Chapter 1: Anchors

Stiles was tossing and turning in his bed that night. Sweat was dampening his brow as his breathing heightened.

"Don't…no. Don't let them in. Don't let them in."

Stiles had been mumbling similar lines all night but still kept his eyes closed. Until he finally took a deep breath and opened them. He looked up and found himself staring into some spots of light, but saw that it wasn't from the moon shining from his window. He wasn't even in his bed. He saw that he was now in some kind of small space. He then moved and pushed on the door keeping him in until it broke open and he stepped out to realize that he had been in a locker. A school locker at the locker room. He saw that the place was pitch black with very little light for him to see. But there was enough for him to look over and see himself being reflected in one of the mirrors above the sinks.

He left the locker room and began to move down the halls. He wondered what the heck he was doing there. Did he sleep walk there? Or…did something inside him force him to come here? He looked down at his right hand and tried to extend his claws but saw that his hands were still normal after three attempts. He took a deep breath as he realized, with a heavy heart, that he wasn't back to normal. He hadn't got his powers back. Ever since the night of the lunar eclipse, Stiles had somehow lost his powers and wasn't a werewolf anymore. He thought…hoped that it was a temporary side effect of being a sacrifice for the Nemeton and would get his powers back eventually, but every passing day chipped that idea away bit by bit.

But then, what was he doing there? He then saw that there was one classroom door wide open. He walked over and took a look inside and his eyes widened. There, in the center of the room was an all too familiar tree stump. The Nemeton. Stiles moved over and went to touch it when earthy vines shot up and latched onto his wrist. Stiles frantically pulled, as hard as he could, trying to free himself. He threw his body back and yanked with everything he had when the vines snapped and he fell backwards. He looked up and realized that he wasn't in the classroom anymore, but the woods. The Nemeton was still in front of him but they weren't in the same place. Stiles was panting hard but stopped when a certain growl was heard off to the side. Stiles slowly turned over to see that a pair of bright golden eyes were shining through the darkness. Soon, the full moon began to shine its light through the trees and lightly illuminated what appeared to be a giant dark haired wolf. It was over half his size and was looking straight at him but didn't seem threatening. It was just lightly staring at him as Stiles stared back. Stiles felt calm as he stared at the wolf. Calmer than he felt for a good while. But then the animal narrowed its eyes and showed its teeth as it began letting a low, angry growl seep between its closed jaws. Stiles then felt a chill hit his back. He turned around and saw that there was something behind him. Another figure in the shadows and it was slowly making its way to him. He couldn't see what it was but he could make out the slight glimmer of silver colored fangs. Stiles then saw that he was right in between both of these figures. The wolf suddenly broke into a run while the one in front let out a hard snarl and ran for him as well. Stiles gasped as he frantically looked between the two as they charged for him. The dark figure was reaching out with what looked like a gauze covered hand and looked like it was going to grab him. Stiles turned and saw as the wolf jumped into a pounce, growling above him.

Stiles then gasped as he rose and sat up in his bed. He was back in his room. He had been dreaming.

"Are you okay? Stiles?"

Stiles looked to the side and saw that Lydia was rising up too. He nodded. "Yeah, I was just dreaming, within a dream."

"You mean a nightmare?" she gently asked.

"Yeah," he said as he firmly took her hand with his own as he tried to settle himself down. But after a few seconds Stiles narrowed his eyes. He then looked up at Lydia's soft and calming face. "Wait a sec, Lydia, what are you doing here?"

But before Lydia could answer that, there was a creaking sound. They looked over to see that Stiles' door had blown open a bit. Stiles began to move off the bed but Lydia pulled on him.

"Stiles, where are you going?"

"I'm just going to close the door," he said as he stared at it.

Lydia kept pulling on his arm. "Just go back to sleep."

But he shook his head. "No, I should close it."

"Don't worry about it," Lydia cried to him in a more hurried tone. "Just go back to sleep."

Stiles went and freed himself from her grip. "What if someone comes in?"

