It is not often that Ami feels pride in anything other than her scholastic accomplishments. She so rarely indulges in other pursuits that such things are nearly nonexistent. However, the sullen and broody Chiba that resolutely avoids them when they are in the area makes the blunette come just shy of gloating at his furtive defensive glances. The fact that Usagi has managed to go an entire month without the irritating man's nasty comments is just icing on the cake.
Currently, Usagi is frowning adorably as she focuses on a straw target in one of the back corners of the Temple grounds. The bow in her hands is steady after weeks of practice. Ami herself is waiting patiently as Hino calmly observes the blond's form and makes small comments to correct any errors. Ami will be taking her second turn soon enough, and she is glad for the small respite so she may refresh herself with the water Hino has become inclined to bring to these sessions.
Ami cannot profess to being a good shot. Usagi herself still misses the target half as much as she manages to at least tag it somewhere. When Hino had proven to be a very accurate shot with her magic, Ami had taken it upon herself to figure out how the raven haired woman had acquired such skill. When Hino acknowledged her talent in archery, Ami was quick to request small lessons for them so as their fights could hopefully be solved in a more competent manner.
Usagi had been begrudging, but had surprisingly agreed with very little protest. From time to time, especially since Hino insisted they practice meditation as well, Usagi will grumble about the lack of excitement and the horrifying amount of patience she is being forced to endure. Ami had honestly expected no less. The blunette, however, is extremely pleased that the blond has yet to miss a single session and still willingly comes over to Ami's after so that they can finish their homework for the evening.
A small tender smile flits across Ami's face as the blond huffs when she hits just outside the outer ring of the target. Watching the blond's grades slowly rise and her focus improving makes Ami's stomach flutter with giddy joy. She isn't sure why Usagi is willing to work harder; Ami doesn't want to take full credit as she still isn't feeling she's worth that much effort. But, the fact that Usagi is intentionally taking steps to better herself is inspiring. Observing such dedication has Ami inclined to mimic it by slowly allowing herself to warm up to the Miko.
Ami can honestly say that Usagi and she had been making steady progress on buoying Hino to the idea of friendship. Ami still has pangs of possessiveness when Hino gets close to the blond to adjust her grip or stance, but she's been curbing her bursts of hostility and managing to encourage the idea that the priestess is a credible friend in the making. Shockingly, the Miko is more likely to talk to her instead of engaging Usagi in conversation. Ami figures it's probably because Usagi's carefree bubbly nature throws Hino off as much as it had initially thrown her. After all, Hino is as easily as reserved as she herself had been. Nowadays, Ami likes to think she is less a wallflower and more involved in the events around her.
Though, that could just be her pride in dealing with Chiba talking.
A gentle double clap draws the blunette from her musings. Usagi is carefully packing away the bow while Hino begins pulling over the container for the arrows.
"I'm afraid there is no second round today," the raven haired woman states, amethyst eyes glancing briefly at her before focusing on her task. "My grandfather wishes to proceed with more of my training."
Ami dips her head in acknowledgement before gathering up stray items and cleaning up the area.
The process is quick and before long Usagi is gleefully leading her down the Temple steps towards Ami's dwelling.
Ami is more than pleased that the evening ends peacefully, homework finished and a happy blond stealing some cuddle time as Ami reads a novel while Usagi peruses a manga. It is a rare quiet moment when neither of them are rushed for time and they can simply enjoy each other's company without concern. Ami soaks up such moments with a heady bliss, having never been able to share such a tender moment with anyone but her parents. Such moments have been more of a lost occurrence until the blond filled the void.
A soft puff of air escaping Usagi's lips draws blue eyes from their novel to the blond snuggled into her side.
"Is something the matter?" She asks softly, taking care to mark her page in case Usagi's response is long winded. With the blond, it is always a coin toss if the answer will be short or rambling.
