughts.

Her heart was crazy with joy, hence she called Harry to go out for lunch. She told him to please meet her after the lunch date with Ron. Harry's heart was sad these days, and hurt him to hear her voice, she was beside herself with happiness, "Harry, I am sure that he is presenting me a special ring. I need to tell you all about it. You are my brother, and I want to share my great happiness."

Yes her happiness was a nail in his coffin. He dried an angry tear after their talk; yup, Harry the martyr endured the pain in silence, it was his loyal way.


She found the table earlier reserved, ordered a glass of water, and sat to wait for Ron's arrival.

The new bistro was full with the lunch-hour's young-professional crowd; she looked at the menu to help pass the time.

She stood up to go to the loo while she waited for Ron. That is when she heard the unbidden, loud conversation.

"He is such a sweet Wizard; he gave me this ring as a going-away gift. He is marrying you know-who-the-curly-swot, no matter, I am also married. Look, this is a promise ring. Ah, we will be looking for a cottage by the sea for our future rendezvous."

Hermione knew the voice and she did not want to look. However you all know the old adage 'curiosity killed the cat,' and Hermione, an overgrown kitten, had to look.

And yes, there in front of her was Lavender Finnegan, who everybody knew to have a secret lover. That love had destroyed her husband Seamus; who now was a shadow of a wizard, hitting the old firewhisky all the time.

When she had asked Ron if he knew who Lav's love was, "Don't know, I haven't seen Seamus for a while, why should you ask? I have no idea," that was his answer, verbatim. No idea indeed, perhaps he had split personalities.

The straw that broke the camel's back- Disaster-

Lav-lav was there talking to no other than Ginny Nott, correction Lady Nott. She'd married to the older Nott, 62 years old. Of course in comparable human years, it made him around 42 years old. He was rich, extremely hot looking, but reputed to be cruel and not really reformed.

Lavender had stretched her hand, and right on her ring finger shone a beautiful sparkling ruby, mounted in what appeared to be the head of a lion. The red lights shinning and beckoning the green jealousy monster, that grew and expanded inside the curly hair witch. The anger was fully justified, may I respectfully add?

Hermione said nothing, passed the group, and went to sit by the window table to wait for the scum bag.

She did not have to wait long. A few minutes later, Ron entered accompanied by Harry, both wizards were laughing, probably at some joke. Harry was the first to see Hermione, her hair standing around her face like a halo, an angry nimbus, shooting coloured sparks.

Ron, who turned to all shades from pale to green, while he stared at loud Lavender's showing of the ring to everyone who cared.

He saw disaster coming towards him as a fire-ball, as an Unforgivable glowing green; and he was frozen, unable to escape. Yeah, you can run but you cannot hide. 'Run, run away, Ginger Hair Man, run as fast as you can...' he should have.

The initial realization was followed by the exchange look between the guilty as charged couple; there was a clear intent on the ways they eyed one another, Lavender with lust, and Ron as if were looking at a giant spider ready to eat him.

Harry smirked, at least Ron had one thing right, he better be afraid. Lavender's face looked like a black widow's ready to kill him. But this wasn't a bad fate judging by his Hermione's appearance, she was scary; and for once, he didn't envy Ron for a millisecond; let him have all the attention, he had it coming to him.

OH, Yes, burn wizard burn, were Harry's gleeful thoughts, and his eyes glowed red for a second.

Ron was pulling a blue velvet box out of his pocket; he gave a drowning man's smile to Harry; who whispered, "Ron I remembered a meeting, why don't I see you back at the office."

Ron grabbed by him hard by the arm, "At least stand here, I might need your help." Ron pleaded to his best friend, to his brother- in-arms, he was scared for the first time since a long time. It was about time.

For the first time on his life, Harry felt true anger towards Ron. He didn't want to clean one more of Ron's messes, hurting Hermione once more, and Harry acting as his partner, his accomplice; bloody hell, assuming responsibility for a crime that wasn't his. It wasn't fair, all his life giving up for others, the things and people he loved. At the end, Saint Potter lion's heart persevered, and he stayed.

Storm approaches

To date, he can still recall the scene as if were happening right then.

Hermione's forced smile, her eyes blazing with fury, she is wounded lioness ready to strike, "Come here sweet kitty, come closer, let your guard down, and let me eat you alive." That is written all over her face and her body posture.

Never mind, the actual strong winds are now blowing inside the bistro, accompanied by short bolts of lighting. Hurricane Hermione has arrived, and its gale winds are gathering strength by the second.

The Storm

He watched it all; and now and then, even after a while time, it has retained the quality of a slow-motion Muggle movie. Or like Muggle movies very slow, showing a flower bloom. Just as it happened.

-Ron kisses her cheek, then turns around to sit down.

-Loud hair cracks and sparks.

- Her face starts glowing.

- She spits on her hand.

- Her spit falls in slow droplets.

- Swipes her cheek with the wet hand.

- She rubs her cheek hard with plain disgust.

- Her eyes are changing colours.

Maybe, just maybe, there is still time to run. –

Oh, oh! Harry realizes, after a look once around, that he is not the only one who watched the drama unfold; correction, many customers have slowly emptied the establishment, everyone knows of Hermione's bad temper and her magical prowess.

Lavender, the coward, tries to clear the establishment while Ginny goes back to her older husband to watch. Unfortunately Lavender is knocked by the crowd leaving and has to weather the storm.

Ginny wants to witness Hermione's humiliation, and soon she will wish that she had been wise, and had left while the going was good.

Her life is about to change, some argued for the better. Knott had not been one of Voldemort's right hands for not being astute. He loves the girl and wants to give her all, but isn't going to let her ruin their lives. And what he sees this day will change him forever.

The slow-motion reel continues, - Ron opens the box, inside there is a ring, magnificent, belonging to Hermione's mother, one stored inside her jewelry box for a long time.

Harry recognizes it. "Harry this was mum's, I will never it wear it because it causes me too much pain. My parents are dead and with all the tragedy and pain, it kills me a little to see it. I will put it on one day whenever the burn is not so intense."

She had told this to Harry more than once.

Harry knows this can only turn BAD.

a/n Hmm what on earth is wrong with Ron, wait with Harry as well. Grump.