The only thing to fear, is fear, himself.- Freddy Krueger
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
(Ahsoka's POV.)
Ow. My head. What the hell happened? Am I on leave and got drunk again? I may or may not be under the legal drinking age, but what nobody else knows won't kill them, ok? I try to get up but find it's hard to move. I look around and see medical droids and equipment, 'Am I in a hospital of some sorts?' Then I realize I'm looking through the T shaped visor of some helmet. 'Why am I wearing a helmet? And why am I in a hospital? How in the—Wait. Was that a battle droid that I just saw?' Yep. Battle droid. Ok, I'll bite. WHERE THE HELL AM I?! AND WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?!
That's when the pain kicked in. All I could do was groan in agony. Then, he took a few steps towards me. He stood at least 5 feet away. For 10 seconds we just stared at each other. "Welcome. I am glad to see you are still alive." Count Dooku finally said, breaking the silence.
"Whe-where a-am I?" I wheezed out through the pain. 'Uh. What's up with my voice? Why does it sound so… metallic?'
"You are in a secrete droid factory on the planet Kashyyyk." He replied. A smug smile on his face.
"Ka-Kashyyyk?" 'Damn. It's painful to just talk.' I got to get out of here and worn someone, the factory was placed here on Kashyyyk to be able to send a surprise attack on the Wookies. And whatever else he has in planed it won't work.
He must be a mind reader because he said, "If you are planning to escape then I assure you, you won't get far with the suit's tracking system. You'll be back here within an hour." What he had said both made me irritated that they would be able to capture me so easily, and made my blood go cold. 'Did he say suit? What suit?'
"What ar-are you t-t-ta-talking a-bout?" I asked. 'Son of a bitch, why am I in so much damn pain?!' I thought to myself.
Dooku put on a little smirk as he nodded to a droid and it pressed a button. When the button was pressed, Dooku side stepped and a full body mirror came up out of the floor. And what I saw… what I was looking at… wasn't me.
But a monster.
This… thing, I was looking at… was a Togruta, had lekkus like mine, about my height, was a girl, but… her hands were covered in a black, leather glove gauntlet, with long, sharp, metal claws on each of the fingertips. There were tan metal shoulder pads, a silver metal rib like chest plate, a tan metal helmet with a T shaped visor like a Mandalorian helmet, all the other clothes were made of ether black or grey skin tight leather, multiple belts, and black armored boots, and a black skirt that reached from her waist to her ankles. (A/N: Look up Ahsoka - Darth Carcharadon by Raikoh-illust, that's what she looks like. And it's where I got the idea for this story.) I got to admit, it looks badass. 'Heh, this girl looks darker than Ventress.'
But then I realized.
"What…What ha-have you done t-t-to me?"
"Only what I had to. It was the only way to save your life. You, should be grateful." He said in his famous dark and ominous tone. I fought through the pain and started to struggle against the restraints. I had to get out of here. But how? "Do you, even remember what happened to you?"
Remember? Remember what? There is nothing to remem—
Wait. Wait. Wait, I… I remember it all, what had happened to me. I remember. Master Skywalker and I had infiltrated a Separatist Dreadnought to rescue master Kenobi. We were heading for the escape pods and everything went downhill from there. Some stupid clanker activated the self-destruct sequence and we were running out of time. It was just Anakin, Obi-wan, Rex, Fives, Cody and myself.
We were running down the halls as we were bombarded by blaster bolts. "Another brilliantly well executed plan Anakin. Now, I suppose you planed for the ship to be destroyed and you had another way of escape?" Obi-wan said, with a big hint of sarcasm.
"With all due respect Obi-wan, why don't you just shut up!?" Anakin said. He was not having a good day. First, his light saber starts acting up which leads to second, me winning a sparring match (also I might have rubbed it in his face). Then, much to his and Padme's horror I found out that they are MARRIED! Didn't see that coming. I assured them that I wouldn't tell anyone, especially Obi-wan. And then we got the mission to rescue master Kenobi on what was supposed to be his day off. And for the grand finally, as we were getting Obi-wan to the ship it was blown up right in front of us. And now, we are on our way to the escape pods as we tried to out run the self-destruct.
I used the Force to push all the droids down and close the blast doors as we rounded the corner to the pods. There was one left, so we piled in. But as Anakin pushed the button, nothing happened.
"The pod must be jammed." Fives said with a hint of fear.
As Anakin and Rex started tinkering with the controls, I started to think. I grabbed one of Fives' pistols, got up and went outside to make the pod eject from there. I brought the pistol to do something stupid if hotwiring it didn't work.
