A/N: Hell I'm back again and this time I had the main fic written. And before I start I like to thank damnlastwords, Jexi the Hunter, tendaysromeo, bast234, Mrotrax, User is Cursed, xiodan56 and threedogsdead for reading and reviewing my fic. I once again thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As for this chapter will the debut of the academy that was mentioned from the prologue(please read that first before reading this) and as well the rag-tag of students that will be attending.

As for User is Cursed's question of what will be the role the role of Brittania especially Lelouch. Well the answer is that Lelouch is the headmaster of the academy as he was after all (spoiler alert) the one who lead the group from the prologue and got assigned by the Author. And as for Suzaku, he'll appear from time to time.

All right, that's that! Let get this started.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters appearing in this chapter.


-AWA Academy-

(insert medieval music)

Its been a year ever since the battle against the invaders that attacked ZeroTopia and the part where the Author and the young man announce the formation of the organization, All Worlds Academy or AWA whom's purpose is to protect and lend a helping hand to different worlds. Another thing that was announced is the formation of an academy that will the place where different people and species can learn about a lot of things from different worlds and as well to interact with one another and another purpose is to train normal people how to fight.

Its called the AWA Academy, move over Beacon!

The academy is a large octagon shaped facility where the length and width of each building is as similar to the White House and each building has eight colors: red, yellow, green, blue, pink, orange, white and black, each building also has 50 classrooms inside. In the middle of the octagon is a spacious lot that is likely resembles a park, three fountains are found at the front of the red, white and green building, several benches, food stands and different kinds of plants are scattered in the place but in the very middle is a a clock tower that resembles the Big Ben of what is purpose is a story for another time.

Behind the octagon school are many grounds that are use for physical activities such as a basketball court, a gymnasium, a soccer field, a track field, school pools, a football filed and lastly is a stadium where fighters gets to spar with one another.

This also the opening of AWA Academy and we see a lot of students of all ages walking around looking for their designated classrooms.

Which brings us now to this person.

Walking around dumbly in one of the school's massive hallway where the floor is made of pure titanium(nice!). This person is a 20 year old male, has a short blond hair with an elastic forehead protector wrap around his forehead(of course), he has blue eyes and three-whisker marks on each of his cheeks. He wears a black uniform jacket with an orange zipper and an armband wrap around his left sleeve, he wears orange pants and blue sandals. This is Naruto Uzumaki the knucklehead ninja from Konoha and no, he is not he main man of this fanfic.

And who is the main character? You'll find out soon.

Now where were we? Oh, right!

"Okay, I'm sooo lost!'' Naruto said. No shit Sherlock!

He kept looking around to find where he needs to go but to no-avail. He scratch the back of his head in frustration.

"Yo, gaki! Need help?'' Naruto was surprised when a familiar voice greeted him.

He turned around and met the person who greeted him. The person is a tall man in his 30s. The man has a pale, blue-green skin and blue-hair styled like a shark's fin, he also wears a forehead protector. He wore a black cloak with red clouds design, a brown sash across the front and back of his cloak that holds a giant buster sword in place, dark pants and sandals. His small, round, white eyes are hidden behind by a black aviator glasses. Naruto is all too familiar to Kisame Hoshigaki, a member of the criminal organization, Akatsuki.

Then Kisame glared at me.

Oops! Sorry...I mean former criminal organization.

Kisame grinned before turning his attention back to Naruto.

"So, how ya doin' gaki?'' Kisame asked with a grin.

"Fine...but I seem can't to find my classroom and with a hallway this big I'm bound to get lost!" Naruto complained with a pout.

Kisame laughed at Naruto's childishness, even he is 20, Naruto still acts like a child.

Ever since he was brought back to life in ZeroTopia and reuniting with Itachi, he vows to make himself better and if he ever gets the chance to visit his world , the first person he'll help is this runt in front of him or that guy with fuzzy eyes brows that he fought several times.

"I think you should check your tablet and find your name profile in the academy's webpage and you'll see your schedule there.'' Kisame said.

Naruto did just that. He check his tablet that was given to him by the school, in fact every student has a tablet. It took him a while but he manage to use the device properly thanks to a girl with blond hair that plays a violin.

"AHA! There it is, I'm part of Class 1 in building orange!'' Naruto said excitedly knowing he is going to a class situated in a building with his favorite color.

"What's up with you and orange?'' Kisame muttered, "Anyway, I'm also part of class 1 so we are classmates, so i think we should go together.'' he said.

"Beats standing here, let's go!" Naruto said cheerfully which got Kisame once again laughing.

So the two former enemies head towards their class and while at it, Naruto decided to ask Kisame about something.

"Hey Kisame, I was wondering about that new sword behind you, where did you get it?''

Kisame then grabbed his sword to show it to Naruto. The sword was black and shiny and is about the same size as the Ero-Sennin.

"I was weaponless when I came here so I've been using different weapons even during the invasion and when it was over, a girl named Lisbeth came to me and forged me this buster sword and man, she did good! It may not be alive like Samehada but it can still deal a lot of damage." Kisame explained before putting his sword way.

