The more Zoro thought about his realization, the more questions he had. It was kind of a relief to admit that he liked the cook, but what was he supposed to do with that information? Obviously, keeping his distance from Sanji would not work. The past week had been hell, not only from jumping through hoops to avoid the other man, but also because he just straight up missed him.

Before, Zoro had been worried that he was getting distracted because of hormones, but apparently it had actually been because he liked the other man. And while that was still a type of distraction, it was one that he could accept, and one that he could work with. Romance had never been high on Zoro's to-do list, but he had no problem with it being a part of his life. He had just never made a plan for such an occurrence, so he was feeling a bit lost.

At least he had answered the question of whether he would accept his feelings, or try and kill them. But he still had dozens of other questions floating about in his brain, and the big ones were starting to give him a headache.

Would casual fucking be enough?

If it was not enough, and Zoro had a feeling that it would not be, what were his other options?


How does one date anyway? Fuck if he knew. He had never really dated. And what little experience he had would not be of much help in this situation.

Then there was the biggest question of them all. The one that was the root of the throbbing in his skull.

Did Sanji like him back?

The streets were empty, so no one was there to see the way that Zoro pulled at his green hair in frustration. This was not the shit he was equipped to deal with. Throw countless enemies at him, and he wouldn't bat an eye, but this shit was a totally different kind of battle. He hated that he did not know how to handle this, and he could not help but berate himself as he wandered in the general direction of the harbor (he was not wandering in the general direction of the harbor).

He might like the blond man, and he might know a lot about him, but he did not know how Sanji would feel about the swordsman having feelings for him.

Sanji had always been a ladies' man. It had been surprising when he had propositioned Zoro that first time, and it had taken a while for the swordsman to process and accept that the cook liked both women and men. However, did that extend past sex? Was Sanji open to dating guys? Especially a guy that he had fought with since first meeting him? He had been okay with fucking Zoro, but dating was completely different. Or, at least, Zoro thought it was completely different.

Seriously, what the fuck was dating?

His thoughts were interrupted by someone stumbling out of a side street ahead of him. When he recognized the blonde hair and black suit, Zoro paused, eyes wide with shock. "Shitcook?" He called, sounding a bit more gruff than he had meant to, but he doubted the other man would notice.

Sanji steadied himself against a nearby wall before squinting at the swordsman. He immediately looked annoyed, but still attempted to walk over to his crewmate. He nearly tipped over when he tried to avoid stepping in a puddle, but he eventually made it.

"Are you drunk?" Zoro asked incredulously, eyebrows raised as the other man came to a shaky stop.

"No," Sanji snapped, though his slightly slurred voice said otherwise. "Wha'the fuck are you doing ou' here, mosshead?"

"I could ask you the same thing, curly."


The blond began to fumble with his suit jacket, trying to find his cigarettes. It was painful to watch him pull a stick from the pack, and even more painful to watch him try to light it. Zoro eventually snatched the lighter from him, striking the flint on his first try. Sanji hummed appreciatively and leaned forward to catch the flame. He sucked in happily, his bloodshot eyes closing as the nicotine laced smoke filled his lungs.

"How drunk are you, cook?" Zoro asked, amused with the situation and taking the chance to forget about his previous ponderings and headaches. At least for a moment.

"None o' your bus'ness," Sanji slurred, shaking the cigarette in his direction and causing ash to float between them. "Why the fuck're you here? You lost?" Before Zoro could respond with an irritated defense, the cook continued. "Aren't you s'pposed t' be fuckin' some poor lady o' the night?"

The green-haired man could not help but snort at the cook's choice of words. He supposed that was the nicest word in the other man's vocabulary when it came to describing prostitutes. However, his smirk quickly faded when he remembered Kumiko. The feeling of being dirty threatened to overwhelm him once again. He immediately could smell her perfume, barely covered up by the stale scent of her smoke and the fresh tobacco from his companion. He hoped Sanji wouldn't notice.

When Zoro spoke, he had to clear his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, what of it?"

He was shocked to see the cook look away with something like a twisted pout. A few other expressions warred across his flushed face before Sanji drunkenly snapped, "I fucked someone, too."

Zoro could tell that Sanji immediately regretted his words, but he could not tell if it was because he was insulting his lady friend, or because he sounded like he was childishly competing with Zoro. Why he would regret the second was beyond the green-haired man, since childish competing was their bread and butter- that would be a silly thing to feel guilty about, drunk or not. But it seemed like more than just guilt at insulting a woman.

While Sanji continued to battle with himself, Zoro processed the cook's admittance. He fucked someone else. Part of Zoro flared with jealousy, while the rest of him did a mental eyeroll at that possessive side of himself. So what? He had fucked someone else, too. They were not dating, and neither of them had set up any rules to their casual fucking, so he had no right to be jealous. Besides, the cook was clearly upset by something.

"That's great, swirlybrow, but it's not a competition," The swordsman snorted, before grabbing Sanji by the arm and pulling him down the street. "Now, come on. You should get to bed or something."

