Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Note: That the image used is not Giroro's magical girl outfit, it was just the only cover image from the show that I could find that might fit as the cover for this story. Sorry!

So this is a story that I had an idea for for a while. I gained the idea back when I was watching the musha keroro arc and was rather...Put off with some of the characters. Specifically the fact that Giroro was still interesting in Natsumi even though she didn't really have any of Natsumi's personality and wasn't actually Natsumi? Like...Be loyal Giroro. That's not Natsumi, she just looks like Natsumi.

There were a lot of things I didn't particurly like about the Musha Keroro arc basically. I liked the premise - The frogs got to an alternate universe where their friends, the pekoponians all have slightly different lives, but I didn't feel like their friendships and relationships could develop as strongly with their alternative universe friends if it wasn't really the real versions, you know? So I decided to do my take on that so that it was the real versions, but they had AU personalities and back stories and that was why each of the frogs was so attached to them.

Because they were their real friends who were only brainwashed to think they belonged in this world. And they were on a quest to save them.

So once I had that idea I had to decide the AU world to put them in. There are a few cliche's I haven't done yet that would have worked- power rangers, giant robots and magical girls.

I know nothing about the first two so I decided "It's about time the keroro fandom finally has a magical girl au." And so here's my take on a magical girl au.

Be warned- this fic although it will have some drama and of course romance and shipping will be mostly comedy since I'm going to be making fun of a lot of bad cliches.

Also I'm sorry for not having posted any stories for so long. I should really be updating some of my other stories but I thought it was a better idea to get a handle on the characters again by starting a new story instead of updating Wingman or Hinata House. Since Hinata House has been going on for so long I don't feel nearly as bad, but do not worry, I have not forgotten them.

I hope you enjoy the fic!

It wasn't supposed to go like this. It was supposed to be fun- okay maybe it was supposed to be something that he could profit off of, perhaps in his wildest dreams Natsumi and Fuyuki would bow down to him and hand over the planet nicely gift wrapped.

It was supposed to be a grand adventure where he was some hero. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this.

Keroro knelt on the ground, his knees digging into the crusty rocks. Despite his knee high socks he could still feel the rubble prying into him, his fists desperately trying to keep himself up.

Fuyuki stood in front of him, laughing, his dark cape swishing in the moonlight. "You'll finally die, Magic Sergeant! You'll regret everything you've ever done to me and I'll rule this pitiful planet!"

Keroro looked around wildly for his friends. But they were all gone. All of his comrades, his platoon mates, no longer wanted anything to do with him.

Giroro and Tamama hated him, Dororo was desperate to live a lie, and Kululu? Who knew about Kululu?

He deserved all of this. He deserved the pain. But Fuyuki didn't.

Why had it all gone so wrong? Why was he so alone?

When had it gone wrong?

Keroro smiled as he put the finishing touches on his fanfiction that he had written. Well, he didn't really want to call it a 'fanfiction'

Invasion plan. He reminded himself. His printed out pages of word document wasn't all just fun and games. It had a point.

"After Master Natsumi and Fuyuki see how heroic I am they'll be glad to have the planet in my hands! And the platoon will gladly support this invasion plan, after all it makes us into heroes!" Keroro beamed his eyes sparkling.

Sure, the last time he had made a plan along this line it hadn't really worked out in his favor. The virtual reality machine that he had used to make them all into power rangers to film a movie had blown up in his face because of his dumb platoon mates not wanting to stick to the script.

When the script says for them to die for dramaticness they should stick to it! I really don't understand what went wrong with that plan. Keroro shrugged and crossed his arms.

Well this plan would work much better with this machine. He had given each and every one of his platoon members detailed back stories, powers, and a story line to follow. Hopefully they'd be happy, after all he had taken each of their interests into account- Dororo's desire to be his friend, Giroro's desire to be angry, and Tamama's interest in him.

So really it was the perfect story. And when they acted it out all together and showed the pekoponians it they'd be so surprised that they'd just bow down to Keroro- the amazing magical girl who had saved the planet in a virtual simulation so obviously he'd be good for the planet in real life.

I'm not just making this story because of the sailor moon Lady Mois's been showing me. Nope, not at all. Keroro denied to himself. He had thought he wouldn't like a show like that, it being something with very little robots, but he had gotten about as into it as Angol Mois was. They were both equally huge fans.

He didn't really approve of her favorite characters though. Why didn't she like the main character as much as he did? Why did she have to be such a huge Sailor Saturn fan? It really didn't bode well for Pekopon.

