Okay... first ever Power Ranger fanfiction of any kind... I've had this idea running in my head for a while... so here it is...

Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers Ninja Storm or it's characters... all I own is Celea and a few other OCs... and the Academy she goes to, and it's moves and such...

Now please read...


I punched at another student as I trained, "Come on! Give it up! I TOTALLY got you beat!" I laughed at him.

"Not even close!" He growled, before he tried to kick at me. I defected it easily.

"Enough." Our Sensei's voice stopped us from continuing with our training, "Celestina, I expect you to take this seriously."

I groaned, "I do! But I'm the only girl in this class and I'd like to have SOME fun!" This was the third lecture in two days!

"There is a time for fun, and a time for focus." Sensei sighed heavily, "I thought I had told you this before."

My muscles tensed up, "Sorry, Sensei Aronshei." Sensei nodded stiffly, before we saw moment in sky. "What in the world?!" I demanded as four figures appeared our of nowhere.

"No where to run! Good bye Lunar Ninja Academy!" One of them, a man in a black mask, laughed evilly, "Girls! Do it!"

Two others, A girl with pink hair, and a girl with dark brown, stepped up and pushed a button, causing something in the sky to send down... bubbles?

I scuffed, "It's gonna take more than that to stop me!" I was about to run up and attack, when Sensei Aronshei pulled me away, "Sensei! Let me go! I have to fight!"

"You will do no such thing." My Sensei instructed, as a student, who was in one of the bubbles, went by, "You must stay hidden at all cost."

"But! Sensei!" I wanted to protest, when said man pulled out a small wooden box.

"Take this, Celestina. It'll help you see light, when all is dark." Sensei handed me the box before a bubble snatched him up.

I put the box in my robs, and stood up, "SENSEI ARONSHEI!" I cursed my stupidity seconds later.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The man with the black mask laughed as he spotted me.

"You wanna fight? Fine! Let's fight!" I snapped and ran up to them, "You stole my Sensei! You're gonna PAY!" I jumped into the air and was about to shout an attack, when one of the bubbles caught me, and I was sent high into the sky, "Me and my irrational thinking!"

1 long hour later...

"Watch it, you over armored freak!" I yelled as some creep in an armor pulled me into a room with a Throne, the guy with a black mask, and two other boys. One of which looked super cute.

'Not the time! Or the place!' My inner Ninja thoughts (Which sounded a lot like my Sensei [Go figure]) snapped at me. Right, still being pulled by the Armored freak. Sorry Sensei, girly reflex.

"Master Lothor, I brought the girl as you requested." The Armored freak informed the Black masked man.

"I can see that, Zurgane!" The man, Lothor, growled, before the Armored freak released me and walked away. Lothor moved me over to the other boys, but I didn't care.

"Mind explaining why that piece of scrap metal dragged me all the way in here?!" I demanded angrily.

"Temper, temper." Lothor scuffed then rolled his eyes, "And you're from the Lunar Ninja Academy." That nearly put me on edge, but I had to control myself before I did something I'd regret.

"Yeah, what of it?" I huffed, and folded my arms over my chest.

"I have some valuable information you three would like to have." He explained with a sinister smile.

"Alright, spill it then." One of the boys, with tan skin and black hair, insisted.

"Well, I'll make it simple," Lothor decided, "Do you know what happened to your parents."

"They were killed by an Ex-Ninja!" I growled as the painful memory surfaced in my mind, "Cut down right before my eyes!"

"Do you remember what the Ex-Ninja looked like?" The boy with tan skin asked.

"Not a clue. I was like... three and a half when they died." I shook my head, both to answer his question, and to get the unmistakable image out of my head.

"Oh..." The boy fell silent.

"Moving along," Lothor cut in, "I know EXACTLY who killed all of your parents."

"Who?" The three of us asked.

"His name is Kanoi Watanabe. He was a Sensei at the Wind Ninja Academy."

I raised a brow, "A Sensei? But... why would he-" I was about to ask when the other boy, this one with short blond hair, cut in.

