Thank you, neveragain1997, CunkyFunkyMunky, w1lliam, Arxhaelogist, pokeymonsuperallstarfan, Laludofan, Flareons, Ultra6man, and all Guests for reviewing!

In dire need of a beta!

East blue:

Beginning 1-2

Shell island 3

Orange town4-5

Syrup village 6-7

Baratie 8-9

Arlong Park 10-11

Logutown 12-13

-I don't want to conquer anything, I just think that the man with the most freedom in this whole ocean is... the pirate King.-

-Monkey D. Luffy

Chapter 3

-Pirate Hunter To Pirate And Over Again.

"Allright Coby, here we are. now lets go get Zoro." Luffy said crossing his arms over his chest, a small smile graced both his and Nami's lips. After so long they were finally getting together again. And, although he wasn't with them at that moment, they already they found their third.

Standing Infront of them was a marine base. The whole building was a painfully dull grey that made Luffy want to cringe.

Coby's mouth fell open. "You mean you were serious about that Luffy-san!?"

"yup" was the simple answer


"So, Coby, tell me about this Roronoa Zoro guy." The raven haired captain said.

The pink-haired boy switched his thoughts back to the question asked and shuddered. "Pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro, he's the most powerful and fearsome bounty hunter in the east blue! He's taken down many Pirates without any effort at all! Right now he is being held at the marine base on the island were heading to, I don't know why though. Some say he's a pirate himself." The straw hat veterans perked up at the last six words. Luffy 'hummed' for him to continue. "Well, people say they have heard him say things like 'need to find my crew' or 'we'll meet up again soon, captain'." The Straw hat veterans smiled to themselves. 'So he really remembers...' They couldn't wait to meet him again, it was only a few hours but they were already getting restless in anticipation.

Luffy chuckled softly. "Sounds like a strong guy, I've decided. He's gonna join my crew." Oh, how true his words were. Zoro was strong (at least strong in the East Blue.) when he first met him, but this time he was the same Zoro that sailed with him through the Grand Line and all the way to Raftel. The Zoro he knew was insanely strong. 'Yet he still...' No, that wasn't going to happen again.

Coby spluttered. "Are you mad!? What kind of pirate wants a pirate hunter to join their crew!? He would kill you!" he shouted. Luffy inwardly wondered how the boy got that much lung power. Reminded him of himself.

"Don't worry 'bout it." He waved a soggy hand at the boy. "He's a good guy. Even if he did attack us -which he won't- I can handle him." Nami nodded her head in agreement. She doubted even a 0.0000001 percent chance of him attacking them. He -they all- had been loyal to their captain, even to the end.

"He's NOT a good guy! He's being imprisoned because he's a bad guy! It's Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Im-ow!" Coby fell down clutching a giant bump on his head via Luffy. Said captain stared down at the child with amusement, 'I think i understand why Garp always hit us now. Its kind of fun.' If hitting kids wasn't a 'bad' thing he would probobly go around being called 'Luffy the abusive fist!' just like Garp. Not that long after... Raftel he started calling his grandfather by his actual name instead of gramps. The sorrow etched on the mans face didn't even bother him in the slightest, In-fact had he not been 'close' to him he would've adored seeing the expression on the marines face. He vaguely remembered when he started felling hatred for the 'ass kissers' people called hero's: First, when Ace died and second when... Certain things happened. In a flash he could see only fire and rubble, the smell of burnt flesh in his nose had him gagging, and the blood curdling screams echoed in his ears. He silently -his throught hurt to much to talk- cursed the damn magma-man for being so heartless even to his own men.

"-ffy! Luffy!" Suddenly able to hear his real surroundings, Luffy shot his head up. Nami and Coby were eyeing him worriedly, both were slightly irritated when Luffy didn't answer them. Their irritation turned to worry when his eyes turned a void of emotion and he fell to his knees. Nami had rushed to him and put a hand on his shoulder shaking him slightly. She tried calling him, but his answer only came after the sixth call. "Finally in the real world i see. Mind giving us some insight on what happened?"

