Hey everyone! How you all doing?... Thought i'd pop in to publish the last chapter of this story. Thank you for your patience, I've been working on some events on tumblr and AO3 so check my drabble series Until we meet to find my one shots.
Thanks to the amazing ABBY for editing chapter 3 for me... she has helped give the pizzaz it needed and hopefully she's in the typing frame of mind and get one of her pics updated... *MASSIVE HINT LOVE* :P ;)

Klaus and Caroline strolled into the Grill to scheme more. He held the door open for her as she brushed past him, he could help but smell the scent of her fruity shampoo with her close proximity. Klaus would like her to train with Kol as he is really knowledgeable with all things magical and witchy. Their brother Finn had overheard a conversation Katherine had, both with Elijah and Damon and even though Klaus expressed himself in all the ways in which he wanted to torture the elder doppelganger, he could also see the appeal of her spying. So she was to stay alive for the time being, until she outlived her usefulness maybe.

Walking up to the bar, Caroline spotted Damon nursing a bourbon, most probably drowning his sorrows that Elena agreed to donate her blood to Klaus as agreed. He had a little smirk on his face, probably excited of his plan with Katherine and Mikael that they weren't supposed to know of.

He finally sensed them as they got closer and the smirk grew on his face, "Look who it is?" he muttered, raising his glass to take a mouthful.

Caroline sat on one side of him while Klaus flanked to the other.

"Barbie." he greeted her, but the glass in his hand shattered, blood and alcohol spilling on the counter along with the shards of glass. He looked up at her in rage.

"Damon, you know how much I hate that nickname." she grinned, mischief rolling off her making Klaus smile to himself at the possibilities of what she was going to achieve from this display of power.

As if she knew this was his version of mild foreplay, Caroline focused on Damon's hand which was slowly starting to heal. It suddenly moved to the counter and grasped some of the shards, reopening his wounds and creating more, before the bloody, shaky hand was forced towards his mouth, making him swallow the pieces of glass. With hatred in his pain filled eyes, he shot out of the bar leaving the pair alone.

"We don't want him to overhear us now, do we?" She looked up at Klaus smiling, waving to the bartender to clean up as she moved into the newly vacated seat towards the hybrid, leaving the pair a glass each of champagne.

After discussing his plan to help with her magic, Klaus mentioned he also wanted to train her in her fighting skills, not wanting her to rely on just her magic to survive, that anyone could disable her powers and render her useless. She obviously agreed to his help, even if it was done reluctantly, she did not wanting to be left weak in anyway. Her training would start the next day after breakfast, she was glad to spend some time with Klaus drinking and yes, there may have been some flirting too. But in her defence, he was totally wooing her with seductive words of travelling, art, music, what he called genuine beauty. Even though she mentioned she was too smart to be seduced by him, they both knew what utter bullshit her statement was.


After breakfast, Klaus had many things he needed to attend to, leaving Caroline to finish her meal with Kol. He had a meeting with Elijah to deal with their families finances, and to discuss both doppelgangers with him. There was also news of some wolves on route to see him, having heard about his plan to turn them into hybrids. He thought that their hatred of vampires would make them stay clear away from him, but apparently the pain of turning on the full moon every month was too much for some to handle. Klaus obviously didn't mind them searching for him, he needed recruitments and little time to go hunting for packs. He also had new inspiration to draw and paint, and he couldn't wait to get the images of Caroline from last night out of his memory and onto parchment.

He had just finished his last drawing for the day and packed his stuff up in his studio planning on having to shower all the paints and charcoal off him before he could take Caroline out into the woods to train her, but her light giggles caught his attention. Tuning his hearing, he could hear Kol's proud voice congratulating her on whatever task he set her, positive he was also flirting with the blonde, and she was reciprocating. His stomach turned at the thought of Caroline and his brother, especially since he thought they got on so well last night. This is why he couldn't afford to let himself be weak. Growling at himself, he stopped listening into their conversation and turned the shower on, hoping that would drown the noise of them as well. In doing so, he missed them laughing at how absurd the idea of them was, and that Kol was actually interested in another witch. The sound of water falling over him as his thoughts were too consumed on a feeling he hadn't felt in over a thousand years, when him and another brother were fighting over a different woman. If he had been paying attention, he would have heard Caroline telling Kol that she was interested in Klaus, that she and Kol were becoming fast friends rather than the lovers he assumed they would become.

