Been awhile hasn't it?


Earth, the centre point for all the various goings on of the universe. On it there exists a school, an academy to be exact. An academy designed to train students to fight creatures born from negative emotion such as fear, lust and rage.

I only know this because I came here from another world. In fact, my entire world came here.

I am Clair Rose, however on my previous world I was known as the Longinus class sacred gear: Innovate Clear. A weapon meant to be utilized by humans to kill gods, now I'm a human with the ability to transform myself into a weapon.

Fortunately, the world dealt with the magical new comers rather quickly, it turns out that the Grim Reaper himself has quite a significant amount of power and the three great power leaders are smart enough to listen, especially since he commands literal hundreds of living weapons.

It's been three years since we arrived, three years of living life on the move. Never staying in a city or town for too long, slaying monsters or Kishin as they are called here. Just living my life as I feel it should be lived, no one has yet to come and claim me as their meister and I have yet to find anyone during my travels that can handle my chaotic soul wave length.

Due to my Longinus nature, a regular human cannot simply pick me up without me reflecting their soul off my crystalline based one and passing out within seconds due to the excess energy build up. Their soul would have to dwarf mine (almost impossible) or be willing to accept an incredible amount of extra power because of my reflection.

That's my life…

Meisterless, homeless and living life the way I want.

Not too bad if I do say so myself!

Chapter One

"Rum and Coke please, hold the ice"

Pink locks cascade down the woman's back, her matching eyes seem to light up at the sight of the beverage before she pulls out a twenty from her bra and hands it to the bartender. Sipping gently, to not smudge her cherry lipstick, the woman scanned the bar area casually.

Her black jeans and light grey top rustled as she spotted a group of men enter the bar. They seemed to be looking for someone, and it wasn't long before their eyes set down upon a small girl sitting alone in the corner of the room.

Finishing her drink with a quick flick of her wrist, the woman moved toward the men who had just begun speaking with the young girl. She just managed to catch the last part of their conversation as she arrived.

"… so, come with us and we'll help… John, who the hell is this bitch?" asked the man who the woman assumed was the leader.

"Clair Rose, nice to meet you" said the lady with a practiced smile, "I do believe this young woman was enjoying a drink before you so rudely came up to her"

"Back off bitch, we've got business with her and it doesn't concern…"

His words were cut off however as Clair placed a razor sharp pink crystal hand to his throat. A dozen pairs of guns were aimed at her in an instant, but her smile never wavered.

"I could smell the beginnings of a Kishin a mile off… excuse me, do you actually have business with these gentlemen?" asked Clair as she tilted her head to the young girl.

A small shake of the head was all she received and it was good enough for her.

"Now then! Time for you die boys!" laughed Clair as she tightened her grip and the man turned into a cloud of black dust.

"Fire!" roared one of the henchmen.

Unfortunately, due to Clair's nature as a Longinus class demon weapon, she couldn't be scratched with ordinary human made weapons. It took a soul wave length of equal or greater power to simply bruise her and that was if they could match her in hand to hand combat.

Snapping her fingers, she mentally reached out into the bodies of each of the henchmen and expanded the various crystalline structures within their bodies, thus causing them to explode into pink statues. Only seven floating blue orbs signified that anything had even remotely happened, the perk that came with being a demon weapon.

Collecting the glowing blue orbs together, Clair began swallowing each of them in turn before turning toward the still seated girl.

"Sorry about that, I would have stepped in earlier but… I was having a drink" she laughed sheepishly before sticking out her hand, "I'm Clair, nice to meet you"

"Orphis…" said the small girl as she shook back.

"Hey, that's so weird! We have a almighty god like dragon who reigns over infinity from our world with the exact same name!" laughed Clair as she sat down next to the girl and called the waiter over.

The girl only looked on with pale grey eyes as Clair ordered two drinks.

"You're from the other world as well" stated Orphis.

"indeed, are you?" asked Clair with a curious sparkle in her eyes.

"I am Orphis, I come from the dimensional gap" stated the petite girl before Clair.

Clair blinked, her mind currently processing what Orphis had just stated.

"I see… so what's up?" asked the demon weapon nervously.

"I came here because I believe there is something here that can help me defeat the Great Red" explained Orphis.

"You want to take on Big Red? Damn, I knew you were strong but that dude is like a… Dragon God!" exclaimed Clair as she tried to describe the monster that was Great Red.

"He is powerful indeed, which is why I believe you can help me defeat him" noted Orphis as the waiter delivered the drinks.

It is a common and shared belief that an individual can express looks almost as if screaming them at the top of their lungs. A visual indication of an emotion one is trying to portray, yet a word is never muttered. This could be something as simple as a loving smile expressing happiness; or wide eyes screaming "Excuse me bitch, the fuck you just say?"

You get the idea…

"I'm sorry, I do believe I just heard you say that I can help you defeat Great Red"

"That is exactly what I said"

"Great Red right?"


"The Dragon of Dragons?"


