Yang walked down the paved courtyard of Beacon to the school's statue where a somewhat familiar figure stood in front of her. "Who are you?" She asked.

At first, the figure said nothing, but removed her mask to reveal a shocking resemblance to Yang, minus the jet black hair opposed to Yang's golden locks and red eyes compared to Yang's lilac orbs, which turned red in anger at the figure in front of her. It was the mother she had searched for as long as she could remember; Raven Branwen. "Yang. We have A LOT to talk about. Much will happen in the near future. And you are NOT ready for it." She said.

Yang was frustrated at the accusation of her skill being lacking, but then remembered the fight on the train she first saw her mother during when the latter saved her from Neo. "So, what should I do?" She asked.

"There is a city, full of crime and villainy, although it does have a hero who fights against these monsters. But he is about to face something he, too, is not ready for. You will help him." Raven explained, unsheathing and swinging her sword, creating a menacing black and red portal behind her daughter.

"Wait, what?!" Yang asked, looking behind her at the portal, the back to her mother, who was suddenly in front of her.

"Good luck, my daughter." Raven said, before pushing Yang through the portal.

Yang fell to the ground on her left side, before looking at her surroundings, seeing she was in a dark, run-down alley."What the?" She asked, before getting to her feet and taking a few steps towards the lit street at the end of the alleyway. "Where am I?" She asked. She then gasped as she was grabbed from behind and a knife was pressed against her throat. turning her head as much as she could with the knife to her neck, she saw a man whose appearance just SCREAMED "criminal", wearing all black; shoes, sweatpants, a long sleeved shirt, leather gloves and a beanie. He was also very scrawny and somewhat mangy-looking, like how most hardcore drug users are potrayed in the media.

"Well, I can tell you where you're going, baby... with me." He said, attempting to pull her further down the alleyway, but found she wouldn't budge.

Yang growled at this and her eyes once again went from a beautiful lilac to a terrifying red. "I don't think so, creep!" She snapped, bringing her head back into her nose, forcing him to release her as he staggered back and held his face, before she grabbed him and threw him into a brick wall, throwing powerful, bone-cracking (but not breaking) punches all over his body. She wasn't usually this violent, but she was confused and was NOT about to be taken advantage of. And she REALLY hated anyone who would take advantage of women. But hey, lucky for him, she wasn't using Ember Celica, which still remained as the stylish gold bracelets around her wrists.

"Hey!" A voice came from back towards the street at the end of the alleyway. Yang dropped the thug (who quickly scrambled away) and turned towards the voice, looking in shock as she saw a police officer pointing his gun at her, to which she quickly put her hands in the air. She could dodge the bullets and handle him relatively easily, but he was a cop. She didn't want any trouble with the law. He was a clearly aged man, but no older than most of her teachers; white hair, stress wrinkles on his forehead and brown glasses on his face, wearing a gray vest and white long-sleeved shirt with straps on his torso wear a holster for his gun stayed. He was police Commissioner James Gordon. He approached her with handcuffs and quickly slapped them on her wrists, just under Ember Celica. "You're under arrest for 1st degree assault, young lady." He said, dragging her back to his car.

"What?! But he started it!" She tried to defend herself.

"And he's the one beaten to a pulp." He said as he closed the door after loading her into the back of the car. As he started driving he glanced back at her in the rear view mirror. "So, what's your name, kid?" He asked.

"Yang. Yang Xiao Long." She said.

"Huh. Sounds Chinese. But you don't look particularly... exotic." He said, looking back at her and taking in her very American features.

"Chinese? I've never heard of that." Yang said.

The car suddenly came to a stop at that remark. "What? you've never heard of China?!" He asked in disbelief, his jaw dropping when she shook her head. "Okay... What about this city? Ever heard of Gotham?" He asked, once again shocked when she shook her head. "Well, just where do YOU think we are?" He asked.

"Vale." She answered.

"Vale? Never heard of it." Gordon said with a strange look on his face.

It was Yang's turn to be shocked at this. "What?! Vale?! The second biggest Kingdom in Remnant?! What about Beacon?! It's the combat school I go to!" She said, desperate to make sense of this situation, which only shocked her more as the officer in front of her shook his head with a look of increasing confusion. How could she not be on Remnant anymore?! Sure, her mother could apparently make portal, but to other worlds?! NOT POSSIBLE!

"Well, I can't make heads or tails of this. But I think I know someone who can." Gordon said, starting the car up again.