Cody was the first one to notice I was gone. "Where's the commander?" That got Skyguy's attention. He poked his head out just in time to see me messing with one of those things that R2 plugs into to turn something on or off.
"Snips! What the hell are you doing?!" he asked, obviously irritated.
"Trying to save all of our asses." I said plainly. I could hear the droids try and open the blast doors. Then I hear the last/one minute warning to ship destruction. "Come on, damn it. Come on, damn it. Come on, damn it!" I muttered under my breath. That's when I heard the squeaking sound of the blast doors slowly opening. 'Whelp. Time to do something stupid.' I thought as I used the Force to push Anakin into the pod. I then pointed the blaster at the console and fired four times. The pod's doors closed.
Anakin got up and looked out the window that looked back into the ship. I looked back at him. "AHSOKA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! AHSOKA!" He screamed as he pounded on the window.
"Win the war for me, will ya?" I asked as tears ran down my cheek. The truth was… I didn't want to die. I mean I already died once on Mortis, but this was one death that I know I won't come back from. But as long as my friends lived, I would take death head on. I turned around just in time for a laser bolt to hit me in the left eye. I scream in pain as the droids closed in on me. My entire eyeball was blown up in my skull. I was surprised I didn't die there. I was also surprised that my eyelid was still intact. The wound wasn't cartelized so a lot of my dark blue blood oozed out of my eye socket. With a deadly glare I started firing the blaster I still had, but missed every shot. 'I am very bad at this.' I thought to myself.
I deflected as many shots with myshoto. I then remembered I left my original lightsaber in the pod so I was an easier target. I did my best to block them but I was hit in the shoulder. I stammered back but kept fighting. Two shots hit me in the stomach but I ignored it as best as I could. And as one last blast hit me in knee, a tactical droid made his way to the front as I finally collapsed against the wall. By now the pod was gone. And it was just me. As the droids pointed their blasters at me to finish me off, the floor erupted into flames, and everything went black.
(Flashback over)
The fear I felt. The sadness of not living a full life. The confusion I had. But what I could really feel creeping up my spine now. Was Anger. Hatred. Rage. A sense of vengeance came to mind. To take revenge on the count for doing this to me. 'I want his head!' I thought as I struggle to get free. But then I heard a voice. A voice that was reassuring, yet I didn't recognize it. 'No, Ahsoka. Don't give into the dark side. Let go of your anger, your hate. Don't let it consume you.' And just like that, the voice was gone. I listened to those wise words and I began to calm down. "Release me."
"All in due time. The Sith Stalker Armor has not yet finished being welded and sown. It will take time, but when it is finished, you will call me master." He said in a hushed tone. So that was his plan, he wanted me to become his apprentice or something. Mabey he wanted a new assassin? Doesn't matter. I'll never join him. But then I thought of what he said about the armor not being done.
"What do you mean by 'welded and sown'?" I asked with a hint of fear in my voice, because I probably know what that meant.
"Why should I bother? You probably know what it means. What's the point?" he said, not dropping his damn smug smile.
"Humor me." I said with my own smug smile hidden under the mask.
Dooku scoffed, "I see why Skywalker calls you 'snips.'" I gave a low growl. 'Ok. I can take that snips guff from Skyguy; but Dooku is where I draw the line.' I thought to myself as I squirmed around on the operating table I was on. "Well if you must know. The leather has been sown to your flesh and the metal components have been welded to your bones. Your right hand, it was destroyed in the explosion. It had to be replaced. The gauntlet, as you can tell, hides the cybernetic hand very nicely. You can't even tell it was even lost." If I didn't have the helmet on, he would be able to see the terrified expression on my face. Do I even have a face anymore?! "The helmet and shoulder armor is removable. But you can't live without the helmet for more than two hours." Ok, I guess that I do still have a face. "Once you are complete, I will begin your training. Then when you are ready, you, Ieross and I will destroy my master. Then, the three of us will rule the galaxy together." He finished with a clenched. So that was his plan. His FULL plan, I mean. Kill Darth Sidious, then be dictator of the galaxy.
Someone I didn't recognize just stepped into view.
'This must be that Ieross guy.' I thought. His lightsaber was a little interesting, it looked silver with three spikes around the blade emitter. He wore red and white clothes with no sleeves on the shirt, metal gauntlets on his forearms, and a red hood. (A/N: He's wearing the Jedi Hunter armor from, uh, one of the Force Unleashed games.) I could tell that he was human. Kind of descent really. Tan skin, well-built muscles, clean shaven, Sith yellow eyes, pearly white teeth, some girls would say he's handsome or cute. But he's still a Sith.
