This fic continues on from 'Up Against a Cold Castle Wall' and 'Swear Jar'. Looks like a series is being born!

The story is mine but the characters belong to J.K Rowling.

It was crafted as stealthily as the Battle of Waterloo.

Where people were positioned.

Their alliances, their enemies.

The nitwits that usually end up getting in the way.

Conventions. Negotiations.

It shortly became more complicated than establishing a thriving central business district on Mars.

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'But what if we try – '

'Won't work, because then it would fuck up – '

'Oh, yeah.'

At Hermione's doleful tone, Malfoy sighed and gathered her into a hug.

'I think we need to face facts, love. No matter what we try, it will end in warfare.'

She buried her face into his shoulder. 'I don't want us to be each other's dirty little secrets.'

'Neither do I. But let's face it. Most of our friends are jackasses who don't have the maturity to accept that a Slytherin and Gryffindor can be together, let alone a Malfoy and a…'

'A me.' Hermione's bottom lip started wobbling.

'Hey.' He kissed her lips, chasing the wobbles away. 'You're the brightest witch of our age. I know you'll come up with something that will work.'

'Really?' Hermione pulled away from him, annoyed. 'And what exactly will you be doing while I bust my chops solving this problem, and why not the rest of the world's problems, while I'm at it?'

'I, my passionate little wildflower, will totally support you and help you execute your plan every step of the way.'

With a cocky smile on his face that had Hermione's knickers dampening, he laid down on the bed and crooked a beckoning finger.

'Now, come here and ravish me, witch.'

She tried to resist him. She really did.

But face it, readers. Could you?