He stopped downstairs once he dressed, hardly glancing at her as he demanded Caroline join him for their training exercise, leaving Caroline wonder why he was being so cold and distant with her as he flashed out of his house into the deep woods.

He had spent the next few hours going hard on Caroline, pushing her to her limits and she was eager to learn more, demanded in return that he not hold back from her. She had managed to take him by complete surprise when she lunged at him, knocking him backwards on the floor, her thighs gripping around his body tightly, going down with him. He mentally cursed himself for wishing they had slightly less clothing on. Growling, he flashed them towards a tree, her legs tucking around his back to support herself, and he cursed himself some more. He couldn't think tidy with this blonde, especially with her wrapped completely around him, she was too distracting.

He called it a night.

Flashed back to the house, leaving the blonde panting up against the tree from training hard, and with just a hint of arousal, wondering what happened to the hybrid she drank with last night.

The next day was similar.

After breakfast, he trained his new recruits while Kol and Caroline trained in magic. He was shocked when the Bennett witch joined them, but he paid them no attention as his mind was still caught up in the thoughts of Caroline with his brother. If he had paid them attention, he would have noticed Kol's glances of lust and intrigue aimed at the feisty with and not at the one who haunted his own thoughts.

Later, after Bonnie had stormed out of the house, and Kol;s arm began to heal from the fire she had set to it, Caroline decided to wait for Klaus in the woods, where they trained the day before. He kept his footsteps light, wanting to surprise her to see what she had picked up already, when he caught sight of her stretching to loosen her muscles for the upcoming workout. Her arms pulled over her head, back arching pushing her delectable breasts upwards as her head fell back, blonde locks flowing towards the ground. Pushing the erotic thoughts that started to over take his mind, and body, he flashed to her. Startled, Caroline flipped him over her shoulder, which he would not let on that he was secretly pround of, and instead pushed her into beginning their training session.

She had tried to start a conversation with him a few times, but to no luck. He was entirely focused on keeping her out, focused on ways in which Mikael would meet his demise, focused on not acting upon his lust and feelings that were spiraling out of his control. The blonde, slick with sweat, had finally give up and pushed him away from her in exhaustion and defeat.

"What the hell is your problem me, Klaus?" She demanded, swiping the sweat from her brow.

"I don't know what you mean."

His face was so closed off that it spiked her anger even more. "One minute, we're having a good time in the Grill, the next you're all cold and closed off," she huffed. "Like your words are all icey, which would be fine if not for the heat coming from your body and the electricity sparking when you touch me."

He looked her up and down slowly, and once he reached her face, she raised her eyebrow as if to say I told you so, when his eyes showed heat instead of the icy cold mask he tried so hard to maintain. She stood forward, smiling. "I know you want me." She spoke huskily, stepping closer to him. "So why don't you do something about it."

He wasn't aware that he was stepping closer in sync with her, until his hand reached up to her face, bringing her closer to him, he watched as her yes fluttered closed and lips parted ever so slightly. His mind flashed back to her and his brother giggling and he just couldn't be in that situation again. Sharing the same girl with a sibling. Cursing himself mentally that he just didn't take what he wanted, he sped away from Mystic Falls. Needing to sink his teeth into someone to take away these feelings stirring within him for the first time in a thousand years. As he flashed closer to the next town, he was thankful that it wouldn't be too long before he could watch his father corpse burn and he wouldn't need to train the tempting siren anymore.


