How does one tell their story to a stranger? How do I tell you my story?Will anyone even deem it worth a glance? Is it worth even vague intrigue?

I will share my story with you, Stranger.

However, to know my beginning you must first know my end.

My name was Annabella Lucielle Sinclair. I was five feet, ten inches tall, with mocha skin and blue eyes. My hair was caramel brown and was normally held up in a messy I-had-to-rush-today-don't-judge-me bun.

I was a mechanic, with grease covered hands and clothes. I worked in a small, but respectable, mechanic shop in New York City. I had a passion for astronomy. I was normal, if you ignored the obvious Italian air that surrounded me.

I loved going to work, is that strange? Most people hated their jobs. Ah, but I'm getting off topic.

It was a normal day for me; get up, make myself vaguely presentable and then run out of the door to get to work.

I made it there okay, and started on my car for the day. A beautiful 2005 Corvette convertible, in a warm shade of blue. There was apparently something wrong with the engine, but I wasn't able to figure out what it was.

Anyway, that day I had decided to just pull the damned engine out of the car, so I could get a better look at it. So I did.

When I had finally wrestled it out I saw a blinking underneath it. And when I leaned forward I saw light that burned my retinas, and then burned my face, and my neck.

I felt pain, heard a great sound like heavy winds, and distantly heard a coworker yell "Holy Fuck" before I heard nothing at all.

Yep. I died in a fucking explosion. Be jealous.

I was twenty-four.

I had only dated one man, and he was an absolute dick.

My parents had died the year before, and I only had two almost-but-not-really-because-we're-coworkers friends.

I was Annabella Lucielle Sinclair, and I was very dead.

Then, I wasn't.

I was born on October twenty-six at 1:24 P.M, to Toboku Sakura and Toboku Takeshi. I didn't find out my name until nearly a year later. Reina, Toboku Reina.

I didn't learn my mothers until long after that, I only met her once after all.

Toboku Sakura had died at the young age of thirty-six, approximately seventeen hours after I was born. Would it make me an ass if I said I didn't mourn her? I had already had a mother and lost her after all.

I doubt you really want to read about my baby days, there was a lot of screaming; or my toddler days(also a lot of screaming) but I will tell you about my fifth year in my new life.

I had turned five the week prior and was walking through the city, not because I wanted to enjoy the outside or anything, but because somehow I had been reincarnated in the past. Internet was a new thing and only the rich and corporate had real access to it. VHS was the newest form of home-video and I had heard nothing about the creation of the DVD.

T.V's were these huge blocky things with low resolution, and quite frankly? I wanted my cellphone and iPod back. A laptop would be nice too.

One of the best things about being in the past? The cars, the not-vintage-anymore-because-they-just-came-out cars. I can honestly admit that was one of the brightest points of the reincarnation.

Wandering was quickly becoming my favorite pastime. I spent my time exploring the streets, trying to name the make and model of the cars I saw.

I was looking over a Supra, trying to figure out the year of the car, when it happened; a screech, and the sound of burning plastic as a driver tried desperately to break in time. I jerked my head to the side just in time to see a man in his thirties roll under the tires of a car.

I froze, not only because I had just watched someone die, but because I was seeing doubles. In front of the car was the man, except, he was also under the tires of the car.

'What the actual fuck?'

It took me awhile to process what I was seeing.

'Is he... a ghost? Can I see ghosts? I couldn't see ghosts in my last life.' I was thinking, and staring when the police arrived.

'Is it because I died? Can I see ghosts because I died? I don't remember being a ghost. Was I a ghost?' What happened next completely changed the way I would live this new life.

A blue haired girl riding on an oar flew toward the man who had just died, even as the paramedics lifted his body onto a stretcher. Despite the commotion I could still hear her as she began to speak to the man.

"Hello Mr. Akiyama. My name is Botan, I'm a representative of spirit world. I am here to take you to your afterlife." She spoke politely to the man. He turned toward her.

"Am I dead?"

"Yes, Mr. Akiyama, I'm afraid you are. I need you to come with me. Please." Botan, the bubbly grim reaper, assistant to the spirit detective Urameshi Yusuke replied.

My heart promptly stuttered in my chest and I had to fight back the black at the edge of my vision. Panic set in and I desperately tried to breathe as I collapsed onto my knees.

The reason I was panicking was simple. Botan was not real, she was the Fictional character of an anime and manga series written by a Japanese man, but she was real, she was floating right there on an oar of all things, and talking to a ghost. She couldn't be real, because if she was, then I had been reincarnated into an anime. Because if she was real, then so were demons.

Because if she was real, then I was going to have to survive in this world.

It wasn't a nice world, it was violent and I would die.

I wasn't a genius, or strong as all hell when it came to fighting. I would die if this was real.

"The poor thing must have seen you die, give me a moment while I calm her down." A voice said from above me. I had to fight not to react as a hand touched my back and soothed my panic. Once she was done she flew back to the man and started talking.

Me? I stumbled to my feet, turned, and ran.

When I got home I took off my shoes, leaving them next to my fathers. I had been panicking for the first half of the way home, but then I began planning.

I lived in a world where demons were most certainly real, and psychics had the power to see and fight them. A world where a bubbly blue haired girl was the grim reaper; and somewhere in this city there was a several thousand year old fox demon masquerading as a human child.

I came to the conclusion that I would not be one of the ignorant masses, but I would stay away from the main characters, except maybe Genkai: at least, if I needed help with the whole spirit energy thing, I would go to her... BEFORE cannon starts at least.

I had a rough plan on what to do, and started phase one before I even stepped through the door.

I had mussed my dark blue(yes, blue) hair, and covered myself in dirt. My eyes, which were the same color as my hair, except about two shades lighter, were red from my panic session. So, all in all, I looked like I had been bullied.

I rounded the corner into the living room, where I could hear the television playing some sport, and carefully made my way to the man sitting in the lone recliner in the room.

"Dad? Can..Can I ask you something?" I asked, my voice quiet.

Blank blue eyes turned toward me, and Toboku Takeshi frowns. His skin is tanned, and he looks like he hasn't slept in a week. His body is hunched and there's a beer can clutched in his hand.

He grunts at me.

"Can...Can I take martial arts?" Those blue eyes sharpened and for a moment I believed he could see straight through me. The sharpness is gone in an instant and he turned his body toward the T.V again. Ignoring me. Like always. If I had been a normal child, this man would probably have cause me a lot of damage, but as it is, I am a grown ass woman, and I just think that it's sad.

I sighed and trudged toward my room.

It seemed I would have to find my own way to enroll.

The next morning as I made my cereal, I found an envelope on the table, next to a poster for Judo classes. Carefully, I opened the envelope, to find that it had enough money for a months worth of classes.

"If you stick with it for two weeks, I'll give you next months." My father grunted from behind me.

"Have Agito take you there today, so that you know your way."

He left the room before I could thank him.

Hey guys! This has been the prologue for Galaxy! I hope you liked it! Toss me review to let me know what you think.

