Hey guys!

So I just finished the semester and wrote a story in the last few days. It's not my favorite story I've written to be honest with you but it was an idea I wanted to explore so I just went for it and I hope you have fun with it.

It's kinda odd, just so you know.

"I can't believe you made me drive to San Diego for this, Cat, you could've doubled checked" Jade said annoyed as she drove back to Los Angeles.

"I'm sorry" Cat said embarrassedly.

"But at least you met her, that's something…" Tori said trying to be positive.

"I don't think that lady was happy about that, though" Jade commented.

"I'm just happy that she's alive" Cat admitted sincerely and smiled.

"When she dies for real, we are not coming" Jade said.

"It's so cold" Tori said as she rubbed her arms.

"I know, I'm freezing…and we are not even close to LA yet" Jade added.

"I hope it doesn't start raining again" Tori said and Jade sighed.

"I have an idea!" Cat exclaimed.

"What is it?" Tori asked not really caring but trying not to be rude because she knew Jade would ignore Cat.

"Let's stop by a store and buy some blankets and coffee" Cat suggested and Tori got surprised because that was actually a good idea.

"Yes, yes…let's do that" Tori said.

"I agree" Jade added. "As soon as you see an open store, tell me" She ordered and they all started looking to the sides of the road hoping to find a place to buy what they needed. After about half an hour Cat finally spotted a store on the side of the road.

"This place is so ugly, do you think they'll have what we need?" Tori asked slightly afraid as Jade pulled over in front of the house. "Maybe we shouldn't go in there…"

"Why not?" Jade asked.

"Look at this place, Jade, it's in the middle of nowhere and I'd never seen the name of this store before…I don't know, I don't have a good feeling about this" Tori commented and Jade rolled her eyes annoyed.

"It's a store, Vega, don't be a baby…we need those blankets and coffee" Jade said.

"Can I wait here?" Tori asked.

"Whatever" Jade said and got out of the car followed by Cat. Tori simply saw her two friends walking into the strange looking store and waited for them to come back.

Cat and Jade stepped into the shop and looked around slightly disconcerted because the store looked weird. There were different items, food, beverages and many tools but it didn't look like a normal store and they couldn't find what they were looking for.

"May I help?" A man suddenly said as he and another man appeared out of nowhere.

"Yeah, we are looking for blankets and coffee, do you have that?" Jade asked.

"Umm…I'll go see if we still have that" One of the men said and walked into a different room while the girls and the man waited.

"You're the first clients we've had in over two weeks" The thirty year old looking man commented to break the awkward silence after a few seconds.

"That's a long time" Jade said impatiently.

"It is" The man said as he stared at her without taking his eyes off which was starting to bother Jade. "Why are you girls in the middle of the road this late at night?" He questioned.

"We went to see-"Cat started but Jade cut her off.

"That's none of your business" She said coldly. "Why is your friend taking so long? If you don't have what we need, just say it"

"We have exactly what you need" The man said and smiled at her but she simply glared at him coldly; he was creeping her out. A few seconds later the other man finally came back holding a bag.

"Finally" Jade said. "Do you have the blankets?"

"No, but we have some coats…here, look at them" He handed the bag to Jade and she started digging into it. Indeed there were several different coats and jackets but it was obvious they weren't new, however, she didn't really care about that, they just needed something to cover themselves.

"I want these" Jade said as she grabbed the three coziest coats in the bag and the man nodded. "How much?"

"Um…Ten" He said.

"Okay, Cat, hold them" Jade said and gave them to Cat so she could grab some money out of her jeans but then a wallet fell from one of the coats. The men looked at each other nervously and Jade immediately grabbed it.

"What's this? Your aunt forgot her wallet?" Jade asked sarcastically as she opened it but her smile slowly dropped because she recognized the girl in the ID picture. She'd been all over the news a couple of months back because she'd gone missing. The men noticed the change in her face but she still tried to play it cool. "Ten, right?" Jade said as she grabbed the bill and handed it to one of the men but he only smiled creepily and she heard how the other man closed the door.

"Find her familiar?" The man asked as he received the money.

"No, thank you" Jade said and grabbed Cat's hand to walk out but the other man, whose man was Robert, was in the way.

"You're not going anywhere" He said.

"Jade…" Cat said scared and Jade took a breath.

"What the hell do you want from us?" Jade asked trying to sound brave.

"Oh you're gonna find out real soon" The other man, whose name was Tom, responded. Jade simply looked Robert in the eyes trying to keep her attitude and suddenly grabbed a hammer from the shelf to hit his face with it.

"Ah! Bitch" Robert screamed madly and Jade immediately tried to open the door but Tom grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back.

"Jade!" Cat screamed scared.

"Get off me" Jade screamed and bit his arm so he let go of her. She ran to the door and managed to open it but Robert kicked the back of her knee to make her fall.

Tori was outside but as soon as the door opened and she saw Jade dropping to the floor she got scared. "Oh my god" She said and immediately moved to the driver's seat.

"You're not going anywhere" Robert said and tried to make her stand up again but Jade had taken self-defense classes so she made him fall and got up quickly.

"COME ON, CAT!" Jade screamed and grabbed Cat's hand to run to the car; they got out of the store but the two men caught them again.

"No, no, no, no…" Tori said scared.

"You're not leaving!" Robert screamed as he kept Cat under control with his arm across her neck.

"Please, please don't hurt us" Cat begged while crying her eyes out.

"Stop fighting" Tom ordered because Jade kept resisting going back into the store.

"Never!" Jade screamed and did a trick to make him fall over her; she tried to go back to the car, which was already on and Tori was waiting for her friends to get in but then she saw Cat was still struggling.

"COME ON, GUYS!" Tori screamed. Jade hit Robert again and freed Cat from his embrace so both girls started running to the car, which was not so far away but right before they got to it Cat tripped.

"Ah!" She let go of a gasp as she dropped to the floor and Jade turned back, she immediately went back to help her friend up and made sure she was ahead because Jade knew Cat was slower. However, as soon as Cat started running and before Jade could do it as well, the men caught her.

Cat got in the car and Tori exhaled relieved but then she turned to the front and saw Jade still struggling to escape from Robert as Tom ran towards the car so she made a decision. Tori started driving back and in that same second Jade managed to free herself. She started running towards where the car was but when she looked up she saw it getting away and she felt her heart crushing into pieces as an overwhelming panic fulfilled every single part of her body and she stopped running. They had left her there and she knew that her destiny wouldn't be good. Jade couldn't figure out exactly what she felt; she felt disappointed, sad, betrayed and angry. Her whole life flashed before her eyes and it was as if the love she felt for her friends suddenly turned into hatred.

"Fight's over!" Robert said on her ear and everything turned black.

"Hello? Yes, I need the police" Tori said on the phone as she drove down the road. "My friend is being held captive and attacked in a house on the side of the road from San Diego to Los Angeles, please, please come quick! She is in terrible danger"

"Why did we leave her?" Cat asked as she cried still trembling.

"That man was coming, Cat, it was her or the three of us…but don't worry, she'll be fine, the cops will rescue her" Tori said trying to convince Cat and herself because she felt very guilty as well.

"She came back for me twice, it's my fault" Cat said and started crying more.

"No, Cat, this is no one's fault… and Jade will be fine, now let's go home and wait for news, call everyone" Tori said and Cat started calling Jade's parents and the boys.

"What if they kill her?" Cat asked as she grabbed her phone.

"No, no…that's not gonna happen, Cat, Jade will be okay…she has to be okay"

Things will move foward real quick in this story.

I hope you liked the first chapter :)

I know you might be expecting it to be like some other of my stories but I would say it's fairly different.