Luffy blinked. What? Oh, right. "Yeah, actually." Nami wasn't sure why she was surprised by him answering her question. "See, I hit Coby." They nodded. "And thought it was fun." She snorted. "And I was afraid I was going to end up like Garp and be called something like 'Luffy the fist' 'r something like that." No... It really was fun, and he was laughing at the idea of the title. Nami giggled and Luffy wondered how she fell for that.

"W-w-wait! you know the marine hero Garp!?" Coby yelled. Seriously, Luffy feared for his lungs.

"Yeah, but that's for later. For now..." He laid down on the boat in a half fetal position with his hands under his head as a makeshift pillow. "I'm gonna take a nap."

Flashback end

Coby was brought out of his thoughts when he noticed Luffy and Nami climbing up the was surrounding the marine base."Ahhhh! Luffy-san, Nami-san! what are you doing!?

Luffy gave him an are-you-an-idiot? look. "Finding Zoro." He stated blandly. He pulled himself and Nami up the rest of the way and sat on the top of the wall cross-legged. Scanning the training area Luffy frowned. There was no one guarding it. NO ONE! Seriously, what kind of moron leaves a marine base unguarded!? When his eyes landed on the figure of a man tied to a cross-like wooden pole by his arms and waist he stretched his arm and grabbed Coby who was still standing on the ground and sat him next to him. "Found him." He muttered just loud enough for his two companions to hear.

"Why would he be out in the ope-!" Coby's eyes widened in fear. "That haramaki, that black bandana, green hair... there's no doubt about it. That is Roronoa Zoro!"

Nami put a finger over her mouth. "Shhh. Coby you might wake the mosshead up. And we don't need him throwing a tantrum just yet."

"I'm already awake, witch."

Nami and Luffy's faces brightened. That was another voice they missed all to much along with the rest of the crew. "Zoro!" Nami swiftly jumped off and raced to the green haired man. She stopped right next to him and gave him a bone crushing hug (That was really awkward seeing as Zoro was tied to a pole).

Zoro mirrored his crew mates expression. "Your late." To the left of him Zoro saw Luffy standing next to him -how did he get there so fast?- with a fond smile.

Coby gapped at the pirates. They knew the Roronoa Zoro!? "Luffy-san, Nami-san! How do you know him!?" He saw the two grin at him.

"Oh, well, Luffy's our captain." Nami answered with glee. Coby made his way to the group. "And Zoro is his first mat- oh my god. Not you too!?" Nami yelled his Zoro's face. Said swordsman only blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean 'not me too'?"

Luffy laughed out loud. "You only just noticed Nami?" The girl hit Luffy over the head. Though it didn't hurt Luffy still rubbed the door sore spot.

"Well it's not like I'm going around looking for it!"

"Oi, what do you mean?" Zoro asked with growing irritation.

Nami dragged a soggy hand down her face groaning. "Your hair Zoro. Your god-damned hair!" Zoro blinked. Then blinked again, that laughed loudly.

Moving his gave to his side he grinned. Resting over his shoulder was a long mess of green hair tied into ponytail that came down to his stomach. "Oh, I completely forgot about that!"

She sighed. "Whatever. Why did you grow your hair out?"

"I dono. Change of style I guess."

The orange haired girl rubbed her temples. "I have a keen sense of déjà vu telling me I went though this exact conversation with Luffy..." She would never understand why the two did it but she couldn't deny that they were definitely easy on the eyes, many girls would be after them. Zoro did, however, need to run a brush through his hair, it was rather grimy and almost frizzy. Speaking of frizzy... The girl wacked he head up in sudden terror. "Sweet Jesus no. What if... Sanji and Usopp..." The two men let out a long roar of laughter tears coming to their eyes while The four-eyed child stared in awed confusion. They could already see Sanji an Usopp grinning back at them, Sanji with yellow twin buns mocking their ponytails, and Usopp with deformed braids complete with a sparkling pink background. Luffy fell to the ground clutching his stomach at the thought, Zoro would've done the same had it not been for the ropes securing him to the wood, instead he through his head up.

Zoro abruptly stopped laughing and stared at Luffy with suprise. Luffy caught the change and muffled his laugh with his hand for a moment until it completely dissolved into silence. He stood up facing the green haired man waiting for him to continue. Nami watched the duo with interest while the kid just stood by with confusion. "sword?" Zoro inquired. Luffy looked down at his left hip. Strapped to him by his belt was a dark blue katana slightly covered by his coat. The pommel was a light gray with a three link chain hanging from top. The hilt was covered mostly by a black cloth tied around it. The sheath had three sets of light blue string wrapped around it two times at the top middle and bottom.