"Master, is this our new friend?" asked the one I presumed was Ieross. (A/N: And his name is pronounced Ee-ross, it's got the E sound, the I is silent. Also I know what you are all thinking, and yes, I did just pull his name right out of my ass.) I could sense the dark side in him, but I could feel something else from within him… something light, something that felt like… love? He was in love. A Sith that's in love. Weird.
"Yes, but she is not ready. The armor is not complete and the nanobots' programing will be finished tomorrow." Dooku answered. What did he mean by—
"Nanobots, master?" Ieross asked. He seems to be enjoying my misery and I just hated that. 'Oh, what I wouldn't give to wring out his little neck. Wait. What am I thinking?' I thought to myself.
"Yes Ieross, nanobots. Specially programed so that the first person she sees will be her master. Dr. Nuvo vindi has assured me that the serum will be ready by the time I return." Dooku said without changing the expression on his face. He was going to turn me into his slave. I didn't want that to happen. I was nervous when those Trandoshans captured and hunted me down on Wasskah, or when I was a prisoner on Mon Cala. But right now, I was terrified.
"N-no." I said as low as a whisper. They apparently didn't hear me.
"Well, master. I believe we should allow the medical droids to complete our friend." Ieross said to Dooku. That dick! He IS enjoying this!
"No." I said a little louder so that they could hear me. Well, it worked. They both turned to me. Dooku smiled.
"Oh. But yes." He said with no pity. He then looked to the medical droids and said, "Finish her!" and with that he began to walk away, with Ieross in tow. They walked pass a B1 battle droid with a small dent on its head that was holding a datapad. It looked away from me like it didn't want to see what was going to happen next. Then two FX-7 medical droids came at either side of me. I realized they were going to finish the armor, whether I was awake or not.
"No." It was no use, "No." Those two buckets of bolts had their orders. "No." But this couldn't happen. "No!" I didn't want to fight for the Sith. "No!" I struggled against the restraints one more time. But I couldn't get free. Freedom would be taken from me. "NO!" I didn't want that to happen. Screw what the voice said, when….if I get out of here before I become Dooku's slave, I would kill him. But….I doubt that's going to happen. So all I could do was scream in pain as the medical droids finished the armor. "NOOOOO! NOOOO! NOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOO! AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" That's when I passed out.
*Meanwhile, outside of the secrete droid factory. Third person's POV*
Two clone scout troopers and one Wookie warrior watched as two B1 battle droids walk into one of the droid factories secrete doors.
"Looks like you were right." Scout trooper 1 said to the Wookie.
"(I told you I saw battle droids, but no one listens to old Skruff.)" The Wookie growled.
"Sketch. We can't take on a Sepy base, full of who knows how many clankers, by ourselves." Scout trooper 2 said to the other.
"Thank you captain obvious. Come on Burner, it's a day's trip back to camp from here. We got to alert the commander of what we found. We don't have enough troops on the planet and we're going to need more than Wookies to take this place." With that the three went off to report the droid factory they just found. What they didn't know, was that by doing so they would be saving another life other than the Wookies.
A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND, cut. This has been a bit of a pain in the ass. Well, most stories are a pain in the ass.
?: You got that right.
A/N: Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Everyone, say hello to Ahsoka Tano. I was felling lonely so I asked her to be a part of the story in a different way. BUT, considering that I have read other Star Wars the Clone Wars stories were Ahsoka and the Author talk at the end of the chapter and Ahsoka hurts the Author (Example, Star Wars and Dishonored crossover, The Jedi of the Void) so, I have decided to limit all her powers, and by limit I mean take away entirely. She won't have the Force and her physical strength will be equal to the strength of my 13 year old brother.
Ahsoka: Well that sucks.
A/N: Yeah but what's going to suck even more for you, is that we will be taking turns doing the disclaimer and it's your turn.
Ahsoka: Seriously?
A/N: Seriously.
Ahsoka: *Bangs her head on the table three times and groans* Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. "Please review with feedback and constructive criticism so the author doesn't go into extreme depression and starts drinking until he commits suicide."
A/N: WHOA, WHOA! 'So the author doesn't go into extreme depression and starts drinking until he commits suicide'? I do not roll like that.
Ahsoka: Well you look like you do.
A/N: You know what. *Snaps fingers*
Ahsoka: Deefnfoa— da? Adrmwmwm. *Touches her throat*
A/N: *Starts to chuckle* You can't really talk without your vocal cords. *Ahsoka punches him in the arm as hard as she can* OW! *Rubs arm to ease the pain* Well it was worth it. Anyway, bye everyone. Say bye Ahsoka.
Ahsoka: Bfd.