He put the frightening idea out of his mind about Pekopon's looming destruction, and headed off to Kululu with his script. He needed Kululu to program it into the machine after he gathered everyone after all.

Kululu was typing on his computer in his lab, his eyes didn't even flicker up from his computer when Keroro strolled in.

"Whaddya want?" He asked annoyed.

"I need you to program this script and story into that virtual reality machine of yours." Keroro's hands tried not to shake as he held his manuscript as if he was going to hand it off to an editor. Kululu was sure to be cruel and critical of everything he had written.

"The superhero program thing? Didn't that blow up in your face?" Kululu mocked, "Ku, ku, ku. Sure ya want to try it again?"

"This time it isn't to film something! It's to show the pekoponians that we're heroes! They'll enjoy it. I'm sure of it. I put a lot more work into this script than that one." Keroro pouted. He bowed and stuck his hands out with the bundle of papers.

Kululu took them with a sneer on his face and flipped through it speed reading. "Magical girls? Really?"

"Magical girls are cool!" Keroro protested. "And they're the epitome of purity!"

"Wanna run the purity thing by Kululuko?" Kululu referenced his magical girl looking robot suit. "Ku, ku, ku. I don't think magical girls are very pure. At least from what I've seen of them. Like have you even seen sailor moon? There's a magical girl who's whole purpose is to destroy the entire universe! And then you throw things like Puella Magi Madoka into the mix..." Kululu seemed to have way too much information about magical girls.

"You watch sailor moon?" Keroro was appalled. Kululu was a fan?

"Mois showed me." Kululu shrugged.

Keroro frowned. I thought that was our thing! He was a little jealous. "...Well, sailor moon has nothing to do with this. It's just a nice simple story about our platoon being a band of magical girls." He tried to keep the hint of jealousy out of his voice. He had really thought sailor moon was his and Mois's bonding thing. That she didn't really have a life socially outside of him. How ignorant he had been.

Kululu shrugged. "I'm the magical girl of technology? Couldn't come up with something more creative?"

Keroro frowned. "What? The magical girl of darkness and evil wouldn't really give us the hero premise! And I thought it fit."

"That's just my natural talents. If you all get magical powers that have nothing to do with your natural abilities I want them too." Kululu pointed out. "And besides that, you wrote barely anything for my backstory. I'll put your script into the machine because I have to, but I'm revising it a ton so that this experience is at least somewhat tolerable. Ku, ku, ku."

Keroro frowned. He had expected Kululu would want to revise himself a bit. He'd allow that as long as Kululu didn't make himself more over-powered than Keroro was supposed to be. "Fine, fine. What do you want to be the magical girl of?"

"Love." Kululu said in a creepy and saucy tone.

Keroro gagged. He reluctantly nodded. I'll definitely have to put some last minute revisions in before he puts the manuscript in the machine. For everybody's sake.

He didn't know that this might have been his first mistake in his plan. A tug of war of editing with Kululu.

After everything was prepared, Keroro waited for the pekoponians and his platoon in the base. He had sent invitations to all of them that were available- so all the humans except Aki basically.

"Stupid frog!" Natsumi was holding her paper invitation that resembled more of a threatening note of 'meet me in the base at 5...or else' "What the heck do you want? What stupid plot do you need me to bust up today?" Her friend Koyuki was by her side, holding her own scrap of paper curiously.

"I am rather curious as to why you gathered all of us." Saburo admitted. He usually wasn't invited to these invasion attempts. He whistled amused.

Natsumi's anger faded for a moment at the fact that Saburo was in her house.

"It's not something mean!" Keroro reassured. "I wanted us to play!" Keroro admitted in a childish way.

Giroro sighed. "If you just invited everyone down here to play then I'm out of here. You already have Mois and Tamama to play with you whenever you want."

"YEAH!" Tamama looked around suspicious of everyone going onto his turf. He already had one rival, he didn't need all of these people.

Keroro grabbed Giroro by the shoulder and looked at him in his sinister sort of way. "Are you an idiot? Obviously I don't really want to play. It's an invasion plan." He whispered to Giroro, "I'm going to use the virtual reality machine to show the pekoponians that we're heroes and to give us the planet. This should be a peaceful invasion and something that doesn't hurt Natsumi fulfilling both your and Dororo's weird invasion requirements." Keroro reminded.

