Chapter 12

Author's Note: This is word emphasis

*This is telepathy*

This is book, movie, song, game, anime/manga titles, and copyrighted medical supplies as well

Viridian Forest:

Sakura wakes up to face a new day, having put on a dark green tube top, light green shorts, switched to a brown messenger bag, was wearing brown crew socks, and forest green sneakers. Her new Pidgey had no problems with the training he was being put through, and during the course of her training yesterday she now had a Butterfree. Bug Types leveled up extremely quickly in comparison to say Dragon Types. Her Poliwags were also getting much stronger too, and she suspected they were both close to evolving. She'd decided not to catch anymore pokémon at the moment. Her Poliwags should help her with Pewter City, though that Steel Wing was going to be highly helpful as well. Unless a trainer started out with a Water Type they generally didn't have one to face Pewter City in Kanto, because for some reason no one quite understood most of the Pallet Town inhabitants did not go fishing after getting licensed, but before leaving Pallet Town itself.

She was unusual in having an Eevee as a starter, but not everyone had the usual three either. Her Butterfree was flying to the end of the forest, and back to her as a means of working on her endurance. She had the rest of her team out walking as well, might as well let them do some passive training, she'd found an Ultra Ball someone had dropped, PP up, HP up, Technical Machine 15 containing Hyper Beam, Technical Machine 26 containing Earthquake, a Super Potion, an Ether, and one Full Restore so far. She did have the Technical Machine case as well, so she stored the Technical Machines in there for the moment. She didn't have any pokémon that could actually learn said moves currently. She would love to get her hands on Technical Machine 53 which contains Energy Ball, as her Butterfree could learn that move.

She makes her way through the forest, not running from any pokémon she ran into. The more battles her pokémon had, the more experience they gained as well. She would definitely need it to beat Pewter City. Rock Types were a pain to battle, especially since most of them had the ability known as Sturdy, which meant you couldn't knock them out with one attack, you needed two, dammit!

Cerulean City:

Senna barely refrains from cackling as she enters the gym, today she has on a dark blue v-necked t-shirt, black capris, blue crew socks, and black sneakers, along with a cerulean blue messenger bag. She would get the first challenge this time, and they'd had Misty check to see if her sisters' pokémon were fit for battle, which they were. Ash, Gary, Blue, and Misty were in the stands to watch Senna school either Violet, Lily, or Daisy. " Who are you? "

The speaker had blonde hair, which marked her as Daisy, " Senna Oak of Pallet Town, youngest daughter of the current Champion of Kanto/Johto regions. Whom is in the stands to watch me challenge this gym. " Senna says.

Misty was gleefully taking pictures of the horrified looks on her older sisters faces at the introduction, " By the way, if you three nimrods don't shape up, I'm calling my mom to school you three like she did for Erika. " Senna adds.

The pink haired Lily paled dramatically at this statement from Senna, " Blue married Green? "

Blue groans, " Why the hell is everyone always so surprised by that information? "

Gary cackles, " Probably because you've got more morals than mom does. "

Ash snickers, Maeve was curled up on his lap, and Breeze was sitting on his head while Pikachu and his Espeon occupied his shoulders. Misty, once done taking her pictures, settles in with Chinchou on her lap. It was the blue haired Violet that accepts her challenge, and Lily acts as the referee. Senna rolls her shoulders, " Let's cause some chaos, Tempestia! "

Violet blinks when she sees a Chinchou, " Seel, like, I need your help. "

Senna's eyes take in everything, Seel happened to be a straight water type capable of learning Ice type moves. It couldn't learn any troublesome moves through Technical Machine, or tutoring either. Nor did Seel learn any troublesome moves through breeding as well, " Like, this battle is a three on three elimination match with only the challenger allowed to make substitutions. Gym Leader Violet versus Senna Oak of Pallet Town, like, begin. "

" Seel, like use Headbutt! " Violet orders.

" Tempestia, Electro Ball! "

" Seeeeeeeeeeeeel! " is the pained cry from Violet's pokémon.

" Tempestia, follow that up with Spark! "

Blue has to smirk, " That's basically a low leveled Volt Tackle. "

" Seel, like Protect! " Violet orders.

" Tempestia, Bubble Ball! " Senna orders.

