
Caroline left Mystic Falls just after she turned into a Vampire without anyone knowing she died. She hadn't discovered until she left that she was a Heretic. With her new powers, she comes back to her hometown looking for revenge against Damon.

Damon is with the gang in the school gym where Klaus and Rebekah are causing chaos, trying to figure out how to make hybrids for Klaus.

Caroline had died.

It didn't take too long to discover that she became a vampire, especially when the memories of her time as Damon's slave came back to her. She had a mini melt down and accidentally killed a carnival worker. High on her emotions and not wanting to hurt her mother Caroline fled Mystic Falls, leaving a message that she'll be back by the next school year.

She hoped she could control the bloodlust and find a daylight ring during her time away and that it will help make everyone believe she's the girly little Caroline they all knew. She couldn't exactly return and not be able to go outside into the sun, school would definitely be a challenge then.

It wasn't until she was feeding on some drunk jock and had got attacked by another vampire a week later outside a bar did she learn of her true identity. One minute she was held up against the wall with his throat around her neck, the next he was kneeling on the floor screaming, clutching at his head in pain. He had muttered the word witch, which prompted her to look around to find no one, she flashed off pretty quick and sought out a few witches who could help her.

Caroline had seduced a warlock in Portland. He helped her make her daylight bracelet and taught her what she was capable of. He was also a siphoner, his family kicked him out due to him not being a real witch. In exchange for her blood for him to turn, he gave her access to his grimoires, which she studied meticulously.

She gained control over both her magic and bloodlust pretty quick, she assumes it could be from her inner control freak being amplified.

She was ready to go home.

The locator spell Caroline had cast to find Damon Salvatore proved he was here, she wanted to have her revenge, destroy him as he nearly had her. Hurt her friends as they let him continue to hurt her. She walked through the corridors of her old high school, her black boots clicking with each step that took her closer to the gym, where she could hear the pleas of her so called friends.

The blonde tuned in her hearing curious as to what was going on and could hear an accented voice, British she assumed, demanding answers. Why Elena was still alive? Why he can't make hybrids?

Caroline paused just outside of the gym doors, confused, she never new hybrids existed. Could he be the same as her? She inhaled deeply, the stench of wolf drifted out of the room indicated more than one present. A vampire-wolf hybrid maybe? Vampire blood permeated and then she heard the sickening noise of a neck being snapped.

That was not a good sign.

Before she managed to flashed into the room, her curiosity getting the better of her, she was halted by a ghostly figure of a teenage boy who was not dressed in this century clothing. She had never been contacted by the spirits before because of her odd nature.

He looked at her curiously as if it was strange for someone to see him too.

"You can see me?" He asked and she nodded back at him, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She wanted to keep her element of surprise to attack Damon.

That is unless it was his neck snapped.

Caroline also wanted to keep her status as a Heretic quiet too, and talking to spirits was not inconspicuous.

"Could you send a message to my brother, Nik? I know what he needs to do to make hybrids like himself." He asked her politely.

Ignoring him, she opened the doors to the gym and surveyed her surroundings. Elena, Bonnie and Matt were over by the bleachers, Damon trying to hold Stefan back, who looked like he wanted to attack Elena, Tyler was crumpled on the floor, blood around his mouth, with no heartbeat.

There was two more figures stood next to Tyler's body, both with no pulse coming from them, Vampires, and from the auras very powerful and ancient ones. The male had a different kind of light around him, his scent different too, a bit of wolf. He was the hybrid then, Nik like that ghost boy had mentioned, who was still hovering behind her.

It took a little longer than she expected to have their attention drawn to her, they all looked at her, some wondering what they would say and the blond haired, handsome man just looked on in amusement.

"Omg! Care your back already?" Elena broke the silence of the room trying and failing to sound excited and cheerful.

"Of course Lena. Me miss prank night? SO what's going on here? Wait, is that blood?" I gestured to Tyler's body on the floor. Before I knew it Damon was stood infront of me and his pupils dilated.

"You're not going to remember any of this. You came to school only to find out prank night was cancelled. Go home and don't leave until the morning." He compelled her.