The night of the battle had arrived and Klaus didn't want to take his chances against his father. With Katerina's intel, the plan was to take Elena from the Decade dance and distract him with trying to kill his hybrid blood source, while Damon would sneak behind him with the White Oak stake. Even though Klaus knew all the steps, he still wanted it done on his own terms.

The Lockwood mansion was filled with teens, his first hybrid success had decided to throw the Decade dance at his stately home, after he accidentally broke the water pipes in the school gymnasium, flooding the hall. After all, Klaus didn't want to damage his newly renovated home in the process of defeating his father.

The hybrids he had recently turned were stationed around the house and grounds, blending in with the high schoolers, drinking and dancing as they awaited his command.

The plan was on track, his siblings were home safe. Caroline and Bonnie had placed a barrier around his property to stop his father from coming after them, to use them as bait, or worse, if he somehow managed to kill Klaus and decided he wanted to rid the world of his own children too. Katherine had sent a text to say she had her doppelganger held up in the Salvatore crypt and ready to play human. Yet again, another barrier was pre-placed and ready by the blonde heretic.

And that's where his worry started to set in.

He thought she was still getting ready, wanting to look perfectly flawless, but she never liked to be late. He knew that, sohe quickly rang his sister to check in, discovering that Caroline had left an hour before to get into her position. Dread flooded him. He flashed towards to building to see if he missed her scent and searched each of the rooms with no luck.

Klaus was about to search the grounds for her when one of his hybrids came up the stairs to let him know he has a visitor waiting for him outside. Mikael was here, and he was unsure what to do. Look for Caroline to make sure she was safe, or finally kill his father once and for all. Locking the dread and fear down tightly within himself, he mustered the courage to walk down the stairs to the front door, placing his cocky mask of indifference with each step.

Mikael was stood outside the Lockwood property, smug, his own hybrids stood behind the enemy, eyes glazed over. He felt so foolish! Why had he not thought to check they could not be compelled, even with the sire bond.


"Do not call me that boy. I am no father of yours." Mikael spat. "You're an abomination!"

Making sure to keep inside the confines of the property, he snarled in response, his eyes turning golden to prove a point. His curse was broken and he was more powerful than the man who had chased him for centuries. The man who tormented his human life. The only man who ever made him feel weak and pathetic.

Unamused, Mikael grabbed for someone besides the building, out of Klaus' view. He assumed, according to the plan, it would be Katerina pretending to play Elena, but seeing blonde hair and blue eyes instead of the dark, raven haired doppelganger stopped him in his tracks.


His eyes widened a fraction at the sight of her disheveled hair, blood matted into the roots from the cut on her forehead, trailing down her face from it before it healed. He could tell she fought him with all her vampire strength, but also deducted she hadn't exposed her powers to him. If she had, she wouldn't have been put in this position. He pressed his lips into a thin line, he would have to explain to her not to ever do this again.

That is, if they both were to survive this.

"I heard from your hybrids that you have beautiful blonde vampire living with you. I thought it was Rebekah until I saw this one leave your home earlier." Mikael grabbed around her waist, pulling her tightly to his body, his other hand had a fistful of hair, tilted her head back so he could see her features better. "Such a lovely surprise that I decided to switch the game up. Step out the house or she dies."

The tear falling from her eyes twisted his heart in pain.

"You're bluffing," he scoffed.

"Do you want to test that theory?" Mikael stalled with a mocking grin.

Klaus heard a scuffled step coming up behind him just as his father fell to his knees, screaming in pain, before him. Time slowed down for him as he spun around, snapping the Salvatore's neck and took the stake off him. He left the fallen vampire, flashing towards Caroline, pushing her into the the safety of the entryway, leaving him outside with his father. She rolled her body to a stop, gasping as her concentration had broke on Mikael.

Her worry was unfounded for Klaus was stronger, faster. Mikael stood up and before she realised it, Klaus pushed him off the porch, sending him flying out onto the pathway. Jumping with the momentum, he landed above his father and without an ounce of hesitation, thrusted the stake into his heart. Klaus stood back, his eyes greedily taking in the sight as the flames engulfed the body.