Sanji was silent for a few moments, too drunk to care that he was being led by his arm, and in the wrong direction at that. But when he finally did speak, it became obvious that he was more drunk than Zoro had first surmised.

"What th' fuck, asshole? How could you go an' fuck someone?"

"What the fuck are you talking-"

"You should've told me or somethin'," Sanji griped, clearly annoyed, his lips turned down in a frown.

Zoro stopped walking to stare at him, torn between irritation and confusion. "First off, why should I have told you? Second off, you fucked someone, too, and didn't tell me. How is that fair?"

The cook attempted to jerk his arm from Zoro's grasp, but the sober man, with superior arm strength, easily held him. Sanji sighed dramatically. "I don't know."

"Neither of us said we wanted this to be exclusive," Zoro continued, coming off a bit uncaring in his annoyance. He might like the man, but that did not change the fact that Sanji was being a bit unfair, and dumb.

"I know that," Sanji snapped, sucking in smoke angrily.

"So? Why are you so mad?"

"I don't know!" The blond replied, his tone still angry but laced with something that edged on pained.

Zoro rolled his eye and began to tug the other man behind him again, only to come to a sudden halt. He glanced around, puzzled. How did the harbor get behind them? It had literally been in front of them just a second ago! With a frown, he turned onto a seemingly random street and kept walking, keeping his pace slow so that the other man could keep up with him without tripping and falling. As they continued to wander in what Zoro hoped was the right direction, his thoughts also began to wander.

The fact that Sanji was being so bitchy was making Zoro curious. He had known that the cook was confused by their recent distance (a fact now confirmed by a very drunk Sanji), but he had not expected this level of anger. And it was also important to note that this was not the blond's usual anger. This was something different.

It couldn't be...

"Are you jealous?" Zoro asked, looking back over his shoulder at the cook.

"No!" Sanji replied, indignant, while trying and failing to free himself from the other man's hold.

Zoro turned onto another random street, not noticing that it was leading them back towards the center of the city. His mind, which would not have helped him directionally anyway, was on the cook.

Sanji had sounded like he believed his own words, believed that he was not jealous, but his actions said something entirely different. He was definitely acting jealous, in his own asshole-ish way, but that knowledge did not really give Zoro any solutions on how to deal with this situation. But while it did not necessarily answer any of his questions, he decided to not overthink it, because Sanji's potential jealousy had caused this happy little feeling to grow in his gut, and he liked it.

So, the green-haired man mentally marked his pesky emotional hurdles as 'temporarily dealt with', and focused on his current situation: dealing with drunk Sanji.

He just needed to get him back to the Sunny. From there, the cook should be fine on his own. Sleeping it off would probably be best.

How could the others let him get this wasted and then let him wander off? Blackleg Sanji or not, they should have kept a better eye on him. Advice that he apparently needed to keep himself, because he felt the other man pulling hard on his hand again, muttering his name.

"Zoro.. Zoro wait…"

Sanji sounded off, and Zoro immediately tensed, slowing down. "Are you going to throw up?" He asked, sounding annoyed as he turned to face the other man. He let them come to a full stop in what appeared to be a secluded alley, and his frown deepened. How had they got there?

I guess throwing up in an alley is better than in a public street.

"No," The cook murmured, his face flushed and uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" Zoro asked warily, looking the blond over to check for anything wrong. That was when he saw it.

"Noo," Sanji whined, finally managing to free himself from the green-haired man's grip. "No, 'm not fuckin' okay."

"You have got to be kidding me, shit-cook," The swordsman snapped, however his tone was more tired than angry. "How the fuck are you horny? Didn't you say you just fucked somebody?"

"I don't know!" He replied, peevish despite his distracted expression. The cook leaned against the dirty wall of the alley, clearly struggling with his own arousal. "I can' help it."

He tilted his head back to reveal the pale expanse of his throat, a whine slipping from his parted lips. Beneath the golden fringe, his expression was desperate, and his need seemed to saturated the air with every ragged breath. Slender fingers pulled at the collar of his dress shirt, trying to expose the non-existent breeze to his overheated skin, while his other hand hovered, but avoided, rubbing at the erection that was pressing against his pants, visible even in the limited light.

Zoro felt himself swallow, finding it hard to not watch when Sanji pushed his hesitant hand onto his pant leg, forcing it to hold onto the fabric rather than his dick. The swordsman finally managed to look up, but his single eye was immediately entranced by that blue gaze, so full of need and want.


The cook's quiet plea sent blood rushing to his cock so fast that Zoro nearly felt dizzy. He groaned in a mixture of frustration and lust. However, he knew he needed to focus. With one hand clasping at the back of his neck, and his eye closed tight, Zoro went over his options.

Doing it in a back alley, when he was sober, and the cook was most definitely not, was not really something the swordsman wanted to do. Especially after the night that he had had, and the night that Sanji had apparently had. However, something had to be done about the cook's very apparent erection. He could not bring the pirate back to the ship like that, right? That would be suspicious, and embarrassing. At least for the cook- he probably would not appreciate such humiliation when he woke up the next day with a killer hangover.

