The day was bright, the air was crisp, and Guzma was content. Today was the final day of the term, and it was photo day. Guzma's class had been called into the courtyard for their pictures, but Asuka hadn't come out yet with the photographer, maybe there was an equipment fault? Who knows. The young man supervised his class, everyone was just kinda doing their own thing, waiting for the principal. He looked over to his right to see Kukui signing a poster for Keahi. Earlier that morning, he decided he wanted to be there for a photo, and here he was. Guzma took a deep breath and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small light green crystal. He wanted to save giving them to his class for when they left for their island challenge, but they were about to start a section on Z-moves, and having an example would be beneficial. Plus, he thought they downright deserved it.
"In the shade of the school building, he spotted Minnie, John, and Hayley. A bunch of notebooks were strewn about the spot where the three crowded around a laptop. Guzma walked over and crouched in front of them, commenting, "you realize the principal will be out soon, might be a bad time to get into doing whatever the hell it is you three do."
Minnie crossed her arms, the Jigglypuff on her lap attempted to copy the gesture. "I thought I told you we're making an interactive text based adventure game."
Her words were lost on him. "A what what what what?"
John explained, "it's like, a book, but you get to choose which way the story goes."
Hayley put her new yellow sunglasses over her eyes and chimed in, "you'd know what that is if you did any reading teacher."
Guzma was mock offended. "I read!"
Minnie smirked at him. "Pardon my language, but bullcrap."
Hayley giggled while brushing her cracked cascoon. "I bet you read CD and game covers and that's it."
"No offense, but you've marked correct grammar on my homework wrong before," added John.
Guzma put his hands up and closed his eyes. "Alright, you've basically murdered me, great job. Geez no respect from kids these days huh? And here I was about to give out a gift."
Hayley's eyes lit up. "A gift?"
"You'll like it in particular Hayley, but everyone gets one." He took out three Buginium-Zs. "Take one each."
John examined the crystal curiously. "What is it?"
Minnie was beaming. "You're giving us Z-Crystals?!"
"Not just any Z-Crystals, Buginium-Z. If your Pokemon knows a bug type move it'll either get stronger or turn into a move called savage spin-out. Use it wisely."
Minnie's happy look then fell slightly and she glanced at John. "We train normal types though."
Guzma shrugged. "Collectors item then, you'll be given all kinds of crystals as a reward for your island challenge anyway. Consider it a head start."
John smiled at him brightly. "Thank you, I really appreciate this."
"Don't mention it." Hayley held her fist out to him, he bumped it and then added, "pack up once the principal gets out here ok?"
The three of them nodded, all examining their new crystals with delight.
Guzma then decided to greet the loudest of the bunch; Curtis, Amelia and Yume. Curtis was playing on a single drum with his espurr on the ukulele; a phantump also floated beside him, playing a tambourine. Yume and Amelia danced with their Pokemon. "Hey can I interrupt this little jam out session?"
Everyone stopped playing and turned to face him. Curtis commented, "only if this is gonna be good, which considering the feelings of joy emanating off of the previous group you spoke to, it is."
Guzma raised an eyebrow. "The hell does emanating mean? Wait don't answer that. Anyway what the heck is that?" He pointed to the Phantump floating beside the boy.
"A phantump."
Guzma let out a frustrated breath, "I know it's a Phantump, why is it here?"
Curtis answered, "because he's my Pokemon?"
"Since when?"
Yume cut in, "since Nathan dragged us all out into the forest to catch Pokemon with him."
Guzma shook his head. "Oh for god's sake he did what?"
"It wasn't any trouble!" assured Amelia.
Curtis said, "liar, it sucked. I went for a walk by myself and caught a pokemon, is that to be punished?"
Guzma tilted his head. "I'm not telling you off I'm just curious kid." He crouched down. "Anyway I have something for ya." He handed each of them a Z-Crystal.
Yume studied it closely and guessed, "is… Is this a Grassium-Z?"
"Similar colour but no, it's the bug one."
Amelia smirked. "Only to be expected from alola's resident overgrown bug catcher."
Guzma deadpanned. "Ha ha. Funny. You're the resident nerd right? You should know that bug types are underloved."
Curtis added, "same with ghost types, too many are afraid of them." The boy petted his Phantump.
"At least they earned the fear, bugs are undeserving." Guzma stood up. "Principal will be here soon, be ready once she comes out."
Yume saluted. "Aye aye!"
He began to head over towards Donnie and Kalino, whose Pokemon were in the middle of a heated match of tug-of-war.