"Like who?" Stiles didn't answer her. He slowly moved for the door as Lydia kept insisting for him to get back to bed.

But Stiles kept walking forward with his eyes on the door and the darkness on the other side. "What if they get in?" he muttered.

He moved for the door and had his hand on the doorknob. He was going to close it but noticed that there were claw marks on the molding that seemed to disappear into the darkness. At that, he pulled the door more open. Lydia then began to frantically tell him to just close the door. To not go in but Stiles stepped in. Instead of finding himself in the hallway of his home, he was outside. The Nemeton was before him. Suddenly, bright lights flickered on and he realized that he was out on the lacrosse field. There was suddenly a large roar and Stiles looked to the side to see the giant wolf from before. It was running for him and barking at him in a frenzy. But in the middle of its run, earthy vines spewed from the ground underneath it and grabbed at the wolf. Wrapped around its paws, its side and even its jaws like a muzzle. But the glow of its golden eyes stayed locked on Stiles before they turned to look down. Stiles looked down to see the dark shadow of himself in front of him being cast on the ground from the spotlights. It didn't look like a normal shadow. It was like it was now a dark fog instead of a dark spot on the ground. Then a gauze covered hand started to appear from the center of it, pointing in his direction.

He gasped in fright and then started to shake his head. "This is just a dream. It's just a dream, it's all in your head. It's all in your head Stiles. You're dreaming, so wake up Stiles!" he shouted to he watched the hand struggle to further pull itself free. It was like something was trying to dig its way out of its own grave. The sight really started to make Stiles freak out. He also heard hard growling as the wolf struggled to pull itself free from the vines, it's golden eyes burning bright at him. "You have to wake up Stiles!" he almost cried as there was now an arm attached to the hand, pulling away from his own shadow, reaching for him. It was trying to grab at his ankle. "Wake up!"

Stiles then found himself back on his bed, opening; his eyes as he looked at the sunlight shining on him from his window. His door fully flung open as his father stepped in.

"Time to wake up Stiles. C'mon, get your butt to school."

His father then left leaving Stiles taking a deep breath as he then forced himself out of bed. He found himself driving into the familiar parking lot of Beacon Hills High School and found Scott already there, locking in his bike. After parking his jeep, Stiles went to him and immediately flew into a hurried detail of his nightmare with him. They walked while he talked.

"And you couldn't wake up at all?" he asked when Stiles finished describing it.

Stiles shook his head. "It was beyond terrifying. You ever hear of sleep paralysis?"

"Uh, no. Do I want to?"

"Do you ever have a dream where you feel like you're about to wake up but you can't move or talk?"

Scott nodded a bit. "Yeah, yeah I've had that."

"That's because during REM sleep your body is basically paralyzed. It's called Muscle Atonement. That way if you're dreaming about running, you don't actually start running in your bed."

Scott nodded. "That makes sense."

"Well, sometimes your mind can wake up before your body does. So, for a split second, you're aware that your body is paralyzed."

"And that's the terrifying part?"

"Turns your dream into a nightmare. You could feel like you're falling. Feel like you're being strangled, or in my case you're in a grove where at the center there's a tree where human sacrifices took place."

They managed to get to the front doors of the school and pushed the doors so they could get in.

"You think it means something?" Scott asked him.

"Well, what if what we did that night, what if its still affecting us?" 'Not like I need more things affecting me,' Stiles thought heatedly.

"You mean like Post Traumatic Stress?"

"Yeah," he said before they turned and entered their classroom and went to their seats. "You want to know the worse part?" he whispered to Scott. "I'm not even sure this is real."

He then heard loud footsteps coming up to them and heard their owner call his name. "Stiles." It was their teacher.

He went to look up to face him but instead of their teacher, it was a shadowy shape and it was reaching out for him with a dirtied gauze covered hand.

Stiles then found himself screaming as hard as he could while he was frantically thrashing about in his bed. His bedroom door then flew open as his father ran on in and quickly embraced him. His dad held him tightly as he calmed down and realized that he was safely with his dad. Stiles then calmed and slowed his breathing as some tears freely flew from the sides of his eyes.