He brought his gaze back to Zoro. "Ah. well I thought it would be better to use a weapon. I could use a different thing, but the sword felt right for now." His crew nodded their heads. Zoro almost felt proud that Luffy was using a sword. "Well..." Started the captain. "Let's get going, shall we? Oh, Zoro need help with the ropes?"

"Come on cap'n, you know me better then that." Zoro flexed his arms and brought them down in a swift motion braking the ropes in process. He grabbed the ropes around his waist and rod them apart. Silently Zoro wondered how he couldn't get out of those types before. "Much better." He said while stretching his arms out.

Their 'conversation' was cut short when they noticed a little girl lower herself into the the sand field. To Coby's dismay she ran up to the four, either not taking notice that Zoro was unbound or not caring. Grabbing a few bundles from the large brown bag at her hip, she unwrapped them to reveal large rice balls, she held them out in-front of Zoro.

"I brought your food for the day Zo-san! And I put salt like you suggested!" Zoro chuckled lightly and bent down to rub the top her head. She grinned widely at the action.

"Thank you Rika." He took the oversized balls of rice and promptly devoured them in two bites. "It tastes great." within a few seconds they were all gone. Once again she dug into her bag this time pulling out a bottle.

"And here's your beer!" He grasped the bottle by it's neck, his expression clearly saying 'this is what i have been waiting for all day!' he hastily chugged the contents and handded it back to the girl.

"So... Zo-san?" Nami questioned. Hers and Luffy's muffled snicker's were now openly heard.

Zoro stared at his Captain. "I don't know, she just started calling me that after a while."

"Yeah, yeah... Zo-san. Lets go." He waved his hand in a shooing motion. Zoro just ignored the boy -man- and motioned to the two kids to follow them. Rika stayed close to Zoro's left, while Coby scurried over Luffy. They started walking away but then all three pirates groaned loudly when they sensed another presence heading towards them. "Ugh, forgot about Mr. Helm-potamus." The straw hat wearing boy spoke to Nami and Zoro's amusement.

Soon after, a man clothed in a dark purple double button down suit, underneath he wore a pink dress shirt. His hair was a glossy blond bowl cut parted in the middle of his forehead, he had a 'butt chin' as Luffy inwardly dubbed it, and an aggravating grin plastered on his face. Walking along side him were two marines. "Now what would you, Roronoa Zoro, Be doing untied.?" Rika spun around at the sound of his voice. Zoro wispered Coby to take her home, He nodded after Zoro have him a stern look, and the two ran off without helmeppo noticing.

"Leaving." Zoro told. Helmeppo scowled.

"Wha-agh!" He flew back, doing an unnatural flip in the air and landed on his back with a thud knocking him out immediately.

Standing right next to where the bowl-head had been was Luffy holding his black shoed foot up Infront of him. Nami could see an uncanny resemblance to Sanji in his form. Slowly the Raven haired boy lowered his leg to the ground with a plane face. "Pain in the neck." He muttered. With dibble fists he punched the two marines that had been about to attack him on the face and sent them flying next to the snot-nosed-brat. He changed his position to face his crew. "You know what. Can we just get this over now and go kick Axe Hand to next week?" Though slightly surprised buy that, they nodded grinning.

"Yeah." Nami and Zoro said simultaneously.

A little bit of kicking ass later.

The three straw hat veteran's strode down the streets of Shell Town side-by-side. After they finished with the marines Zoro said he would take them to the bar Coby, Rika and Kunia, who he said was a friend that died the last time that he saved, were in. Of course he got lost and they settled on using observation Haki to find them.

