Chapter 1: The Doctor

It had been six years since Harry had been living with the Dursleys ever since they found the child left on there front perch and ever since they had hated the would be wizard even though the child didn't know this fact and the Dursleys hated the wizarding world most of all Petunia Dursley who was never allowed in that world so when Vernon came home angry and started beating into her freak of a nephew she didn't care not even when blood started flowing from the child's head but then she did care when cops were swarming in and was arresting them thanks to a neighbor that happened to spot the Dursleys from their window and called the cops and later when Harry was in the hospital no one noticed when a new be doctor noticed the brain damage and offered to test something he had wanted to test or the fact that the next day after the test said man walked out of the hospital Harry still connected to the machine and a chip in his hand when a nurse found Harry he was gone his body was there but the brain no activity he had become brain dead and with no other family but the ones in jail they had decided to cut the line and the child was put in a commentary as another lost child but down in the atlantic sea someone opened their new eyes for the first time

"Where where am I"

Two years later

Remus Lupin had finally gotten angry and stressed enough to come and yell at the traitor that got his friends killed and it was with that thought that Remus was walking up the stairs of Azkaban with a guard to go have a visit to one Sirius Black

"You know if you wanted to yell at me a probably deserve it" that was not what the werewolf expected

"What no I didn't do it no talk about how you know who tortured you for the information no plaiming no mocking of me for thinking you were my friend" Remus growled at the cell door only to step beck at the skinny hand that grasped the bars strong and Sirius pulled himself closer

"No because it's it's all my fault that that Lilly and and James oh god" Sirius said before burst with tears and quickly the guard cast a patronus to keep the dementors away while Remus he was staring at the man he had called friend

"If I never told them if I never told them" Sirius said inching away from the bars only to be grabbed by Remus and dragged forward until Sirius was eyes to golden eyes to Remus

"Told them what" Remus asked with a growl in his throat

"If only I never told them to change the secret keeper" Serous said and then when he saw Remus's face a spark went through the old dogs eyes a spark of hope

"Please Remus be live me I didn't even have a trial to tell if I was lying heck I doubt if anyone even checked my wand" Sirius said this caused Remus to sit back

"Heck they didn't even check my arms" Sirius said before pulling up both sleeves and showing two extremely skinny arms but no dark mark

"Okay I'm beginning to believe you I'll check out about a court date and I'll ask Dumbledore for help" Remus said getting up

"Wait how's Harry is he okay" Sirius asked looking for any gleam of hope and knowledge only to slump when Remus shrugged

"Don't know the courts didn't allow me to take him and Dumbledore told me he found a place that should protect him but it seems someone some how lost the potter will even Dumbledore has been looking for it in the storage but it's like it disappeared" Remus said before leaving Sirius to his thoughts

"Harry I hope your okay" Sirius said before when he was sure no one was watching turning back into padfoot and waiting out his jail time or better yet when Remus got him a court sesan and yes there was a hint of hope left in that old dog

Well I hope you guys like this chapter I won't post it till I'm also finished with the second one but I hope you like what I did with this one and I know you guys are thinking what the heck why is there so little of the Harry Potter pov well for a bit it won't be about Harry oh he will come in every once and awhile but right know I'm going to be showing you guys most of the main characters for this story know this is going to be before Harry's Hogwarts years so roll with me and I hope some of you guys know about the game SOMA if you don't please check it out by either buying the game or better yet watching a play through and most of the reason I am telling you guys this is because of the extremely small SOMA stories on fanfiction so yeah I hope you guys enjoy this story and please check my poll to vote and review what you guys think or know what happened to Harry