Scott got up and began to get everything ready so that he could start to head for school. He checked to see if he had everything and then moved to leave his room but he froze. His shadow was cast on the door and he looked down at his left hand to see that it was sporting claws. However, Scott looked down at his actual hand to see that it was completely normal, but the shadow still had claws on it. He then closed his hand and then slowly opened it to see that it was now normal. Scott felt the pressure right in his throat as he wondered what that was about. He then shook himself free and went to open his door when he stopped as Isaac was standing on the other side of it.

"Hey," he said a bit happily to him.

"Hey," Scott said back still a little shaken up.

"Are you going to school?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah?" Scott a little confused.

Isaac nodded. "Okay, me too."

"Good," Scott said to him. He wondered why Isaac was trying to make silly and obvious conversation with him.

Isaac nodded again but he wasn't moving from the doorway. He then looked down at his feet before he cleared his throat. "Can I ask you a question?"

Scott still was at a loss for why Isaac was acting this way with him but just nodded anyway. "Okay."

"Are you angry with me?" asked Isaac with a tense look in his eye.

Scott could feel the apprehension and fear pour out of Isaac after asking that. Now he understood. Isaac was trying to find out if Scott was mad at him about Allison. It seemed that the two of them seemed to be forming a connection; starting from when Isaac had been Allison's tether for the sacrifice. Lately, Isaac had been spending more and more time with Allison. They were starting to go off and do things like study together or sit together at lunch. They were spending time together in the way that he and Allison had wanted but never really got the chance to when that whole business with Gerard started. It was clear to Scott that something more than a simple connection was forming between them.

"No," Scott said, quickly shaking his head.

But the apprehension was still on Isaac's face. "Are you sure?"

"No," Scott said again.

Isaac's eyes fell a bit. "What, what does that mean?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "It means, that I don't really know what I'm feeling."

Isaac nodded. "Okay…do you hate me?" he then quickly asked.

"No, of course not," Scott said quickly back to him.

"Do you want hit me?"

Scott just stared at him. "No," he told him.

"I think you should hit me," Isaac insisted.

Scott then let a small laugh out. "I don't want to hit you."

Isaac's eyes rose a bit. "Are you sure?"

Scott's smiled widened. "Why would I want to hit you? You didn't do anything, did you?"

Isaac shook his head. "No. No we…wait, what do you mean?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I mean like, you didn't kiss her or anything, right?"

Isaac quickly shook his head. "No. No, absolutely not."

Scott's smile fell a bit though. "Did you want to?"

Isaac actually brightened up a bit. "Oh, yeah, totally."

Isaac then saw Scott's face fall noticeably more and he then realized what he just said. A second later, he was flying out the door and his back collided with the hallway wall knocking down a picture hanging nearby. The noise drew in Scott's mother Melissa.

"Hey," she said drawing in Isaac's attention. "You two supernatural teenage boys, don't test my un-supernatural level of patience." She pointed at Isaac sternly before she left them to it.

Isaac then looked back at Scott and seemed to relax himself. "Do you feel better?" he asked him.

Stiles went and started to get himself ready for school, again. Stiles was starting to have half a mind to not bother with trying to move as fast and ordered as he usually did in case it turned out that he was still in bed. He was running through a list of everything he was taking when he went to grab his American History textbook and froze. The words on the cover didn't make any bit of sense. It looked foreign, no, not even that. It was all complete gibberish.

"Hey." Stiles turned around and saw his father in the doorway. "You alright?" he asked him. Stiles then looked back at the book in his hand and saw that the cover made sense again as it was a book about World War II. He then tossed the book in his bag. "You ready for school?" his father asked him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." But his father just kept staring at him with that same concerned look in his eyes. "Dad, seriously, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare."

"Stiles, you know you can talk to me, right? Look…I know I'm new to…all of this and I can't even begin to understand what's happened to you, but, I am here. Okay?"