So, with his mind made up, he attacked.

Before Sanji could register what was happening, Zoro was on the blond and crushing him against the slimy bricks of the building. He heard the exhale that escaped the other man, a mere shudder of breath and sound, but he could also sense Sanji's relief from finally being given physical contact.

It was hard to stay in control when the cook wasted no time in pressing every inch of himself to Zoro, his lips searching. However, the swordsman dodged the invitation so that he could speak. "I'll help you with your little problem, but you'll owe me one."

"Are you calling me small, shit-swordsman?" Sanji growled, but his insult was nearly lost in the breathy gasp that was forced from him by Zoro rolling his hips.

The green-haired man managed a teasing smirk, not responding aside from finally slamming their lips together, lips that were no doubt bruising under the force. Zoro was not planning on getting much from this encounter, except for a raging hard on and a satisfied cook, but he would enjoy whatever he could get, even if that was just a deliciously painful kiss. Because, despite his stoic front, Zoro felt just as desperate, and he needed to hold the other man, if only for a little while.

As if to express this, the urgent make-out session quickly grew more violent; easily resembling one of their brawls. Their tongues battled for dominance, their teeth clacked against each other, and sharp panting could be heard whenever they managed to take a breath. It was clear that both men had needed this moment, that they had both been suffering with the same, deep ache of want. However, when the cook began thrusting up against Zoro's crotch, the swordsman knew that he would have to quickly take care of the drunken man. Such movements would only make him equally hard, and he did not need to tease himself more than was necessary.

A firm hand took hold of Sanji's hip, pushing it up against the wall to separate their lower halves, and another hand began undoing the cook's pants. When Zoro managed to open the zipper, the other man's erection practically sprung out, his boxers damp and doing nothing to contain the hard member. A soft cry tried to escape Sanji, but the other pirate swallowed the sound. He devoured it, and the pathetic moans that followed it, letting them tickle across his tongue. His own cock twitched enviously, but it would have to wait.

Zoro wasted no time in stroking the other man, firm tugs that increased in speed and ease as his palm dragged over the leaking tip, pre-come slicking his grip and causing the cook's voice to grow more desperate. Sanji would not last much longer, his hips trembling with each attempt to thrust into the closed fist. His high level of intoxication was doing nothing for his endurance, but Zoro did not mind. This would be easier for him if it was fast.

He added more friction by tightening his fingers around the hot shaft, loving how easily drunk Sanji reacted to him. Pitiful moans filled the air as the swordsman focused his mouth on the spot between neck and shoulder, his teeth clamping down the soft skin. This drew a cry from Sanji, who was struggling to remain on his feet.

"Ero-cook," Zoro whispered as he nibbled on the soft lobe of Sanji's ear, earning another whine. "Come for me."

The blond buried his face in Zoro's shoulder, trapping his cry as his orgasm struck him with the force of a sea train. White filled his vision, his mind lost in the kaleidoscope of pleasure. He was vaguely aware of Zoro's hand stroking softly, milking him of every last drop, and he moaned appreciatively, enjoying the sensation before it became too much. However, his strength had finally failed him, and his legs gave out, having already been put to the test by his intoxicated state. Zoro easily caught his weight, holding him up while his body trembled through the waves of his fading climax.

When Sanji came to, Zoro was still holding him up, his whole body slumped and relying on the other man's shoulder to keep him from falling. To his disappointment, he felt himself being leaned against the cold wall, and he immediately missed the swordsman's warmth. Sanji tried to keep himself upright, his legs shaking against his hazy mind's orders, however, his attention was drawn from his overwhelmed body to the sight before him. A sight that was definitely going down as one of the sexiest things that Sanji had ever seen.

I better fucking remember this tomorrow.

Zoro had raised his hand and was studying the way Sanji's release covered his calloused digits. Then, without hesitation, he slipped a cum covered finger into his mouth, his strong tongue and lips sucking at the white substance until nothing was left. Then the swordsman moved to the next digit, and the next, and the next, until his whole hand was licked clean. He did it casually, like it meant nothing to him that he had just destroyed Sanji's very existence.

But there was nothing calm about the look in his eye.

His heavy-lidded gaze had never faltered. It had remained on the other man, holding him captive until he swallowed the last drop.

Sanji could only stare, his mind and body completely overwhelmed. With what little strength he had left, he managed to croak out a tired, "Fuck," and then he finally passed out.

Without missing a beat, Zoro caught the other man before he hit the trash littered ground. He buttoned up Sanji's pants, and looked him over to make sure that he did not look like someone who had just received a handjob in a dirty alley. Once satisfied, he gently tossed the leggy man over his shoulder. He could not help but smile, despite his aching cock. "You definitely owe me one, ero-cook," Zoro grumbled under his breath as he carried his nakama out onto the streets. He paused for a moment to search for any sign of the harbor, and to adjust himself in his pants, and then set out for the Sunny, and some much needed alone time in the shower.

Finally some sexy times! Been dying to post this one lol
Hope y'all liked it ;)