Dororo who was always listening and eavesdropping smiled. He nodded. "What a good plan! I'm so happy that I was invited!" He hadn't really been, Keroro had forgotten to write his letter, but he had come with Koyuki anyway.

Giroro gave a reluctant nod. He liked the idea of an invasion plan. It made him feel less useless and like he had abandoned his morals by falling in love with some pekoponian girl.

Keroro smiled. The two hardest cases were on board then. He smiled at the group. "I put a lot more work into this than the superhero program! I wrote like thirty pages about this world and us!"

"I hope I don't die like last time." Tamama said a bit bitterly. I wish he were writing thirty pages about just us. But I bet that woman at least got a paragraph about herself! Urgh...And what if he makes her into his love interest? His reasons for not being as on board with this plan were a lot more petty than every one else's.

"...Oh so it's another of those weird virtual reality things?" Natsumi rubbed her head. She didn't want to do this.

"Sis...Come on, let's give him a chance.." Fuyuki pointed out. "Maybe we have more free will this time." He was hopeful. "And I mean, he did write thirty pages. It's pretty obvious he just wants to live out some fantasy where he's probably some main character that rescues us all the time." Fuyuki whispered. He'd be happy to support his best friend in his weird desires. And it sounded somewhat fun.

He didn't want Keroro's thirty pages to go to waste.

"Yep! You definitely have more free will!" Keroro lied. Not really. They would all follow his script, but the world was a lot more detailed so they should be able to act a little more in their best interests. Well...he would be able to at least.

"Is it another superhero program?" Momoka asked. She had heard a bit about it from Fuyuki.

"Magical girls." Kululu snickered behind Keroro as he set things up.

Everyone was silent for a moment. Giroro looked like he was about to bail.

"Magical girls sounds fun!" Momoka finally said. I wonder if Fuyuki would find me beautiful if I was a magical girl...He'd be pretty cute in a magical girl outfit too though! She was already in fantasy land.

"You should have told me you were writing a magical girl story, Uncle! I would have loved to help write!" Angol Mois was enthusiastic about being a magical girl.

"Umm...You aren't really a magical girl-Oh never mind." Keroro didn't really see Mois as the magical girl type, despite her being the most magical girl of them all.

"I still don't like-" Before Natsumi could finish protesting Keroro's desire to shove them into a virtual reality machine again, Keroro pressed a button and hands sprung out of the floor.

"No way! Not this again!" Natsumi screamed. She should have known that she wouldn't get a choice in the matter.

"Everything's all set up. I just need you guys! Don't worry, it'll be fine!" Keroro reassured as everybody was strapped into pods and caps were put on them.

"Ku, ku, ku. He's right. My inventions are always top-notch quality. I've put a few improvements to this one since the last time we used it though. Everything inside it will feel just as real as it does in the real world. And this time things can't be edited from the inside like the last catastrophe we had." Kululu explained.

"Everything inside feels the same...So...If somebody gets hit..." Keroro realized.

"They'll still feel pain! Ku, ku, ku! Correct!" Kululu was very proud of himself. He loved to cause pain. "Since it's connected to everybody's brains it's very easy to manipulate the senses, negative ones like the feeling of touch, or positive ones like a jolt of electricity!"

"I think you have those reversed..." Keroro tried to correct, but he was too surprised. He didn't want to accidentally get punched by Natsumi!

"Don't worry, as you requested too, one person can't be left inside the machine. We all have to go out together or else none of us can leave at all. Ku, ku, ku. There's a nasty surprise waiting for whoever tries to force exit." Kululu continued terrifyingly.

Everybody was already strapped in. They couldn't get out. Only Kululu and Keroro were still out and Keroro was beginning to have second thoughts. If he couldn't edit from the inside so that things went right, would this really be the story he wanted? Would everyone still like him and worship the ground he walked on if he couldn't force them to?

Kululu strapped himself into own pod. "Sit in the captain's chair and the whole thing will began. See you there, captain. Ku, ku, ku." Kululu blew a fake kiss, being the magical girl of love.

Keroro shuddered, as the pods of his friends closed. There was only silence that greeted him and the looming chair that was his throne that would help him rule the virtual world.

He wanted this. He wanted this so badly, to show the pekoponians that he was a hero, to be worshipped by his platoon mates. But a part of him was telling him that this was a bad idea. That maybe experiencing real pain in a simulation could turn into a nightmare.

His mind wavered and he became distracted, his eyes scurrying across the room until he picked up something that would help his distraction- the signature of fate itself.

A banana peel.

