A/N This is the first story (but not first published) in my Wibbly Wobbly Bond series. It will be 5 chapters in total. There's no real update schedule for this particular story, but all except the last chapter have been mapped out so far. Each chapter will be the first meetings and adventures Hermione has with each version of the Doctor that she encounters, although 10 will be a two-parter. Thanks to k-lynne317 for her encouragement, name suggestions, and edits!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Doctor Who.

Episode Spoilers: Fathers Day, Season 1 Episode 8.

First Meetings - 9th Doctor

Hermione first met the mysterious man who called himself the Doctor when she was 8 years old. It was November 7, 1987, in a church in London. No one else seemed to properly remember the terrifying and thrilling events of that day, but Hermione remembered. That was the scariest day of her short life, which had included plenty of bursts of the strange and unexplained in the form of her accidental magic manifesting by that point.

Hermione's mother, Emma, had been called in to help her father, Dan, for an emergency procedure at their dental practice that Saturday. As a result, Emma had been forced to drop Hermione off with her sister-in-law, Jackie. Emma knew that her brother, Peter, and Jackie had a wedding to attend that day so she ensured Hermione was dressed smartly, pulled her bushy curls back with a headband, told her to behave, and rushed off to work.

Hermione would have been more upset to not get to spend the day reading in her room or under the tree in the back yard, but at least she had Mickey to play with. He was her neighbor from down the street, and though he was only 6 years old he was one of her only friends. Other children found her to be odd, called her a freak, and generally wanted nothing to do with her. Mickey thought she was fun because she could do strange things like jumping really high from the swings, make wind storms, and cause things to explode when she was angry. These things didn't frighten him because he was so young, were never aimed at him, and he didn't have a lot of friends either. Mickey lived with his grandmother, Rita-Anne Smith, who was blind but a nice enough lady. She would give the children cookies when they played at her house and she liked that Hermione would read to Mickey.

So despite not being able to spend the day reading, at least she would be able to spend the day with Mickey, even if it did mean being polite and well behaved with her aunt Jackie. She'd never had any incidents - as she and her parents described them - around her aunt, and she didn't want that to change today. In fact she generally wanted to stay out of aunt Jackie's way entirely because she was already fuming about her uncle Peter being late to the wedding. Hermione helped with her cousin Rose the best she could, but didn't find a not-quite-one-year-old very interesting.

Mickey and Minnie - as Mickey called her, Hermione was a mouthful of a name for a 6 year old - were playing on the swings in the park by the church when everything started going wrong. The other adults and children started to just disappear. Frightened by everyone vanishing, the pair ran back to St. Paul's church.

Outside the church, flying in the air, were huge spider like monsters with bat wings and dragon tails. When they opened the spider-like appendages in front of their mouths to reveal a round maw of jagged teeth, Hermione felt both wonder and icy fear grip her heart. She'd never seen anything like them before. The two terrified children ran as fast as they could towards the doors of the church, Mickey crying out, "Monsters! Going to eat us!"

Hiding under a table, Hermione watched as a tall man with big ears and piercing blue eyes, dressed in a leather coat slammed the doors shut.

Turning to the crowd of panicked people, he explained, "They can't get in. Old windows and doors. Okay. The older something is, the stronger it is. What else? Go and check the other doors! Move!"

Jackie confronted him, "What's happening? What are they?"

The strange man turned to Jackie, an exasperated look on his face, "There's been an accident in time. A wound in time. They're like bacteria, taking advantage."

"What do you mean, time? What're you jabbering on about, time?"

"Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining."

"How do you know my name?"

"I haven't got time for this."

"I've never met you in my life!"

"No, and you never will unless I sort this out. Now, if you don't mind, I've waited a long time to say this. Jackie Tyler, do as I say. Go and check the doors."

Looking abashed, she mumbled, "Yes, sir" and hurried off.

"I should have done that ages ago," the Doctor remarked to himself.

Hermione crawled out from under the table as Stuart, the groom, had a short talk with the strange man. Staying out of the way as best she could, she followed the stranger around, feeling compelled to be near him, like he could keep her safe and protected. At the very least he seemed to know what was going on, and Hermione hated feeling lost and confused.

