The Fail of a Moment
You can find it here on FF and on AO3.
60. It's just the small and simple things
Thank you guys for keeping up with me for full 60 chapters!
It's been one hell of a ride! This is a bonus chapter for my dear readers who got that far with me and my creation. Also, to be honest, I couldn't stand the idea of not filling a round number of chapters. Yep, really, I'm that monk-ish :D I hope you like it. There's a playlist on YT titled "the Fail of a Mission" (you can find it there under my other pseudonym "Schwunginhimmel"). It's what I've been listening to during the writing process.
Enjoy ;)
The Fail of a Moment
You can find it here on FF and on AO3.
Sakura picks up the letter on the kitchen counter.
"Hey Sweetheart,
Thank you for looking after my house while I'm away. Please make yourself at home. I've set up the guest room for you two, but of course you can also sleep downstairs if you want. That room is prepared, too ;)
It's up to you, but whatever you decide to do, promise you two have fun! ;)
PS: Feel free to take some drinks at the bar and enjoy the new items ;)"
New items?
Sakura is not so sure anymore if it was a good idea to agree to sit Anko's house in the first place. During one of their latest girl's night, which was rather merrily than girly, they took the chance to question her intensively about her sexlife with the mysterious ANBU. Unfortunately their little outdoor action at the Memorial Day party didn't go unnoticed, therefore the girls kept on prying her for details. When it was Anko's and Sakura's turn to gather a new round of drinks and they went to the bar counter where the snake woman secretly offered her a discreet romance weekend at her place while she would be far away on a mission. It sounded too good to decline.
After watering Anko's herbs and plants and feeding her fish Sakura hears the front door open and shut.
Somehow he has managed to get the late Friday afternoon off and he won't have to return to work until Monday morning. Sakura is happy, they will have a full weekend for themselves. Just as she puts the box of fish food down onto the glass table on the patio, she feels his warm hands hugging her from behind, his breath tickles her neck softly as he seems to deeply inhale her scent.
"I missed you, too." She giggles.
His only response is an appreciative groan.
"You know it's creepy to sniff at people, right?"
"I can't help it, you smell so delicious...," his nose brushes the crook of her neck, "...and alluring." His lips follow an imaginary trail with featherlike kisses from her shoulder up to the small spot just below her ear. "Simply an invitation to bite into." Tiny goose-bumps rise on her neck in reaction to his teeth carefully grazing the sensitive spot below her ear. A small moan escapes her lips and he chuckles in his dangerously low tone as he tightens his hold on her. Then he puts a peck on the very same spot and loosens his grip to a friendlier and less claiming embrace "Hi."
The corners of her mouth quirk up. Impossible man.
She turns half way and smiles at the bright blue eyes the hokage in disguise presents her. "Hi."
Then he catches her by surprise as he abruptly swings them over onto the outdoor sofa and into a lying position next to each other.
"You're so going to kill me one day."
"Mhm, could be, but I prefer you alive and kicking."
"Do you want something to drink?"
He rubs his temples as if he has a minor headache. "Something ice-cold would be fine. Actually I'm pretty thirsty. The air at the office is thick and heavy sometimes, it makes your throat sore."
Sakura stands up to get them some ice tea.
As she returns she has to face another sight to behold. The dear hokage in disguise, the infamous, deadly copy-nin is lying there with his arms casually crossed over his chest, his head sideways on the pillow, eyes closed and scarcely audible but frequent snores.
Without making a noise the pinkette sets down their glasses and smiles contentedly at the sleeping man. She knows he had a few hard and very long days at the office to ensure their free weekend. She finds it too cute to see him so relaxed in her presence. Him, of all people, the exceptionally skilled shinobi who has always seemed to never sleep, the attentive ninja legend who is constantly on alert and the superior one who has always to be in charge for his comrades, is finally able to let down all his walls in her near. It is the very same man who has always been fighting against getting attached to anyone. Smiling she tries not to wake him up as she lies down next to him. Of course he stirs, but to her surprise only to pull her closer to his chest and so they take a peaceful nap together.
Sakura wakes up in a bed embraced by powerful and wiry arms and his wonderfully masculine smell. His bare torso is touching her from behind. Somehow he managed to maneuver them both into the guest room and without her noticing he laid her onto the futon. Looking down and following the veins of his strong arms she realizes that one of his sneaky, warm hands is loosely cupping her breast like he often does when he is sleeping peacefully. It is obvious he has disposed her of her bra and pants, she is clad in her shirt and thong only. The pinkette chuckles quietly, but by the feel of his lips pressed against her neck and the slight movement of his fingers she can tell he is awake now.
"I apologize for yesterday evening. It was definitely not my intention to fall asleep. Will you forgive me, Sakura-hime?" Kakashi showers her neck and shoulders with soft kisses.
