Hey Halo fans I'm back with my version pf halo 2 I hope you all enyoy this story I orginaly wanted to post this story in January but I decided to post it know becasue I really had nothing better to do

know on to the story

the broken pieces of Installation 04 are seen still burning after the Pillar of autumn detonation. Groups of Covenant CCS-class battlecruisers prowl among them looking over the carnage.

An Assault Carrier flies by followed by a large covent structure known as the covenant holy city high charity

Hundreds of ships are seen surrounding it heading to the council area a elite with golden armor is seen facing two prophets "one? are sure" one asked

"Yes. they called it the pillar of autumn" the elite responded

"Why was it not destroyed with the rest of their fleet" another profit asks

"It fled while we set fire to their planet" the pillar of autumn is seen fleeing from reach as covent cruiser's glass the planet "but I followed with all the ships in my command"

A Covenant Cruiser approaches Installation 04, several dozen smaller ships are already in orbit above it."when you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty" they asked

The elite looked up confused "blinded"

" " the prophet said mockingly

"No" the Elite answered

Another prophet who is using a holographic projection of himself spoke up "Yet the humans were able to evade your ships land on the sacred ring a disgrace it with their filthy footsteps"

"Noble hierarchs once the parasites attacked-" the Elite is unable to finish because the council starts to mutter amongst themselves the elite looked around

"There will be order in this council" a prophet yelled banging his fist on the chair

One of the prophets move closer "you were right to focus your attention on the flood but these demons these spartans"

"Once I learned the demons intent it was already too late" installation 04 destruction is then seen

The crowd begins to stir most of them standing up and shouting causing one of the brutes in the room to chuckle and cross his arms

one prophet leans very "noble prophet of truth this has gone on long enough make an example of this bundle the council demands it"

truth raises his hands causing the council to go silent"You are one of our most treasured instruments. Long have you led your fleet with honor and distinction. But your inability to safeguard Halo was a colossal failure."

"Nay, it was heresy!" someone shouts

The Councilors start to yell the elite looks back and forth between them "I will continue my campaign against the humans!"

"No, you will not."Truth glances at the Jiralhanae and the he barks a command. Two Jiralhanae approach the elite and try to grab him, but he shakes them off and he starts walking. They escort him out. "Soon, the Great Journey shall begin. But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet, and you shall be left behind."

Earth is shown behind three MAC stations in orbit. A few UNSC ships fly past.Earth Defense Platform, Cairo. 10.20.2552 (Military Calendar)

Master Gunnery Sergeant: "Your plating was about to fail. There's viscosity throughout the gel layer."

John-117 is seen putting on his new Mark VI armor on.

Cut to the armory of Cairo Station. The UNSC officer handles equipment on a table.

Master Gunnery Sergeant: "Optics? Totally fried.

Six is seen putting on his mark V Mjolnir AA helmet

And let's not even talk about the power supply."

The view shows the Chief, Six'. Emils, and kats new helmets on the table .

"You know how expensive this gear is, son?"

The four spartans grab their helmets and place them on there heads they all look at each smiling underneath the there helements "Tell that to the Covenant." they say in unison

"well they were getting obsolete anyway" the gun sergeant responds "these suits are brand new fresh in from songman" he turns and picks up one of the elements in the bin it turns out to be rex's old Mark V[B] helmet

"And don't get me started on this one" the helmet's visor was still badly cracked its recon attachment had fallen of the gun sargent tossed it back in the bin

Chief looked around and noticed Rex's absence "hey where is the kid anyway"

As if on cue Rex walked in with a full new set of armor "hey guys what do think" he asked

They four spartans looked him over Six,Emile, and Kat mostly focused on the helmet as it was the exact same as carter's their former leaders

Chief was the first to speak up "whats with the upgrades Rex"

"Well my armor was too badly damaged for any thought of repair and an old friend of mine gave me this" Rex walked over to the four spartans "it feels lighter but more durable to

"know your new armors shields have a faster recharge rate so if they ever go down just find some cover and you should be fine"

"Or they can get behind me" they turn to see private Johnson walking up behind them in a white uniform " you done with me boys and the lady Master Gunner" Johnson then over looks the the spartans "I don't see any training wheels"

Gunns turned to face Johnson "there armor's working fine, Johnson, so shut your chili-hole. You're free to go, son, just remember, take things slow."

"Don't worry I'll hold there hands" Johnson then turned and hopped on the elevator "come on we're going to be late"

chief and the others board the train sergeant guns walking behind them "so johnson when are you going to tell me how you got back home in one piece"

"Sorry Gunns that classified"

"Huh! My ass! Well, you can forget about those adjustments to your A2 scope! And you're surely..."The doors close and the elevator rises, drowning out the Gunnery Sergeant's voice

"Well, he's in a particularly fine mood. Maybe Lord Hood didn't give him an invitation." Johnson states sarcastically

The elevator stops, the doors open and the Chief, Six,Rex, Emile, Kat and Johnson get out to board a small tram. It starts to move, with a view of the crew of the Cairo Station going about their business and a backdrop of windows displaying the station and the stars. The planet Earth comes into view.