"Well, that will help me decide what to do!" Keroro smiled. He'd probably just slip majestically into the chair.

Nobody would watch but that was okay. Sometimes a comedian like himself just needed to be guided by the great and wise banana peel.

He rushed forward, his foot hitting the peel just right. He flew into the sky and put his arms out like he was an angel.

He started falling towards the chair, but his arms hit the script and papers. Furiously things started being scanned as the machine absorbed his script. Sparks flew from the chair as Keroro was strapped in.

BANANA PEEL NOO! Keroro cried as the machine made distressed noises. He didn't know what it meant, but he knew it was bad.

Something had gone wrong with the machine. That was all he knew. His eyes closed as he was sent to the virtual world.

Keroro opened his eyes. The sun light was harsh but it didn't dry up his skin. The grass was soft, almost too soft.

It was perfect.

"It worked! Guys, we're here!" Keroro looked around desperately for his platoon. But he could find none of them. He was all alone.

All he had next to him was a school bag and a piece of toast that he could put in his mouth to run with. He had knee high socks and a classic school girl outfit.

But he was alone. This is no fun. Keroro thought to himself as he played with a stick. I don't want to be alone. This was supposed to be a group activity.

"Yo! Fuyuki? Tamama? Lady Mois? Giroro? Kululu? Master Natsumi? Anybody?" Keroro cried out to the river shore, hoping to get somebody's attention.

Plenty of people were walking along the streets, but nobody paid him any attention. Nobody seemed to point out that he was a keronian either like in his story. The fact that he had the body of a frog wasn't obvious to anybody.

Keroro reached forward as if to touch the air, to feel it. It all felt so real. It felt like nothing, like he was actually moving.

I guess if I'm here, I might as well start having fun. I'm sure the others will join me eventually. Wasn't it time to transform into a magical girl?

Keroro posed and did his little dance that was supposed to make him transform. A bright line formed around him and his clothes changed, to a sort of green sailor outfit, but that was about it. He held a star baton.

"Who cares about the others? I gotta fight evil! That's my destiny after all!" He held his baton. "Now...With the power of stars I blast off!" He swished his wand waiting for himself to go flying.

He didn't blast off. He didn't fly at all. He swished again and again, but nothing happened. "W-what's going on? I'm supposed to have magical powers and all! Magical girls have magical power!" And he was supposed to be the greatest of them- having the power of luck and the power of star powers! He was supposed to always get his way and win! Just be all around perfect.

He just frowned and stomped his feet. "What's the point of being a magical girl if I can't win everything?" He cried.

None of the strange passersby seemed to turn their heads to look at him.

Suddenly a rectangle appeared in front of Keroro- like a computer screen. It was about the size of his face and seemed to make a static appearance in the sky.

"Message recorded for sergeant Keroro, would you like to listen?" It asked.

"Yes! Oh gods yes!" Keroro pounded his fists and clicked whatever imaginary button he was trying to click.

Kululu's face appeared in front of him. Keroro took a step back. Darn it! He's everywhere!

"I recorded this message to relay information to you in case a disaster happens with this machine. Ku, ku, ku. Probably my fault letting you go in last. Of course you're a disaster waiting to happen and you'd break everything." Kululu mocked.

Keroro rubbed his arm. So something had happened.

"But you probably don't know what happened since you went in last. The rest of us have been able to adjust to this world quicker than you since we've been in longer. Ku, ku, ku. Did I forget to mention that time passes by quicker in this world? An hour of real time is a week here. My bad." Kululu didn't sound very sincere about having made a mistake.

"W-what happened? Why can't I access my magical girl powers?" Keroro asked.

"Unfortunately whatever bullcrap you programmed into this machine has been taken as a reality. To make some of these things into a reality it didn't just change the world, but also people's personalities. Their memories. So for a simpleton like you what I'm basically saying is your precious pekoponian friends that you probably wrote as villains are now brainwashed into actually being villains and have made it their quest to probably kill you. Ku, ku, ku." Kululu told him.

"Oh. Well I knew that would probably happen." Keroro didn't care about Natsumi being brainwashed. Fuyuki? That was probably a problem but his friendship could get through to the kid. Fuyuki always broke through these things. "What's important is where my magical girl powers is!"

"And since you experience pain like you do in real life...If you die here you die in real life...Ku, ku, ku." Kululu sounded venomous.

"Ugh. I knew you'd do something like that." Keroro sighed. Kululu was such a jerk.

