A/N: I really hope that you have all enjoyed reading this story. I know that I definitely enjoyed writing it. A special thanks to my consistent reviewers who have motivated me and whose reviews I keep checking for.

So, this epilogue is dedicated to Discursus, naelacy, volleyballer82, beatzlc, nona0310, DarkyRawrz, Siennese, violet1429 and Tricia Belle and Guest. Thank you so much!

Four years later…

Riley sighs when she sees her former student enter her café, not at all surprised at the forlorn look that Jessica dons on. She takes the raspberry cheesecake from the counter and places it in front of the high schooler.

"Everything okay, Jessica?"

"Landon asked me to the dance. Like, as a date date," Jessica tells her, and Riley suppresses the squeal that threatens to leave her lips.

It's about damn time.

"And what did you say?" Riley grins, bouncing excitedly in her seat.

Jessica's face scrunches up sheepishly, "I kinda froze."


She must have said that aloud because Jessica groans and slides down the couch. The teenager dramatically grabs a pillow and puts it on her head, screaming into it. Riley apologetically smiles at the other customers.

Thank goodness for a slow day.

Jessica mumbles something into the pillow and Riley fondly shakes her head, Gently, she takes the pillow away from Jessica and lifts her eyebrow at the younger woman.

"It gets worse, Mrs Friar," Jessica pouts. "After Penny shook me out of my daze, I pointed to a non-existent person, and then ran in the other direction when they turned. I've been avoiding Landon since."

"Don't you want to say yes?" Riley asks, curious.

She has seen this coming since her first lesson with them. Riley has not missed the subtle looks that they share with each other in class nor has she missed the way they have protected each other.

When Jessica remains silent, Riley prods her gently, "Do you have feelings for him?"

Jessica sighs, worry marring her youthful face, and she says, "I don't know when things changed. But it did, and I started looking at him differently. I started having these feelings and I don't know what to do with them."

Realization dawns onto her and Riley softly regards Jessica, "You're afraid that things will change."

"He's my best friend and what we have is special. What if –"

"What if you say yes, go on a date with him, things go wrong and awkward between the two of you and you lose him?" Riley finishes for her. She takes Jessica's hand and gives it a comforting squeeze before she continues, "Your friendship with Penelope and Landon is really special. And I understand how scared you must be right now. So I'm just going to ask you three questions, and I need you to answer them honestly, okay?"

Jessica nods and Riley asks her first question, "Is there anything in the world that will stop you from being there for Penelope when she needs you?"

"No," Jessica's response is immediate, just as Riley expected it would be.

"Is there anything in the world that will stop you from being there for Landon when he needs you?"

"Never," Jessica firmly says and Riley nods satisfactorily.

"Is there anything in the world that will stop them from being there for you when you need them?"

"No," Jessica smiles, and Riley pats her on the back.

"It seems like you have a lot of faith in your friendship, Jessica," Riley grins. "Yes, it is important to be cautious but it is even more important to have hope in the relationships that you have. And it seems like you do."

"Keep the faith, right?" Jessica cheekily reminds herself of her former teacher's favorite phrase and Riley nods. Happily, with a grin so wide Riley wonders if her student's cheeks will hurt, Jessica leaps up and proclaims, "Excuse me, Mrs Friar, I have a boy to say yes to."

She gives Riley a quick hug, grabs her bag and skips out of the café. At the entrance, she greets Lucas and gives him a high five before she leaves Topanga's.

"That doesn't have to do with my moping assistant in the animal clinic, does it?" Lucas asks, amusement evident on his face.

"Landon's moping, huh?" Riley laughs.

"Oh yeah, totally brooding. Something about the girl he likes running away from him after he asked her out," Lucas raises his eyes as he makes himself comfortable on the sofa. "Sounds familiar?"

"Hey, I never ran away from you," Riley protests.

"No, but you did turn me down," Lucas reminds her.

"Well, yes, but then we became friends. You opened my heart bit by bit and –"

"And then you said yes and made me happier than I ever was."

"And then before I knew it, my heart was yours," Riley lovingly smiles.

"And mine was yours," Lucas softly regards her, leaning in. "Hey, Riley?"


"I love you," he caresses her cheek and she leans into his touch.

Riley moves forward and kisses him, eyes not leaving his when she pulls away and says, "I love you too."

"Urgh, Mommy and Daddy are being gross again, aren't they, Joey?" Maya's voice startles them, and Riley and Lucas purse their lips at the interruption, silently promising to continue their alone time together at home.

"Gross!" their three-year-old son, Joey, imitates his godmother and Lucas sighs exasperatedly when Maya blows him an air kiss.

"There's my favorite boy!" Riley holds out her hands, loving the way her son squirms out of Maya's arms and waddles into hers. She peppers him with kisses, heart swelling when he giggles.

Maya bids the couple goodbye, leaving the family to themselves.

"What, no hugs for Daddy?" Lucas pouts and laughs when Joey jumps into his arms next.

As she watches the two most important people in her life play with each other, Riley sighs contentedly. Her son's elated giggles make her smile and she watches them as peace consumes her.

"Thank you, Riley," Lucas says softly, and though he does not say much, she knows what he means.

Thank you for this family. Thank you for your heart. Just, thank you.

"Thank you, Lucas," she mouths back to him.

Just like that, she holds on to the hope for their family, their faith in each other, and their love.

She holds on for the rest of her life.