Suddenly, an alert came over the Police Radio. "All units, report to Gotham City Hall. The Joker has been apprehended. Batman is now en route to Arkham Asylum."

"Right on schedule." The Commissioner said, driving in a different direction.

"Joker? Batman? What are they talking about?" Yang asked.

"You'll see." He said. Soon enough, they passed through a black iron gate with two statues holding lanterns lanterns and a plaque reading "Arkham Asylum". One look at the building they drove up to sent a shiver up Yang's spine, a large building that looked like a Gothic clock tower, a smaller building not far away and even the building that appeared to be a garden gave off a dangerous vibe to the young huntress-in-training. It also disturbed her how many guards were patrolling the grounds.

"This is supposed to be an Asylum? Why does it need that many guards?" She asked nervously.

"This is a bad place. On normal circumstances, a kid like you shouldn't be anywhere near her. But Batman needs to hear about you. And something tells me you can take care of yourself." He said as he led her into the massive building.

Quickly upon entering, another officer walked up to them, but he didn't seem quite right to Yang. He had a menacing air about him. He had a buzz cut and a long scar over his left eye, leaving it blind. "Gordon." He acknowledged the Commissioner when they walked up.

"Boles." Gordon replied.

"Huh. A friend of mine has a scar like that." Yang said, earning a scowl from the officer.

"And who's this?" He asked, but sounded more like he demanded the answer.

"A kid in the wrong place at the wrong time. Think Batman should know about her." Gordon answered.

"Well, he's not here yet. You can go ahead and wait for him in Patient Handover. She'll stay here. Then she'll see the Bat soon enough." Boles said, allowing Gordon to proceed, but standing in front of Yang to block her path. They gave each other a look of complete distrust in each other, but Gordon reluctantly moved on without Yang, proceeding ahead and acknowledging other officers.

Boles used the moment to pull out a flask and take a drink while the other guards weren't paying attention, but Yang was. "I don't know how this place works, but I'm pretty sure cops can't drink on the job." Yang said accusingly, not being quiet or making an attempt to hide the action she just saw.

Boles turned to her with an even bigger scowl. "Shut it, you!" He said, looking ready to strike her, but he was interrupted.

"Boles!" A voice rang out with an accent similar to Velvet's, but more uptight and from a man. Boles turned around, holding his flask behind him and Yang looking to the sound of the voice, they saw a short, aged man wearing a black business suit, red tie and holding a cane where both of his hands rested. Yang let out a small, sad sigh, however, when she saw the rose on the man's suit, reminding her of her dear younger sister. She could only wonder how her friends were doing now and what they would think of her sudden disappearance. The man then walked up to Boles with a serious look on his face. "Attempting to strike a young lady, Boles? Show some more decency than that. And is it true what she said about you drinking? NOW of all times, when the Joker is about to be brought in?" He demanded, just as accusingly as Yang.

"She's just another crook in cuffs, sir, trying to weasel her way out of her situation." Boles lied, glaring back at Yang over his shoulder.

(Oh, hell no.) Yang thought.

Having been taught this trick a long time ago, Yang jumped and swung her arms forward, now having her arms cuffed in front of her, she quickly swiped the flask from Boles' hand and held it in plain sight, shocking the guards and man in the suit. "How's this for weaseling?" She asked with a smirk.

"Why, you-!" Boles said, about to attack the young girl in front of him, but he was restrained by two other guards.

"That's enough, Boles! We'll talk about this later, after that maniac is locked away." The fat man said, before turning to Yang. "Thank you, young lady. I always suspected Boles ignored most protocol, but this proves it. I am Warden Quincy Sharp." The man introduced himself.

"I'm Yang. Yang Xiao Long." Yang introduced herself with a small nod of her head.

"A pleasure." He said, bowing his head as well, before looking down with a frown at her cuffs. "And why are you in these?" He asked.

"I'd like to call it a misunderstanding." Yang said.

"I see. And why have you been brought here?" He asked.

"Commissioner Gordon thinks Batman could help with that misunderstanding." Yang answered.

"Very well, then. That should be him now." The Warden said, looking to the doors as green lights flashed before they opened. Yang liked to think she'd seen it all at this point, but what she saw before her instantly shattered that.

The first figure was a tall, intimidating man in a black and gray suit, showing off his muscles and resembling a bat, which was the symbol on his chest, a long black cape flowing behind him and a black cowl covering most of his face and tipped with black, bat-like ears. This could only be the "Batman".