When they arrived at the bar they noticed it was empty save for Coby and Rika who were seated at the bar stool chatting, Ririka who was behind the bar drying a cup with a rag, and a woman who Nami and Luffy guessed to be Kuina standing close to the kids ad looked to be conversing with Ririka. She had long dark blue hair. She wore a white t-shirt and black pants tucked into a pair of white combat boots. On her hands she wore fingerless black gloves. At her hip was a white sheathed katana Luffy recognized at the Wado Ichimonji. He would have preferred Zoro have the the sword knowing that it his treasure. He remarked how Zoro has always taken such care of it and the gentle rubs he gave it almost as though it was a pet. He knew that he got it a after a friend of his died so he thought it was a good trade. It was a good thing that he saved his friend.

The woman smiled at Zoro when she noticed them at the door. "Welcome back Zoro. I see you found your crew?" Said man nodded his head and grinned widely.

"This one-" He gestured to Luffy. "Is my captain. And she-" He pointed Art Nami. "Is the witch-"


"I mean navigator." Zoro corrected. Kuina strode over to Nami and held out a hand.

"Nice to meet you Nami. My name is Kuina. I think we'll get along well." Nami shook her hand grinning.

"Me too." She said.

Kuina stepped over to Luffy inspecting him. "So you're the captain I've heard so much about. You seem pretty strong. I trust you will take care of Zoro." Luffy nodded while Zoro glared at her. "Alright, good. Then-" She held her hand out. "Pleased to meet you." Luffy took her hand.

"Likewise." Nami gasped comically and put a hand over her mouth.

"Who knew you knew such a word let alone be able to pronounce it correctly!" Luffy bore into the girls eyes for a long moment with an practically pleading look, almost like he was waiting for her to say something more. When she didn't he opened his mouth.

"I was seriously that stupid? Please tell me your joking." The silence said everything. 'Wow, Sure he was an idiot before, He knew that, but that was completely asinine!' He lowered his head and put a hand over his eyes. "I feel absolutely mortified." Nami was amazed that Luffy knew such word. She decided that whenever she felt like teasing him she would use that. The reaction was just to much!

Celebrating and getting to know each other a little later.

"I guess we better get going now." Luffy informed. They were just about to leave when the marines along with Coby came to thank them. Luffy was never fond of the idea of marines saluting a pirate (really where was the logic in that?) but dismissed it for the occasion. Zoro had just finished his goodbyes to Kuina and started making his way to the boat.

Kuina grasped the hilt of Wado Ichimonji tightly. "Wait Zoro." She called. Said man shifted back just enough to see her out of the corner of his eye. She pulled Wado out from her belt and held it out to her rival. Zoro, now fully facing her, focused his view on the white sheathed blade. "I want to give this to you." Any other moment she would have teased the man for his bewildered expression. However she felt no desire, she saw the way Zoro looked at the sword, like it was one of the most important things to him, and she guessed that if she had died that day the sword would be his. "I want you to hold on to this until the day I surpass you. it's safer with you after all." She laughed softly at Zoro's raised eyebrow. "If I died, it would get into the wrong hands. But you can't die. Even if you died you wouldn't die." The straw hats inwardly laughed a the truth of that statement. Zoro took the sword with both hands and secured it next to his three others caressing it fondly with his thumb.

"Thank you, Kuina." She nodded and Zoro proceeded to board their small boat. Once prepared, Nami went to untie it but stopped when she heard her captain.

"Coby." Luffy's voice sounded. The sudden silence that followed them from the surrounding marines gave him a moment to set his gaze on every white clad man there before he continued. "I want you to understand that our story will not have a happy ending." The surrounding audience held their breath as they waited for him to continue. "I am a pirate, you are -will be- a marine. We are enemies by nature. And because of that we must fight and whatever friendship we had will be ignored wither we like it or not. Until then, we will be friends. But I'll have you know, that one day... Every single marine... Will die by my hands." For a long moment nobody dared move, not even his own crew. The only sound heard was the swishing of the water below the pirates. Shock washed over all those present with no exceptions though some masked it, Zoro and Kunia included.

Nami and Zoro were taken aback by what Luffy had said. They never expected him to be the type to hold a grudge nor kill, the only men he did have a grudge against was Blackbeard and Akainu, but even then it was only Blackbeard, not his crew. This however was different, he was holding grudge against every marine including his friend. They knew at that moment that their captain wasn't the same optimistic, happy-go-lucky boy they hoped for, and it made them sick, because they were the ones at fault.