Donnie called out, "I bet three cookies that Perry wins!"
Kalino folded his arms. "Well you know how you're going to become a trial captain? If I win, you have to give me the electric Z-Crystal and let me pass over the trial once you become captain!"
Donnie was a little dumbfounded. "But I'm not a trial captain yet and I don't have any Z-Crystals! Your bet is invalid!"
Kalino shook his head. "I'm not giving up my damn lunch! I bet this rare bone that Meowth wins!"
Donnie pointed at him. "That's a Magikarp rib you fraud!"
Guzma squatted beside them; "Hey you two mentioned not having any Z-Crystals. Guess it's your lucky day."
Perry managed to yank Meowth over the line. He cried, "Pika!" and triumphantly pumped his tiny fist into the air.
Kalino angrily pointed at Guzma. "He distracted Meowth!"
Donnie snatched the 'rare bone'. "We won this piece of junk fair and square!"
Guzma rolled his eyes. "Boys shuddup, stop bickering. I've got somethin' for ya." He held out his hand, they took the crystals.
Donnie was immediately tearing up. "Wow… A Z-Crystal?! A real one?! Is this to show that all my hard work has paid off…?"
Guzma shook his head. "It's not exclusive to you, let your trophies show that off kid. Seriously keep those competitions up and you'll be trial captain in no time. Also, Kalino, for the love of god don't sell the crystal."
Kalino's eyes went wide, clearly he didn't like being figured out. "But you've made them rare you hoarder! People want these!"
"And it's a priceless aid to any battle you have, especially if you get a bug type. I recommend Wimpod personally. You did want to become a powerful trainer right?"
Kalino rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah… Once Meowth learns payday we'll be absolutely unstoppable!"
"Sure sure."
Donnie was a little choked up. "Thank you sir… For everything, really…"
Guzma waved a hand dismissively. "Don't mention it, make sure your pokemon are calm for the photos."
The pair nodded. Just as he was about to stand Guzma felt a tap on his shoulder, he glanced over to see Iolana beside him. She grabbed a hold of his jacket sleeve and tugged. "Get your fat butt over here right this instant!"
Guzma grumbled, "you've got some damn nerve haven't you."
She rolled her eyes. "Uh, yeah. You know me. Over here, now. Pretty please?" She batted her eyelashes at him mockingly.
"Ugh." But despite his protest he followed her anyway.
Iolana found an open spot and turned to him with her hands on her hips, stating, "now, I have something I want you to judge. So be honest!" She held out her arm and whistled loudly, her Wingull descended from the sky and perched onto it.
Guzma titled his head, curious. "Go ahead?"
She began with a twirl, her Wingull gracefully soaring off of her arm to fly around in sync with her movements. Their dance flowed together like water, accentuated by the fluttering of her scarf through the air, she ended with a water type Z-move pose. Iolana held the pose for a while before lowering her arms, a little out of breath. "What did… you think?"
Guzma grinned a little. "That was the most impractical yet creative thing I have ever seen kid."
"You know what? I'll take it! But you see, no one else here can get their Pokemon to do that! I have bested every single person in this class and I am officially the best Pokemon trainer here! So you won't see anymore embarrassing training faux pars out of me!"
"Yeah yeah gloat all you want. You're not bad but don't forget that like everyone you've got a ways to go."
Iolana smiled sweetly. "Yeah that's why I'm in a school, and why I'm learning from the best~"
Guzma didn't buy it. "Are you sucking up to me?"
Iolana huffed, she was caught. "Well I did see you give out stuff to everyone so I want whatever it is as well."
"Ugggghhhhh fiiiiiine…" he 'reluctantly' handed her a Buginium-Z.
Her eyes widened. "Holy shit-"
He cut in, "don't swear."
"Holy cannoli, a Z-Crystal! That's awesome dude!" She was grinning now, the Wingull on her shoulder squawked.
"Don't go ballistic with that," he warned, "I doubt your parents wanna pay for you damaging property."
"Good point."
"Anyway i gotta let ya go, I'm not done yet."
Iolana placed her hands behind her neck and crossed her legs in a relaxed posture. "Alright."
He strolled up towards Nathan, who spotted his shadow and met his gaze. "Hey."
The boy replied, "hey," he glanced over towards Keahi, "what do you want?"
Guzma leaned forward and whispered. "I got the Skorupi."
Nathan's eyes went wide. "Really?! You actually upheld the bargain?"
"Shhhh! Don't open the pokeball here I don't want people to think I'm playing favourites or anything."
Nathan seemed confused. "When have you ever played favourites with me?"