Stiles inhaled deeply. A part of him was grateful for his dad saying that. But, Stiles knew that his father couldn't help him. Nobody could help him. He brought his gaze down and finally noticed that his father was carrying a box in his hand.

"What you got there?" he asked taking the attention off his current issue.

His dad looked down at it. "Oh, it's just some boring files. Nothing major."

But Stiles pointed to the side of the box. "It says: Sheriff's Station, Do Not Remove."

"Well, unless you're the Sheriff," his dad smiled mischievously at him. A smile that Stiles somewhat returned. "Get your butt to school."

Even though Stiles couldn't smell moods anymore, he still felt his father was hiding something.

Allison got up and couldn't believe that she missed her alarm. She was going to be late for school. She quickly got dressed, skipping breakfast as she got her bag and hurried off to the front door.

"Gotta run dad, I'm late!" she called out just before she closed the door behind her.

She then got into the elevator and pushed the button for the Lobby and just waited until it could drop her off. Allison then started to rub her shoulders as she felt a small chill for a minute before the lights flickered just as the elevator got to her stop. She then stepped out but found herself in the hospital. But the hospital looked wrecked. The lights were mostly out, there was trash everywhere and not a soul was in sight. Allison walked on down the halls until she came to the morgue. She stepped inside but the doors slammed shut behind her. Just as she ran to try to open them, one of the cadaver doors sprang open. Allison slowly made her way to it and read the label on the door. It read Kate Argent. At that, Allison felt a rush of memories of her Aunt Kate. Memories of when she arrived in Beacon Hills, Kate arguing with her father about finally training her, to Kate pointing her in Stiles' direction, to when they hunted Derek and Scott and then had a gun on Scott in the woods in front of her, then to when Peter slashed Kate's throat in front of her. Allison took a moment to let herself feel the weight of those memories as she then went and looked on inside. The slab looked empty though. But, at the dark end of the slab, there was movement. Allison's eyes then widened as she saw her Aunt Kate screaming and clawing her way to her and Allison quickly shut the door and tried to run out of the morgue. She pushed the doors wide open and froze as she saw that she had entered the halls of the high school.

She was breathing a little hard as she looked wide eyed at her surroundings. A moment later, Lydia walked in front of her with a confused look on her face.

"Allison, are you okay?" her friend asked her.

Allison swallowed some air but nodded to her. But Lydia still looked at her in concern. She then went to her bag and pulled out her phone as Allison looked on tensely.

Scott rode his bike to school and then started to lock it up when he found a spot. He took off his helmet and looked down at it and froze up when he saw a crimson glint in his eye shining back at him through the reflection. He then shook his head and looked back at the reflection to see that it was gone, just like with the shadow on door that morning. Scott then moved to head on into the school but froze when he saw that his shadow wasn't of himself, but a bestial wolf. One that reminded him of Peter's Alpha form. Scott walked faster but saw that the shadow lingered and even looked like it was stalking him. He then started to run until he was out of the sunlight and couldn't cast a shadow. He was then grabbed and he jumped but quickly settled when he saw that it was just Stiles.

"Scott, you okay?"

"Yeah," Scott muttered to him.

But Stiles narrowed his eyes as he saw how freaked out Scott was looking but trying not to look like. "No, you're not. It's happening to you too. You're seeing things, aren't you?"

Scott's face fell. "How did you know?"

Stiles shrugged his shoulders uncomfortably before he turned and they saw Lydia and Allison moving over for them. Allison was approaching them with the same kind of look that Scott was currently wearing.

"Because it's happening to all three of you," Lydia said to them. Lydia had called Stiles and told him to meet her there as Allison was suffering from hallucinations which Stiles had told her that he was having as well, though in his sleep. Now she has confirmed that it was all three of them. All of them were going through the same thing because of their sacrifice. Lydia then walked off for the main doors with the three of them following in right after her. Lydia couldn't help the small smile on her face. "Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one."

"We're not crazy," Allison said tiredly after her.

Lydia turned around and looked over at them. "Hallucinating. Sleep Paralysis. Yeah, you guys are fine."

