Raven sighs as she wakes from another plagued dream, hoping that the Boy Wonder hasn't had the same one. With how out of check her emotions have been, she's not sure anymore.
But tomorrow is the day.
Tomorrow is the day that she will destroy the world.
Over the past week, she has done her best to interact with her teammates. Interacting with Robin had become more complicated; ever since they shared the memory of the first time he kissed her, he was always staring at her. Their interactions were tense at best, but she tried to push those emotions aside, she would miss him the most.
"Hello friend Raven, would you like to try my newest cooking?" Starfire asks as Raven enters the kitchen.
Raven tries to hide the disgust that flashes across her face, but given the fact that tomorrow is the day, she nods.
"Wait, did I just see you nod?" Beastboy's eyes widen in disbelief.
Raven nods once again, slowly. There is a fear that she has never felt before settling in the pit of her stomach.
Cyborg silently places a glass of water on the counter next to her as Starfire gleefully slices a piece of bread from a loaf that is pink in color with marbled streaks of yellow. The piece of bread is placed on a plate and set before her.
Raven takes a deep breath, her amethyst eyes wide with fear. She remembers the last time she attempted to eat one of Starfire's creations, the pudding of sadness.
She can feel Beastboy's eyes on her as she picks up the surprisingly heavy piece of bread and takes a college try sized bite.
The shuddering sensation of disgust is so strong that she is sure that Robin can feel it through their bond. Her thoughts are confirmed when, as she tries her best to chew the offending bread, her leader pauses and grabs the counter for support as he too feels the waves of nausea.
She drops the bread and empties the glass of water in record time. Cyborg hides his snickers by turning quickly back to the stove. Beastboy simply watches with silent terror.
"That's great, Star. What did you put in it?" she gasps.
Starfire, oblivious to Raven's reaction smiles joyfully "It is filled with mustard, strawberries, flour, eggs, sugar. At least I think it was sugar, it might have been salt. They are so hard to tell apart due to their whiteness in color. Then I found a bottle in the medicine cabinet called Robitussin to cure coughs in case any of use are feeling beneath the weather."
Robin gives Raven a reproachful look, not hiding the feelings of friendly betrayal and self pity as he fills his coffee mug quickly. Love giggles at the playful look
"Would another one of our teammates enjoy a helping of the bread?" Starfire asks.
The other titans quickly shake their heads. Raven quickly fills her teapot to make some tea.
The one day that Raven wishes for nothing more than a villain to escape from prison, aliens to attack the city, hell even Control Freak to attack, it is a blissfully beautiful and villain free day.
"Let's go to the beach!" Starfire cries out joyfully.
The other Titans smile and nod in agreement. Raven sighs as she closes her book.
"You're not coming are you, Rae?" Beastboy asks. It's not a question despite her years with the titans, Raven has always talked her way out of a trip to the beach.
"No. I- I think I'll join this time." she stutters.
Once again she is met by looks of surprise from all of her teammates. "Who are you and what have you done with Raven?" Beastboy yells as he hides behind Cyborg. Just same old me trying to reconnect with my teammates Sarcasm answers in her head.
"I just- I just feel like I haven't really been spending time with the team. So I figured I'd join."
Robin looks at her. He knows about the prophecy, she quickly blocks his probing mind through their bond. The feeling of suspicion is flooding from his mind, his inner detective knows the day is near. She can feel his eyes on her, those beautiful blue eyes that she misses looking into.
Starfire squeals in excitement, causing Raven to jump and knock over the coffee table with her powers. She lets out a sigh before Starfire grabs her wrist and drags her towards the pink bedroom.
She can hear the rest of her teammates chuckle as Cyborg calls out sarcastically "Don't worry, we'll clean up."
"Friend Raven, do you own a swimsuit?" Starfire inquires as they enter the beautiful alien's bedroom.
"What?" Raven asks with a blush All of her inner selves are chuckling with laughter. Even her inner demon.
"You do not?" Starfire's tone and eyebrows raise in disbelief.
Raven lets out a slight groan as Starfire begins rummaging through all of her clothes. She finally finds what she is looking for, a red two piece swimsuit.
"Starfire, I don't-" Raven begins softly.
"Do not think what, friend Raven? This one is the too of the small for me, therefore it should fit you well. And you have a very attractive shape to your tiny figure." Starfire says as is she is trying to reassuring her teammate.
Raven hesitates. "It's not that, Starfire." Her mind goes back to the brands, seals, and scars that decorate her back. The raised pale skin, a failed attempt to keep her inner demon at bay.
"Then please, do the modeling for me!" the alien exclaims.
Why not? They will all be dead tomorrow. Logic mutters
No one has seen them before. Bravery replies
You idiot, Robin has. Logic says with a roll of her eyes.
