Incurable Love

Chapter 1

The moonlight was alarmingly bright tonight as the march of black cloaks sped through the woods, running towards the screams and cries of a self-destructing village.

"Take care of this now! We can't let them escape!" Caius growled as he lunged at one of the ugly beasts, sinking his venom-coated teeth into the furry neck of the monster.

The village was lost to flames and destruction as they fought their way through it. They had arrived too late to stop the infestation from reaching civilization. Now all they could do was clean up the mess that was left behind and leave the ashes to settle.

Howls of pain, fury, and insanity filled the air as the Volturi and their guard slaughtered everything in their sight. There was no such thing as mercy tonight. The men went first, then the women, and finally the children. They tore through their infected bodies with ease.

Caius lead the hunt with the guard, his thirst for blood and vengeance burning like the people and beasts before them. His brothers, Aro and Marcus, stayed behind, out of the fight, surrounded by a couple of guards, content to watch rather than join in.

They had taken out half of the population by now. Most of the infected had been destroyed, now their were only a few slinking around the place, looking for an escape route. The Volturi had the place surrounded, there was no escaping this time. But unfortunately for the humans who managed to escape infection, had to be slaughtered anyway. They had seen too much. They had to go.

By the time they had finished, the moon was just starting to set as a new day approached. They surveyed the area, looking for any survivors, disposing of them swiftly, tossing their bodies in the ever growing pile in the middle of the town. The flames were licking at their rotting flesh hungrily, boiling their blood and melting their bones with a burst of red heat.

"Are you quite done, brother?" Marcus drawled sarcastically, watching as the blond haired king tore into, what they thought was, the last infected human, grinning sadistically as he watch is burned.

"Quite," Caius smirked, his blood lust satisfied for the time being.

"Come them," Aro motioned them, "It's time to return h-"

A whimper ghosted over to them. Then it appeared, the furry beast, covered in wounds and teeth marks, pathetically crawling on it's hand and knees.

"Caius," Aro said no more as his brother smirked and stepped towards the monster.

He raised his hand, ready to tear it's head off and end brief fight, when it's disgusting yellow eyes connected with his crimson ones. Caius fell to his knees when he felt it; the tightening of his chest, the pounding in his head, his emotions being forcibly twisted towards it. It can't be...

Caius roared in pain.

"Brother?!" Marcus and Aro rushed towards him, worried the beast was hurting him, when their eyes connected with the terrible yellow eyes as well. They fell to their knees in horror.

A pained groan left the monster, whimpering when the moonlight disappeared over the horizon. It started screaming when the transformation started receding. The bones broke and re-broke as they shrank down to their original size. It's disgustingly terrifying eyes drained of colour, leaving behind a dull, lifeless gray. The fur painfully absorbed back into the skin, leaving pinkish gray flesh for their eyes. The human screamed and screeched as the transformation back into human form was completed. There laid a woman, a naked, crying, injured, bleeding woman.

Their soul mate, queen of the vampire race, future wife to Aro, Caius, and Marcus... was a werewolf.

A/N: So brand new story, brand new concept, and brand new problems. So, how do you like it?