Scott tilted his head a bit. "We did die and come back to life. It's gotta have some side effects, right?"

"Gee, you think?" Stiles narrowed his eyes at him as the bell rang. He would've thought that losing his powers would've been side effect enough, but clearly not

Allison narrowed her eyes as she saw how extra stressed Stiles seemed to be. "Are you alright Stiles?'

"Never better," he said dismissively, not even looking at her. Scott widened his eyes at how he just froze Allison out and rolled his eyes. "Look, let's just keep an eye on each other. And Lydia," he said turning to the girl in question and pointing at her. "Stop enjoying this so much."

He then walked off but Lydia tried hard not to smile again. "What?"

Scott looked over and saw Allison watching Stiles a little sad and hurt but he saw her then take a deep breath and her eyes harden a bit. "Allison?" he said to her. "Are you okay?"

Allison spared him a look and nodded. "Never better," she said in an almost mirrored tone that Stiles had used. "C'mon Lydia, we're going to be late."

The two girls then walked on off leaving Scott looking after them. Scott didn't understand. Given everything that had happened and what they all went through together during the eclipse and the cellar, he had thought things would actually be getting better between them. But it looked like Stiles was still determined to push and keep Allison away. Even though Allison was clearly trying to make an effort with him.

The Sheriff was in his office, organizing a new board on his wall. One that was filled with pictures and files of all the deaths and disappearances that before he had deemed "unusual". Now, with the revelation of the supernatural in Beacon Hills, he was going back and trying to piece it together with a more…opened outlook. He was looking at the photos of Mr. Harris and Kyle and mentally connected them. When he had found them, he didn't know what to make of any of it but he now understood that they were sacrifices for the Darach. He took a minute to let himself be bewildered at how that actually made some kind of sense. He then looked around at some others that he was now able to make sense on when there was one event that caught his eye. An unsolved case involving a turned over car and two dead people and a third one missing. One that was labeled an animal attack. He then hung the missing girl's picture over the spot on the calendar that marked the date. On the night of the full moon.

There was then a knock on his door which brought him out of his thoughts. "Come in," he called out still staring at the photo.

He heard his visitor walk in and turned around but deflated when he saw who it was. Agent McCall.

"Sheriff," he said to him before focusing his vision to the board himself. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, just my job," he said stiffly to him. "And as you can see, I'm kind of busy right now. So, why don't we just skip hollow office courtesy and get to the part where I say: So how can I help you McCall?"

Agent McCall rolled his eyes. "Well, it's clear that Stiles is definitely taking after you when it comes to socialization."

The Sheriff stared at him blankly. "Yeah, it's a good thing that his best friend didn't follow his example on that front with his own father."

McCall's jaw tightened up bit before he raised his hand to show that he was holding a thick folder of files which he slammed onto the sheriff's desk. "We need to talk."

The Sheriff glared a bit at the folder before turning to look back at McCall.

Everyone was sitting down in History class as they watched the new teacher was writing some notes on the blackboard. Their old history teacher had been killed by Jennifer to serve as one of her sacrifices and they had been without a stable history teacher for some time, until now. When the man was done, he turned and moved to stand at the center front. He seemed to have a peaceful and friendly air around him as he looked over at the students.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Mr. Yukimura and I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure that by now you all know my daughter, Kira," he said to them with a smile. "Or maybe not as she's never mentioned anyone from school, or brought home a friend for that matter." At that, there was a loud wooden bang which made them all look back at the one who just slammed her head into the desk. "Either way, there she is," he pointed out unnecessarily.

Kira then raised her head and looked up at the class, throwing a nervous smile out as she tried to ride out the embarrassment.

Stiles looked over at her and thought that she seemed pretty okay. Her father seemed to be a pretty decent guy too. But, for some reason, he felt a cold tingle travel up his spine, sending goosebumps to his arm as it passed by them to his hands. He then went to rub at them and breathe some hot air to them. He didn't know where that sudden chill came from but he shook his head a bit and rubbed at his eyes before he reached for his pen and moved to take down some of Mr. Yukimura's notes.