Violet can only stare as a combination of Bubble and Electro Ball slams into Seel, the Electro Ball had electrified the Bubble, making both attacks actually hurt. She uses a Full Restore on Seel, " Ice Beam! "

Senna smirks in such a way her father shudders, " Oh dear Arceus, she has spent way too much time with Green. "

Gary snickers, " We'll just have to see what sis has up her short sleeves right now. "

" Hidden Power, and Electro Ball combo! " Senna was just grateful she had found Technical Machine 10 containing Hidden Power near the mouth of Kanto Route 1 when she was younger. She had taught it to Tempestia, and tried it out against Pele, discovering Tempestia gained a Grass Type Hidden Power.

Electro Ball ignites the Grass Type Hidden power, and melts the Ice Beam, " Tempestia, use Bubble Spark! "

" Why did she not go for being a Coordinator? " Blue asks Ash and Gary.

Ash snickers, " Mostly because most Coordinators are prissy, irritating beings that she knows she'll either kill them, rob them blind, both, or something else altogether. "

Blue thinks this over, " Point, better she be a Battler, otherwise she'd get too bored, and frustrated. "

Violet, with Blue watching, realizes what she and her triplet sisters had done. They'd allowed themselves to become soft, because they loved Water Shows. Misty had been railing at them for awhile now to get off their asses, and be proper gym leaders. Senna Oak wasn't pulling her punches, in fact she was sending all three of them a message, get their acts together, or her father would make them regret it. Gym Leaders were also their city, or town's first line of defense. Misty had also told them Senna had gotten hurt defending the Pokémon Center in their city. She had telepathically called her twin, to get word to their father they needed help. To be fair all three of them had been needed to defend the Gym, and Violet, at least, had realized they needed to work with their personal teams much more so they could kick ass when need be.

" Seel, like use Aurora Beam! "

" Protect! " Senna counters. That Technical Machine had been a gift from her mother, if only so she could frustrate the Unholy Hell out of her opponents, especially when paired with PP Max, and Leppa Berries as well. With the move maxed out it could be used sixteen times before it ran out.

Blue smirks, that was his little girl, " Tempestia, time to make use of that lovely birthday gift Red gave me. Thunderbolt! "

Ash grins at this announcement, " Figures dad would give her Technical Machine 24 as a birthday gift. "

The attack hits before Violet can order another Protect, and Seel collapses with swirls in his eyes, " Like, Seel is unable to battle, the winner is Chinchou. "

" Seel, return. " Violet says, " Let's go, Relicanth! "

" Tempestia, return. Let's go, Kaze! "

A beautiful Butterfree takes the field on Senna's side, and Gary cackles, " Butterfree knows Energy Ball, right? "

Ash gives his best friend/rival a deadpanned look, " What do you think? "

" Right, stupid question, which means she also knows Technical Machines 11, and 22 as well. " Gary states.

" Yep, and it all depends upon whether or not Relicanth knows Technical Machine 18 to counter Technical Machine 11. " Ash says, not everyone knew what was in each Technical Machine after all.

Misty looks lost, and if she was, then so were her sisters if they could hear what was being said. " Like this battle is between Gym Leader Violet's Relicanth, and the challenger's Butterfree, like, Begin! " Lily says.

" Relicanth, Head Smash! "

" Protect! " Senna counters, " Sunny Day, and follow that up with Energy Ball, and then shine some light on Relicanth's life after that! "

Protect stops Head Smash, and then Kaze uses Sunny Day, which hastens the charging period for Grass Type attacks, along with increasing the power for Fire type attacks, and there was no charge time for Solar Beam. Water's power was also cut in half. Violet curses loudly, why the Hell hadn't she taught Relicanth Rain Dance? Energy Ball slams into Relicanth, and before Violet can order him to use Dive Solar Beam slams into him as well, causing Violet to have to use a Full Restore on him, and then she uses X Speed as well. Senna frowns thoughtfully, " Lace the field with afflictions. "

She gives this order after Violet had ordered a Tackle attack. Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore all litter the field above the water, " Solar Beam, now! Follow that up with Gust Beam! "

Solar Beam smacks into Relicanth, and then the combination of Gust, and Psybeam smacks into as well, sending him careening towards his trainer. Violet is forced to throw herself to the side to avoid being hit by her own pokémon. " Like, Relicanth is unable to battle, the winner if Butterfree. " Lily announces.