Running across Mickey hiding in a closet, she tugged him along and they went to find an adult. Coming across Jackie, Hermione gave her aunt a fierce hug as the woman looked over both children, relieved to find them unscathed and safe. "Well at least you two are alright. Stick by me unless I put you somewhere okay?" Hermione nodded, but Mickey ran off. "Mickey!" Jackie called out to the boy, racing after him with Hermione's hand in hers. They came across Mickey holding tightly to a blonde girl who was talking to Pete.

Pete turned to the blonde and asked, "Do you know him?"

"I just didn't recognise him in a suit. You have to let go of me, sweetheart. I'm always saying that."

Hermione frowned at the girl, and reached over and grabbed her friend's hand, pulling him towards herself and Jackie.

Jackie shook her head, "He just grabs hold of what's passing and holds on for dear life. God help his poor girlfriend if he ever gets one."

Pete turned to Jackie, explaining, "Me and Rose were just talking."

"Oh, yeah? Talking? While the world comes to an end, what do you do? Cling to the youngest blonde. Come on, Mick, Mione."

Glancing back, Hermione saw her uncle Peter trying to follow, but she saw Rose stop him.

Jackie settled both children on a bench and announced she'd return soon.

Hermione tried soothing her very quiet friend. "It's okay, Mickey, that man said the monsters can't get us in here. We'll be safe. Here, lay down and try to rest okay?" He eventually laid down across the bench, and Hermione decided to look around for a pillow, blanket, or something to make him more comfortable. She was older so she felt somewhat responsible for him.

She found the strange man talking to baby Rose in her carrycot by the choir stalls.

"Now, Rose, you're not going to bring about the end of the world, are you? Are you?"

"Excuse me, sir-"

"Doctor, I'm called the Doctor," he explained, glancing over at her from cooing at her cousin.

"Doctor. Right then. My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you," she curtseyed politely.

"Likewise Hermione. Are you okay? Are you here with your family?"

"Well sort of, I'm here with my aunt Jackie, uncle Peter, and that's my cousin Rose," she explained, pointing to the baby in the carrycot.

"Oh, I didn't know Rose had a cousin, nice to meet you!" He exclaimed with a grin.

"You seem to know what's happening, I heard you talking to aunt Jackie earlier. Is..is everything going to be alright? Is this my fault?" Her lower lip quivered, she feared that somehow she had brought these monsters into being with one of her strange accidents.

"No no no, Hermione, this isn't your fault. Why would you think something like that?" he reassured her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"N- no reason really," she stuttered, chewing on her lip. "Um, well I just wanted to grab that cushion on the bench behind you for Mickey. He's scared and it's my job to take care of him."

"You're a good friend, Hermione. Here, take this to your friend," he said encouragingly, handing her a cushion.

She walked a few steps away and stopped to straighten her socks that were falling down, glancing at the blonde woman, Rose, as she walked past. Curious she stayed low to the ground and eavesdropped on the pair.

Seeing Rose walk up to him, the Doctor explained, "Jackie gave her to me to look after. How times change."

"I'd better be careful. I think I just imprinted myself on Mickey like a mother chicken."

Hermione scowled at the woman from her hiding spot.

Rose reached for the baby but the Doctor stopped her, "No. Don't touch the baby. You're both the same person. That's a paradox, and we don't want a paradox happening, not with these things outside. Anything new, any disturbance in time makes them stronger. The paradox might let them in."

The same person? How are they the same person? She's a grownup and Rose is only a baby! Hermione wondered.

"Can't do anything right, can I?" Rose complained.

"Since you ask, no. So, don't touch the baby," he sternly replied.

"I'm not stupid," snapped Rose, looking offended.

Incredulous, the Doctor scoffed, "You could have fooled me." Glancing at Rose's sulking face he caved, "All right, I'm sorry. I wasn't really going to leave you on your own."

"I know."

"But between you and me, I haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out."

"You'll think of something," Rose stated with only a hint of fear behind her confidence.

