(a/n): This is a series of drabbles, some au, some that could fit in with the canon, some not. After watching Fantastic Beasts, I fell in love with these two characters and really loved their personalities and dynamic. As I do not see a lot of love for this ship or Tina as much as their is love for Newt himself or other characters, I felt compelled to write about them. It's been awhile since I've posted on this site. Thank for you reading and I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and if I ever include an OC I will be sure to note such. All characters and references to the Wizarding World belong to our wonderful JK Rowling, who's still bewitching the likes of me, a 20something post grad kid who grew up on the HP books.

1. Where You Fit In

I am grateful that in all the timelines and all the universes and all the places that I could be in, that you are here and that you exist.

They've been sitting in the grassy field for a while now. It's been a long day and they're both exhausted.

He's visited Hogwarts under the guise that he'd do a lecture on his newly released book when in fact they were on much more dire business with Dumbledore and some other important witches and wizards. Standing in front of a classroom did not feel as odd as he thought it would. In his element, he's rather less unpleasant, he thinks. He never thought about it before, but Jacob brought it up once and now he wonders what they'll write about him once the final publishing goes through and it's released around the world for all witches and wizards, young and old, to read. He hopes it's nice. He wouldn't want anyone to think the life he lead pursuing what he does is a terrible one. Tina said he'd inspire millions of people with his book to go out and feel the adventure one does from seeing all the beautiful beasts he's sketched on the pages.

It was strange to see her walking through the Hogwarts corridors today, as if he had stepped into an alternate reality where she went here, where he's known her longer than he has (Dumbledore seems to like her enough). Sometimes he imagines what it would have been like if she had gone to Hogwarts, if she had grown up with him. Maybe he wouldn't have been as lonely as he was.

"You'd be a gryffindor."

"A what? Was that that lion crest one?"

Maybe things would not have gone down with Leta and the expulsion and the whole thing the way it did. Most of the time, being around other people feels like a gray world, a storm of propriety and careful language he does not know how to navigate. Pockets of color exist for him when he finds the right places. On the quidditch pitch during a good match, during the holidays with his brother when they were kids, studying at Hogwarts with Leta before everything went awry, mostly in those quiet moments with his creatures out in the wild and in his suitcase sanctuary, even that trip to New York. Once in a while, amidst the hazy gray, colorful moments appear before him and he holds onto them to remember during times he can't see anything else but the storm.

He sees it now.

"They're known for being brave, you know. Stubborn but in a...heroic way-not in a self-righteous way, I wouldn't...more like-"

She's smiling. Well, fuck, he's forgotten what he was about to say.

"That sounds nice."She means it, he can tell.

There's a war on the verge and things are quite uncertain as they sit outside the place he used to call home. But right now, here with her on a chilly afternoon, after a whole day of showing her around his favorite places to read and draw and talk to his creature friends, the Hufflepuff basement where he spent nights alone in the common room or in his dorm just staring out the windows, his favorite spot in the library, the staircase he nearly fell down second year-things seem strangely fine.

"I could see you in my house, too."

"What?" she turns especially red this time. Well, he's done it again, hasn't he? Before he can elaborate she adds, "Oh! You mean-" She laughs and suddenly he's not as mortified at his poor choice or words (he still cringes at his "investigating" comment on the dock that day, and it's been so long). "What was yours, again? Hufflepuff? What are you guys known for?"

"Oh, things like loyalty. Fairness. We're patient-particularly good finders." Her gaze on him grows warmer, he watches as she bites her lip at anticipation of what he's going to say about her. "You'd fit in just fine. You found me twice without much trouble."

Things are silent for a moment and had it been anyone else or had it been months earlier when he barely knew her, he'd surmise that things were awkward and that she probably wanted to get far away from him. Instead, it feels comfortable.

"I don't know, I don't think you woulda liked to be stuck around me in close quarters," she says, "I've been told I always show up when I'm least wanted." She doesn't seem completely sad when she says it. Newt discerns from her tone of voice that it's just something she's accepted about herself. He thinks maybe she's been told one too many times unkind, untrue words. Humans are vicious, after all.

"Tina...I may not be good at social cues or at, er, jokes and what have you, but I do observe magical animals for a living. I know when I see something remarkable."

He dares to really look at her this time. She's speechless to say the least. Impressive for someone whom when he first met her didn't waste anytime scolding him at every turn.

"I coulda used a friend like you as a kid," she tells him. "Someone other than my family lettin me know I was worth more than a dime."

"I could've used a friend like you, too. I quite like how you fit into my life."

For the first time since being expelled, since the first war and now this one on the horizon, there's some hope at a nice life buried under all this chaos and darkness.

"You know," she says as they head back to the castle now that the sun is clearly setting, "it doesn't matter we didn't know each other so long, I know you now. And, well, I think we're gonna be friends a long time."

"How do you know?" he asks.

She suddenly pulls him into a hug. It's a bit abrupt and not very graceful but he's come to know her this way. He doesn't have any qualms about hugging her back. How enlightening, seeing as he rarely knows what to do in these instances. In fact, it feels natural.

"Same reason I followed you into that bank first time I saw you." He feels her relax a little in their embrace. "Just a feeling."

He has a feeling, too. That she's going to be in his life from here on out. That when they write the history books and his name appears, hers will be right there. That, in the end, when this is all over, they are happy. He hopes they write that.