"Why are you telling us this?"

Lothor scuffed, "Wouldn't you want to avenge your families?"

"Yes." All three of us said together.

"Then you should destroy him, and anyone that gets in your way." Lothor advised.

I held up a hand, "Can I say something?"

All three of them nodded.

"How are we supposed to do that when we're in space!"

Lothor laughed, "You can Ninja Streak down there."

My eyes went wide, I hate Ninja Streaking! It always makes me sick afterwords!

"Good point." The two boys nodded, oblivious to my discomfort.

"Um... I'm not so much a fan of that idea." I tried to reason, but the other's minds were set, and I doubted I could change them.

The two boys Ninja Streaked back to earth, and I let a groan of irritation escape my lips before I followed suit.

When I got back onto Earth I landed onto of the Blonde boy. I got off him quickly, went over to a nearby trash can, and let my lunch make a reappearance.

"Hey! Watch it girly!" The boy snapped, before noticing what I was doing and walked over to me, "What are you doing?"

I finally caught by breath, wiped my mouth on my sleeve and looked up at him, "What part of, 'I'm not so much a fan of that idea' couldn't you grasp?!"

Blondie took a step back, "Whoa there. I thought all Ninjas were supposed to know how to Ninja Streak."

"We do." I agreed, "I'm just not like the other Ninjas in my class. I'm a year above my age level and the students in my class are way more advanced than me."

The two boys nodded, "What's your name?"

"Celestina. Celestina Palensa. But I go by Celea for short." I introduced myself, "Now you two."

"Hunter Bradly." Blondie sighed.

"Blake Bradly." The other introduced himself calmly.

I looked between the two, "Either I misheard your last names, or you two are adopted."

They nodded, and smirked slightly, "How'd you guess?"

I raised a brow, clearly they know I how I guessed so easily, "I've never seen you two before in my life, so I take it you're part of another Ninja Academy?"

"The Thunder Ninja Academy, Yeah." Hunter nodded.

"As Lothor had said, I'm from the Lunar Ninja Academy." I sighed with relief, I had didn't have that many friends, but the ones I do have are normal civilians so I couldn't tell them I was a Ninja and it felt so good to tell someone.

"Feels good to get it off your chest, doesn't it?" Blake joked, and I glared at him.

"Watch it! I can LITERALLY send you into orbit!" I threatened, but Blake just smiled.

Hunter laughed, before he remembered why we were here, "Come on, let's find this Wind Ninja Academy."

I felt my stomach turning at the mere thought of how we were gonna do that, "Can we not just sit here for a bit? I had a light lunch, Breakfast on the other hand..."

Hunter shook his head, "I don't wanna waste any time. Are you fine with side-along Ninja Streaking?" I nodded, now THAT I could kinda withstand, "Then hold on to Blake." Just like that, Hunter disappeared.

"Not very social is he?" I looked at Blake.

"Social? Hunter? Ha! You're funny." Blake smiled, before I took his arm and we Ninja Streaked away.


I smiled as we landed in a Motocross track.

"Oh geez... maybe it WAS wrong to have that second helping of corn beef for breakfast." Celea walked over to a trash can, and I heard vomiting seconds later.

I rolled my eyes, and looked around before spotting Navy Blue and Crimson dirt-bikes, "Hey Bro! Those bikes clearly have our names on them."

Blake nodded in agreement, as we walked up to them, "Yeah, let's ride 'em."

"Over my dead body." Celea wiped her mouth, "You two are NOT gonna ride those metal death traps."

"They're perfectly safe, Celea." I assured her, as we put on motocross gear, "I'm sure they have another one for you too."

"Thanks, but I'll stick with skateboarding."

I shrugged, "Your loss."

She smirked, "My GAIN, actually. Cause now you boys are gonna have to take me somewhere I wanna go."

Blake smiled at her, "You sure know how to out smart people."

Celea nodded, "Just get through with this so we can get to the Skate Park." She walked over to the side of the track.