"Your pekoponian friends probably also have a super power of some kind that you wrote in. Because they think this world is real they'll still be able to use it, unlike you. So basically what I'm saying is to defeat them you'll have to use your natural talents. Ku, ku, ku. Oh wait, I forgot! You don't have any unlike me!" Kululu mocked.

He's still bitter that I gave him a super power which was basically just his normal skills? Keroro frowned.

At least he knew why his magical girl powers weren't working. What the recorded message of Kululu was saying was that to create his script and world all of his friends had been brainwashed so that they could follow the roles that he had given them. But since Keroro knew that the whole thing was scripted the world was giving him the ability to be a free agent and wasn't gifting him his powers.

So wait...What about the platoon...? And how brainwashed are the pekoponians? It couldn't be that bad, right?

Kululu seemed to answer the question. "I assume the platoon is fine along with Mois. They probably all have their real memories since I programmed this machine with some primary functions. I always have some primary commands coded into it. One of those commands is to try to aid the invasion, so since we're all a platoon we should have our memories." The floating head of Kululu explained. "Gotta give myself credit. Ku, ku, ku! I always manage to fix your mess ups! I should really high-five this floating head of myself when I see it. It's a real jerk to you, huh?"

"If you guys are fine, where are you?" Keroro asked.

"I don't know what you said because I'm a recorded message. But you're probably wondering where we are if we're not with you already. Can't speak for the rest of them but I intend to take full use of this simulation and eat as much fake imaginary curry as I want. Ku, ku, ku. Bye!" Kululu signed off.

Keroro screamed in annoyance. Well that accounted for Kululu's location, he was just off at some restaurant avoiding him. But where was the rest of his platoon when he needed them?

This world had monsters! Magic! He was dead without it. He needed some of that natural talent that apparently he didn't have. Primarily the natural talent of heavy weaponry.

Maybe I can find them. Keroro decided. He just had to do some walking, and he seemed pretty inconspicuous to all the people on the street.

Nobody even questioned a small alien frog walking around as Keroro called for his platoon mates. After what seemed like 10 minutes, which was too long in Keroro time, Keroro sighed and approached a park bench to sit down.

He was too tired. This world was too big for him. Why couldn't his platoon mates just come to him?

Maybe I can use a different method to find them. Floating message Kululu said that this world took everything into account that I wrote and tried to make it a reality...So if he analyzed his back story and the stuff that had already happened he would know what was out of the way.

He remembered giving himself an absolutely stunning back story. But he couldn't remember most of the specifics.

I'm sure I wrote it down...Keroro recalled. He looked at his school bag and fumbled around with it. Finally, he found a little journal that had a cheat sheet with everybody's written back stories in it- or at least the original version of their backstories. He had made a few edits here and there to a few characters that he hadn't revised – like Saburo and Kululu, but it was all mostly the same.

He knew his cheat sheet would probably be the most important thing to him in this world.

"I started off as an average high school student, ordinary and average, just lazily looking out the window during class- since I of course had the window seat in the back, wondering about myself and my purpose in life. Although I was ordinary and sometimes clumsy people loved me, and I was only clumsy in a comedic way." Keroro read about the little journal entry concerning himself.

It made him smile. It was all very cliché and he thought that of course meant excellent writing. So maybe my platoon is at high school then. "Everything changed about my life though when I recalled the fact that I was actually secretly an alien prince! It was a secret that I was hiding with my very being because I didn't know anyone would believe me that I was reincarnated from a lost civilization. But when we got a bunch of transfer students like Giroro, he recognized me and told me I had a duty to resurrect my long dead civilization by gathering the peace rubies, mystical gems that held power over the universe."

Keroro gave himself a mental pat on the back! He was so good at writing. Secret reincarnated prince on a mission to resurrect his long dead civilization? It was pure anime gold! It was the perfect set up. It was noble and just.

"However neither of us had power." Keroro read, "The power to gather the rubies and when we were meeting up in a secret base with others from my lost civilization a woman- a contract maker came to us and saw our just quest. She was overjoyed by how noble we were and gifted us with the power to become magical beings to fight crime and recover the rubies because she wanted us to save our civilization. Angol Mois now works with us behind the scenes thanks to the contract we've made with her." Keroro reminded himself.

That was right. In all magical girl series there was always a mascot character that gave the magical girls power. Since he was the hero and way too handsome to be a mascot, Angol Mois had to be the cute and furry animal companion. She wouldn't get to play the hero, but she was fine with the role.