"That's cool!" Naruto said in awe though he is surprised that Kisame is part of the group that fought the invaders a year ago.

Then the two came in front a a cylinder-shape machine which is glowing blue with several device inside.

"What this?'' Naruto asked.

"This is a transporter pod! The academy is so huge that it'll take you hours from walking and so to make it easy they build this machine which is powered by magic so we don't have to tire ourselves from walking or running.'' Kisame explained which Naruto nodded understanding how convenient this machine. Plus, who in the right mind would walk around from this massive hallways.

Somewhere in white building, a guy with black and yellow scarf on his forehead, sneezed.

The two then entered the pod and Naruto estimated that it can carry four people, then he watch Kisame began typing on a device with the word class 1 then the two dissapeared after a bright light engulfs them.

The later appeared in another pod right in front of their classroom.

"That was awesome!'' Naruto said with his arms in the air, like a person who just enjoyed riding a roller coaster.

"Whoever come up with this, is real genius!'' Kisame added.

The two entered the orange colored classroom which is empty. On the right are stair-like desk similar to those they used when he was back in Konoha, Naruto estimated the the class has 30 students in it judging by number of desk. On the left, was the the assumed teacher's table with a built-in projector facing the huge white board on front. The windows are also huge which is drap with orange curtains.

"Nice!' Naruto said.

"I agree with ya.''

"You think I should run as class representative?'' Naruto asked with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Stick to being Hokage'' Kisame rebutted.


The two guys head perk up when they heard someone...moaning.

"W-what was that...a ghost?'' Naruto asked shakingly as his fear of ghost kicks in, "or am I hearing things.'' he said hoping its not really a ghost that made that sound.

"Nah, I can hear it too and I doubt its a ghost so stop shaking.'' Kisame said in annoyance while looking at Naruto. Geez, the hero of the Fourth Shinobi War is afraid of ghost, how embarrassing.


There is it again and a lot louder but this time the two follow where it came from. They went up to the desks on further back and when the two look behind the last desk and what they saw got Naruto's face red while Kisame has a cheshire-like grin.

Behind the desk were two girls. The first one is a slightly taller girl that has a shoulder-length red hair with an ahoge and a white ribbon is tied to the left side of her hair. The second girl was a lot shorter, she has a bright orange hair and wears flower hair bands that holds her pigtails. Both are wearing green coat uniform, white button-up shirt with a blue & green plaid skirt.

What are they doing that got Naruto's face turn red.

The two girls are lying on their seats while KISSING! Where the red head is on top completely dominating the orange hair girl. And the two has no idea that someone are watching them kiss, moan and whatever indecent things they doing.

They stayed like for a second before Kisame broke silence.

"Hello ladies, mind telling us what are you doing?'' Kisame asked with an amused smirk.

The two girls then froze when they heard a voice. The two slowly look behind them revealing the red heads's ruby eyes and the orange head's emerald eyes. Both had sweat dripping on the back of their heads with a few tears in their eyes and saw a blond boy and an older man looking at them.

"Umm...hi?!'' Naruto greeted them nervously.

"KYAAAAAAAA!'' the two girls screamed in terror.

"YAAAAAAAHH!'' Naruto then screamed from their screaming.

"Ah! Music to my ears." try guessing who said that.


"Sorry for scaring the two of you.'' Naruto apologized to the now calm girls whom's faces are still red while Kisame has his hand on his mouth trying to stop himself from laughing.

"I-i-its okay...right, Yuu?" The girl named Haruka Takayama said nervously while looking to the other girl.

"But they still saw us, Haruka, you baka!" the girl named Yuu Sonoda pouted, she really doesnt like other people knowing her relationship to Haruka.

"S-sorry...'' Haruka wimpered as Yuu is angry at her again.

"Hey Yuu isn't it?'' Naruto asked while Yuu look at him, "Don't be so bad at her plus what we saw was an accident, it wasn't her intentions for this to happen, so please forgive her.'' Naruto said calmly while Kisame smiled at the blond's maturity.

Yuu seems to get what he said so she turns to Haruka, "All right, I forgive you, Haruka." she said while looking sternly at her.

"Yuu-chan!'' Haruka happily glomped Yuu which annoys her a bit.

Naruto sweatdrop on how Haruka clings on Yuu, then he realized something.

"So...are you in a relationship?'' the knucklehead asked.

"Umm...you can say that...'' Haruka answered sheepishly while scratching her cheek.

"Its weird isn't it?'' Yuu asked sadly.

"Well it is weird to be honest but who am I to stop you two if you like each other that much, I mean love has a lot of different forms so yours is fine, believe it!'' said the blond knucklehead who took years to realize his feelings for his fiancee.

"Yeah! Plus its not like you're the only one who have kissed the same sex...right, Naruto?'' Kisame added the shifted to Naruto with an amused face.

"Yeah he's ri-wait!'' Naruto said before snapping head towards Kisame, "H-how did you know that?'' he chuckled nervously.