Blake and I nodded and mounted the bikes, before we saw a girl walking up to us, "Uh... we can use this bikes... right?"

The girl nodded, "For a price."

"Which is?"

"You're gonna have to tell me your names, and show me how fast you can ride."

"Hunter." I introduced myself.

"Blake." My brother did the same.

"Okay. One lap around, sound fair enough?"

We nodded, before we got onto the Track and did the one lap, spraying Celea with mud and sand in the process.

When we dismounted and took off the helmets we were wearing, the girl looked impressed, "I'm Kelly. Just so you know."

Blake and I nodded, "Nice to meet you Kelly."

"I believe they're someone you should be apologizing to!" We turned and saw an angry (and very muddy) Celea storming up to us. As much as she was probably trying to look intimidating, Kelly, Blake and I laughed as she got up to us. "That doesn't SOUND like an apology to me!"

"Relax Celea, it'll come out." I assured her.

She sighed, then looked at Kelly, "Can they keep the bikes? They seemed to have a passion for it."

Kelly nodded, "Sure thing. Though I'll expect something in return."

"Like?" All three of us looked at her.

"I want to sponsor someone in an upcoming Moto, you two interested?"

I looked at Blake and frowned, "We'll think about it."

Kelly nodded, "Okay, you can keep the bikes till you decide."

Blake and I nodded, and went back to the track and put on our helmets, as another guy and his bike got next to us.

I looked over at Blake and smirked beneath my helmet. We revved our engines and took off. Leaving the other guy in our dust. When all three of us were finished with our lap, we took off our helmets.

"Okay, you can stop being so showy! I'll never be able to get the mud out of my hair!" Celea shouted from the side-lines.

I just smirked at her, gaining a death glare. Quickly turning my gaze, I looked at the other rider, "Nice to meet ya bro. What's your name?"

"Dustin Brooks." The boy answered, "You guys?"

"I'm Hunter Bradly and this is my brother, Blake."

"Cool." Dustin nodded, "I haven't seen you guys before. You guys from around here?"

"Nah. Out of Town, we're gonna be living here for a while though." I explained.

"Cool. Hey, that was some SERIOUS moves dude!" Dustin acknowledged.

"Thanks. You should try not to get to much air on your jumps it slows you down." Blake advised.

"Do that and you'll be just fine." I agreed.

"Cool." Dustin looked between us, "Hey what time is it?"

"Um... it's almost three, why?" I looked at my watch.

"Oh, man I'm so late!" Dustin gripped, "Catch you guys later." With that, he took his bike, and headed off somewhere.

Celea walked up to us and sighed, "Alright, we better find a place to stay while we're here... wherever HERE is."

"Blue Bay Harbor." I answered, and sighed when Celea looked at me shocked, "I saw it on a sign as we got here."

"Of course you did." Celea rolled her eyes, "Well, we better find a hotel or Motel to stay at while we're here."

"Why?" I chuckled, "Don't like camping?"

"Hate it." She caught the joke, "But if you guys like it... I guess I can't stop you two from spending nights in some dark woods. Be my guest, in fact."


"Glad you see it my way." She smiled mischievously.

Blake and I rolled our eyes, "Whatever, let's go." Celea grabbed ahold of my arm, before we walked over to an empty area and Ninja Streaked away.

When we were back on solid ground, Celea went to the first trash can she saw and threw up what was probably last nights dinner. I smirked as I watched her walk back to us, "Last nights dinner make a reappearance?"

"Shut up." She growled, "I told you I don't like Ninja Streaking anyway. I prefer ridding skateboards."

Blake gave a fake yawn, "Snooze Fest. Come on, let's check into here before I get bored to sleep."

"Don't knock till you try it." Celea groaned, she must've heard this reactions before, before we headed into the building, "And we're at a motel... great. The price is gonna be low."

I raised a brow, "How would you know that?"

