Hi Everyone, so this is another story set in the Post Revival/ Livy Huntzberger universe. Each chapter covers a different time in Livy's life and I may be skipping back-and-forth a little bit. I really hope that you guys enjoy this, and I want you to know that feedback is always appreciated.

The sun has just come up and Logan is taking one final sip of coffee before preparing to step out the door to go to work. He hates the days when his boss tells him that the only way he can be home before noon on that one Saturday a month where he has to work is if he comes in at 5 AM. Poor Livy hates nothing more than the way she hates being away from her daddy. Logan has gotten in the habit of just immediately deciding to be really quiet as he gets ready to leave because he knows it'll take forever to get Livy to go back to bed if he wakes her up. This morning though, of course he feels a tiny tug on his pant legs just as he is about to go out the door. Then, Livy tries to pretend like she didn't just try to get her father's attention. Logan knows better though, the little girl has no poker face. So, he turns to her, giving into her blue puppy dog eyes, and kneeling down to her level.

"Livy, what are you doing up, baby girl?" he asks, scooping her up in his arms.

"I knowed you up." the little girl replies frowning.

"Sweetheart, what did I tell you?"

"5 AM for grown-ups."

"That's right, and you're not a grown-up, you're a two year-old."

"But Daddy..." Livy pouts, a face that Logan never stands a chance with.

"I'll be back before lunch, I promise.

"That's a long time." Livy's intelligence baffles him everyday

"Not if you go back to dreamland."

"I not tired."

Logan laughs, his little girl is very persistent ,right down to the hands her hips on her hips, and the dopey grin plastered on her face. "Yes you are."

"Nuh uh,"

"Silly girl, let's get you back in bed."

"Stay with me?"

Logan sighs in defeat. "Only till you fall asleep, okay?"

Livy smiles. "Yay."

Logan was expecting her to fall asleep within minutes, but now he has been laying with Livy for ten minutes and really needs to get going, so the kisses the little girl on the cheek and tucks her in an extra time for good measure.

"No go, Daddy. You promised." Livy whines.

"I know, Livy Cakes, but if I don't go soon, I'll be late."

"Oh. Okay." The little girl says, and now she's crying.

"I'll be back, baby girl, you know that."
"But I'll miss you sooo much."

Logan smiles. "I'll miss you too, but you've got Mommy, and she's just as fun as I am."

"No she not."
"Livy, that's not very nice."
"Sorry, Daddy

"It's okay, just be good and then you and I can play all day."
"Now, you need to close your eyes and go back to sleep."


"Because princesses like you need their beauty sleep."
"Me Princess?" Livy asks, her eyes lighting up.

"That's right, now Daddy has to go."

"I love you, Daddy."
"I love you too."

"How much."

"A thousand times more then Prince Charming loves Cinderella."

"That's a lot."

"I know, but you're my favorite little girl."
"Mommy says that too."

"Because she loves you, almost as much as I do"

"Why you going to work?"
"Because, that's what you have to do when you're a grownup."

"Oh, okay."

"But when I get home, I'm all yours."
"Pinky promise?"

"Yes, Livy Cakes, I pinky promise." Logan says, kissing his daughter on the forehead, blissfully watching as her eyes flutter, completely reluctant when shutting her lights back of and heading out of the house.


Rory swears Livy is only in her terrible two's once a month, that occasion being the Saturdays that Logan has to work. Some days she screams her head off almost consistently until her daddy gets home. Today though, their daughter has taken doing everything that Rory tells her not to do, and it's proving to be quite exhausting

"Livy, you're supposed to color at the table, remember?" Rory says, firmly, but not raising her voice.

"The floor bigger." Livy points out.

"I know, but right now I need to vacuum, so I need you to go to the table."


Rory sighs, she desperately needs her husband to get home from work so that she can finish the house cleaning and he can keep Livy busy. "Livy, we don't talk like that. It's not very nice."

"Mommy," the toddler whines, "You're mean."

"You promised Daddy and that you would be good, right?"

"Then please go to the table, okay? I'll let you color on the floor when I get done."

"Okay, Mommy."

"Good girl."

By the time Rory finally gets Livy back to settled at the table, it's almost time for Logan to get home from work. Rory is very grateful to see his car pull up into the driveway, and Livy isn't even paying attention at this point, she's busy coloring a unicorn that she named George and is yammering on to her mother about how she wants one, and that they really are real, but that conversation comes to a screeching halt when Logan walks through the door.

"Daddy's home!" Livy squeals, running up to Logan, and in return he ruffles her blonde hair,and gives her a kiss on the nose.

"Did somebody miss me?" he teases, sneaking around to give Rory a quick kiss, before Livy starts to demand his constant attention.

"She was a handful today, I'm so glad you're home." Rory says, she loves her daughter, but taking care of a child with as much energy as Livy is exhausting

"She was, huh?"
"Yeah, our little girl is always grumpy when she misses her daddy."
"Well, I'm here now, Ace, go take a nap and I'll take care of our little monster."

"My hero." Rory fake gushes, giving her husband a kiss on the cheek and heading towards the bedroom.