"Eh! Really!?'' Haruka asked with hearts in her eyes. She is the type of person who gets excited when other people has a relationship with the same sex.

"Believe it or not, this blond right here kissed one of his friends when he was twelve.'' Kisame explained which cause Haruka to squeel, Yuu to look at Naruto in shock and the blond himself was shock when Kisame revealed one of his embarrassing moments.

"You son of a...where did you find out!?'' Naruto asked in slight anger.

"White hair, old and writes porn novel." Kisame answered with a smirk.

"Damn that Ero-sennin!'' Naruto cursed a certain sage while clunching his fist. He is indeed grateful that he met his Godfather again in this world but he still can't tolerate his teasing and perverted habits. Then he noticed the two girls looking at him strangely, Haruka specifically. "Oy! Don't look at me like that! That was an accident! I'm not into men! And I already had a girlfriend!'' he explained while waving his arms in desperation to save his image from this girls.

"I-is that so...'' Haruka said dejectedly, the shine in her eyes turned hollow.

"Why are you so disappointed!?'' Naruto yelled.

"Haruka! You're embarrassing him and yourself!'' Yuu chastised.

Before their conversation goes nowhere, a young man entered the room with a big smile on his face.

"YOSHA! I'M HERE!'' he shouted with his arms stretch out.

The four turn their attention to the new comer. The young man has black hair with stitches underneath his left eye and a strawhat on the the of his head. He wears a red unbuttoned sea captain's coat revealing his X-shape scar on his chest(Haruka and Yuu cringed at his scar while Naruto and Kisame is interested on how he got that), blue shorts with a yellow sash tied around his waist and some slippers. He then saw the four and casually smiled and wave at them.

"Hey! You guys must be my classmates!'' he said with a big grin.

"Uhh...right...who are you by the way?'' Naruto asked while Kisame is reading the young man's profile in his tablet.

"Oh! I'm Monkey D. Luffy! And one day will be the King of Pirates!'' Luffy greeted.

The others introduces themselves when Yuu realize something.

"Wait! You're a pirate!?'' Yuu asked with stars in her yes.


"He is not kidding, young Luffy here is a notorious pirates that has a bounty of 500,000,000 beli!'' Kisame said impressed on how this goofy boy got that large bounty on his head.

"Woah!'' Naruto whispered with a smile, he and this guy could get along.

"W-wait...that does mean his a bad person?'' Haruka asked in fear as she knows that pirates are criminals wandering in the sea.

"Well there are bad pirates out there but that doesn't mean that there aren't any good ones, so don't worry I'm a good guy, shishishishi!'' Luffy explained reassuring the red head.

"I agree! In my world there are bad ninjas but at the same time there are good ninjas.'' Naruto said sending a Maito Guy like thumbs-up and grin to Luffy whom give a thumbs-up back to him too..

"Wait your are ninja?'' Yuu once again asked in excitement.

"Yeah. Me and Kisame here are ninja.'' Naruto said while Kisame nodded.

"So what about the two of you?'' Kisame asked the two girls.

"Oh, the two of us a re just normal girls, we got invited to attend here after an incident plus Yuu wants to meet different people from other worlds.'' Haruka explained and what of incident she is talking about is a story for another time.

"Hmm, that's understandable." Kisame admitted with a nod.

"Naru-kun! Naru-kun! Can you show me ninja moves?!'' Yuu asked giddily while Haruka and Naruto were surprised by the nickname.

"Ooo...I wanna see it too!'' Luffy followed with stars in his eyes.

Before Naruto can answer four more individuals entered the room, three boys and one girl to be exact. The first male has a spiky pink hair, he wears a scarf around his neck, black vest, white baggy shorts and sandals. The second male is a fairly tall with spiky orange hair, he wears slim fitting gray blazer with black shirt underneath, black pants and red shoes. The third male has white hair swept to one side with red eyes and on his head is a sweatband, he has an exaggerated facial expressions, he wears a yellow and black jacket, maroon pants and yellow & black sneakers. The last one is a petite young girl with ash blonde hair that is styled in pigtails with emerald eyes similar to Yuu, she wears a black trench coat over a white blouse,yellow sweater vest, and green tie,a red plaid skirt,white gloves and black boots with buckles.

The girl noticed the five.

"Oh, hello there!'' the girl greeted.

"Yo! Guess were classmates.'' Naruto the defacto leader of the five answered.

''My name is Maka Albarn.'' Maka introduced herself then she gestured to the white hair boy, "And this is my partner, Soul!'' she said.

"Yo, the names Soul Eater Evans! Nice to meet you!'' Soul greeted cooly while showing his sharp teeth scaring Haruka a bit.

"Sup! The name is Ichigo Kurosaki.'' the orange haired male greeted despite the frown on his face.

"Hey guys! I'm Natsu Dragneel!'' the pink haired boy greeted which such energy before looking at Naruto and Luffy, "Hey, you two looked very strong, wanna fight me!?'' he asked raising his fist earning a gasp from everyone.

