Jaune pushed his way through the hallway, head lowered, bumping shoulders with the students he passed.

"Watch it, loser" spat one of the boys he bumped into.

"S-sorry" Jaune quickly apologised

"Wait a second, you're that loser that no one likes, the one Yang's looking for" the boy realised, staring at the back of Jaune's head.

The blonde stopped in his tracks. 'shit' he thought 'he recognised me'

The tall boy turned around, his hands coming to the sides of his mouth "Hey Yang! I found that nerd you're looking for!" he called up the hallway.

soon enough, a long mop of blonde hair came marching down the hall way

"H-hey Yang" Jaune greeted

Yang's hands shot out and grabbed Jaune by the collar of his shirt, slamming him against the lockers

"Jaune, you thought you could avoid me?" came the immediate question

"What? n-"

"Don't lie to me asshole!" Yang tightened her grip on his collar "did you get my work done?" came the second question

Jaune lowered his head, only for Yang to forcefully raise it by slamming his head against the locker.

"Did you get my work done?" the asked again

"N-no" came the meek response from Jaune

Yang then pulled him out from the lockers, to then push him back into them full force, Jaune slowly sliding down to a seated position.

Yang pulled his head back by his hair, Jaune wincing in pain

"You better have it done by tomorrow or-"

the ringing of the bell cut her off, then followed by one of her friends, Weiss

"Yang, get your stuff ready, that loser isn't worth being late to Goodwitch's class"

Yang turned her head to look at Weiss, who had Blake and Ruby behind her. Jaune also turned to look at the trio, only to receive a turn of the head from Weiss, a solemn stare from Blake and a middle finger from Ruby. Yang grabbed Jaune's face and redirected it to herself, forcing Jaune to make eye contact.

"Tomorrow Arc" was all she said, before she left her crouching position to walk off with her friends.

Jaune sat pushed against the locker for a few minutes, before he picked himself up off the floor, using the lockers to lean on. he turned to face the locker he was at. locker 341.

'damn it, so close to freedom' he cursed to himself.

Jaune picked his books up from the floor, walked two lockers down to his, then spun the combination lock to open it.

'damn it, I was so close' he cursed himself again 'if only I'd made it to my locker, I could have gotten my books and got to class early, none of that would have happened'

Jaune walked the empty halls and corridors of his school on his way to class. as he reached the classroom, he opened the door to enter. clearly it had been a bad time, as Professor Port stopped one of his long lectures to turn to face the boy as he entered, clearly angry at the Arc.

"Jaune, why are you late?" Port questioned, while he wasn't yelling, his deep voice was threatening enough to scare Jaune.

"B-because" Jaune began, there was no way Jaune could tell anyone, he felt he had no one to talk to about it, let along admit that Yang was bullying him to a classroom full of students. In an odd display of luck, Port decided that he couldn't be bothered to hear an excuse from the Arc, and Jaune thought that maybe he might just be able to sit down and carry on with the lesson. That luck quickly ran out as Port told Jaune that he had to go to Ozpin's office.

Jaune left the classroom, and yet again walked through the empty hallways of his school to the principal's office. The only sound Jaune could hear was that of his footsteps as he walked through the empty hallways. his legs seemed to be on auto pilot and he soon wound up at Principal Ozpin's door.

Jaune lifted his hand to knock, but before he could, Ozpin called him in.

"Mister Arc, why have you come to my office?" Ozpin asked, his mug in his hand

"Professor Port sent me here after I was late to class...again"

Ozpin took a long drink from his mug, then lowered it back to the desk

"Jaune, this happens far too often, you miss classes of show up late for them, its seriously affecting your learning."

Jaune just stood infront of his desk and twiddled his fingers. Ozpin glanced at the clock on his desk.

"Jaune, its almost the end of the day, and I doubt Professor Port will let you back into his class, why don't you head home and get started on any work you need to catch up on?"

Jaune simply nodded and left his office and walked back to his locker to pack his things. As he walked to his locker, he walked through a crowd of students walking from class to class, unsurprisingly, none of them asked why he was out of class, and Jaune felt invisible as some students bumped into him as he walked. Jaune eventually arrived at his locker, packed his things, and began to walk out of the school.

