Author's Notes: I know this is such a short chapter, but normally I update at least once a week, and the chapters are normally a lot longer. I just thought I would give you something. For some of you who have read Piper's Breakdown, you know that I have been spending all of my time on that, and it was wrong of me! SORRY! Please relax and enjoy! Thanks! Also, if you have a story that you wrote or read that you personally think is one of the better stories on, please send me the title and author in your review, and I will have a list of 'Must Read Stories' on every single chapter! Thanks!

"Dammit, Leo! We can't just sit here and do nothing! Where's Cole?"

Piper was still pacing around the room. It had been 2 days since Phoebe's disappearance from the hospital.

"Cole!" Piper yelled impatiently. "Cole! Please answer me!"

Cole shimmered into the room, with a disgusted look on his face. At first, Piper thought it was directed towards her, but then realized he was covered in a murky red color. Piper almost gagged, but restrained herself.

She rolled her eyes at Cole, "What did you do, now?"

Cole held up his hands, prepared to defend himself if necessary. Leo rolled his eyes, and stepped in between the two. He held out his hands to prevent the muddle Piper was about to find herself in.

Leo cleared his throat, "Okay you two. This is not the way to be doing things. Get your self out of your heads and concentrate on Phoebe. We need to find her…" Cole gave Piper an icy look, and then cleared his throat.

When nobody acknowledged Cole, he raised his hand as if he were in kindergarten, "May I ask a question, leader?" Leo sighed, obviously annoyed with Cole's behavior and attitude.

"Listen up!" he snapped. Piper stared at him in shock. "If we lose Phoebe because you two can't stop fighting, well, I don't even want to think about the consequences. Act like adults!"

Piper looked at the ground, and Cole shuffled his feet. They were both strangely quiet, even Cole didn't say anything, which was highly unusual.

In a more gentle voice, Leo quietly said, "We have to find her, and we have to find her soon."

Piper nodded her head solemnly, and then took on the position of leader.

She pointed to Paige, "Did you get the spell written?" Paige nodded her head and pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket.

"I think that we can use 'To Call a Lost Witch' spell."

A thoughtful look crossed Piper's face, and then she nodded her head, "Okay… we have the spell and I have the potion."

She looked at Cole, "Did you find out where they took Phoebe?"

Cole was still looking at the ground, and Piper could have sworn his cheeks were wet. Cole quickly looked up, "Well, I asked…"

Cole looked down at his shirt and his arms which were covered with the demon juice, "…Anyway, Phoebe is with the Source… no doubt about it."

Cole's eyes flashed angrily, as he mentally slapped himself for being so stupid for quarrelling with Piper. Phoebe was probably alone and hurt, and here he was, acting like a two-year-old.

Piper nodded her head, "Okay, all we need is…" Piper looked around the room, and looked at a table filled with potions, "Strengthening potions…"

Author's Notes: Please remember to review, and depending on the amount of reviews I get for this story, the sooner I will update. If I get more reviews for the other story I am writing, then I will update that story first. Thanks for your patience!