Chapter 1: Codsworth

Welcome to the first Chapter of The Darkness Rained Upon Them (TDRUT). This story is set in a different universe to my Animal Instincts stories, and as such should basically be treated as non-canon. All I want to do is show off a truly evil Sole Survivor, and how his actions would affect the companions of the game. It's not going to be a full-length story; rather, it'll just be a series of one-shots focusing on the companions. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

I do not own Fallout, that belongs to Bethesda. This story also contains really dark and twisted themes, and as such may offend quite a few people.

"Ah sir, so good to see you again!" Codsworth announced, a happy tone to his voice. "I trust your journey was successful."

The Sole Survivor was stomping through the ruins of Sanctuary Hills, making a beeline straight for the Mr Handy bot. The Vault 111 native was decked out in a set of X-01 Power Armour, which he had gotten from Nuka-World. It had originally come in a pale blue colour, but the Survivor had re-painted it a dull maroon. The outfit was missing the helmet, which showed off the Survivor's face.

He had skin that was milky white, and gave him a somewhat otherworldly look. His head was completely shaved bald, but he had a thick greying beard that reached his chest. His eyes were a pale blue, that were as cold as ice. There was no mercy or compassion in those eyes; there was just the promise of oblivion. In his previous life, he had been known as Moore. But now he had many nicknames; The Overboss, The Pale Wolf, The Eater of Worlds. But he had one common nickname that was known and feared throughout The Commonwealth; Ghost.

"Somewhat, Codsworth." The Sole Survivor growled, a cold look in his eyes. "I didn't get him, but I did get a consolation prize."

Ghost gestured behind him, showing off his latest acquisition. A woman was standing a few feet away, swaying ever so slightly. Her body had several cuts and bruises, and she was currently cradling her left arm close to her chest. The entire right hand side of her face was a mess, and a slave collar was strapped to her neck. Codsworth recognized this woman as Hancock's bodyguard, Fahrenheit.

"Ah, well done sir!" Codsworth announced, a happy tone to his voice. "Shall I put her with the rest of the cattle?"

The Mr Handy had once stood against his master, fully prepared to kill him. But after a few quick adjustments to Codsworth's cybernetic brain, the robot was marching to a different tune. He could now see The Sole Survivor's vision of a better Commonwealth, one where everyone was ruled under an iron fist.

"No, she has very viable information in how to break through Goodneighbour's defences." Ghost muttered, shaking his head slowly. "A month in The Combat Zone should go and get some results. If not, I'll just give her to Mason. The man goes through more chew toys than Dogmeat…"

The bodyguard's one good eye widened in fear, as she took a few steps backwards. Ghost however seemed to sense this, as he whipped around and roughly grabbed Fahrenheit by her injured arm. Fahrenheit let out a small gasp, as her broken bones were crushed by the vice-like grip.

"Hancock had a choice, Fahrenheit." The Sole Survivor stated, a calm tone to his voice. "He could have joined us, and helped in purging The Commonwealth of filth. Instead, he chose to defy me and continually spit in the face of my people."

"Hancock stands against scum like you and your Raider buddies." Fahrenheit growled, a fiery look in her eye. "I hope you burn in hell for everything you've done, you bastard."

"Fahrenheit, it's gonna end badly for you, but it doesn't have to. All you have to do is tell me how to get through Goodneighbour's defences, and I'll let you, Hancock and however else you want go free." Ghost responded, a cold smile on his face. "You're facing defeat, Fahr, and it is inevitable. Why not manage to save what few remaining pieces you have left, instead of sticking around til the bitter end?"

"You know nothing about chess." Fahrenheit explained, a scowl on her face. "We may be losing, but that does not mean our loss is assured. By helping you out, that possibility becomes a certainty. Anyway, it's better to assuredly sacrifice one pawn than to gamble the lives of several pieces, especially if one of them is a king. You might as well kill me now, because I'm telling you nothing."

"My dear Fahr, it won't be that simple." Ghost said, a dark tone to his voice. "Mason will want to play with his new toy first, before we decide to discard you. And trust me when I say he doesn't play nicely."

And Chapter 1 of The Darkness Rains Upon Them is finished. Anyway, this probably isn't going to be liked by a whole lot of people; heck, even my best friend Mandalore the Freedom says he doesn't like the story. Anyway, hope you guys and gals stick around for the next Chapter.


The Desert Dancer