"A fight? Sure I'm in!'' Naruto accepted while cranking his neck.

"Yosh! Let's do this!'' Luffy followed.

"All right! I'm all fired u-''



And that, Natsu is on the floor with a lump on his head when hit his cranium with a book.

"No fighting on the first day of school! Didn't your friend Erza told you that!?'' Maka scolded the pink head on the floor while tapping the book on her shoulder.

"But Maka...'' Natsu whined.

"No buts and you two don't just agree quickly with this guy!'' Maka said while looking at Naruto and Luffy.

"YES MAAM!'' the two answered without hesitation. They don't want that thick book hitting their noggins and by the looks of the boy on the floor, it must be painful.

"See what I had to deal everyday.'' Soul whispered to Ichigo.

"Well at least she's doing the right thing.'' Ichigo said understanding what Maka is doing. After all, he has an dad with a ridiculous amount of energy that he beats around daily.

Then another girl entered the room. The girl has a petite body and has long flowing orange hair. She wears a white blouse with blue tie, gray plaid skirt and black boots.

Luffy is the first to notice her but...

"Hey Nami! I didn't know we share the same class!'' Luffy called and weird that he knows the word "share''.

The girl in question blinks in confusion.

"Someone you know, Luffy?'' Haruka asked.

"One of my crewmates and my navigator." Luffy answered.

"Hold on! You're mistaking me with someone else!'' the girl stated angrily before puffing her chest, "My name is Lina Inverse and I'm a very powerful sorceress.'' she introduced herself proudly.

"Not one of those girls again.'' Ichigo muttered.

"Oh...'' Luffy said while staring at her, "Then you must be Nami's twin sister!'' he claimed with a straight face.

This cause to Naruto, Kisame, Yuu and Soul to burst into laughter. While Maka and Ichigo looks at Luffy ridiculously, Natsu is still on the floor in pain and Haruka tilts her head.

Lina is currently boiling in anger he was about to strangle the strawhat wearing boy when Maka stood in front of her grabbing her shoulders.

"Please calm down Inverse-san, I don't think his teasing you.'' Maka reasoned. Lina look at her for a bit before she sigh calming down a bit then Maka turns at the laughing bunch, "And you, people please stop laughing!'' she scolded as the laughing stops but not entirely as Naruto and Kisame continued to snicker.

"Why does this idiot thinks I'm this Nami girl? Lina asked in frustration.

"Don't let it get in to you.''

"Wait! You said your a sorceress! Does that means you use magic? That's awesome!" Yuu once again with stars in her eyes got excited.

"Of course. I am! I'm the greatest!'' Lina boasted after hearing a praise which cause the rest to sweat drop.

Then suddenly Natsu stood up looking at Lina, "You're sorceress? Then how about you and I had a figh-'' he said but was cut off when Maka hits him again with a book.

"I told you no fighting!'' she scolded.

"Eheheh...seems I came across with an interesting bunch." Lina chuckled nervously.

"Oh you have no idea.'' Kisame said.

Then three girls entered the first girl girl is small with a short brown hair with yellow eyes, she wears a white sailor uniform over her swimsuit and the odd thing is while she is wearing brown shoes, she isn't wearing any pants. The second girl is slightly taller to the first girl, she has a long blond hair styled in an odango-pigtails with blue eyes, she wears a white sailor uniform, blue skirt that reached her knees and black shoes. The last girl is the tallest and the eldest out of the three, she has a long brownish red hair that is tied in a side tail with blue eyes, she wears a white military uniform with blue shoulder pads & black belt, blue business skirt, white stockings and blue sneakers.

"I told you were on time.'' the small girl said.

"I rushed myself for nothing." the girl with odango-pigtails said with a sigh.

"Its better than being late.'' the eldest girl said then she look around the room and its occupants but the one caught her attention is the pink head clunching the back of his head on the floor.

"W-what happened in here?'' the elder girl asked in concern.

Maka noticed what she meant and decided to explain everything to her.

"Oh good, I thought something happened'' she said in relief, "By the way, my name is Nanoha Takamachi and I'm looking forward to get to know all of you.'' she introduced herself calmly.

"Hi! My name is Usagi Tsukino and I'm new here!'' the girl with odango-pigtails falls short of introducing herself in nervousness.

"Umm...we are all new here...'' Naruto said then he heard Kisame coughed, "Except him.'' he corrected while jabbing his thumb to Kisame.

"Oh, sorry...'' Usagi apologized in embarrassment.

"Hey its alright!'' Naruto reassuring her, she smiled at him.

Then the last girl decide to finally introduced herself.

"My name is Yoshika Miyafuji, thank you for having me as your classmate.'' she said with a bow.

"Yeah, nice having you...'' Ichigo greeted her but trailed off when he notice something's wrong with her, "WHY ARE NOT WEARING ANY PANTS!?'' he shouted with his face turning red.

The other males in the room look at her and their faces all turn red except Luffy and Kisame and as well as Natsu whom is still on the floor. The girls are also in shock about this.