"Me not a monster, me a princess. You said so."

"I did?"

"Yup. This morning."

"You have to be on your best behavior for Mommy next time I go to work on a Saturday, okay?"

"Work on Saturday dumb." Livy says, blowing a raspberry in her father's direction.

"You're telling me, kid."

"Can I have unicorn?"

"Sweetie, unicorns aren't real, you know that."

"George is real. See? I color him for you for you." Livy says, proudly holding up her drawing, a dopey grin which rivals her father's planted on her face, so big, that it is impossible for Logan not to laugh.

"Alright if you say so. Maybe I'll get you a pony for your sixth birthday."


"Yes, and you get to name him and everything."

"I love you."

"And I love you."
"And Momma, you really love her."
Logan smiles, Livy is the sweetest little girl. "I do, more than anything."
"More than me?"
"No, the same of course."

"Oh, good."
"You need to listen to your mother, you know."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright, but remember, she loves you just as much as I do."

"That's a whole lot."
"It is, now what do say we make lunch while we wait for Mommy."
"Can I help?"

"Of course!"
"Because I'm a grown up now?"
Logan chuckles. "Now, don't wish your life away, baby girl."

"I'm not a baby."
Logan shakes his head, smiling and running a finger through Livy's blonde hair,rubbing his nose against hers in Eskimo kisses which makes the little girl laugh, and to a father as proud as Logan, that bright and beautiful laugh has become a sound more beautiful then the most elaborate of symphonies. "Oh sweet Livy cakes, don't you know you'll be my baby." He says, breathing in her tininess because he knows it won't last forever.


The house is always strangely quiet after Livy goes to bed, on Saturday nights, Logan and Rory usually nurse glasses of red wine, and make jokes that they are already an old married couple. Tonight though, Logan is being unusually quiet, and Rory just knows that something is bothering him. She waits for him to speak, taking his hands in hers. After a few minutes, the silence becomes too much.

"Logan, what's wrong?"

"They are moving me to permanent Saturdays at work."

"That's alright, Livy and I can be just fine without you for a few more hours, I promise."

"I haven't worked every Saturday since just before she was born." Logan replies, running his hands through his hair contemplatively."

"She'll understand."

"That isn't the point!", He says, finally breaking down. "I'm supposed to be a father and I can't do that if I'm not home, especially on Saturdays when she doesn't have preschool or anything."

"Logan," Rory whispers, comfortingly. "You aren't anything like your dad… you know that."
"Yes, I do. But, ever since she was born, you and I have prided ourselves on raising, Livy without a nanny and all that fancy rich people stuff, and I just want my Saturdays with her."

"Livy is so proud of you, she tells her friends how big and important you are."

"That kid, she's so smart."
"And I'm proud of you."
"Let's go see your mom and Luke tomorrow."

"We can do that."

"Good, I need to clear my head."

"Stars Hollow clears your head?"
"Any fights between Luke and Taylor clear my head."

"You are a living, breathing, walking time capsule, Huntzberger."

"We're getting old."
"It looks good on you."

"Rory?" Logan says, he's obviously pondering something.

"Yeah, babe?

"Do you ever think about having another kid?"

"Sometimes, but I think that our little girl is enough for now."

"I was just checking, because I'm not ready right now, but if you were I think I could be."
"You'll need your boy eventually."

"Nah, I'll be okay with a house full of girls if that's what is meant to be. Especially if there is beautiful as you are."

"Quite the charmers tonight, aren't we?"

"How mad at me if I decided quit working?"

"I wouldn't be mad at you if that's something that would make you happy, but I really don't think that it would."

"Because I see you as a man who prides himself on being a working father. I know you miss our daughter when you're gone at work, but I know you and you love your success, and running home to tell Livy every little thing about your day."

"But I miss her, Ace."

"Logan, she has made you a incredibly soft."
"Can you blame me? I think she has your eyes for a reason."
"For you it's the eyes, for my mother it's the dimple."
"Are you going to tell her that we're coming to visit tomorrow?"

"I think we should make it a surprise."
"Excellent idea."
"If you get Livy ready tomorrow don't put her in a dress."

"You know she looks adorable in them."
"But that is Manhattan Livy, too classy for Stars Hollow. You know you'll just have to get the ketchup stains out of her dress." Rory teases.

"Good point, she does love her French fries, quite possibly even more than you do."

"Like mother like daughter I guess"
"Thank goodness, if she were anything like me we would have our hands too full."

"Touché, Huntzberger, touché."


The ride to Stars Hollow has been an unusually calm one, as Livy has been sleeping most of the way there. About 20 minutes from Lorelai and Luke's house, Livy wakes up from her nap and is asking her parents a series of relatively eloquent questions for a two year old. There's a twinkle in Logan's eyes, as he realizes for the hundredth time that Sunday morning, just how bright his daughter is. Her intelligence makes Logan more and more proud to be a father every day "Where Mimi Lor's and Poppa Luke's?" The little girl asks, her baby blue eyes quite big .
"Not for a little further, princess." Logan answers.