Guzma ignored him and handed it to him, as well as a little green crystal. "That's a Z-Crystal too, you'll get good use out of that."
"I… Thanks…"
Guzma narrowed his eyes. "No more crap from you then?"
Nathan exhaled and half smiled. "I think we're done with that. Hey wait here a second." Nathan practically had to drag Keahi away from Kukui, Kavika followed the two of them.
Keahi crossed her arms and glowered. "What do you want Nathan?"
The boy gestured between him and his teacher. "I just wanted you to see that we're cool now!"
Keahi lowered her arms, surprised, she looked up at Guzma. "Really?"
Guzma confirmed, "Yeah he apologized and everything. But no more dumb malicious schemes from the two of you." He pointed to the both of them.
Keahi suddenly smiled brightly, her lips wobbling a little. She rushed in and hugged Nathan tightly, who stood frozen in shock. "I MISSED YOU!"
"I…" He hugged her back, closing his eyes. "I missed you too Cammy.
Kavika poked out his tongue and remarked, "yuck."
Guzma interrupted. "Alright break it up, I've got something for each of you." The pair let each other go, and their teacher handed them all Z-Crystals before walking away.
Kavika stared at his, his eyes shining. "Oh wow, this is… The perfect treasure for our ranger game! Nathan are you really sure you don't want to be the villain?!"
Nathan scowled at him. "Don't typecast me! Why don't you be the villain for once?!"
The boy thought for a moment. "Oh my god, if I'm the villain I can really get into their head and by being them, learn how to defeat them! Yes, I'll be the villain! You're so smart Nathan!"
Nathan was confused by this response. "Uh, thanks."
Keahi was laughing beside the two of them. "Yes I get to wrestle Kavika!"
Kavika's expression turned to worry. "Ok maybe I'm second guessing this decision."
Asuka then exited the building with a photographer and called out. "Everyone! Line up! Individual photos will be first, and then I'll direct you to your seats for the class photo!"
Everyone packed up their things and proceeded to line up, Kukui moved over to stand beside Guzma. He sighed happily. "They've really come along way haven't they?"
Guzma's hand subconsciously moved to the chain around his neck. "Yeah, they really have. Can't wait to see how they go on their trials."
Kukui nudged him a little. "They'll do fine. You've made sure of that."
Guzma smiled a little bit. "The trials still sucked by the way."
Kukui shook his head dismissively. "Just keep that little opinion to yourself." His friend chuckled a little.
Asuka walked up confidently to the pair. "And how are you two this morning?"
Guzma shrugged. "Fine I guess."
Kukui grinned. "Everything's great, yeah!"
Guzma slowly smirked. "Hey, hey Asuka."
"Yes, Guzma?"
The young man folded his arms and looked down his nose at her. "I bet you're glad you didn't make a mistake hiring the baddest guy around huh?"
Asuka put a hand on her hip and stared him down. "Do you really underestimate me that much? I don't make mistakes Guzma."
She then headed over to direct the students to their class seating, Guzma was left wondering if she planned everything to the tee all along.
Kukui leaned in and said, "we should probably take out seats."
"Yeah good call."
They joined their students, sitting down on either side of the group, and their photo was taken. Guzma watched as they all stood up and approached Kukui. "Hey, can I get one more on my phone too? I think I wanna remember this for a while."
Kukui smiled a little and took the device. "Sure," he called out, "everyone gather around! One last picture!" A few of the kids even stood on the class photo platforms for extra height around their teacher. Kukui took a photo of them.
"Thank you, really." Guzma took the phone back and immediately sent the image to Plumeria. He gazed down at it, ignoring the subsequent text messages. It radiated a sense of fondness, the start of a new chapter in life, and the feeling that finally, everything was going to be ok.
AN: Well, all things must come to an end eventually, and this is where we'll leave this story. Their journeys are not over, and likely will never be over, but such is life huh? I'd like to thank Admiraljellybeans and DementedScribbler25 for beta reading this story at various points during its creation. I would also like to thank everyone who read it, kudosed, favourited, reviewed, ect throughout the course of this story. You all really encouraged me to make it through to the end, despite how long it took. And lastly, if anyone has any questions about this story, it's characters, or if you just want to chat in general, please send an ask to my tumblr supersquiddle, i'll answer any and all questions you give me! Peace.
For those residing on ffnet I have an ao3 account under the same name! If you enjoy the Unovan elite 4 I have a second story there written entirely in second person that I'm not allowed to post here. It's only just begun but I will try to update it frequently.