You never wear anything like this, it could be fun Happy exclaims
Red is Robin's favorite color Love muses softly.
Raven sighs and takes the swimsuit from Starfire's hand. She slips into her friend's bathroom and peels off her leotard. As she is pulling on the swimsuit, she instantly regrets having agreed to go to the beach. The swimsuit fits her well enough, it's a little lower on the hips than Raven would've liked and cover's her bust modestly. The top is strapless, save for the two thin straps that make a halter neck shape. The bottoms are well bottoms. With a sigh she exits the bathroom and Starfire smiles at her friend.
"You look lovely, my friend." Starfire exclaims clapping her hands.
Gods she is beautiful Jealously groans.
Her inner self is correct. Starfire's supermodel figure is clad in a green string bikini that matches her emerald eyes perfectly.
Suddenly self conscious Raven sighs to herself, You're doing this for your team. "You go ahead, I'm going to go to my room and grab a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen."
"I will grab the towels and meet you outside!" Starfire exclaims.
Raven floats to her bedroom and grabs a large floppy black sunhat and a pair of large plastic sunglasses. Taking a deep breath she exits the tower.
Robin is the first to notice Raven as she shyly emerges from the tower, a black hat and big ironically white sunglasses obscuring her amethyst eyes from view. He also can't help but notice her beautiful figure clad in a red swimsuit. Red is his favorite color after all. There is a book tucked protectively under her arm and sunscreen in her hand. She sits on one of the towels that Starfire has laid on the beach, making sure to avoid the surprised glances of her other teammates.
"Damn, those legs!" Beastboy cries out from the water.
Cyborg wolf-whistles teasingly.
Starfire lets out a knowing giggle, that soon stops when she notices the seals and scars marring her back.
He can feel Raven rolling her eyes, but she sits on a towel and begins to apply sunscreen. For her small stature; Raven is leggy, with slender muscled toned arms, and a hint of abs on her flat stomach. When he sees her begin to struggle with the back of her shoulders, he walks over.
Ever since he had seen that vision, all he could think about was Raven. It was like she was shining with a new light. He felt as if all these new feelings were not new but returning, like they had been there the entire time and somehow removed.
"Need a hand?" he asks.
"No!" she answers quickly and too loud.
Robin is taken aback by her outburst, his obvious hurt and confusion running through their bond.
He saw them once in the gym. Logic pointed out.
He's going to die tomorrow anyway. Her Inner Demon smirked.
What if he remembers, then what?" Timid asks shakily
We let him love us, one more night before the end, how romantic! Love swoons.
Raven can't help but roll her eyes at her emotions. Luckily Robin didn't notice her expression or feel her emotions.
"I'm sorry. Please I could use the help." she quickly replies.
Robin gives her a gentle smile. He extends his hand for the sunscreen.
Raven's cheeks immediately turn pink, he turns when he hears Beastboy cry out as he is lifted by Raven's powers and flung across the water.
"You did that on purpose." he teases.
"I wish."
"Well?" he holds out his hand.
"I..well…I would rather have"
Robin takes the sunscreen from her hands and kneels behind her. He'd almost forgotten about the brands and scars on her back, they are tragically beautiful. The gray/pink scars and incantations, written every ancient language he can think of; Viking Runes, Latin, Sanskirt, what he thinks is Sumarian, German, and what he assumes is the language she spoke in Azrath. To his surprise Romanian is also burned into her body. It looks like the most recent of the spells, as if added within the past couple of years. He gently runs his finger beneath the incantation, whispering the translation to himself. Any doorways which I or my ancestors have opened I now declares forever closed.
He feel his breath catch. She had taught him that prayer, she called it his 'fail safe'
She tenses beneath his touch and pulls away. "Thanks." her tone leaves no room for interpretation.
He stands slowly, more confused than anything else and walks away.
Raven glances at the new clock that Robin had given her, the digital eyes glaring at her as the hours to midnight seem to come faster and faster. Through their bond, she knows that he is awake. She can't tell what he is thinking about, just that his thoughts are racing. Her own thoughts are racing too.
Go to him Love says
Bad idea Logic replies
Fuck it, why not? Is the reply a majority of her emotions have given her.
With a groan, Raven climbs to her feet and pads down the hallway.
She builds up her courage as she knocks on Robin's door. He opens it immediately almost as if he were waiting for her.
"Raven." her name isn't a question, he knew that she was on her way.
Raven rests a hand on his cheek. He immediately covers it with his own. "Raven I-"
She whispers the incantation. "This is all going to be a dream"
Robin blinks at her confused.
She crashes her lips against his. There is no hiding the longing and love that she feels from him. She doesn't bother to, not tonight. His own feelings have broken from their seals, she doesn't care. He will think of it as a dream and she will be gone before he wakes up the next morning.