As for Scott, he felt a warm feeling come over him. One that made him look away with a small smile coming over him. He thought that Kira seemed to be quite pretty and as awkward as she seemed to be feeling right now, he couldn't help but think it was kind of cute. As he looked away though, he noticed that his shadow on the ground was moving, even though he wasn't. His eyes widened when he saw that it was the shadow of a howling man wolf. Scott's face paled at the sight.

Allison was with Lydia in their art class, both of them had painting easels in front of them. Lydia was already half-way through her painting but Allison was just holding a brush mid-air but not doing anything with it. A student went to move his canvas out onto a display rack to dry and moved away for Allison to see a collage of bright colors, mostly of red, yellow and orange shapes. Suddenly Allison saw her aunt looking out calmly as a large fire encircled the Hale House. She blinked and looked away from the painting. She then saw a girl across the room callously throw a worn paintbrush into a garbage bin where it made a banging sound. Then Allison had a flash of her aunt walking towards her as she let out a shot from her gun at Derek lying on the ground.

Her shaking hand was noticed by her friend as she spared her a look. "Not the steadiest hand for a superb marksman," Lydia muttered at her.

"It's been happening for the past few weeks," she muttered. "Since that night." She then dropped the brush a bit too hard and made some red paint splatter. It splattered on the canvas and Allison's mind flashed to when her aunt's blood sprayed across as Peter ripped her throat out.

Lydia then reached and ripped the ruined paper from the easel. "Start over," she told Allison sternly.

Allison took a deep breath and began to try painting again. Across the room, Isaac was sitting and watching her. Her tension and agitation was all too clear to his wolfish senses.

Stiles let out a tired breath as he and Scott stopped off at his locker. A moment ago, they had run into some students helping to move the new piano into the music room on account of the last one being taken away after blood had splattered on it from the recital. Stiles had seen that they were having trouble and had gone to try to help but was barely able to help steady it as its weight was too much for him. Scott thought that Stiles might drop it on himself and ran in and was easily able to steady it for the others to finish carrying it into the classroom. Stiles watched Scott help them as he was hit with the fact that he wasn't strong anymore. In fact, he felt weaker than he was before he had turned.

Scott could see that Stiles was having some trouble adjusting to his new change or rather his change being undone. Not to mention the things he was seeing things, like what was happening to him too. "Maybe we just need a little more time to get back to normal?" Scott gently suggested.

But Stiles audibly scoffed. "Normal? Try to remember Scott that we hit the reset button on a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures. I don't think anything is ever going to get back to normal."

Scott went back a bit. "Well…you're at least halfway there."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, you know, you're actually back to normal," he said softly.

Scott, at that moment, was glad that Stiles didn't have his powers because he was sure that his friend would've easily picked up the scent of jealousy that Scott was giving off then and there. With all of these things happening to him, it was like he was back at the beginning when he first turned. Back to worrying about his every little thought and action. Afraid that he would go and begin tearing into every innocent person in range any second now. But, as an Alpha, it was ten times worse. Because…now there was something else to worry about. What if he lost control and ended up turning some innocent person by mistake. The thought of doing this to someone else, cursing them, scared the hell out of him. He never wanted to do that. He wouldn't have minded being in Stiles' place right now.

Scott's hearing then zooming out and picked up something. It was Mr. Yukimura. "I thought you said that you wanted to make friends."

"Not like that," said his daughter Kira.

"You said that you wanted to be noticed," he argued back.

"I could set myself on fire and be noticed," she ranted.

"Then you'd be dead."

"Exactly," she huffed at him.

Kira then turned and looked away and caught Scott's eye. For some reason, Scott felt his breathing start increasing at that moment and went to look away.

