Here comes the tsukuyomi dreams. I know its been a while, but I haven't felt like writing for a few months. There's so much I still want to write for this story. Its just getting the time and the inspiration to do it is what I lack.

Sharing Emotions

Chapter 30

"Saryie. Saryie? Are you paying attention?"


Saryie's attention snapped back into focus peering at a curious-eyed Kakashi. He sighed in exasperation, his shoulders weighed down as he dug his hands further in to his pockets.

"You're making this harder than it needs to be. I was trying to tell you congratulations on making Jonin."

"What?" She asked quizzedly. She found her mind was hazy, but it was quickly fading as she was coming to grips with the situation.

"Seriously? You did a great job. Ever since you won the chunin exams, you been living up to everyone's expectations. Some say you're the second coming of the White Fang. Though in this case, they can't call you the White Fang on account of your hair. Maybe the Blue Fang would be more appropriate with your garb," Kakashi drawled casually, leaning against the wall outside her apartment.

Saryie snorted at the notion. "I'm my own kind of legacy. They can just call me Saryie," she spoke hotly.

Kakashi was not fazed by her attitude. "You still have trouble hearing your last name, I see."

"That's because others think it's your last name," she emphasized with the roll of her eyes as she folded her arms. Her arms circled the new jonin vest that she wore. She looked down briefly noticing it for the first time, but before she could question why it felt strange, Kakashi stole back her attention.

"In any case, you certainly made a name for yourself out there. Quick as lighting you are, even if your affinity is water. You are able to beat your opponent before they have a chance to cast their jutsu."

Saryie smirked. "I could beat you too!" she jested itching for a fight. She always wanted to go head to head with Kakashi at full force and beat the Copy Ninja.

Kakashi tsk at her, before chuckling. "If you tried you would miss the ceremony this afternoon."

She quirked her head to the side in confusion. "What ceremony?"

"At the academy. Your brother is becoming a genin."

Saryie's face tore into a smile in enlightenment, forgetting instantly her urge to fight Kakashi. "When did he…?" she began to question.

"We'll need to get going to meet your parents" Kakashi mentioned as he pushed himself off of the wall and began to leave.

Saryie trailed after him without question as he led the way to her parent's house that resided inside the village by the market. Saryie was curious, trying to remember when her parents had moved inside the village but could not recall a time where they lived anywhere else.

Her parents were outside already, talking to one of the marketers when they showed up. Subtly, Saryie felt a nervous twinge in her belly. She did not understand why. Why would she be afraid to see her parents? They loved her, didn't they?

When her parents spotted their approach, a smile lit her mom's face that made Saryie's doubts float away. Of course, her parents loved her and accepted her. What a silly thing to think!

"There you are, Saryie. I thought you were going to show up late," her mom spoke cheery.

"I'm never late! I'm always on time," Saryie argued, smiling happily at her mom.

She heard her dad huff out a laugh at her comment. "At least you are punctual unlike my nephew right here," her dad mentioned, tilting his chin in Kakashi's direction. "You've done well to improve his schedule a bit."

Kakashi looked abashed as he held his hands up innocently. "Sometimes life throws boulders in your path to delay you," he defended.

"More like pebbles that you still try to avoid rather walk over them."

"Heh, perhaps you got me there, Hachiro," Kakashi admitted.

"Thank you for coming Kakashi, by the way," Her mom chimed in. "I know how much you helped Saryie get started in becoming a genin and its nice of you to show the same support for Nao."

"Don't mention it, Tsubaki. I'm glad to be here for Nao. He has high hopes to be a splendid ninja like his sister," Kakashi smiled charismatically, glancing over at Saryie with his visible eye.

Her mom smiled in return. "I have the biggest hopes for him much like I did for my daughter. She's never let me down," her mom admitted, looking fondly at her.

Saryie felt pride bubble up inside her. She never felt so elated with such praise. She was happy to have her family here and being so supportive of her.

"Honey, where's Sai? Is he coming to the ceremony?"

Her pride washed away at the mention of Sai and in its place became undoubtable excitement.

"He's coming!" she found herself saying, not knowing how she knew. "He'll meet us there."

Her mom smiled and nodded as her father stepped up to clasp a hand on her shoulder.

"You picked a good one," her father commented as he turned his attention to the rest of them. "We best get going then."