"Y-you boys turn away now!'' Maka ordered and they did all except Luffy.

"Huh!? There is nothing wrong with her.'' he said in confusion, only to turn his back when Maka raised her book.

"Okay...why are you walking around like that?'' the bewildered Lina asked.

"Umm...'' Yoshika tried to answer but can't find the right words to say.

Luckily, Nanoha who knows the situation about her home world decided to explain things to everyone.

"So your world are invaded by aliens called Neuroi and the only ones who can fight them are the so-called witches that uses a flying mechanism called Strikers that you wear on your legs.'' Maka said keeping the information in her brain.

"That is scary.'' Haruka commented while Yuu nodded furiously.

"Japan's name in your world is Fuso, man that's new.'' Ichigo commented.

"Anyway, that explains why but next time, please wear a skirt since your not in your world right now.'' Maka reasoned.

"All right.'' Yoshika agreed.

"ICHIGO KUROSAKI!'' a voice boomed startling everyone.

And said man turn to the door that made his eyes widen. Standing on the door was a man with blue messy hair with light-blue eyes and some sort of white broken mask on his cheek. He wears a violet polo shirt, kaki pants and black leather shoes.

"Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez!'' Ichigo said in surprise, "What are you doing here!?'' he asked while everyone looked at both of them wondering what happen between this two.

"What am I doing here? I'm part of this class!'' Grimmjow answered with a grin scaring Haruka, Yuu and Yoshika, "And I'm here to settle our score.'' he said and is about to step forward when Nanoha stood in front of him.

"Please do not start a fight on the first day of class.'' she told him sternly while Ichigo is surprised that she stood up against that psycho.

Grimmjows stared at her for a minute before he smiled, "All right! The person who brought me here told me to behave...then I'll behave, we'll fight when he had the chance Ichigo.'' he said casually before walking towards the higher desk.

Nanoha sighed in relief while Ichigo was surprised. Is this really Grimmjows?

Grimmjows sat on one of the desk just below Kisame whom tapped his shoulder, he turn around and look at him.

"You know...I got a feeling you and I will get along well.'' he said with a smirk while Grimmjows stared at him for a bit before smiling.

"I think we already are!''

Then another person enters the room and once again Luffy noticed him.

"Hey Ichigo your twin brother just arrived!'' he said which got Ichigo wonders what the hell is talking about then he turned around and came face to face to guy nearly identical to him.

The new person has spiky orange hair with brown eyes, he wears a blue blazer with white linings, white polo and a red shirt underneath, black pants and white converse.

Both boys has bewildered expressions in their faces.

"The hell is this...'' the person muttered.

"I should be asking that..'' Ichigo followed,

"So you are twins!'' Luffy said out loud.

"WERE NOT!'' the Ichigo look-alike shouted.

"But you look so alike.'' Luffy commented.

"THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT WE ARE TWINS!'' his voicing booming.

"Maybe you are separated from birth?''


"Please calm down and introduce yourself." Maka butted in while trying to ease the tension.

"THAT' S A NORMAL QUESTION!'' he finished.

Everyone stared at him with one thought in mind, "His tsukkomi is perfect"

"Hey, Kenji Kazama! How ya doin?'' Kisame of all people greeted the newcomer.

"Oh...hey...Kisame, didnt know were classmates.'' Kenji greeted back.

"I'm surprised as well! So hows your training?" Kisame asked that got everyone's attention to Kenji who shrugged nervously.

"I-its doing good...'' he answered while hiding his right hand.

"That's good to know!''

"Hey Kisame, you know each other?'' Naruto asked.

"Yeah I know this young man from the invasion last year.'' he answered earning Kenji the looks as everybody knows about the invasion and they were surprised that Kenji was there.

Kenji sighed before facing everyone, "Sorry about my outburst I forgot to introduce myself properly, the names Kenji Kazama and I'm one of the normal people training in this school, looking forward to getting to now all of you.'' he finished with a slight bow.

"Nice to meet you too and don't worry about earlier its all Luffy's fault after all." Maka said while Luffy just picked his nose earning the disgust from Lina.

"K-Kazama-san..." a shy voice was heard behind Kenji.

He turned around and saw a familiar girl that he knows. The girl has dark-blue hair that is tied in short pigtails and has purple eyes. She wears a white blouse underneath a blue sweater vest with ribbons, gray skirt and black shoes.

"Woah! I never saw her come in.'' Usagi claimed.

"Well we are pre-occupied of what happened earlier,'' Soul explained lazily.

"Looks like were classmates again, Kazama-san.'' the girl said with a smile.

Kenji stared at her for a minute before smiling, "Well that's good! At least I have someone from my old school in this class.'' he admitted.

Then two guys suddenly came out from nowhere surprising everyone including Kenji,

"We are here too, Kazama-kun!'' both said at the same time.

"W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOIN HERE!?'' Kenji asked in surprise.

The first guy is fairly tail with his most defining trait is his bald head, he has gray eyes and a goatee. The second guy has a curly brown hair, has yellow eyes and wears glasses.