But Stiles tightened his hold on his combination lock. He had frozen up when Scott had said that Stiles had become that word. Normal. He didn't know if he would describe being human again as normal. The world around him felt so…strange to him now that he couldn't connect with it as he did when he was a werewolf. Not only that, but he was having trouble focusing again. Before, his lycanthropy had cured him of his ADHD but it seemed to be back again. Now, he was back to relying on his Adderall again. He had gotten so used to everything that came with being a werewolf that it became…normal. This, right now, with his senses dulled and his old deficiencies, that's what was strange. He then loosened his grip on the lock but saw that the dial's numbers were gone. There were now these shapes that didn't make sense. Stiles shut his eyes for a full second before he opened them to see that the numbers were back.

Stiles backed up a bit when he heard the change in Scott's breathing and turned to look at him. His eyes widened when he saw Scott's eyes were burning red. "Whoa dude, your eyes."

"What about them?" Scott said.

Stiles' eyes widened. "What about, they're starting to glow."

"What, right now?"

"Yes, right now. Scott, stop. Stop it."

But Scott was shaking his head. "I can't…I can't control it." His breathing became rapid as he quickly moved his hand over to cover his eyes.

Stiles then moved to shield Scott from sight. "Alright, look down. Keep your head down and come on."

Stiles moved them off for an empty classroom to the side with no one really watching them except for Kira who wondered what was going on with them before moving on. Stiles threw Scott into the classroom and shut the door behind them.

Scott threw his bag and jacket off and moved to distance himself from Stiles. "No, get back. Get away from me!" he roared at him.

But Stiles wasn't moving. "Scott, relax. It's okay. Just stop and take a deep breath."

"I don't know what's going to happen, get back!" Scott told him. A corner of his mind remembered that Stiles was human again and couldn't defend himself like before.

Stiles saw that Scott was slipping and he needed to get shocked out of this. On reflex, he then tried to shift and move to physically shock him out of this but when he didn't change he then remembered he couldn't. He clenched his fists as he glared at his clawless hands in mild anger and frustration.

Frustration that was picked up by Scott's nose and it seemed to make him get more agitated himself as he pushed a desk away from him so hard that it banged against the wall.

"Whoa, Scott stop!" he said looking towards the door to make sure no one was coming because of that. He moved to check the window of the door when a hand moved to cover the glass from the other side. A hand covered in gauze that made Stiles catch his breath in shock.

Scott started to shake his head and then brought out his claws. He moved to dig them into his palms with a pained yell. Blood started to leak out of his hands as Scott dug in as far and hard as he could to try and shock himself out of his shift. His screams of pain made Stiles look away from the door and back to see all the blood seeping out of his friend's hands and spilling down to the floor as Scott started to slow his breathing. Scott's eyes then faded back to normal and he gasped before he knelt down to the floor.

"Scott?" he said moving to kneel next to him.

"Pain makes you human," Scott said quoting what Derek once told him back when he was first trying to learn control.

Stiles looked over at the door and saw there was no sign of that figure from before and started shaking his head. "Scott, this isn't just in our heads. This is real. It's changing all of us…and it's starting to get bad for me too." That made Scott look a bit dazed at him. "I'm not just having nightmares. These dreams I'm having…they're so bad that I have to literally scream myself awake. The worst part is that I'm not actually sure that I'm even actually up."

"What do you mean?"

"Uh…you know that you can tell you're dreaming…you can't read in dreams. For the last few days, I've been having trouble reading. It's like I can't see the words or I can't put any of the letters in order."

Scott's eyes widened. "Even now?"

Stiles got up and looked at the surrounding posters and even the words left written on the blackboard and saw that everything was in gibberish. "I can't read a thing."

Lydia was setting up a target on a tree in the woods as Allison stared at it some distance away with her bow in hand.

"Do you really think this is going to help?" Allison asked her as she walked back.

"Well I know that if you don't think it'll help then it definitely won't. So, get your head into it," she said trying to sound like a drill coach. "Shoot a few and see what happens."

Allison grabbed an arrow and drew it into her bow. She pulled, aimed and then released. The arrow flew off and landed on the floor, some distance from the tree. Allison huffed at the poor excuse for a shot as Lydia just smiled and tried to not say anything on that. Allison then moved to pick up another and try again. She let it fly and it flew off and landed in the ground again but to the opposite side of the tree this time.