"A creature so powerful that even God, the guy who made me, was afraid of him"

"He was also afraid of me so that doesn't mean a lot" noted Orphis with a shrug.

"How would I help, you're not a human or a meister" stated Clair.

Orphis gave a small smirk, as if Clair had just said something humorous.

"Why did you save me Miss. Rose?" asked Orphis suddenly.

Clair was stunned for a moment, unable to answer the question that had been asked. She thought for a few moments before replying.

"I don't like seeing people abuse power, those who have power should try and make the lives of those without easier. I didn't know you were who you are and simply didn't want to see you in a troubled situation. That and who couldn't resist saving a hottie such as you?" laughed Clair before realizing who she was talking to and downing her drink instantly.

Upon hearing this answer, the Dragon God proceeded to down her drink at a manner much like that of Clair's.

"I see… thank you I suppose. Your heart was in the right place" said the dragon quietly.

"Listen Orphis, I don't think I'm the one who can help you beat Great Red. Sure I can activate the witch, Genie and Kishin hunters but the Devil, God and Dragon hunters are beyond me thus far" explained Clair.

When a weapon and a meister manage to calm their calm their souls and sync them together, they can pull off incredibly powerful techniques that can be utilized against the creatures of the world. With the arrival of Clair's world, the amount of those techniques increased to deal with the new arrivals.

The Devil, God and Dragon hunter techniques were available to every demon weapon, yet the amount of power required to pull them off was next to impossible without a meister to resonate with. As their names, would suggest, they had the ability to instantly strike down their said target, with a skilled meister being able to take down a heavenly dragon with the Dragon hunter.

Clair had mastered the original three through her own practice and status as Longinus class sacred demon gear. However she required a meister or incredible will, with a compatible soul of course, to even begin to attempt the next three techniques.

"Then I will become your meister" stated Orphis as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

Clair looked at her with a smile on her face before she realized that the dragon wasn't joking.

"You can't be serious; your soul would dwarf mine. I'd explode from the excessive amount of power" explained Clair.

"I believe that due to your nature as the miniature garden of innovation, that you can adapt your soul to not only accept mine, but make it stronger through refraction and reflection" explained Orphis with a small smile.

"Sure, I have an adaptable soul but you're the Infinite Dragon God, I am a humanized sacred gear, demon weapon hybrid. Wouldn't Zenith Tempest, Divine Dividing or even Telos Karma be better suited for your goal?" asked Clair as she named the higher-level Longinus classed sacred gears.

"No, they are powerful to a certain level, you are powerful because you can adapt to power and therefore become even stronger thus. It is why you are the only gear without a human thus far, you must choose who you wish to be your partner and I am offering you my hand or partnership" said Orphis as she stretched out her hand.

Clair stared at it for a moment.

"I have some rules first" stated the bubble gum haired girl.

"I'd expect nothing less. What is it? Power? Revenge?" asked Orphis curiously.

"No… I want you to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with me. We will share an apartment together and live together to strength our soul's compatibility. I will cook and you will clean, save for Saturday, which I expect you to make something. I will buy food and clothes but I want everything to be done without magic or powers, I will train with you every day but the terms mentioned before are non-negotiable" stated Clair with a totally straight face.

Orphis was thrown for a loop. The woman seated next to her had not asked for power or revenge or even a favour; she simply wanted to spend time with her.

"I see… I agree to your terms if you help me defeat the Great Red and return to the dimensional gap" said Orphis with a nod.

"Very well then Orphy, let's get going!" exclaimed Clair with a smile.

Orphis sighed to mask her smile, she hadn't felt emotion to this degree in her entire life. It simultaneously scared her and excited her beyond belief. She set off after her new partner, following her smell which she had memorized already.

"Where are, we going?" asked Orphis as Clair walked out into the carpark.

"Dunno honestly… where do you think we should go?" asked Clair as she walked over to her motorbike and pulled out two helmets.

Orphis thought for a moment before a flash of black feathers, golden light and a soft smile echoed through her mind. She smiled slightly, as if an unknown force was watching her and guiding her toward a new direction, she knew this sensation would vanish the moment she uttered answer but she did so with confidence.


The location echoed throughout the air.

"The city of Love huh? I think you'd better treat me to dinner before being so forward Orphis!" laughed Clair as she fitted the helmet onto the girl's head.

"What! I didn't mean it like…"

"Relax, I'm teasing…" whispered Clair softly as she gestured for Orphis to hop on.

"Is this safe?" asked Orphis cautiously.

"You are literally the most powerful creature on Earth, I'm indestructible… we'll be fine!" exclaimed Clair before she raced off, out of the car park and down the street.

Toward their new futures…

A/N: So it Begins...

I needed a way to ease myself back into this whole writing thing, so I made a smaller level fic to do so!

Just to clarify, everything DxD has entered the Soul Eater Universe. Sacred Gears have become sentient as a result and can transform into weapons. Orphis is about sixteen in this and Clair is about twenty one.

Read, Fav and Review!

My name is Parradox and thanks so much for reading.