Both are wearing the same uniform as Kenji.

"Well Kazama-kun, the two of us are here is because the author of this fanfic want us in it.'' the bald guy explained.

"We are his favorite background characters from our anime so he put us here so we can have our own character development.'' the curly guy followed.


"Hello, I'm Oohori!'' the bald guy introduced himself with a salute.

"My name is Shinozaki!'' the curly guy followed.

"Please to meet you all. I'm Funabori.'' the girl said while bowing.

Everyone greeted back while amused to this four.

"They are funny.'' Nanoha giggled.

Then two males entered the room. The first male was in average height, he has a short dark-brown hair with teal-green eyes, he wears a black school uniform jacket and pants with blue shoes. Despite looking average, there is something about him that screams badass. The second male was shorter whom has a long golden-blond hair tied in braids with golden eyes. He wears a bright red, long-sleeve hooded cloak over a black shirt with matching trousers and brown shoes. Judging from their conversation, they seem to get along well.

"Your world is scary compared to mine, hope you achieve your goal." the shorter male said.

"Thanks! I hope you also found what are you looking for.'' the first male answered back.

Then Maka saw them and decide to greet them.

"Hello, you two must be our classmates as well.''

"Guess so, I'm Eren Yaeger, by the way.'' the first male introduced himself then he saw Kisame and Kenji, "Kisame-san, Kenji, its good to see you two!'' he greeted them which the two answered with a nod.

"He looks so badass!'' Oohori commented.

"You have no idea how right you are now.'' Kenji, of all people, agreed.

"My name is Edward Elric.'' the second male said.

"Wow! You're so little!'' Luffy stated once again stepped on a landmine.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING LITTLE, YOU DUMBASS!'' Edward yelled in anger with his eyes turning white and his teeth sharpening easily scaring Haruka, Yuu and Yoshika. He was about to pounce on Luffy when Eren grabbed him in a headlock.

"Woah! He has issues!'' Lina commented.

"I forgot to tell you guys to not call him with what Luffy just said.'' Eren explained while still holding Edward and God, he is like wrangling a bull.

"Oh you mean "little''. Luffy said once again without caring whats gonna happen.

"OH HOW BRAVE OF YOU TO REPEAT THAT! COME OVER HERE SO CAN I BEAT YOU UP AND TEAR THAT DUMB HAT OF YOURS!'' Edward yelled with more anger. This time Kenji and Oohori assisted Eren in controling him.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL MY HAT!'' Luffy said in anger, he was about to tackle him when Naruto, Ichigo and the now awake Natsu restraining him.

"Luffy! Stop!'' Naruto yelled.

"Why are you so angry about your hat!?'' Ichigo asked in irritation.

"Why are we stoping him, by the way?'' Natsu asked while Naruto and Ichigo stared at him weird.

While this is goin' on, the two girls entered the classroom. The first girl has a mid-length black hair with a single left-swept red highlight on her bangs and she has blue eyes. She wears a white shirt with red ribbon tie under a black & white jacket with rolled up sleeves, black miniskirt and white sneakers. The second girl has chestnut hair and her eye color is the same as her hair. She wears a light brown vest sweater over a white blouse, gray skirt, white slouch socks and brown loafers. Like Eren & Edward , they seem to get along well.

"Woah! What happen here?'' the girl with chestnut hair asked in confusion.

"Seems like a fight is about to start.'' the black haired girl deduced.



And with that, Edward is on the floor while Luffy was fine since the book bounced on his face surprising her but decided to ignore it. Then Nanoha, stood in front of the two.

"You two, sit!'' she ordered sternly.

"Huh? Why would I-'' Edward said in irritation but was cut off when Maka raised her book causing him and Luffy to sit on the floor, seiza- style.

"Now then...'' Nanoha began.

As Nanoha began lecturing the two, Maka turns to the newcomers with an awkward smile.

"Sorry about that.'' Maka said.

"Its ok! It was an amusing sight, I'm Ryuko Matoi by the way.'' the black haired girl introduced herself first.

"Mikoto Misaka, don't you forget it.'' the chestnut hair girl said while flicking her hair.

"Nice to meet you two, hope we get along well.'' Kenji greeted back while offering a handshake to Ryuko. The girl at first stares at him before unknowingly shakes his hands back then after he let go, she stared at her hand with a few glint of red on her cheeks, she then turn to Mikoto whom has a grin on her face.

"W-what?'' Ryuko stuttered.

"Your face is red.'' Mikoto answered fully intent on teasing her.

"S-shut up!'' she yelled with her face red as Haruka's hair.

Kisame who saw this has a grin on his face.

"Oh ho! That's interesting!'' he said.

"What's interesting?'' Grimmjow asked whom heard him, then Kisame whispered to his hear and he just grinned.

The another set of two girls entered the room, one tall, one small. The tall girl has waist-length pink hair with red eyes and yellow ear piece. She wears a white blouse with red bow tie, blue skirt and black shoes. The small girl with a much longer blue hair that reach the back of her knees with an ahoge on top and her eyes are closed. She wears a white & red sailor uniform, red skirt and brown shoes.