"Earth I haven't seen her in years. When I shipped out for basic, the Orbital Defense Grid was all theory and politics. Now look! The Cairo is just one of three hundred geo-sync platforms. That MAC gun can put a round clean through a Covenant capital ship. With coordinated fire from the Athens and the Malta, nothing's getting past this battle cluster in one piece." Johnson told the spartans

"feels good to be back home" Rex comments looking at the planet trying to start a conversation

" oh yeah you're from Earth aren't you" chief asked curiously

"Yeah it feels good to look at it from this far" Rex replied

Chief and Emile looked at the planet they honetly couldn't relate to what Rex said niether of them have ever been to Earth till right know

Several UNSC ships drift past the station."looks like mre ships have come" Emile said as the ships fly by

"Ships have been arriving all morning. Nobody's saying much, but I think something big's about to happen." Johnson told the trio

meanwhile Six and kat looked out at the stars behind them "you know when I was a child I always wondered if life was out there"

Six looked at her "really"

"Yeah didn't you" she asked curiously

"well all I remember is that I spent most of my time watching out for my sister" six told her he then felt Kats hand on top of his "you know back on reach when that bullet went through your head I thought"

"Don't say that" Kat interrupted "we're here know that's all that matters" she wrapped her arm around his "I'm glad you found me though"

"Me too kat"

" so dd tell your sister about Sam"

Six laughed at the memory "lets just say it was the weirdest conversation"


Six stood there looking at his sister and nephew stare at each other the room was so silent you could probably hear a pin drop

"Hey mom" Sam said breaking the silence

The lady in the picture looked stunned as she faced the boy they looked almost identical only differences being hair color "hey son"

Six could tell the shock on his sister's face he hadn't spoken to her in years and he was just glad she was alive after what happened to red team he cut her out of his life not wanting her to get hurt or be discovered

"Hey Sam why don't you go wait outside and let me and your mom talk"

Sam nodded and left the room leaving six and Emily alone they stayed there in silence as the door closed behind them "so what are you going to do"

"I honestly don't know" Emily replied

"You know oni's prepared to do a blood test" Six said as he started to mess with his badge on the table

"why the hell would I need that" Emily asked confused " a mother knows her own child" Emily told him putting her hands on her hips

"It's just after oni took him" Emily froze she looked as if she wasn't trying to remember that day "I just thought I'd never see him again"

"Well he's here now and you need to let him know you love him" Emily turned away gripping her arm "you do love him right" Six asked concerned

"Of course I love him" Emily said offended "It's just" Emily stopped trying to find the right words to say to her older brother "I don't want him to be a constant reminder of what happened to me during training"

"He dosen't even know about that" Six told her "all he knows is that you had him young and oni took him while you were in basic"

Emily looked up her hologram flickering " does he know about him"


Emily nodded her head knowing that Six dosen't like to talk about him but she just wanted to know " it might be a while before I see him though me and my team are doing reconnaissance missions far away from Earth not sure when I'll be able to call"

Six nodded "yeah we're getting ready for the worst over here to"

"I glad your alive after I heard about Reach" Emily stopped she honestly thought her brother would have died in the fighting with his new team "how were they" she asked half heartedly"

Six had sensed that question coming he honestly didn't want to think of his former team he still had Emile and Kat but george and carter were dead and Jun was still MIA "they were like a family too"

Emily said nothing she just crossed her arms and looked to the side she didn't know what to say to him "listen I' she was interrupted when she nearly fell over

"Everything okay over there" Six asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine" Emily ten started to look around almost s if she was looking at something "they got through the main shields damn it" Emily looked up at her older brother "I've got to go the covent are attacking" she looked to side "and Six take care of him"

The hologram then disappeared leaving Six alone in the quiet room with his thoughts he honestly left a lot of information from his sister but he didn't want her to worry and he knew she was doing the same they both had a mission to complete

End flashback

"Six" "Six you there buddy" Six was forced out of his thoughts he looked to see Rex "you okay man you spaced out out"

Six looked around he saw the others looking at him with concerned looks "I'm fine I just was in deep thought that's all" Six told them

"Well you better get your act trait son" Johnson told him "when the enemy attacks I'm going to need you in tip top shape"

"Yes sir" was all Six was able to say before the train car came to a complete stop all of the spartans looked over to see a bunch of marines in front of them clapping

Six honestly didn't like all of this he wasn't a hero he was brought up to be a assassin kill targets and quickly and not have anyone notice he looked over and could tell that chief didn't want to be here either

"Well looks like the crowd awaits" Rex said halfheartedly

"You kids need to perk up and enjoy the calm while you can" Johnson told them as he walked out

chief and Six were the last ones out they hated to admit it but Johnson was right they both looked at each before walking out "you ever had that feeling" Six started

"That something bad was going to happen" chief finished "yeah I've had it all morning"

"Think we should be worried" Six asked

"Not sure but whatever comes we can take it" chief told the spartan III he honestly didn't know if they could take it they were barely able to get off of halo would there luck really last that long

chief looked back the stars shining bright he hoped Blue team was okay as much he enjoyed the others company he missed being around other spartan II especially his family chief let out a sigh

"I hope we're ready for this"

And thats a wrap

man this was fun to right I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I decded to combine the hertic and the armory into one because they were both really short and didn't have alot to do so why not anyway I'll try to the next chapter out as soon as possible also sorry if the ending was bland I'll try to work on those

Until next time