Kuina herself stood astonished as she finally understood part of why Zoro was so eager to find the man. How he meet him was still a mystery to her as she nor anyone else had seen him on their island. There was something about him, something that held power, the very air gave of felling of a predator, something that would protect its treasure with its life. His voice held true conviction and a darkness that could make the weak lose their minds if he felt to do so. The way he stood was stiff and ready for battle at a moments notice. Everything about and around him held authority. At that moment she knew he was truly a man worth of the title 'pirate king'.

Earlier. (unknown time)

Marco eyed the two men standing next to him. Whitebeard and Thatch. The strongest man in the world and the captain of the Whitebeard pirates, and the chef and fourth division commander of the whitebeard pirates were standing next to him, alive. his father, the father that sacrificed his life for his children and his brother that was senselessly murdered for something as meaningless as a devil fruit, they were up-and-kicking as their same cheerful selves. Whitebeard didn't have two gaping holes in their chest, and Thatch wasn't laying on the cold wood floor with his blood drenching his cold body.

waking up back in the Moby Dick so many years back was not what he expected when he died, though it was not unaccepted. He made many plans on how to prevent the things that occurred. Getting rid of Blackbeard was a problem all on its own. He was already a member by the time he woke up there, and even then it would be better to have the man closer so they could take care of him when the time came. He could always just tell Thatch not to say anything about the fruit, and that was probably what he was going to do. But, assuming that he didn't get there in time and the fuckup did end up killing Thatch, or even if he only attacked him and still got away it would be a hell of a job to convince Ace not to go after him. Allso, all attempts ignored and Ace still got captured... Well, he was still thinking.

Of course he did tell his father about his 'time travel'. The expression on Newgate's face he recalled would have almost been comical had it not been for the pensive atmosphere that weighed heavy over them. He told Thatch as well. His brother had been all to curious when he learned. The stars in his eyes were unbearable so he spilled the beans, but only little bits, not enough for him to be able guess what happened.

Now they were on their way to get Ace and have him become one of whitebeard's sons. The fog around them stood thick as butter, Thatch was smiling in anticipation of a new brother, and Whitebeard was observing his surroundings for his son-to-be son. Once in view, they saw Jinbei and Ace standing in front of each other. Both had bruises and cuts litering that body's, though neither looked out of strength. Marco heard his father's voice in the background of his mind, being deep in thought as he looked at his freckled friend.

He noticed at slight change of emotion in Ace's eyes as he scanned them, each gave Marco hope that it was the same Ace. When he saw Whitebeard it was a mix of sadness and admiration, when his gaze set on him it was appreciation, and when he distinguished Thatch his eyes held both guilt and determination, and finally settled in joy. He heard Ace mutter something under his breath, it was quiet, so silent Marco almost didn't catch it, but the words were heard and Marco couldn't be more overjoyed at what he caught. "Pops... Thatch... Marco."

This Ace was different.

This was Ace, the same one that was executed at marineford.


How was it? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Dislike it? Despise it? Adore it? Loath it? Disdain it? Feel a need to rip my guts out and break each of my rib bones one-by-one just so you can hear my blood curdling scream pierce your ears?

So... Yeah I skipped the fighting scene with Morgan and most of what happened afterwards. Yeah sorry, but I wasn't really interested in writing it. Kind of boring... Anyway, sorry!

So I'm also going to be doing my own Arcs that aren't in the anime so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear (Read) them!

And yeah! After doing a vote by the reviews it was decided that nether Kuina nor Coby would join the crew.


Yes: 2

No: 6


Yes: 1

No: 7

Kaya (she is still open for vote):

Yes: 2

No: 2

neveragain1997: Thank you so much!

ChunkyFunkyMunky: I won't add him. and I despise harems, so rest assured I will not write one.

w1lliam: thank you, I will.

Laludofan: OMG! thank you soo much! that means so much to me! I'm not going to give you any spoilers though. Also I probably wont include them. its just a matter of the readers wishes.

pokeymonsuperallstarfan: I will chose by majority vote. thanks!

Arxhaelogist: sounds good ill probably do something like that. Thanks for the idea!

Flareons: I'm looking for one. thank you anyway, I'll try my best.

Ultra6man: Yes, I'm working on it. Thank you for reading it.