Kaze trills happily, and Violet returns Relicanth to his poké ball. The poor blue haired teen frowns unhappily. Misty had been right, they had let their skills go in favor of Water Shows. Their parents would be furious with their elder children. Misty should not have to be the responsible one at the age of ten! Violet knew that Misty wanted to travel, catch different water types, things like that. Violet, at least, would step up, and do what was necessary, which would include training her pokémon hard core. Sure, the gym's pokémon couldn't be too overpowered for beginning trainers, but she had forgotten how to be innovative in battle, which was not a good thing. " Go, Seaking. "

" Kaze, return, Elektra, you're on! " Senna says.

Violet curses vehemently when she sees her opponent's Pikachu, " Fuck me sideways, you came here fully expecting to pwn one of us, didn't you? "

" Well, yeah, and Misty agrees you all need the Arceus be damned wake up call too. " Senna admits.

That causes all three of Misty's older sisters to flinch, " This battle is between Gym Leader Violet's Seaking, and the challenger's Pikachu. Battle, Begin! " Lily intones.

" Seaking, Water Gun! "

" Elektra, aim Thundershock down that Water Gun! " Senna snaps off immediately.

Misty's eyes widen, " Well, damn, I never thought about a trainer doing that. "

" That's my girl! Show 'em what you can do, Senna! " Blue calls out.

" Yeah, go sis! " Gary calls out.

Seaking screams in pain, and Violet quickly heals her with a Full Restore, and then uses X-Defense, " Seaking, Hyper Beam! "

" Protect! " Senna counter orders, and smirks. She was so capitalizing on the brief moment where Seaking would be unable to move, " Thunderbolt! "

Seaking screams in pain once again, " Aqua Ring! "

Senna just raises an eyebrow, " Elektra, dip your tail into the pool, and unleash electric hell upon that Seaking! "

Misty winces, " This is why you need land based water pokémon. That pool is one huge trap just waiting to be sprung by someone whom has an electric type. "

" Like, Seaking is unable to battle, the winner is Senna and her Pikachu. " Lily announces and Violet walks over to hand Senna her Cascade Badge, Technical Machine 55 containing Scald, and Senna earned twenty four hundred Poké Dollars. Ash and Senna trade spots, and Pikachu remains on Ash's shoulder while Breeze transfers to her trainer's head. Maeve had gone to Blue's lap temporarily. It was decided Ash would face Daisy, with Lily once again being the judge for this round of battles, " Like, this will be a three on three pokémon battle between challenger Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town, and Gym Leader Daisy. Only the challenger may make substitutions. Like, Battle, Begin! "

Ash centers himself, and enters battle meditation immediately, " Like Dewgong, I need your help. " Daisy calls out.

" Rattata, let's go! " Ash calls out, spinning his cap so it's backwards.

Daisy blinks, but Senna is smirking wickedly. She knew damned well Red gave the Thunderbolt Technical Machine to his son as well. " Dewgong, like use Ice Beam! "

" Rattata, time to put your egg move to use, Flame Wheel, let's go! " Ash counter orders.

" Fuck, you mean to tell me you got lucky enough to catch a Rattata with that as an egg move! " Daisy snaps as her Ice Beam evaporates.

Ash smirks, and Daisy pales when she takes in the overall picture of Ash, with a Pikachu on his shoulder, " Oh, Dear Arceus, you can't be Red's son! "

Blue snickers, " I was there when Delia, his mother, told Red she was pregnant, only time I ever beat Green at a bet. Red fainted upon hearing that news. "

Senna and Ash both crow in delight, " Pay up, younger male Oak! " both of them shout.

" Dammit. " Gary curses, " Why, in Mew's name, did he faint! "

" Rattata, get ready. "

" Dewgong, Aqua Jet! " Daisy commands.

" Rattata, into the water. " Ash orders calmly.

Misty blinks, why would he do that? Dewgong would have the advantage then. At least, she thought that until she saw the look in Senna, and Gary's eyes. They knew something she didn't then. Daisy, failing to take into consideration that Red's son would be just as innovative of a battler as his father takes the bait Ash dangled in front of her, hook, line, and sinker, sending Dewgong into the water after Rattata, " Thunderbolt! Electrify the entire pool. "

Misty's hands cover her mouth in horrified shock, Rattata could learn Thunderbolt? Ash had lead Daisy straight into a trap, and poor Dewgong didn't even have a Wacan Berry to mitigate the damage either. " DEWGONG! " Daisy calls out.