So the premise concerning Keroro's backstory was simple- he was an alien prince trying to resurrect a dead civilization and gather gems. His platoon mates were reincarnated aliens from his planet who worshipped him.

And they all went to high school together.

They'll be at high school then! Keroro decided. He just needed to run there and he was sure to find his friends.

As Keroro opened the door of a room that said 'main classroom' (What he assumed pekoponian high schools were like) he saw a rather generic looking teacher.

"Dororo?" He asked. He had really forgotten what Dororo looked like. Dororo probably could be tall with brown hair and have no face because it just hadn't been generated properly.

"No. My name is Mr. Teacher." The teacher corrected. "Please sit down, Keroro. You're late for class."

Keroro looked around the class room. He knew his seat was the window seat in the far left back, because that was the best seat, but he didn't really see his friends.

Giroro wasn't there. Dororo wasn't there. And Tamama certainly wasn't there. Crap! Was Tamama even in my grade? Keroro wondered. Had he written that Tamama was in his grade? Or because of their age difference had he written that Tamama was some weird college student?

He didn't know. But he knew that nobody he recognized was in the class room. Certainly not his precious platoon mates, and not Fuyuki, his best friend.

"EEEK! IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!" A female student shrieked as she pointed towards the window and fainted dramatically.

Keroro turned to the window. Was action happening? The first piece of his story might have been happening and that meant he could put things together.

The sky that used to be blue seemed to be filled with lasers. Giant buildings were starting to crumble and suddenly there was a street that Keroro could see out of the window. People were running and screaming.

It must have been a monster on the attack.

And there's only one person who can stop the monster. Keroro remembered. It had to be him. He was the main character. The hero.

But he no longer had any powers. And he could feel real pain. His hands started shaking a little bit.

No! Magical Sergeant would face the villain! A magical girl is always brave in the face of danger. And maybe if he went there...Things would come out in his favor.

Maybe he would figure out what was going on.

Discreetly he jumped out of the window to the ground below, shouting to transform. An aura circled around him and he was adjourned in his green magical gown.

Once he landed in the streets below, he smiled. "Magical Sergeant is here to stop you!" He swung his star wand like it was a sword, pointing it at his foe. His face drained of color when he saw who it was that was crushing whatever cars and buildings they could find.

"Ohohoho, you and what army?" Koyuki Azumaya was in front of him. She didn't look like her normal self, instead dressed in a skin tight uniform that had the words 'villain' labeled all over it.

Koyuki! It's Koyuki! Keroro really didn't expect to see her first. Really she was more of Dororo's friend than his, but she was a sweet girl. A bit boring for his tastes, he had given her a rather small role in his story, but he was happy to see any of the pekoponians.

It made him feel less alone. "Just me actually." Keroro corrected, "I'm glad that I know someone here at least! Floating message Kululu said you might be a villain and brainwashed, but you should be able to pull it together quickly! I mean, I've heard you have a pretty strong will power."

"You can't bring me to the light side. Just because you and I aren't so different doesn't mean you can be my friend." Koyuki's voice was always loud and dramatic. She waved her hand and suddenly large vines sprouted from the ground, grabbing cars and things and crushing them in their strong grip.

Although they reached for Keroro, they seemed to just barely miss him because of Koyuki's inability to aim.

Crap! She has magical powers and I don't! Keroro realized. This was an unfair fight. She was probably still brainwashed to believe that she actually belonged in this world.

He was lucky that she didn't still have her ninja reflexes and abilities or he'd be dead. Thank god I wrote her to be an incompetent villain. She might have been able to control all plant life, but she was stupid as heck.

Still, so was Keroro, and Keroro was beginning to worry that without any powers he was going to get killed. Especially since Koyuki was out for blood.

"Koyuki! Please try not to kill me!" Keroro hopped up and down, waving his hands as he tried to dodge sharp vines trying to pierce his feet.

"That's right...Beg for my mercy!" Koyuki just kept laughing. Her words completely out of character and seeming to be only cliché villain lines. "Master Natsumi will be so proud of me when I destroy you! Perhaps she'll even give me your planet to rule! I'll get all the fame and fortune I ever could have wanted"

Keroro grimaced. He closed his eyes for a second as Koyuki's plants swiped at a building, and it started falling towards him.

"Now I have you right where I want you." Koyuki laughed clichely.

He would be crushed by the rubble. None of Koyuki's incompetence could avoid that. Believe in my powers. Believe in myself. That's what a true magical girl would do!