The next figure beside the intimidating man confused and disturbed Yang, a very skinny man with green hair, skin possibly even paler than Weiss', blood red lips curved in a sickening, twisted smile, a purple pinstripe suit and pointed black shoes. With his clown-like appearance, Yang guessed this figure was "The Joker".

Batman then reached down and grabbed the clown, yanking him to his feet and shoving him forward. "Move." He said, his voice as intimidating as his appearance.

Yang couldn't understand. The clown definitely looked creepy, but not dangerous. But if he was being brought to a place like this, he had to be guilty of something terrible. She wasn't sure if she wanted to find out what.

It certainly didn't help when he let out a creepy giggle. "Hey, Sharpie! Love what you've done with the place!" He said to the warden. Something about his voice just sounded... evil.

"That's Warden Sharp to you." Sharp said, before looking back at, "Boles!" He called, the guard walking up to the vigilante and the criminal, purposefully bumping into Yang as he walked up to them.

"Yo, Frank-ay! How's the wife and kids? Ya miss me?" Joker asked, before being grabbed by the suit and nearly lifted into the air.

"Shut it, clown! A lot of people here really wanna talk to you!" He said, gripping the clown roughly by the arm and walking him to a stretcher.

Batman watched this, then looked to the side and saw the blonde teen in handcuffs, walking up to her with a glare, before looking at the warden. "Why is she here?"

"Commissioner Gordon wished to speak with you about her. She states it's simply 'a misunderstanding'. I don't believe she'll be a problem." The warden answered.

"No, she won't." He said, glaring at her. She gave a glare back, feeling like those constant glares were judging her, immediately considering her a criminal.

"Really, I don't mind walking." Joker said as he was loaded onto and strapped to the stretcher. "Not so tight, boys, you'll crease the suit." He said, before looking at Yang. "Oh, look, Goldilocks got herself in trouble. Luck you, they don't have bears here. They do have a crocodile, though." He said, before cackling at Yang's look of apprehension.

"Ugh. What's with this creep?" She asked.

"The Joker. He's a criminal mastermind, who's killed hundreds of people. At least." Batman answered. Yang was shocked at this, he was as bad as any creature of Grimm she'd ever seen. And just as creepy.

"Get that filthy degenerate out of here!" The Warden ordered.

Batman, however, thought something was amiss. "Warden, something's not right. I'm going with him." Batman said, walking forward with Yang directly in front of him, forcing her to walk forward, otherwise letting him bump into her.

They continued walking as Joker looked around, noticing all the cameras. "Sharpie loves his cameras, doesn't he? Hey, Sharpie! You getting my good side? Oh, heck, who am I kidding, they're all good, aren't they? Don't forget to get a few pics of the LOVELY LADY back there, Sharpie!" He said, Yang shuddering at the clown's mention of her.

"Look at all this new security! How's a guy supposed to break out of here?" Joker wondered loudly to himself.

"That's the whole point." Yang said, rolling her eyes. She didn't like her current situation. handcuffed in a loony bin with a vigilante glaring death at her with each look he gave her and being this close to a human as evil as the Joker. She didn't think she'd be cracking a joke for a good while.

"I want him securely locked away this time! Another escape and I'll lose support for my Mayoral campaign." Sharp said.

"Ironwood all over again." Yang mumbled. How could someone be more worried about their public opinion than the public's safety?

"New patient in the Intensive Treatment lobby. All none essential staff are to vacate the area." A female voice rang out over the intercom.

"But we aren't staff." Yang said.

"But we're essential. For now." Batman answered.

They continued down to the intensive care unit and Joker opened his mouth again. "Ahh, it's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-! Hacienda." He laughed.

"Is there anything he DOESN'T laugh at?" Yang asked.

"When people DON'T die." Batman said.

"Oh, Bats, you're such a kidder! You know it doesn't take DEATH to get me laughing? People in general pain just busts my gut!" Joker giggled.

They then walked into a big-ass metal detector that scanned them all. "You know, I prefer a good ol' cavity search. Much more personal." Joker laughed.

The metal detector suddenly went red and an alarm went off. "I got a red light." Boles said.

"Multiple prohibited items." The machine said.

"I want Joker searched AGAIN!" Some currently unknown cop said.

"Um... It's not the patient, it's uh..." Someone stammered.

"Ooh, whatcha sneak in with you, bats? Come on, tell me, tell me! Batarangs? Batclaws? Bat-snacks?" Joker laughed. "Or maybe it's the pretty bling blondie has." Joker said.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Yang countered.

