Authors note: This is really just in reply to some of the comments that people have left for this fic. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to review (it makes me a very happy author, lol). And yes, I know that Lucy and Tumnus is a pretty...odd pairing, but then again there has to be some kind of alternative to Lucy/Caspian fanfiction, right?

...Okay, about the whole man-for-man thing. I was pretty surprised by how many people picked up on it (it was a *very* small line!) and I'm not going to start dictating my opinions on Christianity and homosexuality to the readers of I feel that I should probably explain my reason for putting it in there...

The more I wrote to my fic, the more I realised that a relationship between Tumnus and Lucy was not just a simple case of two people loving each other. They were different ages, different social classes, and - most importantly - completely different species. Their love is 'unnatural' in every traditional sense...which is why neither of them can ever admit the truth, and why Tumnus feels such terrible guilt about his feelings.

With the man-for-man line, I was just trying to draw parallel to Tumnus's feelings for Lucy to other, more identifiable, examples of 'unnatural' love (e.g. gay couples, inter-racial couples etc). As C.S.Lewis never wrote anything in the Narnia books specifically about his views on sexuality, I could only refer to my own opinions on the subject - that being that homosexuality is not a sin, and it is perfectly compatible with the ideals of the Christian Church (and Aslan, by extension).

Hope that answered any questions!