Hello everyone and welcome to the eighth and final installment in my Acolytes of Chaos Saga. It's been over a year and a half since I first started this megacrossover, and everything is finally coming to a head. I'm only posting the prologue and the first chapter this week since I have finals before winter break. But once December starts I'm going to be uploading a chapter per day. I f you're not sure what's going on, I insist you go back and read the other works in the saga first, along with my Kingdom Hearts 3 prediction fic The Xehanort War.

All finished? Good. Then sit back, relax, and get ready for the last ride of the day (sorry. That Nightwish joke was just begging to be made).

Act I: Preparations:

Prologue: The Faustus Method:

Unknown World – Unknown Location; Unknown Time:

"I don't normally believe in second chances," Aurilam remarked as he set his glass of champagne down on a nearby table. The man once known as Marluxia wore a mask of eerie calm as he walked around to the front of the device their latest prisoner had been strapped into. "But we need to work together for the greater good of mankind. We need you to become a valued member of our Legion. Surrender, and you will find meaning. Surrender. And you will find release." Despite the Graceful Assassin's melodic tone, the prisoner continued to struggle.

"Take a deep breath," Aurilam instructed. "Calm your mind. You know what's best, which is that you comply. Compliance will be rewarded. Are you ready to comply, young man?" The man trapped into the device only spat in the High Praetor's face defiantly. Without flinching, the Unchained wiped the saliva from his face, his expression neutral the entire time.

"I figured it would be a long night," the former Nobody remarked. "That's why I decided to treat myself to some wine. Praetor Long, start at the beginning. History has proven that the Faustus method takes time. We have a large enough window that we can meet our deadline with time to spare." Although all Unchained despised HYDRA and their hypocrisy, the Legion's High Council was able to recognize that the Faustus method of converting agents to their cause produced results with a high success rate. And this time, they would not fail. With all six Infinity Stones within their grasp, the Legion was finally ready to put the Endgame into motion. Within a matter of weeks, the Earth would be whole, mankind would be united, and the Unchained Legion's mission would finally be complete.

As usual, the prologue provides cryptic clues as to what's about to happen without giving away anything major yet. It goes without saying that it's pretty obvious given the way that Kingdom Hearts V ended who the prisoner is. I just like to have a sense of mystique and confusion in Unchained-centric chapters to make everyone second guess where things are going. But if you've watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 and recognize the scene I quoted some of Human!Marluxia's dialogue from, be afraid. Be very, very afraid (Maniacal laughter). And in all seriousness, Praetor Long is an existing American Dragon: Jake Long character and member of Jake's family, but I'm going to leave you guessing as to who they are until the last moment (don't worry, it's not his dad). With everything else out of the way, on with the show.