Her family and her left to the academy to see her little brother, Nao, graduate. She was so happy for him and knew he would make a great ninja. When they had arrived, it didn't take long for them to find seats in the crowd of shinobi parents.

The seat to Saryie's right was empty until Sai showed up dressed in his usual black attire. He smiled genuinely upon seeing her and she felt her heart flutter within her rib cage. He kissed her cheek in greeting openly in front of her parents yet Saryie was not afraid of their judgement. He sat beside her giving his best congrats to her parents before turning his attention to her.

He slid his hand into hers and Saryie never felt warmer than in his presence.

"You made it," she couldn't help herself saying.

"Of course. I can see even you made it on time," Sai teased sweetly.

She laughed with a roll of her eyes. "I'm never late, you know".

"I know," he agreed. "You look wonderfully in your new vest."

She blushed. "It's not about me today. It's about my brother."

Sai nodded, turning towards the stage. "You're right. It's a big day for Nao. He's excelled well."

Saryie leaned into Sai as her lips brush his cheek. "Thank you for helping him."

Sai squeezed her hand as he eyed her, still smiling. "Any time."

Life was sweet with a bright blue sky and medium weather. There was no wind to bring a chill and no rays of sun to touch his face under a canopy of shade. He breathed easy with delight. Life was made for moments like these.

Where he could enjoy the fresh smell of the grass beneath him, hear the birds squawk in the distance, and lay lax upon the ground to enjoy the day. There were no troubles or duties in a moment like this. In fact, he believed he had nothing on his mind to consider. There were no chores he had to do, no obligations he had to fulfill, and no worries of what was expected of him.

He wondered why in the silence, why he felt he had been stressed. He could not fathom what on Earth he thought he had to do. He normally felt stress when putting something off, but nothing was coming to mind. He should not be stressed at all… because there was nothing he was putting off, right?

He had no worries and no cares on his mind that he felt he needed to indulge in, so instead he simply lived. He lived in the moment as he watched the sky. He smiled slightly when one of his lizards crawled up onto his shoulder. He nudged the little blue and orange reptile with his finger, stroking it briefly.

Suddenly Airi's face was above his, blocking the bright blue sky with her dark blue hair.

"What are you up to, Michi?"

"Nothing," he answered lazily.

She smiled widely. "You always say that. You must be doing something. Are you thinking about going climbing again? When will your next adventure be?"

Michi smiled at his sister's bubbly personality. "I haven't thought of it yet. I'll go where the wind takes me."

"Maybe one day I can go too!"

"Sure, if mom lets you," he agreed easily. He knew how much Airi liked hiking as much as he did. He always felt accomplished after climbing to new heights or hiking to a new ravines where he could take a break.

Airi unblocked his view of the sky as she jumped in her excitement. "I can't wait till mom says I can go! It will surely be after I have received all my lessons though," she remarked sadly.

Michi leisurely sat up, extending a hand to ruffle his eight-years-old sister's hair. "You surely have a lot of training left."

Airi shook her brother's hand away and huffed. "You're so lucky, you don't have any chakra wielding ability. Training is so draining."

Michi looked at his sister curiously. The notion he had no chakra stumping him for a moment but then he remembered she was right. He recalled failing the academy. That the teachers had spoken to his father to tell him the news that he had no capability of wielding chakra. He was not a ninja. Although his sisters were.

He ran a hand through his blue locks, spying the lizard on his lap now. He had not summoned the reptile for it was his pet. He recalled receiving it from his father to lift his spirits for not getting into the academy and a token to show he was not disappointed in his son. The lizard was the summoning of his clan, but his father found a special one for him to take care off and to feel a part of the clan no matter what.

He reflected on the thought for only a moment as Airi caught his attention again.

"Mom's making food. That's what I originally came to tell you," Airi spoke chipper again.

"It's not something I hate, is it?" Michi questioned, hoping for the best.

"Not at all. I wouldn't come to tell you if I knew you hated it," Airi giggled reminding him.

Michi smiled as he got up with his sister to head back to their house. He placed the small blue and orange lizard atop of his shoulder. The lizard stayed put with his head held high, its tail flicking the back of his neck. They descended upon a hill and came into the Haruki clan's compound to find their home.