"My Academy isn't a normal one." Celea explained, "Just like the Moon phases, the Academy changes it's position in the world every... oh I'd say, three days. So I stay at Motels since they're cheaper."

"Don't you have dorms?" Blake looked at her confused.

"I hate the roommates I was gonna get stuck with." Celea shrugged before we walked up to a counter, "Hello, we'd like to rent a room please."

The man at the counter smiled and nodded, "Do you have-" Celea gave him at least thirty dollars, "So you've done this before?"

Celea nodded, "Is that enough for all three of us?"

The man nodded and gave her a key, "Please enjoy your stay."

"Okay." Celea said with fake enthusiasm before we walked out of the building and she lead us to a door, "I call closest bed." She unlocked the door, turned on the lights and walked inside.

"No fair." Blake complained as we followed.

Celea laughed, "All's fair with me. My name's Celestina as in, 'Moon' which has a dark side."

"But doesn't it also mean heavenly one?" I questioned.

Celea rolled her eyes, "And people wander why I stick with Celea."

"That only means Moon." Blake noted.

"Thank you, Blake." Celea sighed with relief, "Now are we just gonna stand around, or are we gonna get some rest?"

"We're gonna need a change of clothes first." I chuckled, we were in civilian clothes, but we didn't have anything else.

"We are NOT Ninja Streaking to a store!" Celea groaned, grabbing her stomach.

"Well too bad." I smirked, and grabbed her arm before Ninja Streaking away.


I chuckled before I followed my brother and our new friend, "He totally likes her."

When all three of us landed, Celea leaned against the wall to a building, "That's the last time I let my guard down with you, Hunter Bradly."

My brother chuckled, but Celea didn't seem be joking, "You okay?"

"Let's see, I threw up my Lunch, my Breakfast, and last nights Dinner. So I guess the answer to your question is a big time NO!" Celea breathed deeply, "That's WAY too many Ninja Streaks in a row for my stomach to handle!"

Hunter frowned, "Sorry... maybe we can find you a better ride in here..." He pointed to a store we were across from, then looked Celea over again, "Do you think you can make it?"

"Let me get my bearings then I'll tell you." Celea leaned her head against the wall, closed her eyes and breathed deeply, before she started to glow.

"Woah!" My brother and I backed away.

The glowing died out a few seconds later, Celea had her eyes open and she was smirking, "It's a special healing trick. Sensei Aronshei taught it to me because I kept getting injured while training... and I kept throwing up after Ninja Streaking." Celea gave a soft chuckle, "I got another trick to literally check my bearings, but where I am in class, I can only do it at night."

Hunter and I nodded, "Why didn't you use this trick before now?"

Celea sighed heavily, "You guys kept wanting to Ninja Streak too soon for me to do it. It takes time for the Healing power to actually heal."

I frowned, "Sorry, Celea."

She smiled, "Think nothing of it, Blake. Honest mistake."

I hit Hunter in the gut for him to apologize, "Ow! It's not my fault she didn't mention it before I did it!" I hit him again, "Alright! Sheesh! I'm sorry too, Celea."

She shook her head lightly, "It's alright. Forgive and forget, that's what I say."

"So we're forgiven?" I questioned.

"Forgiven for what?" She asked insolently. And I chuckled, Celea was already a step ahead.

"We'll take that as a yes." We started walking to the store named, 'Storm Chargers'.

When we got in there; Celea ran straight for the Skateboarder section, "Sweet!"

"You three again?" We turned and saw Kelly walking over to us.

"Kelly? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I own this place."




The sound of something falling down, caught our attention.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Dustin was in the skateboarder section. He must've ran into Celea because she was on the ground helping him pick up what he dropped.

"Nah. I ran into you." She shook her head as we got closer. Celea snatched up a Black and White Skateboard and helped finish cleaning up the mess, "Your name's... Dustin, right?"

"How did you know?"

"I have a good sense of hearing." Celea explained, before holding out her hand, "Name's Celestina, Celestina Palensa. But call me Celea."