"How could I not forgive our great hokage-sama? The village has to appreciate his efforts more to go to great pains. Lately he seems to be working until he drops."
She can feel his amused smirk against her neck. "Mhm, rank dictates that."
Her eyes fall shut as she is relishing in the feeling of his affectionate ministrations. "Sure. No-one would ever believe that there's another reason behind your days of hard work," she whispers softly.
His teeth graze that hyper-sensitive spot below her ear. "See? It all has its benefits."
"Tell me more about those benefits." She turns around and catches his lips in a breath-taking kiss.
Then Sakura retreats a bit to sit up and drink in his marvellous appearance. He is lying on his back now, the sheets are pooling low around his hips and they do absolutely nothing to hide the prominent bulge there. Mismatching eyes follow the trail of her mesmerized emerald ones over his Adonis-like body, from the v-cut of his abdominal muscles right above the grey cotton sheets further over his sculpted abs up to his solid pecs and along the brawny curve of his neck to cease on his smart face framed by a tousled mane of silver glinting in the morning sun.
"God, you look so stunning, you know that?"
His only response is a predatory smirk as he pulls her closer to straddle him and he captures her kissable rosy lips with his underlined by a demanding and hungry groan. Sakura stretches her arms upwards as Kakashi slowly removes her shirt kissing all the way up from her perky mounds to her earlobe only to engage her in a loving and passionate kiss.
Her hands wander over his smooth skin with the steely muscles underneath and come around his neck to get lost in the endless pool of velvety hair. She pulls him close as his heated lips enclose her sensitive nipple and his tender tongue twists the tiny metal bar. Encouraged by her moans he flips her around blazing fast until she is lying under him and continues his sweet assault downwards. Her thong meets the terracotta tiled floor just at the same moment as her first cry of pleasure pulsates through her body.
After their wonderful morning activity it is far too late for getting any breakfast, so they decide to take a stroll through the city and get some snacks on their way. Kakashi changes his appearance into Tatsuo's and they leave the house hand in hand together like normal enamoured couples would do.
They spend a beautiful day at the park reading books on a blanket in the grass together with close body contact. Occasionally they take a relaxed dip at the river and enjoy their light recreation. Their affection and devotion for each other is obvious to anyone passing and so they hardly ever get disturbed for long, most comrades just greet them briefly and retreat with a knowing smile.
Later they have some sukiyaki together at a tranquil restaurant followed by a glass of fine wine on Anko's patio illuminated by white candles. Kakashi has removed his henge as soon as they entered the house and he was the one who lightened the candles. Sakura crawls over the outdoor sofa to sit down behind him to massage his tense shoulders. The constant sitting at the office for what felt like forever is taking its toll. Gentle thumbs knead through his stiff muscles which earns her a row of low appreciative moans.
"So, you're planning on making me become an addict?" He turns a little to smile at her.
"Maybe." She returns his smile and his eyes crinkle happily.
"My, my, Sakura-chan! Do you really want to soften your widely feared hokage?" Amusement and mock-indignation clearly audible in his voice.
"Raising awareness: The first step forward. Accept it, hokage-sama, you have a soft side."
Fake-grumpily he answers: "I know. I can't help it, my weakness is you."
After a moment of silence and her eyes wide open as realisation hits her hard what he has just confessed, she kisses him deeply. "Speaking about weaknesses, do you want to transfer our little conversation to the cellar?"
"Should I take this as a question or a suggestion?" He chuckles dangerously low while his intense mismatched eyes have her caught in a spell of lust and predatory hunger and in a blur he has them teleported downstairs to the red room with the bar.
"I think you may want to discuss some details before we go inside?" The silverhead walks up to the bar and gathers two glasses to prepare them drinks. His posture has changed into the stunning dominant male Sakura has been secretly dying for years now.
"Monkey 47 and Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic with a slice of cucumber and a dash of lime juice, right?"
Her eyes beam proudly and happily at him like he has just saved the world from an apocalypse. "How…?"
The eye-crinkling smile on his exposed and painfully handsome face make her heart skip a beat. It's just the small and simple things.
"I've seen you drinking it at nearly every bar you have been in the last years."
"Yeah, but you've never…"
"And I've seen you sulking whenever they didn't have it." He chuckles briefly and prepares her drink. "Sadly Anko doesn't seem to have any star anise. I hope this will do?" Kakashi sets down the long-drink in front of her on the counter.
The pinkette is speechless. He has never been at her side when she has ordered her favourite drink, nor has he ever asked her what drink she likes best. Smiling and overwhelmed she closes her eyes for a brief moment and shakes her head.
That impossible man.
Your impossible man.