Coming in sight of their house, Michi spotted his dad training his twelve-year-old sister, Miyu, in the front yard with his four-year-old sister, Aoi, trying to mimic the movements. Every now and again she fell on her butt in the mud but instead of being upset, she only wiped her hands on her clothes and tried again. His dad was teaching Miyu how to use the family's jutsu to its full potential. Miyu strived to accomplish the task and to impress their dad.

Michi could see how skilled Miyu was as she radically expanded the reptiallain armor jutsu around herself. Upon their arrival, his dad greeted him with a smile as Miyu nodded, staying focused.

"Figures, you only come for food," Miyu remarked, sarcastically.

"Be nice, Miyu," Airi quickly defended as she led her brother inside by the hand.

He paid Miyu no mind as he walked in to the smell of a great feast. His mom slaved over the kitchen and urged him to sit down upon his arrival. He was immediately given a plate full of choice fish with rice and his other favorite items. He gave a quick thank you as he dived in to his meal. He couldn't be happier than to eat, sleep, and live his life in such a way where stress never lingered on his mind.

Her eyes fluttered open as the light cascaded through the slits in her blinds, making her aware of the new day. With a tiny yawn, she stretched her arms out from the bed and wiggled her legs free from the tangle of sheets at her bed. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She felt like she had slept for ages as she finally opened her eyes to her familiar room. However, the room was not how she left it. The room was how is had been when she was smaller. Taking a step down, she realized her legs were shorter. Short enough for a child to bear.

Her fine brown hair hung loosely in her face, but she brushed it aside, coming to the mirror to gaze at herself. She was a child of four. She touched the mirror, feeling puzzled. Why did she feel different? She couldn't fathom. The mirror felt cold and real to the touch. Her finger prints leaving smudges on the glass that her mom would surely tell her to clean later.

Her mom.

That thought alone drove her out of her room and into the corridor to find her mom.

She found her mom with ease thanks to the smells of an omelet cooking in the kitchen guiding her. There her mom stood over the flame, humming gently as her father sat at the table reading over a few articles in the paper.

"Mom…" She whispered. She was uncertain as to why she felt so unsure.

Her mom's hums stopped as she turned to her.

"Oh sweetie, you're awake. I have breakfast." Her mother smiled sweetly, but her smiled dropped to a concern look upon seeing her daughter's troubled eyes. She quickly lowered the flame on the stove before coming to her daughter's side, kneeling in front of her.

"What is it? Did you have a bad dream, Azumi?"

Azumi saw her father glance up from his readings to peer over at her from behind her mother. She shook her head as she answered them.

"I'm not sure."

"It's okay, my baby," her mother ran her hands up Azumi's shoulders comfortably before picking her up. "We all have those nights. But remember dreams can't hurt you. It's all in your mind, Azumi. Ain't that right, Isamu?"

"Your mother is right, Azumi. Trust me, only the mind can conquer fear." He mentioned kindly.

"Now let's get some food in your little belly so your dad can take you to your surprise later," her mother chimed, placing Azumi in her seat at the table.

Azumi looked eagerly to her father. "There's a surprise?"

Her dad grinned up at her mom before looking to his daughter's features. "I figure today would be a nice day to go to the library and let you check out a few books?"

"Really?! Any three I want?" She spoke excitedly.

Her mom nodded replying with a yes as she served Azumi an omelet for breakfast. "You have to eat up though," her mom instructed as she played with a strand of Azumi's hair. "And I'll have to tidy up your hair."

Azumi had no words. She was bubbling with excitement so much that it was hard to hold her fork as she scooped up her breakfast. She loved the library for all the wonderous and colorful books they had. She loved hearing her father read to her when she picked a book that was too hard for her to read. She liked when her mom helped her sound out words. She enjoyed how her family could make a day of it, spending the day well into the evening with her on her father's lap while he sat out of his wheel chair on the couch. With her mother sitting beside him and leaning on his shoulder. His own arm stretched over hers while he held the book in the other. Azumi's eyes would follow the page as he read and flip the page when he reached the end. Those evenings were her favorite as everything she ever loved was how everything was before.

Well you saw pieces of all of Team H's dreams. Let me know what you think of each of them.

As you can tell, they all desire something different. Saryie wishes for acceptance, Michi desires to be unburdened and Azumi is stuck in the past. Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter and you don't see it as a filler chapter. Haha.

Please Review.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I own Saryie, Nao, Hachiro, Michi, Miyu, Airi, Aoi, Azumi, and Isamu.