The walk home gave Jaune a lot of time to think.

'Everyone hates you, nobody likes you, you're a failure at life and it's all your fault' he berated himself in his mind

'Now wait a minute, you can't think that of yourself, you're worth more than that' he argued in his head

'You're a push over, look how Yang and her friends treat you, you're pathetic, you don't even do anything back' his mind berated again

'Of course, you don't do anything back, Yang and her friends are assholes, and fighting back just lowers you to their levels'

Jaune was so deep in thought he didn't realise he had passed his house, and began walking back up the street to his front door.

When he arrived at his home, he was greeted with the sight of step-dad drunk on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" he groggily asked

"We finished early...thought I'd come home and start my work." Jaune explained

"I thought I told you not to come here, you're not welcome" his step-dad retorted

"Look...I know some things were said... but none of them meant anything" Jaune said, trying to keep himself calm.

"You ain't welcome here" his step-dad replied

"I'm just going to go to my room" Jaune stated, before walking down the hall and into his room.

Jaune sat on his bed in his room, the door closed and sat looking at the TV as it played static, him caught up in his thoughts

'Your life's a mess and you're pathetic, what a loser' the voice from earlier popped back into his mind

'Listen, all those people are jerks and what they say isn't true, now let's stop thinking about it, keep calm, and relax' his rational side said, as Jaune placed his hands behind his back and began to lay down. As his back pressed against the mattress, he felt an uncomfortable feeling in the centre of his back, and reached to feel what it was. Jaune pulled a piece of paper with a strip of tape on the top of it off his back, his eyes reading over the words on it.

'waste of space' written in blue, cursive letters.

Jaune just stared at the note, not blinking, not reacting. His brow then scruched and rage filled his eyes. He crumpled up the peice of paper and threw it at the wall, he then picked the TV remote up off his bed and through it at the small TV, causing it to fall of it's make shift stand of old boxes and smash on the ground

"I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!" Jaune screamed at the top of his lungs, he then turned and began jumping up and down on his bed

"I'M FUCKING DONE!" he yelled as he bounced

He then bounced off the bed, landing on his feet to a loud thud, and began grabbing his clothes out of his draws and shoving them into his backpack

'I'm fucking sick of this place' he mumbled to himself as he did so

He then proceeded to stomp down the hall and towards the front door

"What are you doing?" His step-dad questioned

"You said I wasn't welcome here Brad, so I'm leaving" came Jaune's reply, spitting out his step-dad's name

"You'll never survive out there" was all Brad responded

Jaune paused for a moment, then turned to face his step-father, and look him in the eyes

"Where ever I go, I'll have a better chance than if I stayed here" he said, not breaking eye contact, before turning around and walking out the door, his back pack flung over his shoulder.

Jaune's feet seemed to carry him to the one place he could only seem to go, the warehouses on the edge of town. Jaune's feet trekked through the tall grass as he approached one of the old warehouses, and he had to fit through a small hole in plywood to get in, but now Jaune was standing in the centre of his new home for the foreseeable future.

While it was empty, dirty, and only had a beat-up couch in it, Jaune had never felt so safe and home in a place. He approached the old couch, dropping his bag next to it and sitting down on it. It stunk, and somehow felt wet.

Jaune laid back on it, crossing his legs and placing his hands behind his head. As he drifted off to sleep, one thought reached his mind

'Welcome to paradise'


This account…well this account is a mess. And I'm sorry for that. I went from commonly updating, to not updating, then, due to cyber bullying, I had a mental breakdown, deleted all my stories and completely changed the name. And for all that, I apologise, I should have been better. But I'm back now, with a re-write of my first story. While the chapters will be similar, expect there to be differences in the chapters and story, as my writing has (hopefully) gotten better. Much like the last story, this story will be a Band AU. I'm unsure when the next update will be, but I hope not too long, I am in my last two weeks of school before long holidays, so hopefully I will update during that time.