Lydia's face smile fell a bit. "Maybe…hold the string a different way? Try the Mongolian Draw." That made Allison turn and give her a look. "What? I read. Just try it." Allison let out a frustrated puff of air but moved to get another arrow anyway. She moved and slanted her bow into the Mongolian Draw and then let the arrow fly. It flew off straight, but missed the tree entirely. Lydia saw that that idea wasn't any better. "Okay, take a second to close your eyes." Allison then moved to relax and close her eyes. "Imagine the arrow going into the target."

Allison let her imagination try to imagine her firing her arrow and it landing at the center of the target like it was supposed to. She settled down and then opened her eyes and froze when she saw a shadow running through the trees. "Did you see that?" she gasped.

Lydia looked off into the trees. "See what?"

Allison didn't answer. She just bent down to gather her quiver of arrows and slung it over her shoulders. "Wait here," she told her.

"Are you serious?" Lydia asked her tensely.

"I'll be right back," she told her friend before she started to move off.

Lydia then started to freak. "You did not just say that." She knew what usually happened when someone said that.

Allison narrowed her eyes as she kept herself on alert for that figure she saw. She couldn't make out any sign of it and was about to suggest that they leave but when she turned to look back at her friend, she was gone. "Lydia?" she called out.

"Allison," a gentle sounding voice called out.

Allison then looked out and saw the dark figure again. It was running through the trees. "Lydia?" she tried again.

But all she heard was her own name being called out again and again. She kept turning around, just missing that dark shadowy figure running through the trees. Allison was starting to panic until she turned roughly around and found that the woods had gone dark. She then heard a snap of twigs to her right and then turned quickly around and let her arrow loose. The arrow flew and landed right into the heart, of Stiles. Allison gasped as she saw Stiles look down, grasping at the arrow, in pained shock. He then looked back up at her, his eyes going into a hard glare before he began collapsing into a dead heap on the floor.

"You finally got him. Nice shot sweetie." A voice sounded over behind her.

Allison looked over and saw her aunt Kate, looking dirty and bestial as she was moving towards her, violently thrashing about as she began to run for her. The sight made Allison quickly reach for another arrow and then she let it loose for her but the arrow was caught mid-air by Isaac. Allison then looked and saw that the sun was back and that the face in front of the arrow wasn't her aunt's but Lydia's.

"Oh my god," Allison said as she threw the bow away from her hands. "Oh my god Lydia." Allison had nearly killed her best friend. If it wasn't for Isaac then she would've killed her. Just like she had killed-. At that trail of thought, Allison quickly looked behind her but saw that Stiles' body wasn't there.

Both Isaac and Lydia were looking at her, freaked out and wondering what was wrong with her.

After seeing that Allison and Lydia were okay and back at her place, Isaac went straight to Scott's and told him of what had happened in the woods. Scott, needless to say, was shocked.

"Right at her head?" Scott asked as he stepped into his room.

Isaac stayed by the door. "Almost right through it. She also keeps saying the same thing. That she keeps seeing her aunt. She was completely zoned out right before she fired that arrow. Whatever's happening to you guys is getting worse. Allison also kept looking around the place, asked me if I smelled any blood nearby for some reason."

Scott wondered why Allison would ask that. "Did you?"

Isaac shook his head. "No. She seemed to calm down after I said that but still looked a bit scared. Makes me think she saw something else, but she says that she only saw her aunt. Seems she might be hiding something. Lydia thinks so too though she was too freaked about what had happened to really worry as much. If I hadn't been there then she would be dead right now."

Scott let a tense breath out before his eyes widened. "Wait, what were you doing there?"

Isaac let his eyes wander a bit. "Uh…"

A moment later, Isaac flew out from Scott's room and rammed into the hallway wall like the day before.

"Oh you guys, come on!" Melissa's voice sounded off from downstairs. "This house does not have a supernatural ability to heal, so stop it!"

Isaac gave a tired look at Scott who gave him a somber kind of look before he shut his bedroom door closed.