"Check it out Ai! Our classmates looks like an anime character!'' the small girl commented with a calculating look.

"Looks like they are!'' the taller girl agreed cheerfully.

"You know its kinda rude calling us anime characters when we don't even know you girls.'' Naruto said with an annoyed look.

"S-s-s-sorry about that! M-m-m-my name A-ai R-R-Roborovskii!'' the tall girl introduced herself and at the same time apologizing in fear.

"Oh boy, you scared her.'' the smaller girl said then she faced everyone, "Please to meet you all! I'm Konata Izumi! I'm 18 years old and I love anime, mangas and video games!'' she said with a proud pose.

"N-nice to meet you.'' Maka greeted not knowing how to deal with Konata.

"She has a nice rack.'' Soul commented on Ai's breast only to be hit with Maka's book.

"That explains why she calls us anime characters.'' Naruto said, "She's an otaku.''

"I think, she and me will get along well.'' Shinozaki said while tipping his glasses.

"Of course you do.'' Kenji said sarcastically not knowing Ryuko is just beside him.

Then Konata saw Nanoha still lecturing Edward and Luffy.

"Hey, what happened here?'' she asked.

"Well, you see...'' Funabori was about to tell her when another girl entered the room that caught everyone's attention.

The new girl has light pink hair and is tied in pigtails with two tubes and a mall red clip, she has red eyes and small, glossed lips. She wears a red leotard with the middle mostly cut out, red orange spoilers with flowers on the side and high red gloves. She also wears a black short dress with white lining on the bottom. Black stockings and boots.

Everyone stared at her and what she is wearing while she stares back at them, impassively.

"Umm...hello...'' Usagi greeted nervously.


"Could you introduce yourself?'' Maka asked.

"Yeah... beats just standing there and staring at us.'' Lina commented

"Inori Yuzuriha...please to meet you...'' she said softly then she look at Eren and Kenji bowing to them with the two nodding back then she went towards the desk where Kisame is sitting and sat near to him, Kisame gave everyone a shrug.

"You know her?'' Ryuko asked Eren & Kenji.

"Slightly.'' Eren answered.

"I met her several times but never got to know her.'' Kenji added.

"She looks like a main heroine from a Sci-fi, action anime series by the wat she dress.'' Konata commented with her eyes open revealing her emerald eyes.

"I think you're right!'' Shinozaki agreed with his fellow otaku.

"Must everyone you meet had to relate them with anime.'' Misaka snarked.

As this goes on, Naruto went back with his original chat group.

"Seems this room gotten more lively.'' Naruto commented with a smile.

"I'm glad everyone is getting along well.'' Haruka said then she looks at Edward and Luffy still getting lectured by Nanoha, "Well...almost everyone.'' she corrected.

"Hahaha! Damn right!'' Kisame laughed as he agreed to them while Grimmjow just smirked and Inori remained quiet.

"I hope we get more friendly classmates.'' Yuu said cheerfully.

And on cue, two more girls entered class. The first girl has a bright pink hair in twintails with red ribbons and pink eyes. She wears a light tan blouse with plaid black skirt, white thigh high socks and brown shoes. The second girl has long black hair with black headband and has violet eyes. She wears the same attire as the first girl only with black thighs and shoes.

While the pink haired girl seems cheerful, the black haired girl has stoic expression and just stares at everyone with her cold eyes which bothered some.

"Umm...hello everyone...'' the pink girl greeted nervously, "I'm Madoka Kaname and this Homura Akemi, its nice to meet you all.'' she introduced herself and her friend.

"Uh...nice to meet you two.'' Kenji answered for everyone but he is wary to Homura.

"Hmph.'' Homura huffed before walking and sitting on a desk far way from everyone, Madoka bowed at them apologetically before following her.

"Guess everyone are not friendly...'' Yuu said dejectedly.

"Don't worry, at least Madoka seems friendly.'' Haruka said trying to cheer up Yuu.

"Still...that Homura girl...seems that she dont trust people that much...'' Naruto commented while looking at the raven-haired girl.

"She'll be our friend, we just need a certain doofus to defrost her.'' Kisame said with a chuckle.

And just like a magic word, a boy entered the room. The young boy has blond hair which was waxed up and blue eyes. He wears blue uniform jacket over a white hoodie jacket, black pants and shoes.

"Good morning everyone! My name is Chizuru Tachibana and I'm glad to meet all of you!'' the boy introduced himself with such energy that mood lightens up after Homura's appearance.

Then the boy proceeds to forcefully shake hands with everyone.

"Nice to see ya!'', "Glad to meet ya!'', "My uncle owns a pizzaria!'', "Lend me your notes later!''.

Everybody was amazed on how cheerful this guy is and annoyed at the the same time. Then the boy noticed Homura and got interested to her.

"Hey there! What's your name?'' Chizuru went to her & Madoka's desk and asked her which surprised everyone.