Dewgong surfaces, swirls in her eyes, " Dewgong is unable to battle, Rattata is the winner of this round. " Lily says.

Daisy recalls Dewgong, and thinks hard about her options, she knew Ash would use his Pikachu, but she had no idea what his second pokémon would be. " Like, Marshtomp, I need your help. "

Ash recalls Rattata, and smirks, " Pidgeotto, let's go! "

" Well, fuck. " Daisy says.

" Second round is Marshtomp versus Pidgeotto, battle begin! " Lily intones.

" Marshtomp, Mud-Bomb! "

" Pidgeotto, Feather Missile! "

Senna cackles delightedly, even as Blue blinks, " Senna, did you two weaponize Feather Dance? "

" I did, then taught Ash how to. " Senna replies to her father.

The Mud-Bomb is shattered before it can reach Pidgeotto, " You know what, Free-for-All it, Pidgeotto. "

Gary winces, " Marshtomp is fucked. "

Senna grins, " You'll have to join the next one after we get done here, see if your Spearow has improved any, bro. "

Spearow was not happy with the fact that an uppity Pidgey had beaten him, not to mention a freaking bug. Spearow had been pushing himself hard with his flying, and wind based attacks as well. He loathed the fact he had been beaten that badly, he had also worked long, and hard on his endurance while Gary worked with his water types to pwn Surge. " Believe me, Spearow will be there. He's pissed he lost to a Pidgey. " Gary states.

" Hey, she evolved after beating Onix. " Senna points out.

They watch as Pidgeotto blitzes around Marshtomp with sheer speed, using Aerial Ace to help out. Daisy couldn't even give any commands to help Marshtomp out as Pidgeotto was too fast. Ash, back before their journeys had started had found Technical Machine 40 containing Aerial Ace. They watch as all the small hits Marshtomp was taking added up, and he faints. Misty blinks, that had been unusual, " Like, Marshtomp is unable to battle, the winner is Pidgeotto. " Lily announces.

" Barbaracle, I could really uses your assistance. "

Ash recalls Pidgeotto, and Pikachu leaps off his shoulder, and into arena, so to speak. Daisy knew she had to think very carefully this time around, " This battle is between Gym Leader Daisy's Barbaracle, and the challenger's Pikachu. Battle, Begin! "

Thanks to Senna Ash knew damned well Barbaracle was a water secondary typing, and rock primary, which meant all that time teaching Pikachu how to use Iron Tail was about to come in handy, again. There was also the fact that he had traded three Nuggets for Technical Machine 86, which contained Grass Knot. He had done that before Senna had gotten up that day with a trainer at the Pokémon Center. Grass Knot was a highly useful move too, the heavier your opponent the more damage it dealt, he gives his order as Ancient Power closes in on his starter pokémon, " Pikachu, Protect. "

Senna blinks, " You left it in the Technical Machine Case, Senna, so I taught to Pikachu, before teaching him this next one. Tangle things up, buddy. " Ash orders.

Grass Knot slams Barbaracle down into the ground, and Pikachu was already using Quick Attack while charging Iron Tail to cover the distance hastily. Putting the power of his speed into the Iron Tail attack dealt almost triple the damage, and one Quick Attack gets him back out of there. Violet, and Lily are gaping at how quickly that all went down. " At least I didn't have to face Red's son. " Violet muses.

Daisy flips her off as she uses a Max Potion of Barbaracle, " Use Rock Tomb! "

Ash's eyes flash blue, " Thunder! "

" Shit, Red gave him the Technical Machine for Thunder too? " Blue asks.

" Birthday present last year. " Senna answers.

The Thunder destroys the Rock Tomb, and Ash stares Daisy down, looking at what he had hiding on his left wrist under his glove. His godfather, Sun had taken him to Alola for his seventh birthday, and he'd met Tapu Koko, and gotten Sparkling Stone which had been made into his very own Z-Ring. Sun had given him all of his Z-Crystals, saying he'd just challenge them all again. Ash had given Electrium Z to Pikachu. Z-Crystals were items that never depleted either, so you could give them to multiple pokémon. Ash activates the Electrium Z-Crystal, and Blue's eyes widen, " Fuck, I forgot Red named Sun his godfather. "

Ash chose Thunder for the Z-Move, which turned into Gigavolt Havoc! Pikachu's Z-Power activates, and he unleashes Gigavolt Havoc upon Barbaracle. Barbaracle goes down hard, screaming as he does so. " How the hell do you have a Z-Ring, and Crystals? " Daisy demands.

