Title: Death Will Come (and save us all)

Summary: Kyouya finds a sudden fascination in humans when one of them has his face. Fon has no idea why the mermaid chose to save him but he's still caught up in the fact that mermaids are real. With the addition of unhelpful friends, being lost at sea and running from the navy, Fon is rather glad Kyouya is with him.

Background: Eighteenth century AU.


The ocean's surface roars and wind shrieks as the clouds overhead throw down rain and lightning like spears. The sole ship in the waters for kilometres is thrown between the high, violent waves and with every second that passes it becomes more and more unstable, losing wooden planks and torn bits of sail.

The occupants of the magnificent looking ship stagger across the deck as the waters tilt the wooden structure almost vertical. They scream over the waves smashing onto the deck, all of them with a fierce determination to not be cowed by nature.

Deep below the waves, where the sudden flashes of lightning barely reach, lies a calm figure. He floats in the middle of the ocean, in the middle of a dark blue stretch of absolutely nothing, listening to the faint sounds of violence above as the water rocks him gently from side to side.

He opens his eyes and blinks into the nothingness around him. He tilts his head, listening for that odd cracking noise again. When he does hear it he flicks his tail lazily and the strong limb propels him upwards through the water.

He catches sight of something strange a few moments later. There are huge chunks of wood and rope and odd structures diving into the water, strangely graceful for such cumbersome looking things.

He swims in an arc, staying away from the objects but moving closer to the surface still. Obviously it has something to do with humans, they're the only reason he can think of to explain the sudden appearance of … of whatever those things are.

They don't look like the large vessels that bob on the water, with tall limbs that stretch up and solid netting being blown by the wind. The humans use it to replace their weak little double tails because the water is too much for them.

He spies a rectangular structure far off to the side and with a flick of his tail he's darting around it in curiosity. He reaches forward fearlessly and grabs a round attachment, pulling it. The wood explodes open and suddenly he's trapped. He twists and pushes against the restraints, his arms and tail becoming more restrained the harder he fights, the water making the bindings drag and tighten around him.

He grits his teeth and with a vicious swipe of his tail he bursts from captivity. He whips around and all the fight goes out of him. Large, puffy human shells float like jellyfish in the water, more items that are usually seen covering the humans bleed from the box slowly. He runs a hand down his face in embarrassment and quickly looks around.

No one saw him. Good.

He moves far away from the human shells and circles around what he tentatively labels as a broken human vessel. They can be found sometimes, just sitting on the ocean floor, hiding human things that sparkle in the sunlight.

The water's surface bends down under the weight of a large piece, bigger than the rest, and rises again to swallow the destroyed structure. Humans follow this time, small figures overshadowed by the mass of the vessel's wreckage.

They curl in on themselves and then blindly claw for the surface. One doesn't move at all, floating stationary and clutching their arm until one of their companions finds them and drags them upwards. A black human covering with an orange stripe is left behind, drifting from the human's head as it drags the injured one to the surface.

He scans the largest piece, moving downward more swiftly that the other wooden parts thanks to its weight. A human is there, almost hidden even to his eyes, near a large bit of solid off-white netting that's normally stretched over the human vessel.

He swims a bit closer, wondering why it's attached to the wreckage. Humans don't do that, do they? It's curled, its eyes open and hands working at the rope clinging to one of its odd tails. Red covering whips up around it from the speed the human is sinking.

No, he's pretty sure that humans don't like being that far down. They breathe above water, probably. Most of them do at least. He swims down, idly calculating the distance from the red one to the surface and average human speed underwater by measuring the other humans, most now at the surface.

Yeah, that human is going to die.

In that case, he can get closer. His tail beats against the water and he darts down, a slender blur against the blackness. He takes cover behind a jutting edge of the wooden vessel and peeks at the human, holding onto the structure so he could fall with it.

The human is bigger than he is, with white and red covering loose around its body, and a long trail of black hair. The covering flies up and he blinks at sleek, powerful muscles along the human's torso and arms.

He looks down at his own abdomen and finds a dusting of scales. Human bodies are weird. He looks up again but it has turned away. He darts up and sneaks into the folds of the large and rough netting that clings to a tall piece of wood.

The human seems to be getting weaker, its struggles lessening and one hand moving to clamp over a mouth.

He wonders if he should eat it now while the human is still warm. He hasn't tried it before because they just don't look very tasty but now he's curious. Would they taste like tuna, or more like oyster?

The human finally let's go of the rope at the end of one of its tails and straightens, incredibly calm for someone who's going to die. It releases its mouth as well and stares into the nothingness of the ocean before slowly turning to take everything in.

His tail brushes the netting he's hidden behind and he moves closer unconsciously. "Death will come," he murmurs, more to himself than the human.

The human jolts and its head whips around.


A/N: I have so many incomplete stories, seriously, I do not need this plot bunny right now, someone please take away my laptop. I don't even know if I should continue this, I like just started Collector's Guide.

Do you guys want mermaid!Kyouya or should I focus on my other stories?