"And Sweetie, remember you have to be really quiet when we get there because they don't know that we are coming to visit." Rory reminds her daughter.

"They don't? Why not?"

"Because your daddy and I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Be good, okay."

"But Mama, I'm always good."

"Oh Livy, you are so your father's daughter."

Livy grins. "Daddy says I'm yours."
Rory giggles. "Does he now?"

"Uh huh, every night after he reads me books."

Logan beams at his daughter, giving Rory a wink. "What can I say, Ace, our little girl likes her elaborate bedtime stories."

When make it to the house the need for surprise is gone because evidently, Lorelai already recognize the car pulling up to the driveway.

When Livy get out of car she practically runs into her grandmother's arms. "Mimi Lor!" She squeals, waiting for Lorelai to to pick her up.

"Hi Livy Lou! My goodness you've grown a foot since I last saw you!" Lorelai says, kissing her granddaughter on the forehead.

"No, still short."

"So, how come no one warned me you were coming to visit?"

"Well, last night we were lying in bed, and Logan says to me, let's go to Stars Hollow, and so, we decided to surprise you and Luke." Rory explains.

"Aww, I'm touched. Luke is going to be so excited to see all of you."

"Livy has been really excited to come see you guys."
"Luke, I brought you a surprise!" Lorelai sing songs.

"No kidding." Luke says, hugging Rory.

"Look Luke, Livy's wearing a flannel." Rory teases.

"She's adorable."
"I know I am." Livy quips.

"Livy Pearl!" Rory says, holding back a laugh.

"Relax Ace, she's a Huntzberger, just a little cockiness is helpful, I mean, it worked with you." Logan jokes.

"Now I'm really glad I didn't let you put her in a dress this morning."

"But Momma, I like dresses." The toddler interjects.

Logan grins. "I tried to tell her, Livy Cakes."

"You really do spoil her too much, Logan." Lorelai teases.
"Yeah, look who's talking, Mimi Lor." Logan teases with a chuckle.

"Maybe if I had more than one grandbaby to spoil, I wouldn't be so bad."

"Going to have to hold off on that one for a while, Livy's plenty for now."

"It's good to see you, son-in law."
"Are you ever not going to refer to me as that?"

"Not unless you and Rory get a divorce, then I get to refer to you as asshole."

Livy's eyes widen. "Mimi said bad word." She gasps.

"Yeah, Mimi." Luke teases, scooping up his granddaughter.

"Poppa Luke, did you make fries?" Livy asks excitedly

"Always do."

Luke smiles, he might not have always been the biggest fan of Logan, but somehow, somewhere between walking Rory down the aisle, and holding Livy for the first time, Rory's life had immensely grown on him. Rory was taken care of and had a beautiful little family, and that really has been all that mattered ever since a little over three years ago, when Logan had once again shown up in Rory's life, this time, he's at age of 34 because the two of them became pregnant with Livy.

"Hey Luke, remember when you put Livy's gender announcing ultrasound photos in all the menus at your diner?" Rory teases, smiling softly.

"Of course I do, kid."

"Even though no one thought it was going to be a boy."

"Rory, I don't think you would know what to do with your life if you had a son."
Rory laughs. "I think I could possibly figure it out, has as long as there weren't any sports involved."

"I think that Luke is right, you and I wouldn't last a day as parents of a little boy. We were clearly meant for sparkles and pink and unicorns." Logan adds.

"Most of that is your doing by the way."

"Are you mocking me, Ace?"

"Maybe just a little bit."

"Maybe it's you're doing that she is so girly. I mean you came up with the middle name Pearl."

"For the last time, I told you, pearls take something difficult and make it beautiful. It's symbolic of the way our daughter came to be."

"You have a way with words, Gilmore."
"Well, I should. I wrote number one best-selling novel and I write for the New York Times."
"Your writing is very sexy." Logan teases.

"Shh, Logan I told you not to say that word in front of our daughter."

"You know I've always been a bit of a rule breaker, and I also happen to know that you love that about me."

"Do you mean to say that I stole a yacht with a goody two shoes when I was 20."

"Hey, easy on the sarcasm."
"You you know it's one of the many reasons why you love me."
"Yeah that, and you are from a town that more fun than colonial Williamsburg."

"You've always been a bit of a sucker for Stars Hollow, I will be the first to say that."

Thank you for the most wonderful weekend in the most wonderful place, with our beautiful daughter."

"It was truly my pleasure, Huntzberger, and the least I can do for thanking you for giving me the world's most beautiful life."

Logan smiles, the same brilliant, warm, and familiar twinkle in his eyes that made Rory fall in love with him. "I think it can be said that the two of us have grown to be incredibly sappy in our old age."
"I suppose I agree with you on that one, Honey."

"I'm still completely and entirely in love with you though."

"Wow, we are becoming grossly cheesy as an old married couple."

"I'd be lying if I said I never saw that one coming."

"this is perfect; everyone we love in the same place."

"There really is no place like home, is there?" Logan says, breathing in the goodness of how perfect his life ended up turning out. This was his home, anywhere where he could be with the people who filled him with only the most sincere form of happiness