The blond's gaze is locked on the cover of her manga, a tiny scowl thrusts the blond's lower lip out in a distracting fashion. Ami absently bites her lip so that she is not tempted to nibble on the blond's. She finds she needs to scold herself from such random notions more frequently of late, and she isn't quite sure if it's normal in budding romances or if she's irrationally besotted on a greater scale. Really, it's quite vexing at times, when she mulls over if such feelings or natural or not. This is only compounded when she is actively trying to talk herself out of such thoughts that occur at the most inopportune moments.
"Do you still think that way?" Queries the blond.
This happens to be another one of those times, considering Usagi seems to want to discuss something important and Ami is distracted by thoughts about kissing her until they are both breathless. She sets her book on her lap to give her an extra moment to clear her thoughts. Even still, Ami blinks several times before she decides she has no idea what the blond is talking about. "What do you mean? Do I think in what way?"
Usagi looks up, blue eyes earnest. Her finger absently taps the cover of her manga where a vivid image of a robot shooting rockets out of its hands shines up at her. "Do you still think you're a robot?"
Ami's mind completely blanks.
At her lack of response, Usagi looks down abashed. Her fidgeting, however, is a clear sign that she's not quite willing to drop the subject yet. "I mean, I know it's been a while, and I remember what you said." Usagi's cheeks turn pink upon recalling Ami's vehement remark on keeping her human. "I guess I'm just hoping that maybe, err, possibly, you don't quite feel that way as…much?" The blond's voice peters out, gaze peeking up at Ami from beneath her lashes.
Ami remains frozen, gaze distant as she attempts to martial her thoughts.
The blunette hadn't been thinking of it as much. Which greatly surprises her, considering it has so impacted her life. She's been so caught up in everything, usually things involving said blond, she hasn't had time to ponder it. It was hard not to be involved in something that Usagi is entangled in. Considering they share a class in school, have lessons after classes with Hino, and fight evil in the dead of night on a regular and tiring consistency, it is hardly no surprise there hasn't been room to brood over her nickname. The blond has been more than active in distracting her.
"I...don't really know…" Ami's response is low, drawn out.
Usagi tilts her head adorably. "You don't know?"
A single slow blink allows Ami to drag her gaze from the wall to Usagi's concerned blue eyes. "I...haven't had time to think upon it. We've had a very busy schedule."
Usagi snorts, rolling her eyes as she snuggles a little closer. "That is an understatement. Dad started crying when he realized my grades improved because I really have been studying and not trying to hide a boyfriend from him."
Ami almost hisses at the word 'boyfriend'.
"He almost doubled my allowance too," finishes Usagi. "Though mom talked him out of it." She huffs.
"You have made excellent progress."
Usagi looks up at her shyly, cheeks once more rosy. "Thanks. It…It hasn't been easy."
Ami gently brushes her fingers across the back of Usagi's hand. "I know. I'm very impressed. You're doing well."
Usagi burrows into her shoulder, beaming under the praise while her cheeks are still flush from embarrassment. It has to be the cutest thing Ami's seen her do. Tingles are spreading up and down her left side where Usagi is firmly curled up against her.
Both of them enjoy the moment for several minutes before Usagi starts fidgeting with Ami's hand, head bowed with intense focus on the rather inane task. "D-do I…" Usagi's voice waivers, and she swallows thickly while still avoiding Ami's stare. "Do"
Ami's gaze doesn't wander as her mind tracks the conversation to ensure she's interpreting that remark correctly. When she's reasonably sure she's on the right track, she responds. "You mean help me feel less of a robot?"
Usagi nods meekly, still idly playing with Ami's hand. Ami grasps the blond's hands to still them. Usagi's breath catches and when her eyes dart up to the blunette's face, Ami uses that motion to initiate a languid kiss that ignites a fire in her veins. "Moments like these...make it very hard to feel numb." A faint teasing smirk pulls at her lips that Usagi dazedly identifies before her blush spreads to her ears.
"Teenagers," grumbles a third voice, startling the two young women on the couch. Luna looks at them from across the room with a flat expression. "This is the fourth time this week you've forgotten I'm here."
