A/N: Chapter 2 :) Thank you for all of the support I'm getting through followers and favorites, and the reviews! Thanks to Smeak, BHBrowne her story is AMAZING, FLAWLESS go check it out! And My bae, my long lost bae LittleMissNerdGirl! (we need to skype for longer)
Chapter 2 - All That I Have Left
(Only a few more days till season 3 you guys! Ahhh!)
Suddenly all I can see is the shocked faces of the group staring back at me. My hunger and the enthusiasm I have for the day all falls away in the blink of an eye.
My hand jerks so fast I drop the fish stick and the squirrel, then I yank out my gun from my belt. Two of the younger men mirror my movement. The orange-sweatered one pulls out a machete he has strapped to his back and the other raises his rifle.
Aslan quickly walks up to my side, putting his ears back. His snout tenses as he bares his teeth, his posture becomes mildly crouched moving most of his weight on his back legs looking like he's preparing to pounce.
"Drop it," I say, doing my best to sound confident. My eyes switch back and forth between the two young adults, hoping they don't try and put up a fight.
"You're outnumbered." The taller man holding the rifle says, I see him move his finger to the trigger. Aslan apparently sees this too and barks once, a deep loud sounding cackle coming from the back of his throat afterward. Good dog, I think.
"Sure, but you're the ones that'll have to deal with the walkers." I say quickly, "or maybe something worse."A few of them look around nervously, but they still don't lower their weapons.
"Aslan," I say encouragingly he takes a step closer to the group and starts barking loudly. Three times, four and a walker stumbles onto the path quite a bit away, but it starts to drag its twisted ankle over to them.
"Shh, okay stop." The brunette man says, looking around nervously.
I take a step closer to him but I can feel my hand growing clammy around the gun and my heartbeat picks up.
"Shut it up." The rifleman says aggressively, taking a step closer and pointing the rifle but retreating backward. "Shut it up or I - I'll put a bullet in its skull." But his statement wobbles and he says it halfheartedly.
"Please just, please make him quiet." A smaller female voice says. I just glare and keep my weapon pointed.
"Just put your guns down."
"Alright! Alright!" The brunette man gives in, he slides his machete back into its holster and raises his hands, lowering his forehead slightly but keeping his eyes on me. "Let's all calm down for a second." He eyes look to Aslan, he's still barking and then the man sees why.
I move my eyes from his and peer down at the others in the group. There's a tired looking pregnant woman who's hunched over, her hand is in another man's who also has his arm around her. Then I notice a firm looking man shielding a younger girl. I stare at her for a few seconds, she looks my age but with her nervous form and big brown eyes hiding behind glasses she could be mistaken to be younger.
I look back up to the armed man who hasn't taken his eyes off me. His orbs are sharp and his teeth are ground together behind his lips.
"Nick?" The brunette man talks again looking to his friend with his hands still risen. "Put it down, it wasn't her.: Nothing. "Hey man, listen. We know who it was." He says calmly but starts peaking my interest at the anonymity of the statement.
"Nick, he'll hear the noise - he'll - he'll." The pregnant woman starts crying suddenly and I feel a little guilt.
Nick, as he is now known rapidly glances at his group, then does a double take.
"She could be working with him!" He spits, licking his lips, "We don't know her, man." Sweat is starting to trail down my forearms but I keep my finger close to the trigger.
Then, I suddenly realize that this is the cabin group I had seen earlier in the week. I must've passed them last night when they were resting. Speaking of, I know exactly who Nick is referring to when he says "him." It has to be the same guy I saw causing all the commotion.
"I'm not working for anyone," I say for myself before the brunette man can speak for me. "Just lower your weapon and I'll be on my way."
The armed man says nothing for a few seconds, thoughts swirling in my mind. Aslan's barking starts to fault but he stays standing, I take this as a good sign that things are starting to calm down.
"I'm not a threat to you," I say composedly, hoping they'll leave me alone. For all I know these people could be stacked up on weapons, just not showing them.
"Yeah? Well, your uh… Dog is tellin' differently." The assumed leader of the group says, slowly heating the tension again. I glare at the man briefly before pulling my eyes to the back of Aslan's head and I whistle lightly, he looks at me over his shoulder before letting his lips fall back over his teeth and quieting himself.
My arms are starting to get tired from holding the gun in an upright position for so long. "Happy?" I ask, then I look to the armed man again who's still staring at me but the tension is breaking.
The brunette man places his hand on the man's gun and slowly pushes the nozzle towards the floor. The man lets out a heavy sigh and relaxes his shoulders lowering the rifle.
I keep my gun up for a few seconds, looking over all of them, looking for signs of aggression but there's nothing other than exhaustion. Suddenly I notice the staggering form in the background, several of them and just before one can take a chomp out of the unsuspected dark skinned man's neck I swap my gun for my bow and let an arrow fly from my fingertips.