He held his star wand, begging for his power over luck to start working. Maybe he'd be able to scream a magical girl attack and Koyuki would be defeated.

But nothing came. No power came no matter how hard he believed. Because he wasn't actually a magical girl and he knew that.

He clutched his head and rolled into a tight ball, very frightened. He waited for the rubble to crush him, but instead he heard a large explosion sound.

"Not today, pekoponian. The only one dropping buildings on Keroro is me!" Keroro looked up to see Giroro, frowning and scowling as he too was dressed in magical girl garb. He seemed to have a tank top with a skull on it and a red mini skirt. He had bows all over him. Besides that he had many guns and rocket launchers resting on his shoulders.

"Giroro! You came for me!" Keroro was over joyed.

"I...I came to your rescue too, Keroro...Why aren't you happy to see me?" Dororo asked. He and Giroro were both at Keroro's side. Dororo was dressed in a more tasteful magical girl outfit than Giroro's, cute and light blue with calm colors and ribbons at his arms, like the ocean's waves.

Giroro punched him in the jaw. "You're the one who put me in this god awful outfit, aren't you?" He asked.

"I gave you the tank top. I think Kululu added in the rest. Don't know where that little jerk is. His floating discombobulated head said he'd be eating fake simulation curry." Keroro replied.

"Inconceivable! It's Magical Sergeant's brigade of friends. Well you still can't beat me. This isn't even my final form after all!" Koyuki laughed.

Dororo snapped out of his sadness the moment Koyuki started talking. He frowned. "What's going on with Lady Koyuki?" Dororo looked concerned. He had his sword out, ready for battle, but put it away when he saw Koyuki.

"She's trying to kill me!" Keroro pointed out. "She wants to defeat my band of magical girls!"

"No, I mean...Lady Koyuki wouldn't ever try to kill someone. You can stop playing for the script," Dororo walked forward. "It's fine, Lady Koyuki." His voice was soft. "I'm here. Let's do something where we can be on the same side. Not against each other."

Koyuki out stretched her arms as if she was going to give Dororo a hug. For a moment, she looked peaceful. "Come! Your death awaits you with open arms!"

Dororo frowned. "Koyuki...Doesn't talk like that..."

"Sorry, Dororo...She's kinda brainwashed." Keroro winced. "She only regurgitates bad cliché villain lines now."

He had rarely seen Dororo mad but when Dororo grabbed him by the collar, glaring straight into his eyes with his sword against Keroro's throat, Keroro felt real fear. "What? What did you do to Lady Koyuki? She's a kind soul!"

"Well...In my script we needed a villain to beat over and over again. Like...The main villain's minion?" Keroro was about to be socked in the jaw by Dororo now. Giroro stopped him.

"You didn't even give her the respect she deserves of letting her be a competent villain?" Dororo was stunned and offended.

"No. I don't really know her!" Keroro reminded.

"URGHHHHH..." Dororo made a very annoyed sound, like he wanted to say something more to Keroro.

Another building fell from Koyuki's vines. "That's right! Fight amongst each other!"

"Stop fighting, guys! Although I want to beat Keroro up too for the situation he's put us in, we have to deal with what's in front of us. And that's a pekoponian with super powers. I hate to say it but Koyuki was already pretty strong without them, this might be a tough fight." Giroro actually looked a bit excited to fight a rival. He licked his lips, readying his guns.

Dororo crossed his arms. "Neither of you are fighting Lady Koyuki! I am done with this simulation if it puts Koyuki in danger! She is my friend, I will deal with this."

"I was done with this simulation the moment I got here." Giroro said bitterly.

Dororo ignored him and walked forward to Koyuki. He outstretched his hand, not the one holding his sword, but just a normal friend.

"Please...Take my hand Lady Koyuki. It is the hand of friendship. I know your true self is in there somewhere." Dororo said softly.

Koyuki didn't move. She tried to cast plants around him to cage him, but Dororo cut himself out. And eventually he reached her, his hand still out, his voice soft, his eyes wide.

He was ready to reach forward and take Koyuki's soul. To remind her of who she was. He knew that holding her hand, the hand holding of friendship would save her.

He touched her hand but instead of him taking her hand, she rocketed up like he had punched her with excess force.

"You beat me! Darn you Magical Keroro brigade! You haven't seen the last of me! Koyuki of Doom is blasting off again!" Koyuki screamed.

And like a shooting star she was gone.

