As the daughter of the village wise-woman, Helga Hufflepuff knew a lot of what happened to the people around her. She always knew when a new epidemic was approaching and when there was a birth or death in the village. She always felt very connected to everyone, especially a young girl who just happened to have some strange powers that allowed her to move objects when she needed to. Helga was thrilled to notice this small, slightly supressed, trait and tried to work with her to allow her to understand and better use and control her powers. It was because of this connection when she woke to find her father banging on the door of their small cottage, carrying the girl, called Elizabeth, in his arms. Helga's mother, Helena, took the child and placed her on the bed in one corner that was the dedicated infirmary.

"What happened, Sir?" Helga asked, remembering to be polite to the muggle who saw her gender as beneath him.

"She was doing something. She had the devil inside her and I needed to get it out of her – she begged me to get it out of her – so I did what the priest told me. I beat it out of her." He told her. He seemed a little grief stricken but still positive that he had done the right thing. Knowing magic was real and had nothing to do with the devil made it very difficult for her to talk to people like him. Helga's father had been a powerful wizard before he had died but it was times like this that she wondered what if he hadn't. Would she be dead too? The huge number of children, especially girls, she had seen since she started working with her mother made her think she would be.

"Well the devil is gone, that's for sure." Helena said, coming away from the bed of the very pale child. "On this occasion, however, he appears to have taken her soul with him." Helena had a lot more experience than Helga which was very apparent in these kinds of situations, she was a witch too and must also be angry about what happened to this child but acted as though she understood why it had happened.

"Can she still be buried on consecrated ground? Will her soul be able to move on?" He asked.

"I suggest you consult Father Gerald about that." She said. "Helga will help you take her to him." She turned to Helga who nodded in return. Together, Elizabeth's father and Helga carried the child a little further into the town and up a small slope towards the church.

The church was a great, grey stone building and was easily the most beautiful building in the village which was mainly filled with small thatched cottages and a few shops. The church looked down on the whole village and could impose its power anywhere it could be seen with its tall bell tower and colourful windows. Connected to the church was a small two roomed house which belonged to Father Gerald. A quick rap on the door was enough for him to wake up and open the door. He said nothing but, when he saw the child, motioned to a small woollen sofa where they laid the child.

"Please leave now Helga, this is a place for men." Father Gerald told her. He made the sign of the cross in front of her as she curtseyed and left. He had never cared for herself or her mother very much – probably because they were often the next-port-of-call for something if the church couldn't help it and he didn't like this.

It had taken everything in her not to scowl at the priest who shut her out of her young friend's death like she was the plague that had forced it to happen. Now that she was free of their stares as she walked down the hill towards home she was free to be as "unladylike" as she wanted whilst the rest of the village slept. She kicked a railing at the bottom of the hill to remove some of her frustration (although it mainly hurt her foot) and then picked up her skirts and ran home where she found her mother frantically packing food, clothes, and some simple medicines into a bag.

"Where are you going?" Helga asked tentatively, she didn't want to be left in charge again – it didn't go very well last time as she was not as clever as her mother.

"There's a meeting in a few days up in Alnwick and I think you should go."

"Mother, that's for the best witches and wizards in the country. I struggle with even the most basic of potions."

"And yet you knew that girl was a witch. You told me off your suspicions years before anyone else noticed a thing – we just didn't know how to help. Your magic is amazing, even if your potions could use some work. I haven't seen magic like yours since your father and he was on the council. You will be accepted. Please go – for me?" She asked. Helga nodded and took the bag, adding a few pieces of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a quill. She was one of a few people in the village who could read (really it was only them and the priest) and write but it was necessary when you spent half your time reading spell books and recipes for potions. "Take the horse and you should get there in time."

So, a mere few hours after the death of little Elizabeth, Helga set off into the world to see if anyone knew a way to stop it happening again.

Hey, so this is just the intro to the story which is going to go at least up to the building of Hogwarts but we'll see. I will try and get the next chapter up soon because I know this one is quite short and I will also try to update my other stories ASAP. Please let me know what you think so far and I will hopefully see you next time – Chescaannie xx