Chapter 2 Sirens

Sara woke up the next morning next to Oliver. Oliver smiles seeing her awake and continue to look at her.

Oliver says "Morning pretty bird."

Sara asked "Did you just finally give me a nickname after us knowing each other forever?"

Oliver replied, "I guess so."

Sara smiles liking Oliver's nickname that he gave her because she is the White Canary.

Central City Star Labs

Felicity slept at Star Labs that night. In the morning Felicity got up to feed the prisoners. Felicity walked down to the pipeline with some Big Belly Burger. Felicity looks into one of the cells to see Black Siren. Felicity unlocked the cell letting Black Siren out of her cell.

Black Siren smiles and says "Nice to see you again Felicity Kuttler aka Overwatch ."

Felicity confused ask "Your from Earth 2 why did you become evil."

Black Siren replied "I lost my two favorite people Ollie and my sister Sara, they died on the gambit `together in love with each other. Robert Queen return from the Island and became The Arrow. After the funeral for Ollie and my sister I left Starling city with my mom and we moved to Central City. I became the Black Siren the night of the Star Labs Particle accelerator. When I got my power I had an argument with my mom and I unleash my first Siren cry that killed my mom. Zoom found me and became the family i lost and taught me to control the Siren."

Felicity looks at her confuse and asked, "Why did you call me Felicity Kuttler."

Black Siren smiles and replied, "On my earth Donna Smoak was a whore with a gambling problem. Your father was a criminal with honor known as The Calculator. One night Your father caught your mom with another man so he took you with him and raised you to be his protégé known as Overwatch. I met you and you became my personal hacker for a group i called the Sirens."

Felicity smiles and asked, "Do you want revenge for Oliver and Sara being with each other on the gambit together when they died together on the gambit.
Black Siren replied "In a way yes because if Oliver stayed loyal and my sister stayed away from him. We could have been happy together."
Felicity smiles and unlocks the Black Siren's cell.
Felicity says "I will help you get your revenge and I think i know a third member to help us."
Black siren gives an evil smile and replies "The Sirens are back."
Ok so this chapter I was building up the villains which is the Sirens members are Overwatch, Black Siren, and a mystery character. Which if you think about The Sirens' plan to ruin Oliver and Sara there is only one character for the part. Who do you think the 3rd Siren is?