"Scan is green on Joker." The person working the machine said.

"Open the gate! Get him out of there!" The cop said. "I want weapons on him at all times. Do NOT let him out of your sight." He ordered.

"there will be time for you later, Cash. Speaking of time: Tick, tock, tick, tock. Is that a crocodile I hear?" Joker laughed.

"What's he keep talking about crocodiles for?" Yang asked.

"You'll see later." Batman said.

Joker then noticed a doctor. "What's up, doc? Pencil me in for tomorrow at 4. We've got a lot of catching up to do." He laughed.

"Okay, he's clear." One of the other guards said.

The warden then came on the TV and spoke to the new patients. "Ooh, it's my favorite show! "I'm warden idiot, you'll never escape." Joke laughed.

Yang scoffed a bit to stop a chuckle. It was somewhat funny, but the warden had been nice to her and it didn't help Joker was the one telling the joke. A bunch of people then noticed the Joker and started cheering for him and waving to him until the guards got them back in order. "Why are inmates in here? This is a mental facility, not a prison."Yang asked.

"No difference, as far as I'm concerned." Boles snapped.

"I'm telling you, the state of the wiring in these federal facilities is shocking. My boys over there could've been hurt in that unfortunate fire." The Joker said, faking sympathy when he said "unfortunate".

"They're Joker's crew from Blackgate prison. There was a fire and the prisoners had to be transferred." Batman said, then noticed Yang's suspicious look. "I don't like it either." He said, shocking her at the apparent reading of her thoughts.

They stopped the guards and Joker after a while as a doctor walked up. "Just have to check your patient, officer Boles." He said.

"Alright, but hurry up!" Boles said impatiently.

"Only following procedure. Patient seems to be in satisfactory condition. Looks like he suffered minor lacerations, probably in the last few hours. There seem to be..." The guard said, getting close to his face, when suddenly...

"Boo!" Joker shouted, causing the guard to jump back and everybody panicked like bitches and aimed their weapons at him, a total of 5 assault rifles pointed at his head as he laughed maniacally. "Need to take my temperature? I'd be happy to drop my pants." Joker said, to which Yang practically had.

"He's all yours. Get him out of here!" The doctor snapped, storming off.

"He's good. Open the door." The officers said.

It opened and they continued on, when an announcement came on. "Attention in intensive care unit, Category 9 patient in transit. Pacification systems active. Shoot-to-kill permission granted."

"You heard the lady, we've got another psycho coming through." Another guard said, backing everyone up to a safe distance as the elevator came up incredibly slow, sparks flying everywhere, indicating someone HUGE was riding it.

"Can you smell the excitement in the air? No? Must've been one of the guards. Croc, old boy! Is that you?" Joker called out.

The doors opened to reveal someone huge, green and scaly, so big he had to crouch in the elevator. "Get ready. Keep your weapons trained on him at all times!" One of the guards shouted and they all aimed at him.

He slowly made his way out, sounding like he was snarling and growling, a massive reptilian creature wearing only the prison pants, chains around his wrists and a collar around his neck. "He looks angry." another guard said.

He finally stood up to his full height, almost the size of an Atlesian Paladin, then spotlights shined on him. "That thing looks pissed." Another guard said.

The dude sniffed the air, then turned to see Batman and took a few steps forward, finally revealing he was some type of monstrous humanoid crocodile creature with some seriously sharp teeth. "What's it doing?" another guard asked.

"I've got your scent, Batman! I will hunt you down." He said. Suddenly, the electric collar he was wearing powered up and shocked him, enough to stun him and make him stop where he stood. "A toy collar won't stop me from killing you, Batman! I'll rip you apart! Eat your bones!" He said, storming off, a couple of guards right behind him.

"That reminds me. I really need to get me some new shoes." Joker said, shaking his feet.

"What the heck was that?" Yang asked, shaking slightly.

"Waylon Jones, A.K.A Killer Croc. Born with a condition that gives him a reptilian appearance. commonly convicted for murder and cannibalism." Batman said, shocking Yang, before looking at a guard, who looked at the retreating beast with a look of caution and anger. "That's officer Cash. He tried to break up a riot Croc started. And he ate his hand." Batman said, gesturing to the hook-like hand the officer had towards the business end of the gun, sending a shiver up Yang's spine,

They all then loaded up into an elevator and rode down. "Hold tight!" One guard said.