" My godfather is Sun, and he gave me his. Besides I met Tapu Koko when I was seven. Tapu Koko have me a Sparkling Stone which Kahuna Hala turned into a Z-Ring. I'll earn my own when I go to Alola, for now the Z-Ring, and Z-Crystals are my aces in the hole. Besides, I am my father's son. " Ash states.

Ash gets his prizes for winning, and his Espeon walks over to him, he'd rested on the bench while his trainer was battling. Ash takes the Electrium Z back from Pikachu, and removes his Z-Ring, he loathed those stupid poses.


Ruby and Sapphire, better known to their children as Norman and Caroline shudder as Green walks into their home. She hands a poké ball to Max, since she did happen to be his godmother, and knew he loved the Normal Type. Max is thrilled with his new Rattata, " She'll stay in my name until you turn ten, then she'll switch over, okay. Max, I need to have a chat with your parents. Go play outside for now. I'll send Jiggly out to get you. "

Max nods, and once he's out of earshot Green glares at her fellow Dexholders, " Keep your damned idiot groups in your own damned region. My youngest daughter was hurt defending the Cerulean City Pokémon Center from Team Aqua! "

Sapphire, Caroline winces, " I'm needed at home. "

" Bullshit, Sapphire, you could easily hire a babysitter, or take Max to Daycare. Do not give me fucking cop out excuses for not living up to your position as an Original Dexholder! " Green fires back.

Throughout the Pokémon World the other Original Dexholders shudder as one. Mama Green was pissed, and reaming some of their number out. Only Silver, Blue, Red, Yellow, and Crystal know whom though.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Pokémon.


Pele- female Litten

Poseidon- male Gyarados(at lab after gym battle at Pewter City)

Ariel- female Tentacruel

Tempestia- female Chinchou(active team after Pewter City Gym Battle)

Tethys- female Poliwag(at lab)

Arista- female Goldeen(at Lab)

Attina- female Staryu(at lab)

Adrina- female Shellder(at lab)

Adella- female Horsea(at lab)

Percy- male Krabby(at lab)

Tobirama- male Psyduck(at lab)

Shikamaru- male Slowpoke(at lab)

Oceanus- male Carvanha(at lab)

Gusty- female Pidgeotto

Kiseki-male Seedot(at lab)

Elektra-female Pikachu

Kaze-female Butterfree

Numel-male(at lab)

Kricketot-female(at lab)

Spinarak-male(at lab)

Ledyba-female(at lab)

Shroomish-male(at lab)

Breeze-female Pidove(not on active team)

Echo-female Zubat(at lab)

Tsuki-female Cleffa(at lab)

Ceres-female Paras(at lab)

Mysteria-female Hoothoot(at lab)

Maeve-female Espeon(not on active team)

Rock Lee-male Makuhita(at lab)

Savior-female Absol(at lab)

Bell-female Chingling(at lab)

Bronzor-genderless(at lab)

Clara-female Cleffa(at lab)

Holly-female Happiny(at lab)




Pikachu- male

Magikarp- male

Chinchou- male

Tentacool- female(at lab)

Poliwag- male(at lab)

Rattata- female



Ledyba-female(at lab)

Numel-female(at lab)

Weedle-female(at lab)

Spoink-male(at lab)

Kricketot-female(at lab)

Budew-female(at lab)

Mankey-male(not on active team)

Zubat-female(at lab)

Sandshrew-male(at lab)

Geodude-female(at lab)

Onix-male(at lab)

Espeon-male(not on active team)

Makuhita-male(at lab)

Absol-female(at lab)

Chingling-male(at lab)

Bronzor-genderless(at lab)

Igglybuff-female(at Lab)

Cleffa-female(at lab)


Squirtle/Wartortle- male

Magikarp- male

Chinchou- female

Tentacool- female

Goldeen- female

Seedot- female

Caterpie-male(at lab)

Pinsir-female(at lab)

Pokémon Egg


Naruto- male Zorua


Eevee- male

Poliwag- female

Poliwag- male

Magikarp- female

Pidgey- male

Caterpie now Butterfree- female

Eevee egg









Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Pokémon.