"Hey!" The orange-sweatered man looks like he's about to take me out until he see's what I'm firing at. And the arrow goes straight through its eye, then I shoot two more and things go quiet, finally.
I slowly lower my bow back towards the ground making sure there's no more before sliding it back into my backpack.
"Thanks." The surprised dark skinned man says, holding the teary pregnant woman. I nod my head towards him. "We're even. Sorry for scaring you." I say to the woman but she doesn't look up.
Aslan comes and slides his head under my hand before sitting down underneath it.
"Well, now that's cleared up I'm Luke an' this is..." I walk past the speaking man and collect my arrow, pulling it from the collapsed body. Then get my other two and clean them on my pants, looking up at the group gingerly.
"... this is Nick, Rebecca, Alvin, Carlos, and Sarah." He finishes unsure if I'm even listening, which, I'm not.
I couldn't care any less about these people, to be honest, I just want to get away from them but I look at their faces anyway. The pregnant lady, despite her angry sniffing, looks like she's sore about me knowing this information but I graze over her like I don't notice.
The oddly auspicious man turns and smiles small at me though still slightly weighed down about something.
"What's your name?"
I bend down to pick up my squirrel, hang it over my shoulder, then proceed to hold my speared fish by my side. I give a noncommunicable casual sigh and fold my lips together.
"Nice to see you. Good luck out here," I pause, a small smile forming on my lips. "God know's you'll need it."
Just like that I turn and walk off the pathway back into the forest. I can hear a sudden sound of objection but I ignore it, Aslan picks up his fish head, turns to the strangers with one paw raised off the ground then gives them a final glance and catches up to me.
I wipe my mouth vigorously as I munch widely on the meat in my mouth. I have a small fire going before me where I cooked our food. I hold the fish by it's combed bones which form its ribs as I use my teeth to tear out any meat I can. I hope that the smoke I created isn't too dark above the trees bringing unwanted attention. I especially don't want the cabin group to find me again, but maybe if they do I could take something from there's. It's a selfish thought, but it's still a thought that I think, and a circumstance I have to live with.
"Ow." I jerk back from the fish I'm eating and use my tongue to lightly trace across the cut in my mouth, one of the sharper bones caused it.
I swallow a tiny amount of blood and continue eating. My eyes skipping over to Aslan who's sitting a few meters away from me enjoying his meal. I decided it was only fair that Aslan got a whole meal too so I let him have the entire squirrel, I'm not a fan of the meat anyways, it's tough, gets stuck in your teeth and the bones are too small to avoid, but I'm sure Aslan doesn't mind the extra crunch.
A few minutes past when I finish eating and Aslan happily takes the leftover bones and munches down on it like raw spaghetti. I stomp out the fire and when I put my backpack on the first drop of rain crashes onto my hand and drips from my wrist to the ground.
I sigh to myself and fasten my hat on my head, ready for a cold trek through the woods.
I pull the back of my gray hood over my drenched form as I saunter in the heavy rain. Somehow the wind still manages to blow right through me and I tighten my arms which are hooked onto my upper arms as I try and suppress some warmth. The sky is a mildly dark, frosty, blue as the sun disappears behind the mountains. The fat drops of water are pushed across me as the heavy gusts of wind force them to fall sideways like bullets.
I try not to focus on how bad my body feels and instead I look at the ground. My boots are coated in mud, the ground is soaking wet with dotted puddles scattered around the floor. The usually crunchy, dry leaves have gotten thoroughly drowned down that they grow soggy and slime together, I lose my footing and I fall to the floor groaning in disgust as my whole underside gets coated in mud.
Aslan comes up next to me and licks the side of my face, his breath is warm but quickly is replaced by freezing droplets of water. I scamper to my feet only to slip again and I just give up. My fingers ball into fists and grow white, my toes do the same and my lips feel so cold they burn. I crawl under the closest pine tree, bury myself between its roots and wrap my arms around my knees. Aslan lays down beside me and rests his head on one of my shoes.
Between clattering teeth, I look up at the trees and amongst the flashing of lightning and the shrieking of rustling and breaking branches I spot a dark hollow in the trunk of one of the trees.
I stare at it for a few seconds, forgetting the rain and forgetting my coldness until inside I see three puffy white owlets staring out at me. Their bold yellow eyes watch me and watch me, then one of them turns to the other and starts pruning its premature feathers. Only a few seconds later another owl swoops down from the trees. She's a lot more elegant with a ghostly face, glossy feathers, sharp beak, big eyes and long claws which clutch the tree trunk. Her colors are mainly brown and white with speckles of gold, she shakes her feathers free of water and pushes her way inside amongst them. How warm they all must be.
My eyes start to drain and they roll down to the floor. I pat Aslan's head in the sort of you're my family and all I have left' way and slowly lower the side of my head to his back, letting the rain fall on my face as I pass out.
A/N: First encounter w/ the cabin group! Aslan is my favorite character lol, but is he too unrealistic for a dog? If you want more or think I could improve in any way let me know! :)