Usagi laughs sheepishly while Ami looks away with a blush staining her cheeks.
"You could say something sooner," Ami says primly, embarrassed the cat had indeed been present for several of their intimate moments. Honestly, if there isn't some disaster going on, Luna generally doesn't say much and therefore Ami frequently finds herself caught off guard when the cat does indeed remind them of her presence.
Luna gives her a look before standing to stretch lithely. "I merely wanted to put in my own comments on your recent dedication." She settles into a seated position so she can face them squarely, eyes lingering on Usagi. "Honestly, I'm quite relieved. My initial impression of our meeting was...worrisome. I'm extremely happy you've taken your duty seriously." Her gaze softens. "I know this is a big undertaking. It is no small feat to accomplish what you have. That you need to do so discreetly while living normal lives..." Luna hums thoughtfully. "It's quite impressive. The fact you've found another form of training to help improve yourselves is even better. I'm quite proud of the growth you've undergone, and am eager to see where it will take you in the future."
Usagi's expression remains puckered in confusion at the start of the conversation, but by the end of it Ami smiles proudly when Usagi's visage smooth's into one of shy joy. It's clear the blond is still struggling to be the center of so much praise. She still has her moments of brash cockiness, but they are more fleeting now that she is getting proper praise more frequently for her growing accomplishments. Really, Ami finds it absolutely fascinating to watch how much Usagi is maturing in a rather short amount of time.
Ami realizes that she herself has changed as well. She holds full conversations with both Gurio and Osaka at consistent intervals now. She is actively seeking out a friendship with Hino, and she is even willingly participating in a task that doesn't involve any sort of scholastic gain. Honestly, she had never imagined such a thing ever occurring, not from the random happenstance of running into one girl and her cat. There have been a few occasions she's actually had the temerity to pinch herself to ensure she really wasn't trapped in a blissful dream.
"-really am glad that you've come together," said Luna, as Ami catches the tail end of the conversation between the cat and her 'owner'. "I shudder to think about if you didn't have the motivation to succeed as you have."
Ami is startled to find Usagi's soulful blue eyes looking at her. When their eyes meet, the blond's expression slides into a tender smile that makes Ami's heart lurch.
"Yeah..." Usagi says softly, "I really got lucky."
Ami cannot control the blush the storms across her face, making her feel a wash of lightheadedness.
"Ugh!" groans Luna. "Seriously! I'm right here! I have no need to be involved in the middle of some teenage romance!"
Usagi gives her a cheeky grin. "Oh, but you just said how happy you were for us!"
Luna actually looks like she's blushing. "W-well yes! But that doesn't mean I need to sit here and suffer through all the mushy stuff!"
Usagi merely cackles loudly while Ami clears her throat in an attempt to rein in her emotions.
"Was that your way of asking us to let you head back to Usagi's place now?" Ami asks politely, glancing at the clock. "We still have another half hour before she needs to leave to meet her curfew."
Luna shoots Usagi a dirty look. "If you would be so kind, yes. I had something I needed to look into anyway."
Ami rises and moves to open the door, Usagi and Luna trailing behind.
"Oooo, out looking for your own mushiness?" teases Usagi, a sly grin on her lips and a goofy waggle of eyebrows.
Luna combusts. "WHAT?! Of course not!" The cat bolts for the door. "How absurd! You ridiculous girl! It involves work! And trying to look into recent youma sightings!"
"Whatever you say Luna!" the blond singsongs as the cat darts out into the night.
"I'm leaving a dead mouse on your bed for that!" calls Luna's fading voice.
Ami shakes her head as she closes the door. "Must you rile her up?"
Usagi giggles. "But it's so easy! Plus, she hates hunting mice." Usagi rolls her eyes. "Says it's beneath her." She waves a hand airily. "She'll probably just try to steal my blankets before my alarm goes off in the morning, making for a miserable way to wake up." She grins. "Sides, she needs to relax. She's so worked up all the time."