"Whee! Great night for a party!" Joker laughed, apparently enjoying the ride.

"Not where you're going!" Batman snapped.

"The night is young, bats. I still have a trick or two up my sleeves." Joker laughed, then continued. "I mean, don't you think it's a little funny how a fire at Blackgate caused hundreds of my crew to be moved here?" He asked.

(I don't like the sound of that.) Yang thought.

"I thought I told you to keep quiet!" Boles said, aiming his rifle at Joker's head.

"Oh, Frankie, you really should learn to keep that fat mouth of your shut. It'll get you into trouble." Joker laughed.

"Tell me something: You've never let me catch you this easily before. What are you really after?" Batman asked.

"Oh, nothing much. Hundreds dying in pain and fear. Their miserable lives brought to a horrifying conclusion. All thanks to you and a book of matches. Was that the answer you wanted?" He asked.

"You're a monster!" Yang snapped.

"Oh, Goldilocks, you ain't seen nothin' yet." The Joker said, looking at her with a menacing smirk.

Suddenly, the lights went out and Joker started laughing. "What's he doing?!" One guard asked, somewhat panicked.

"Stay where you are!" Another said.

"Get a flashlight! Get a light on him!" Another ordered.

Yang prepared to do something to try and help, but the lights then came back on and Batman was grabbing Joker around the throat. "What? Don't you trust me?" Joker choked out, then Batman slammed his head against the back of the stretcher.

They finally reached the lower floors. "Our guest has arrived." One guard outside of the elevator hissed. The doors opened and he followed the crew, glaring at Joker. "You killed three of my crew when you busted out of here last time." He growled.

"Only 3? I'll be sure to try harder next time. What say we aim for a hundred." Joker said.

Yang growled at this. "I hope you stay here for the rest of your life." She said.

Joker laughed out loud at this. "Not likely, blondie." He said.

Batman finally reached patient handover and found Jim Gordon. "Long night, Jim?" He asked.

The Commissioner turned to him and walked up, shaking his hand. "Joker invades city Hall and holds the mayor hostage, leaving it to me to juggle S.W.A.T teams, the media, you and now her." He said, nodding his head towards Yang. "So, yeah, it's been a helluva night." He sighed.

"Hopefully the last one we'll ever have with him." Batman said.

Unbeknownst to anyone else, Harley Quinn watched as her Puddin' was wheeled away and listened closely to Batman. "Yeah, right." She said.

"Jim, they all said you wanted to talk to me about her?" Batman said, looking at Yang.

"I was driving to City Hall, but found her beating up some poor sap in an alley. Said he started it, then she says she's got no idea where she is. Talking about places I've never heard of, like some place called Vale, that she goes to some combat school called Beacon and that the planet is called Remnant." The Commissioner said.

"Standing right here, you know." Yang said, slightly annoyed.

Batman considered everything, before giving a small nod. "I'll see about looking into it. Joker takes priority." He said.

As they were continuing, Batman was suddenly stopped. "Hold it, there! Sorry, Batman. Arkham staff only." The guard said.

"I assure, you, if anyone's qualified, it's-" Gordon started.

"Listen, I appreciate the assistance, but he'll unsettle the more violent inmates." The guard said.

Joker chuckled at that moment. "I think he's talking about YOU, Bats!" He laughed as he was led off. "Don't be a stranger! You're always welcome here! Gotta say, it's good to be back!" He finished as he was led off.

"You okay?" Gordon asked Batman.

"He surrendered almost without a fight. I don't like it." He said, going over to a window to watch.

"At least he's back where he belongs." Gordon said, following him.

"I don't know. Something about this doesn't feel right..." Yang said suspiciously.

Joker suddenly pretended to fall. "Get up! Now!" The guard told him, reaching down for him.

A mistake. Joker headbutted him right in the jaw and started strangling him with his handcuffs.

"Joker's loose! Alert the warden!" Batman said.

"Hurry, we're losing him, Doc!" Joker shouted as the doctor struggled to prevent Joker from choking the guard and undoing the cuffs.

This time, maybe it was from her heightened instincts as a Huntress (in-training or not), or maybe her naturally higher reactions, reflexes, etc., Yang was the first one to act, pulling her hands apart from each other, breaking off the handcuffs and activating Ember Celica, rushing to the glass wall and slamming her fist into it, almost completely shattering it and unleashing a blast from her gauntlets to finish the job, she then jumped through, taking her stance and preparing to fire at Joker.