"None of your business.'' Homura said coldly which shocked everyone. What just happen to her to act coldly to others even Madoka was shocked despite knowing her longer than everyone.

But the blond boy seems unfazed.

"Haha! Cold are we? Don't worry I have friend who is cold to me at first but now were the bestest friends!'' he said proudly before sitting right next to Homura, "So don't worry! You and I will become friends in no time.'' he said with a big smile.

Homura was shocked and annoyed at the same, she can't believe that someone would still come after her despite how coldly she brushed him off. She had to deal with him soon.

"Wow!'' Naruto muttered in amazed of what he just saw.

"I like how cheerful he is.'' Nanoha admitted with a smile, done lecturing Edward & Luffy whom are on the floor as they can't stand up as they're legs fell asleep.

"Yet he is so annoying.'' Kenji said with half of the class agreeing with him.

"He is like a monkey...a stupid monkey.'' Mikoto said harshly.

"He doesn't look like one.'' Ai said confused.

"That was an insult, Ai.'' Lina corrected.

"But...do you guys thinks he can become friends with her?'' Yuu asked.

"I've dealt with enemies who later become my friends, so I think its possible.'' Natsu answered.

Naruto look at Kisame then the two fistbump while Ichigo and Grimmjow just stared at one another before smiling.

After that the bell rang indicating that class is starting and everyone went to their seats and waited for their teacher to arrived. Both Edward and Luffy were carried by Eren and Natsu because of their sleeping legs.

A minute later they heard a sound of a vehicle.

"W-what was that noise?'' Maka asked.

Then suddenly a motorbike entered the classroom with two persons on it. The person whom drives the motorbike was a man in mid-30s, he has a messy silver-blue hair with an uncaring expression and wears glasses. He wears a long white labcoat over blue polo with tie, black pants and shoes. The second person, the passenger, was a young man that has black hair and brown eyes with glasses. He wears a light blue keikogi with blue linings, a blue hakama, white socks and slippers.

The motorbike skidded inside the room before stopping near the teacher's desk, the sudden stop cause the passenger to flew over the desk and landed on the floor face first...literally, as his face indeed hit the floor first with rest of his body sticking up.

"Ooy...Shinpachi, I told you its not a good idea to enter the room with a motorbike, its dangerous, now look what happened to you.'' the man said without a care.

"IT WAS YOUR IDEA TO RIDE YOUR MOTORBIKE BECAUSE YOU SAID WERE GETTING LATE!'' the boy named Shinpachi yelled at the man in anger.

"It even got scratched...you're paying for this.''


"Umm...sir?'' Maka called, breaking the comedy routine.

"Yes what is it, Kagura look a like with blond hair?'' the man respond causing Maka to twitch for what he just called her.

"Are you are home teacher?'' she asked while fighting the urge to hit him with her book.

"Yes I am.'' he answered before walking in the front, "I am Gintoki Sakata but you can call me Ginpachi-sensei, I am your home room teacher and combat instructor.'' he introduced himself casually that awed and annoyed everyone, "And the one with is your fellow classmate, Shitpanchi.'' he said jabbing his thumb to Shinpachi.

"ITS SHINPACHI! SHINPACHI SHIMURA! YOU BASTARD!'' Shinpachi yelled as he went to the desk and sat next to Luffy.

"Combat instructor...wow..." Madoka muttered.

"So what now?'' Eren asked,

"I would take attendance but I rather do that once were at the stadium.'' Gintoki said surprising everyone.

"The stadium? Why?'' Usagi asked in confusion.

"I'm a combat instructor and I'm going to test how capable of some of you in fighting.'' he answered with a big grin.

A/N; There you have it folks this is the first chapter of All Worlds Alliance Stories and I've written this in 23 pages. Class 1 is one of the many classes in AWA but I don't plan on introducing all of the class cause that will take time and will cause an Arc Fatigue to this fic.

This are the characters that appeared in this chapter:

Naruto Uzumaki and Kisame Hoshigaki from the Naruto series.

Yuu Sonoda and Haruka Takayama from Sakura Trick.

Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece.

Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail.

Ichigo Kurosaki and Grimmjows Jaegerjaquez from Bleach.

Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans from Soul Eater.

Nanoha Takamachi from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.

Yoshika Miyafuji from Strike Witches.

Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon.

Lina Inverse from Slayers.

Kenji Kazama, Funabori, Oohori and Shinozaki from D-Frag!.

Eren Yaeger from Attack on Titans.

Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist.

Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill.

Mikoto Misaka from A Certain Magical Index & Railgun.

Ai Roborovskii from E-Robot.

Konata Izumi from Lucky Star.

Inori Yuzuriha from Guilty Crown.

Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Magica Madoka.

Chizuru Tachibana from Kimi to Boku.

Gintoki Sakata and Shimura Shinpachi from Gintama.

Next chapter will have a battle royale with the boys of the class and many surprises awaits for them. Stay tuned and please let me know what you guys think in the review sections.

Untill then, paalam.