Mikael had finally been defeated and now Klaus and his siblings were free, free from his torment and free to live after a thousand years.

The family was ecstatic and Klaus didn't even bother to say no to Rebekah's wishes of a ball. To everyone's surprise, he actually encouraged her, wanting to see his family together in unity after so long.

How she managed to sort the soiree out perfectly in less than a week was astonishing given her high standards It gave Klaus cause to believe she wanted to be free of their father just as much as he had himself. She had invited some key players in the supernatural community, a sort of political stance to show they were the most powerful and feared family, as well as to subtly mention Mikael's demise. Knowing some vampire's would be glad that The Destroyer was no longer. Their home was decorated in silk and flowers. The lasciviously newly constructed bar held an array of liquor and waiters bustled around the ballroom with trays of food and crystal champagne flutes.

He had been tempted to invite Caroline to join him, but his sister had not only beat him to it, but had also took her out dress shopping, caught up in the excitement of having someone other than her brother's to shop with. They had become tentative friends when they first met and she stayed with them, but now that Caroline has helped tremendously with killing their father, Rebekah had began to admire the girl, just as Kol did. Elijah and Finn hadn't spent a considerate amount of time with Caroline to get enough of a stance on her, but they were pleased at the subtleties their wild and uncontrollable siblings have become tamer around her presence. Klaus would have been concerned of Rebekah had it not been for her pushing him to finally open up his heart. But he was becoming something he despised.

A coward.

The evening had started off well, the family introduced themselves to the town of Mystic Falls officially and he was searching the crowd for his blonde baby heretic. She had decided to get ready with her friend, the witch, before heading over with her, Elena and the Rippah. They were opening the evening up with a dance, with Elijah insisting they all pick a partner. Klaus was about to give up his search and look for someone suitable when he felt a tap in his shoulder, turning around to catch the person who haunted his thoughts, looking bright eyed at him. Eyes so full of happiness and light.

"Did I actually, finally, sneak up on the all powerful hybrid?" She teased him, lowering her voice and whispering the word hybrid.

"I don't know about that, love."

"I did, didn't I?" She smiled.

"Would you like to join me for a dance?" He diverted, his pride not wanting to admit he was to absorbed in his thoughts of her, that she did, indeed, sneak up on him.

He led her to the dance floor and the started the traditional waltz. As Caroline's eyes landed where Kol was dancing with Bonnie, he felt his jealousy flaring up again.

"I think Bonnie is into your brother." She stared off, causing Klaus to give a disgruntled hum. "Which is great because he's head over heels for her."

His head snapped to look at the blonde, "Is that so."

"Uh huh. Rebekah said you were jealous and that's why you were being so short with me." She said a matter of factly, not wanting to make him uncomfortable but feeling the need to call him out.

"Rebekah doesn't know what she's talking about." Klaus grumbled with his head help high as he continued spinning her around the dance floor.

"So you weren't jealous?"

"I don't feel that particular emotion."

"So you wouldn't mind if I go over there to one of your hybrids and plant one on him?" She countered, pulling back slightly to make it seem as though she was leaving his arms, even though it was the only place she wanted to be. Now she just needed to get him to admit it.

His hand gripped her waist slightly more, holding her in her place. "Not at all, sweetheart."

They carried on waltzing in silence before he heard Caroline's heart beat a bit fast, could sense her nerves. "You know, I'm kind of into someone already. A different hybrid actually. An original one." She looked up at him tentatively, in hopes he would take a chance on her as well. "But I suppose he doesn't like me that way."

Klaus felt his steps falter, he couldn't believe his luck at what he was hearing fall from her pretty mouth. The slight hesitation he could read on her beautiful face as she bared her true feelings and wants to him. He felt foolish for not seeing it, well not believing all the times she was flirting with him while they trained. Steadying his own nerves, he took a chance, "Would you like to go on a date, Caroline?"

"I thought you'd never ask."