A/N So here is the first chapter of the new story. I don't know what the pairing will be yet so place a review with your vote. I will end voting after about 3 chapters so I can figure out where the story will go. So enjoy…
Chapter 1
Percy POV
Annabeth, Thalia, and I all walked into the throne room of the gods and as we walked past the massive doors that had been broken off we saw Luke a.k.a Kronos standing in the middle of the throne room arms uplifted in his joy.
"Luke you can't do this you need to fight him!" Annabeth said with tears beginning to form in her eyes as she prepared to fight the person who she once thought of as a father figure and also her best friend.
"Luke is gone you foolish girl, I now own this body and when I ascend to my true form nobody will be able to stop me!" He said as he turned towards us with an evil grin on his face. Realizing that we were indeed running out of time as I could see him begin to grow yellow I charged at him with a hesitant yet determined Annabeth and Thalia behind me. As we charged I felt my limbs begin to slow and I felt myself being pulled off the ground. Looking behind me I saw my companions were in a similar state. Looking back towards Kronos I saw him walking towards us at a normal speed and twirling his scythe in his hands with the same grin on his face.
"You know I can't wait for you to release us so I can wipe that stupid grin off your face." I growled, angry at how far we had come and how many friends we had lost so we could get to this point only to be as helpless as kittens in our fight.
"I'm going to go ahead and say no, I want you to have a front seat to the destruction of your precious western civilization." He said and as he was talking he summoned an image of Typhoon nearing the Hudson River with gods swirling around him giving him everything they had. But it was futile though, Typhoon was simply to strong for the underpowered gods. As Typhoon stepped into the river a hunting call sounded, the call of the ocean. The river water soon erupted around the monster and an army of cyclops charged out all carrying chains that would be used to hold a battleship in place, and at their head was Poseidon riding a sea green chariot pulled by hippocampi.
"NO! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Kronos exclaimed.
Soon the cyclops began to wrap their chains around Typhoon's legs as the gods struck with renewed vigor and as Typhoon began to fall backwards into the river the water parted to reveal a portal straight to the deepest parts of Tartarus. Once Typhoon fell completely in the portal closed and the river waters returned to their original position.
"DAMNIT!" Kronos yelled and in his anger he accidentally released us from our time spell. Once I hit the ground with a grunt Kronos seemed to realize his mistake and when I looked up I saw his scythe in a deadly arc heading straight for my achilles spot on my lower back. I rolled out of the way of his strike and I felt fear begin to gnaw away at me. How did he know where my achilles spot was?
"Oh Percy, so naive to think that you are now invinceable, thanks to your friend Ethan I know exactly how to kill you." Damn that Nakamura kid, my only advantage in this fight was just taken away from me. Now my only hope was to stay alive and get a lucky hit on Kronos' vulnerable spot. I got up and charged Kronos at a full sprint but Kronos just smirked and stepped out of the way while throwing me headfirst into Ares' throne, temporarily knocking me unconscious.
I soon woke up to the sound of fighting and immense pain in my head as I saw the bleary forms of Annabeth and Thalia dueling Kronos while guarding my prone form. They seemed to be doing quite well until Thalia's leg buckled under her due to a prior injury she acquired while fighting a horde of hellhounds. Seeing his chance Kronos lunged forward and the tip of his scythe just barely grazed Thalia's shoulder. Under normal circumstances this would have been virtually no problem but due to the nature of his scythe and that it rips your soul out of your body on contact, Thalia fell to the ground in agony with a fatal wound. Seeing my friend in danger gave me new strength and I got up and struck at Kronos' unprotected right side only for my sword to bounce off.
"Don't think I've forgotten about you just yet Percy, but your death will come later." Kronos said in annoyance, his annoyance only grew though when i struck at him again, this time in the back. Yet again my strike bounced off of him, "Very well then if you wish to die now then I will be more than happy to grant your wish!" Kronos said as he thrust his scythe right at my achilles spot and had it landed it would have killed me but his blade was intercepted. All I felt was liquid splash against my back but I knew what had happened. Annabeth had taken a blade for me a second time in this war, but this time there would be no recovery, there would be no tomorrow for the daughter of Athena. As I looked and saw the light fading from her eyes all of our adventures rushed to the front of my mind from when we first met to the Sea of Monsters to when we delved into the labyrinth and felt my anger begin to rise as I realized that I would never get to spend time with the girl I had begun to love. I grabbed Riptide from where I had dropped it in shock and walked forward with the determination that I would hit Kronos as many times as it took until I found his one vulnerable spot and killed him in revenge for Annabeth and all my other friends.
I had barely taken three steps forward when Thalia's anguished cry cut me off, "Luke! You promised that you would never hurt her! You promised!" she cried. Kronos looked like he had been shot as he jolted upright and I could see his eyes turn from gold back to Luke's blue eyes.
I continued walking towards a now stiff Luke and he looked at me and asked me the one question that would determine the fate of everyone. "Percy do you trust me with your sword to do what is needed to save everyone? I was shocked, why would I ever do that? Did he really think I was this stupid? "Hurry Percy, I need your sword. If you don't give it to me I can't stop Kronos from separating from me." Luke was virtually pleading me now, and as I looked on I realized his faint golden glow was beginning to glow almost painfully bright. "Please Percy."
I had made my decision, I knew that this would probably get me killed but I had to trust in Luke and as I handed him my sword he smiled and began to remove the armor under his left armpit, his vulnerable spot. Once the armor was removed he just smiled at me and thrusted the sword into his body. Luke immediately began to scream in pain and golden light began to flow out of his mouth. I walked over to a dying Luke and realized that I was not the hero, Luke was the hero it was just my decision that would determine whether Olympus would preserve or raze. As I kneeled next to him I noticed something was wrong, Luke's eyes had turned into gold and as I tried to back up Kronos grabbed me in a bone crushing embrace.
"If I go to Tartarus then you are coming with me child." He snarled as I felt him heating up and soon an explosion was set off in the throne room and all I saw was black.
Thalia POV
When I saw Percy and Kronos all I could feel was dread, my two best friends were either dead or about to die and there was nothing anybody could do about anything. Plus to add insult to injury Percy would be going to Tartarus instead of the Elysium he deserved. Soon the glow coming from Kronos became unbearable to look at and as I looked away the entire throne began to shake and a giant explosion occurred causing the entire mountain to shake and I felt immense heat and heard pieces of rubble being thrown everywhere only for it to all stop as soon as it had begun. When I opened my eyes I was presented with the view the throne room in pieces and the Olympians plus Hades standing there looking wide eyed at all the destruction.
"What happened here?" Hera asked as she noticed me off to the side. With her comment all the gods also noticed me and ran over worried, but none more so than my father.
"My dear Thalia are you alright?" He asked in a choked voice as he tried to hold back his tears, he knew the what the consequences of being hit by Kronos' scythe were.
My vision soon began dim and it felt like I was seeing him at the end of the tunnel. "They all died as heroes." I said with the last bit of my strength and soon all I saw was black and I then felt nothing.
So ends Chapter 1, hopefully I came through for all of you guys and this is looking better than the first chapter of the last story. As I said in the AN at the top the pairing is up for vote in the reviews. And BTW Percy is NOT dead in case I didn't make that clear enough in Thalia's POV. However, Annabeth and Thalia ARE dead so please don't place any votes for them. MOG out