"The entire Earth's been sterilised. This, and other places like it, are all that's left of the human race. We might hold out for a while, but nothing can stop those creatures. They'll get through in the end. The walls aren't that old. And there's nothing I can do to stop them. There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening. My people would have stopped this. But they're all gone. And now I'm going the same way."

"If I'd realised," Rose started, stopping when she didn't have the words to explain herself.

"Just tell me you're sorry."

"I am. I'm sorry," she looked down, ashamed.

Hermione watched as they hugged, pondering over the talk she'd heard of wounds in time, laws to stop this from happening, his people, all of it so confusing.

Rose pulled back from the hug, reaching into his inside pocket and asked, "Have you got something hot?"

"It's the TARDIS key!"

Taking off his leather jacket to pick up the hot key, he exclaimed happily, "It's telling me it's still connected to the TARDIS."

As the pair stood and walked to the front of the church, Hermione rushed back to where she'd left Mickey in the back on a pew, placing the cushion under his head and then sitting next to him. As he dozed fitfully, Hermione looked around the church, trying to locate her family. She saw Jackie sitting towards the middle, looking back at her uncle Pete and Rose across the aisle. The Doctor was up on the pulpit explaining about his ship and then using the key to bring it back. Seeing the serious look on her uncle's face, Hermione rushed over to hug him as Rose got up and moved a row ahead to sit and talk with the Doctor once he'd begun the process to bring his ship back into the world.

Hermione crawled into her uncle's lap, hugging him tight, as he kissed the top of her bushy curls and secured her in his lap with one arm. He murmured soothing things to the small girl to calm her, both paying attention to what the Doctor and Rose were discussing just ahead of them when he joined her. Hermione glanced over across the aisle at Mickey occasionally to check on him.

Rose started, "When time gets sorted out-"

"Everybody here forgets what happened. And don't worry, the thing that you changed will stay changed."

Pete cut in, "You mean I'll still be alive, though I'm meant to be dead. That's why I haven't done anything with my life, why I didn't mean anything."

Hermione whimpered, gripping his shirt tight and burying her face in his neck.

Rose and the Doctor turned around to look back at Peter and Hermione. "It doesn't work like that," the Doctor tried to explain.

Pete scoffed, "Rubbish. I'm so useless I couldn't even die properly. Now it's my fault all of this has happened."

"This is my fault," Rose interrupted, looking morosely at her father, glancing at Hermione, the young girl thought she saw a quick flash of jealousy in the older girl's eyes, but it was gone so fast she couldn't be sure.

Looking at her fondly, Pete said, "No, love. I'm your dad. It's my job for it to be my fault."

Jackie walked up, holding baby Rose, a look of anger and disbelief on her face, "Her dad? How are you her dad? How old were you, twelve? Oh, that's disgusting."

Pete picked up Hermione and placed her in the seat next to him, standing to face his wife, "Jacks, listen. This is Rose," he gestured towards the blonde girl.

"Rose? How sick is that? You give my daughter a second hand name? How many are there? Do you call them all Rose?"

Hermione was rolling her eyes at this point. She loved her aunt, but she could be thick at times.

"Oh, for God's sake, look. It's the same Rose!" Pete cried. He took baby Rose from Jackie and handed her to Rose before anyone could stop him.

"Rose! No!" cried the Doctor. He snatched the baby away and handed her back to Jackie, but too late. A creature appeared in the center aisle of the church.

He shouted, "Everyone, behind me! I'm the oldest thing in here."

"Doctor!" Rose cried out as the creature pounced on the man. It then flew around the church, chasing the scared people until it touched the TARDIS, both vanishing as the key fell to the floor.

Rose rushed up the aisle to pick up the key, "It's cold. The key's cold. Oh, my God, he's dead. This is all my fault. Both of you. All of you. The whole world. "

Pete turned to Rose, Hermione nestled against his side as tears streamed down her face. "The Doctor really cared about you. He didn't want you to go through it again, not if there was another way. Now there isn't."

"What are you talking about?" asked Rose.