"Nice to meet you, Celea." Dustin smiled, and shook her hand, before looking at the skateboard, "You skate?"

"Best Skateboarder in the whole Mid-East." Celea smiled proudly, "Broke my board trying to do a skateboarding trick a week ago though."

"Oh, sorry to hear that." Dustin frowned.

"Nah, it's cool. It's a hard trick to pull off anyway." Celea waved it aside.

I helped Celea up, as Kelly helped Dustin up, "Dustin... get back to work."

"Right, sorry boss." With that, Dustin headed off.

"Did that actually happen?" I raised a brow, referring to her Skateboard incident.

"Yeah. I was trying to do a 360 tail spin, and I ended up breaking my board in half when I mislanded on the ramp I was trying it on." Celea explained, as she grabbed a dragon and guitar decals, "Oh these are gonna look sick!"

"Don't you need a helmet? And pads?" Hunter questioned her safety gear.

"I was getting them, sheesh, you worry more about my safety then my Sensei does." Celea walked over to some skateboarding gear and grabbed a light green and white helmet, and some matching elbow and Knee pads.

"While you do that, Hunter and I will grab some sports clothes." I pulled Hunter over to the Motocross section and started grabbing clothes our sizes, "Bro, you totally like her, don't you?"

"What?! No I don't!" Hunter denied quickly, "She just needs protection! I'm only looking out for her!"

"She's a... ninja." I whispered the last part to him, "And she's been living for herself since she was three."

"I know." Hunter sighed, before he grabbed a crimson long sleeved shirt, "I'll be right back. Don't go leave Celea unless you find some clothes."

I sighed and followed, carrying a navy short sleeved shirt, "I'm just saying, Bro. She doesn't need someone protecting her."

We walked into a changing area and took the shirts we were wearing off.

"I know, Blake." Hunter nodded as he put the Crimson shirt on, as I put the Navy shirt on. He and I chuckled at our reflections, "Why do I get the feeling these are gonna be our normal colors?"

Hunter punched my arms lightly before we walked out to find Celea standing right outside, causing us to jump a little, "Geez! Do you make it a habit to scare people?!"

Celea shrugged smirking slightly, "Only when I get bored or wanna change my clothes. So move please." We quickly got out of her way and let her go into the changing room, which she closed the door to, "You know, Hunter, Blake's right."


"Me being able to take care of myself." Celea answered before she walked out, in a white blouse with a black and bold 07s on the each side, and dark blue jeans. Hunter and I stared open mouthed, "It's rude to stare, boys."

We quickly blinked and looked away, "Let's pay for this stuff, then head out."

Celea nodded, "I'll pay for it."

"You shouldn't." I shook my head.

"I insist. Besides I don't see you boys pulling out your wallets." Celea smirked as Hunter pulled out his wallet, took Celea's skate gear and tags on the clothes, and hurried over to Kelly, "Works every time."

I looked over at her, "You knew he was gonna do that?"

"I do that to a ton of boys so I don't have to pay for everything." Celea shrugged.

"You're one mischievous chick." I laughed as we walked over to Hunter.

"Who is?" Hunter looked confused.

"Bro, she totally played you." I laughed as Kelly gave him the receipt, he actually paid for everything! Celea started laughing too.

Hunter stared at us before scowling and giving Celea her new skateboard, "You might wanna break it in now."

"Why?" Celea put on the helmet and pads smirking, as if knowing the answer already.

"Because I'm about to start chasing you."

With that, Celea got on her board and skated out, Hunter running after her.

"They sure are cute." Kelly laughed.

"They just met too." I acknowledged that fact, "And they're acting like they've known each other for years!"

"Relationships are like that sometimes." Kelly shrugged, before another crash was heard in the store, "Really Dustin!"

I shook my head and went after my brother and my new friend.

Okay... please tell me you liked it... I have this story written pretty far into it... and I really really hope you like it... it's my first Power Ranger fanfiction and I just really hope you like it...

If you do... please leave a review... and please no flames.