Amazed by what her inner-self said she opens her eyes again only to get lost in the deep emotions inside of his mismatched orbs.
"You're amazing, Kakashi."
His eye-crinkle warms her heart. "I know."
And before she could react to his cocky, insensitive remark that crashes her perfect moment down to earth he continues softly "I can see it in your eyes every day."His fingers caress her cheek tenderly and she can swear right in those few seconds she forgets how to breathe.
Thoughtful he grants her a moment to recapitulate and to let the intensity of the words he has just said sink in, so he prepares his own drink and takes a seat next to her afterwards. His one hand rests on her midthigh as he turns his barstool to face her and their knees brush against each other she seems to recollect. The other hand holds his glass to toast with her.
"Sorry…", she murmurs and picks up her glass stirring the straw twice clockwise and stretching it into his direction. "Cheers."
"No problem." He smiles at her and they finally clink glasses. "To us!"
After a relaxing drink at the bar and some easy topics they slowly initiate their goal.
"What do you chose for your safewords?"
"My safeword will be Scarecrow."
He chuckles lowly, "Quite unique. It will serve the purpose."
"Unique? It's just your name in English." Sakura tilts her head to the side in a slight frown like she is challenging him.
"My, my, where did you get that from?"
"I learned from the best." She winks at him and sips at the straw of her sinfully delicious drink.
"I'm well aware of that," he remarks cockily, "Tell me your slow word."
Both start to laugh.
"Well, somehow I'm not surprised. Pakkun has always played an important part in our relationship. Have you already chosen a go-word?"
"Sharingan." Heated eyes seem to drown in each other for a moment, seemingly the two ninjas get instantly reminded of how it has all begun.
"What do you want to do and what not? What are your limits for today?"
Limits for today… He grants her a lot of liberties and space, which is new for her, it makes her feel safe in an instant.
He's older, more experienced and knows exactly what he does.
I trust him with all I have.
"What I want… Well, ehrm… Let me think…"
"Take your time, there's no need to rush." His hand strokes her thigh reassuringly.
The pinkette smiles shyly at the gorgeous copy-nin. She trusts him with all her heart and she is craving for more BDSM activities with her personal master of the arts, but the shock from her experience with Shukaku was unexpected and deeper than she has thought.
"I think I want to do something with a blindfold and some kind of bondage, maybe leather cuffs which can easily be removed when I… when I panic, or something."
"I assure you, you won't."
The perceptive silverhead can assume what is going on inside of her and he can empathize with the inner struggle she must be going through. He has been feeling the same and her suggestion that she wants more of the kinky stuff and her invitation to join a weekend at Anko's place has been everything but helpful in that matter. If he is honest to himself, he is confused, very, very confused, but he can't show her that. Otherwise she would bolt.
Keep calm and carry on. Be there for her and you two will make it together.
It's still hard for him to believe that he has let her break down all of his walls. He has never thought that he would get the chance of his life and be happy with such a wonderful woman at his side. How all of this happened is still a mystery for him, which he highly doubts he will ever solve that. But the only thing he is deadly sure about, he will never let her get in danger or harmed in any way. If that means they will stay happily together ever after or if it requires that he will have to set her free someday, he isn't willing to think about. He just wants to share the moment with her, to live and feel with every cell of his battle-scarred body by her side for as long as Sakura or fate will let him.
"Okay… I don't want paddles, whips, canes, chains, knives and needles. I don't want to feel any sharp or strong pain." She takes a moment to close her eyes and breathe, dark memories flashing through her mind and a slight shudder goes through her body.
The copy-nin tightens his hold on her thigh and his other hand reaches out to intertwine his fingers with hers. "Sakura, I'm here. We don't need to…I mean if you don't want to it's fine by me."
With a smile she opens her eyes again to look at his considerate face. "Kakashi, let me assure you I want to. It's just the past that's haunting me. I want to replace the unpleasant memories with new good ones. With you. I want to gain pleasant and memorable moments with you."
He draws their entwined hands close to his face to kiss her every fingertip slowly, one after the other, as a sign of deep affection, praise and devotion.
"Let me show you how pleasurable it can be."
Sakura smiles, dazed by the loving side she has awoken in him during the last months.
Then Kakashi takes her by the hand and gently leads her to the dungeon.
The Fail of a Moment
You can find it here on FF and on AO3.
This story series will be converted into a novel series set in my own universe. My intention is to fuse a heart-warming love story full of obstacles with knowledge and experience, which is something I've been missing in most novels of such kind pretty badly. I hope you'll like the novels too. All rights of the storyline and the OCs of this fanfiction strictly belong to me, the main characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto, but their characteristics in this story are mine. Don't try to copy or steal it, otherwise you'll have to deal with a pretty nasty litigation.
Have a nice day and enjoy the sequel!