Piper and I were laid in bed, trying to sleep in the heat. We'd just gotten Ethan to sleep but were having no luck with Eden. The heat was intense, the warmest it had been in years and I turned my head as Piper sighed, about to climb out of bed…
"Stay, try and get some sleep. You've been going all day." I informed her
"Are you sure?" she questioned
I nodded my head and pressed my lips to her forehead… "Yes, I'm sure."
Moving from the bed, I pulled a pair of shorts on over my boxers and made my way out of the bedroom and across the landing into Eden's room, pushing the door open to see her sat in her bed, sobbing, clutching her blanket tightly…
"Hey, baby girl." I greeted her
"Daddy…" she whimpered
"What's wrong?" I asked as I lifted her into my arms "You should be asleep…"
"No seep." she replied as she began to sob again
I smiled at her weakly, moving to turn the air conditioning up and moved over to the window… "How about we sit right here?"
I sat down in the rocking chair that sat just underneath the window and laid Eden against my chest, slowly rocking the chair back and forth…
I could hear Tyler talking to Eden through the monitor, my eyes unable to close without him next to me and I continued to listen to him talk her to sleep, her cries quietening as he did…
"Close your eyes, baby girl." he whispered "That's it, you like that? I used to do this to your Mummy when she couldn't sleep or if she was upset. It used to work nearly all the time, and I think there was only ever once it didn't."
I smiled as I realised he was running his fingers through her hair and turned over in bed, tucking my hand under my cheek as I lay on the pillow facing the door…
"That was when she found out she was having you." he informed her "Yeah, it was. She was so shocked, we all were, especially me. Your Mum is the bravest person I know and we're so lucky to have her. I hope you never have to know why. You and your brother mean the world to me, even when you are awake at all hours of the night…"
He laughed as he spoke and I laughed, sighing contentedly as he continued…
"And I know we don't share the same blood, baby girl, and biologically you're not mine, but God I so wish you were. I just want you to know that no matter what happens in your life, you're my daughter and I'll always be your Daddy, even when I'm Dad dancing and you were wishing I didn't exist. You will always be mine, just like you have been from the second I found out about you."
I wiped my eyes as I realised I was crying and continued to listen to Tyler talk…
"I couldn't be any more thankful for you, baby girl, even if you were a surprise and even if Mummy nearly went crazy and gave you to another family." he informed me "You are the best thing to ever happen to us, Eden."
"When you're older, you'll understand how life works a little better," I admitted, looking down to see her eyes were now closed and her breathing was steady "how incredible it is, but at the same time you'll also realise it can be cruel and it can hurt. But no matter what things life throws at you, something good will always follow. You're proof of that."
Rising to my feet, I gently placed her back into her bed, pulling her doona up over her, kissing her forehead before whispering… "Night, baby."
Turning, I saw Piper stood in the doorway, a teary smile on her face… "Hey, how long have you been there?"
"Long enough," she replied as she moved over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist "you are the most wonderful man, Tyler Brennan."
"Where did that come from?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at her
"I heard you speaking to Eden." she informed me
"Right," I began "I, erm…"
"Don't apologise. Never apologise for loving us and being the most incredible husband and Dad. Never apologise for that. Everything you said, it was so true and beautiful. We're a family, Ty, nothing will ever, ever change that. Eden won't ever know anything different to what she does now." she replied
I nodded my head, smiling at her warmly… "I know, and I know she doesn't understand but I needed her to know that."
"She knows," she assured me "c'mon, let's make the most of this quiet and get some sleep."