"Uh-oh!" Joker said, forced to stop his attempt to be de-cuffed, running up the ramp towards the gate with an electric barrier, that suddenly lowered for the clown, allowing him to dive past it, which activated as soon as he was through it, stopping the blast that would've otherwise sent the Joker to the ground, unconscious. He got up and looked at Yang with a furious glare. "Well, that was just RUDE, Goldilocks! I had this perfect trap all set up for Batman and you jump in and steal the show. Well, let's keep the show going!" He said as the cells of several inmates suddenly opened and they surrounded Yang.

"Come on over here, girlie. Wanna have a good time?" One of the thugs taunted.

"I always liked blonde chicks." Another called with a whistle.

"Then here's the closest you're getting to a kiss!" Yang said, firing another blast from her gauntlets at the thugs, hitting him in the face and sending him flying. "Anyone else want a little peck on the cheek?" She asked with a wink.

"Holy shit! Those gloves are shotguns or something!" One of them said.

"Get her!" Another said as they all rushed her. They all got to her about at the same time, but before anyone could grab her, she did an impressive blackflip that more impressively got her several feet up in the air, where she smirked, her right gauntlet glowing, looking to be on fire, before slamming into the ground and firing, creating a massive shockwave that sent the thugs flying.

"Well, well, not bad, Blondie! But I'm just warming you up! Fresh from Blackgate Correctional Facility, with a combined sentence of 75 years! Ding, ding, ding! It's Round 2!" Joker announced as several more thugs poured in, preparing to take on the blonde brawler.

Batman was shocked at how quickly Yang had A: reacted, B: gotten through a bullet-proof glass window and C: taken down a small group of thugs without any real issue. And using his 'Detective Mode', he saw that all of the thugs, even the one blasted in the head with some form of explosive round. was still alive, only unconscious. But now, seeing more thugs running in, he decided he now had to step in, climbing onto and jumping off the broken window's frame and gliding in, kicking a thug running at her in the head and taking his own fighting stance. "Not bad. Keep it up." He said, the two of them standing back to back.

"Does this mean we're on the same side?" Yang asked half-jokingly, half-hopefully. She didn't want to be on this guy's bad side.

"No killing. Follow that rule and you'll be fine with me." He said. With that, he threw a batarang at one thug's head, stunning him and knocking him down, then running in and slamming his fist into the other's stomach, then delivering a powerful headbutt to knock out the grunt, switching his focus back to the first one and preforming a ground takedown.

Alternatively, Yang, having dealt with the first wave with a simple guantlet blast to the ground, decided to deal with both thugs up close and personal, running in, jumping and rolling sideways in mid-air and extending her leg to bring it down on one thug, before throwing a round kick to the second one, sending him flying into the electric wall of his old cell to knock him out. She smirked at this, bouncing in place a bit and shaking her arms while rotating her neck to loosen some of her body's tension. "Whew! Was that all you've got, Joker? Not much of a warm-up. How about giving us a big Yang?" She joked, using her favorite pun to switch "bang" with her name.

"Oh, don't worry, Goldilocks! I've still got plenty of plans for the Bat AND I can easily come up with something for you!" Joker snapped at her. Batman was silently shocked at this. Joker barely knows anything about this girl, yet she's capable of getting under his skin with ease. And she was an impressive fighter with even more impressive strength, maybe even more than him.

Gordon then came on the announcement screen. "The system's jammed. We're stuck in here. Joker's got full control of the security gates!" He said.

"I'll find a way out, Gordon. Try and contact the Warden. Let him know what's happening. I'll be back." He said.

The Screen suddenly switched to Joker. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Bats! I'm in control of the asylum. You're not going anywhere I don't want you to. Understand?" He said.

"If you think I'll let you run-" He growled at Joker.

"Blah, blah, blah! Always with the hero speak! I'm getting bored watching you. Why don't you come and find me?" He asked, opening the security gate.

You know it's a trap." Gordon said as he came on the TV.

"Of course it is." Batman said, then going down the path Joker took.

"Hold on!" Yang said, running up to him.

"You're coming, too?" Batman asked.

"Yeah. I still don't know where I am or why I'm here, but it was for a reason. And I think that reason is to help stop that freak. Besides, guys that wear more make-up than I do deserved to be punched." She ended with a joke.

Batman actually let out a small chuckle at this, before turning back to the path. "Alright, but you already lost any chance you had to back out." He told her.

"I wouldn't have taken it anyway." She said, following him deeper into the out of control Asylum.