"The car that should have killed me, love. It's here. The Doctor worked it out way back, but he, er, he tried to protect me. Still, he's not in charge anymore. I am," he stated bravely, standing tall.

"But you can't."

"No Uncle Peter! Don't do it!" Hermione cried, looking desperately at him and Rose.

He patted his niece's back and smiled down at her briefly. Looking back up at his grown daughter from the future, he asked, "Who am I, love?"

"My daddy," she cried, tears falling.

Turning to his wife, his face pleading with her to see and understand. "Jackie, look at her. She's ours."

Looking carefully at the other blonde, really looking this time, Jackie gasped, "Oh, of course," and pulled the weeping Rose into her arms.

"I'm meant to be dead, Jackie. You're going to get rid of me at last."

"Don't say that," his wife sniffled.

"For once in your life, trust me. It's got be done. You've got to survive, because you've got to bring up our daughter," he explained, gesturing towards her again.

He turned to Rose, "I never read you those bedtime stories. I never took you on those picnics. I was never there for you."

"You would have been," Rose sobbed.

"But I can do this for you. I can be a proper dad to you now."

"But it's not fair."

"I've had all these extra hours. No one else in the world has ever had that. And on top of that, I got to see you. And you're beautiful. How lucky am I, eh? So, come on, do as your dad says. You going to be there for me, love? Thanks for saving me." He hugged Rose once, gently pushing Hermione away as they all cried.

Upset, Hermione ran over to a window, crying at the sacrifice her uncle was about to make, and hating the older version of her cousin for causing this mess. Suddenly arms surrounded her, pulling her into a hug. She turned and cried into the tattered white dress of the woman hugging her.

"Shhh, don't cry my dear. Everything will be alright."

"But he's going to die! And that man, the Doctor, he already died, and-and-and I feel so cold inside," she cried, pressing a hand to her heart.

"I know, but this was always meant to happen, just not exactly this way."

Looking up at the strange woman, she noticed she had curly hair like her own, but black instead of brown. Great big eyes gazed at her fondly as the woman pushed some curls out of Hermione's face.

"Who are you?"

"That's a complicated question. But you can call me Idris."

"Do you know why I feel so cold? Is it because of the monsters?"

"No dear one," the woman soothed, as she gently fingered the chain and pendant around Hermione's neck. "You're cold because someone very important to you is missing from the universe. But your uncle is going to bring him and everyone else back."

"Oh, but I don't want uncle Peter to die!" she cried, burying her head once more against the kind woman.

"I know, but it's meant to be. His bravery will save the world. Remember this, remember him, remember to always be brave."

She gently pulled away from Hermione, leaning down to kiss her forehead as a misty golden light passed from the woman into the girl. And just like that the woman had disappeared, leaving Hermione alone. Looking towards the doors as her uncle ran out, she went to stand next to Rose who glanced down at her, frowning, and proceeded to ignore her.

She cried silently as her uncle Peter stepped in front of the oncoming car and all the monsters disappeared. The Doctor stepped between the two cousins, encouraging Rose to go to her father in his last moments. Unable to stand the pain in her heart, but suddenly feeling warmth again, Hermione flung herself into the startled Doctor's arms, sobbing in her grief. He just pat her hair and rubbed her back as he watched Rose. Soon he gently pushed Hermione over to Jackie and went down the steps and walked over to Rose.

Hermione watched with tears in her eyes as they walked down the street to a blue Police Box and stepped inside. With wide eyes she watched as it disappeared with a whirring noise. Sniffling, Hermione left her aunt to go find Mickey and make sure he was okay. She later blamed her tears on her uncle's sudden death, not the pang of loneliness in her heart, as if she'd been left behind somehow.

No one else seemed to remember the other frightening events of the day, nor how her uncle sacrificed himself to save the world. When she asked around, no one recalled ever seeing a person named Idris, or indeed anyone who fit her description. But Hermione knew she'd met the mysterious and kind woman, she also clearly remembered the Doctor with his funny face and large ears, and she remembered her cousin Rose, all grown up, and the blue Police Box the pair had vanished in.

It would be six years before she met the Doctor again.