She thought for a moment to refuse his compulsion. It wouldn't work any way, but trying to get her revenge when she was not aware of the situation completely had her second guessing. She needed more time to scope around and find a way to hurt them all.

"Prank night cancelled, go home and don't leave" she replied, making her voice low and dull.

Caroline turned around to leave and the boy who she had seen came up to her.

"Elena's blood is key to making hybrids." he explained a she walked towards to exit. "My brother needs her blood to finish the transition."

The new knowledge gave her pause, impulsively she took her gamble and stopped before the doorway and turned back around to face the group.

"No i'm good thanks." She said aloud, confusing Damon as to why his compulsion hadn't worked.

"You see I remember." She directed at the elder Salvatore. "I remember how you manipulated me, you pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories, fed on me. They came back to me piece by piece." Stepping closer to him, shocking the whole room.

"You see I came here to hurt you, make your life miserable. You fell in love with your brothers girlfriend. Lets see how you like her being treated like a blood bag." Caroline continued at looked towards the blue eyed, powerful hybrid. "Her blood will complete the transition."

A chorus of shocked gasps echoed around her from her so called friends.

"Now how would a baby vampire have such knowledge?" The hybrid asked her.

She nearly melted at his British accent.

"Try it. If it doesn't work, you could always kill her." Caroline looked at him challengingly.

The guy was just about to reply when Caroline felt a breeze come up fast behind her. Without thinking and her instincts taking over her attacker was down on his knees screeching in pain.

"Stop it Bonnie." Damon growled at her direction, fangs coming out to play, trying to intimidate her.

"It's not me." She defended.

"Then. Who. Is. It?" He managed to say between his clenched teeth.

Clicking on to what she had exposed, Caroline quickly flashed out of the school and into the woods. A certain Hybrid on her toes. He pinned her up against a tree with his forearm against her chest to stop her from escaping.

"Who are you?" He demanded, putting pressure against her chest.

"Caroline, nice to meet you. Your turn for introductions I believe." She asked while keeping calm, hoping not to expose her powers again.

"Klaus Mikaelson. Now what are?"

"I thought he said Nik." she whispered lowly, but Klaus heard her.

"What do you mean by that?" He pushed himself closer to her giving her no room to move.

"Nik what are you doing? You just left the doppelganger there." The blonde woman came up into the clearing where they were.

"Not now Bekah." He snarled at the newcomer without taking his eyes off Caroline. "Now I want answers from you." He addressed the baby vampire he still had pinned up against the tree.

Caroline nodded slowly, not liking the position she was in. She was fighting down her instincts to use her magic to flee.

She came back to get her revenge and then leave, not be involved in Original business. She knew the Mikaelson name, knew to fear them. Fear was the last emotion she felt right now though. Lust prickling over her skin, and by the way he inhaled deeply he knew.

"What happens to a vampire who has been bitten by a wolf?" He questioned her.

"Death." She whispered.

Klaus' eyes turning amber, veins protruding under them and his fangs broke through his gums. He wanted to provoke a reaction out of her, to see if she would slip up again. The magic had to have come from this woman.

She made no effort to move.

Neither could not comprehend the lack of fear that she should be feeling.

It should be smothering her, heart beat increasing, pumping her blood around her body faster. His wolf should be basking in the scent, ready to hunt.

He moved closer to her neck and heard her heart spike ever so slightly.



He was just about to pierce her skin, inject her with his venom when he found himself against a tree opposite Caroline. He felt magic gliding over him, his back scraping, moving against bark.

His feet no longer on the floor.

The blonde woman facing him showed no signs of practising magic. Witches usually chanted and used corresponding hand gestures to aim their magic towards intended objects. This vampire though, if she was some kind of hybrid would have to be powerful. A powerful witch he could use to help fight him.


Extremely powerful if trained by the right person.

He knew the price he would have to pay in order to get her though, to get answers.

"Bekah, be a dear and go wake up our brother will you." He ordered his little sister, who was just about to launch herself at the stunning creature.

"Why the hell would you want to wake Elijah for? You just daggered him!" She halted in surprise at her brothers order.

"Not Elijah."

"Then who?"