Dororo looked at his hand. "I...I didn't touch her that hard..."

"She was that easy to beat?" Giroro was appalled.

"Yeah...I guess I did make her ridiculously weak." Keroro recalled. Why had he been so frightened? Was he just so weak that he couldn't even take a really weak Koyuki on?

He smiled though. At least he wasn't dead. He glanced at his platoon mates. They weren't smiling.

Giroro was looking thoughtful. Dororo's hand was shaking.

"Lady Koyuki...I won't let you live like this..." He just seemed to say to himself.

Giroro sighed and tapped Dororo on the shoulder. It was time for Dororo to get his head in the game. "Keroro, it's time for you to explain to us what's going on. Getting here...It's only been one confusion after another. And Koyuki acting like that just adds to the confusion."

Keroro nodded.

He needed to make sure that they weren't brainwashed like Koyuki was too after all. It seemed like Dororo had prior memories of what Koyuki was supposed to be like, but he could never be too sure about Giroro.

"I've apparently not been here as long as you...But sure, let me tell you what I know."

Giroro and Dororo both nodded, eager to hear what was going on.

After they all changed out of their magical girl garb, they sat down around Keroro to hear his story.

"Apparently there was a malfunction in the machine. The story I wrote is turning into a reality. So if say I wrote someone with a really different personality than what they're supposed to have, they started developing different memories to make them have that personality. They've become brainwashed and think that they actually come from this magical girl world. Their only quest is to kill me and do exactly what they set out to do in my story." Keroro grimaced.

"So because you wrote Koyuki to be an incompetent loser..." Giroro started

"Cliche villain minion." Keroro corrected. He didn't want Dororo to dice him into pieces with daggers so he tried to make the words about Koyuki a little bit more polite.

"Her memories were replaced so she wouldn't have the skill set to be competent. She now fully believes she belongs in this world and wants our deaths." Giroro finished.

Keroro nodded. "And since we experience real pain thanks to Kululu here, she could actually kill us. If we die here we die in real life."

"Why can't we just do a forced reboot of the system?" Dororo asked. "Let's just leave. This isn't fun."

Keroro shook his head. "Only Kululu has that button, and he's completely ditched us to feast on curry or something."

"That jerk." Giroro muttered.

"I don't even know if we can get out." Keroro finally said. "We might need to give the pekoponians back their memories before we can fully exit. After all, from my prior experiences I know the machine won't let you leave unless you fully want to leave. And if somebody doesn't know this isn't real then they won't be able to leave." He said thoughtfully.

"Is...Is it only the pekoponians affected?" Dororo asked. "Why do I still have my prior memories?"

Giroro opened his mouth, "I was wondering that too. Maybe someone like Natsumi pulled through. She's pretty tough after all."

"Oh? And Lady Koyuki isn't?" Dororo was very protective and confrontational about this.

Giroro put his hands up. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"Kululu programmed this machine with the main purpose of helping the invasion. So I assume that everybody working on the invasion has their full memories. But...Just to make sure..." Keroro frowned. "You two don't have any super powers do you?"

Giroro looked at him. "I thought my magical power was guns."

"I thought I was a ninja in your story." Dororo and Giroro both thought that Keroro was pretty uncreative.

Keroro pouted. "I wrote better powers for you then just your natural ones! We were all magical girls and magical girls have magical powers of things that aren't just their natural talents! For example I was the magical girl of luck-"

"Oh please don't tell us your back story...We don't want to know..." Giroro begged.

"I was just your average guy in high school." Keroro monologue. "But I was hiding a secret. I was a reincarnated prince from an alien planet, and I wanted to resurrect my people! To resurrect my people I had to gather the peace rubies but I didn't have the power..."

"Keroro...I don't know if this is news to you, but you are an alien! Nothing about this back story is good or original!" Giroro cried.

"The contract maker, Angol Mois found me and saw my desire for power and granted me the power over luck. She made me the leader of a magical girl brigade so I could complete my desires. The five of us- our platoon of magical girls, then fought evil together so that we could someday resurrect my people. And I was loved by all and was perfect." Keroro grinned.

Giroro groaned. "I told you. I don't want to hear about your back story!"

Dororo put his hand on Giroro's shoulder. "But maybe we do want to hear about his back story. It could provide us insight on how this world works for one." Dororo was actually being smart. "And at the very least it could provide Keroro some peace of mind that we do have our true memories since we can't use our powers."

Giroro grimaced. He didn't want to hear his bad back story that Keroro had written him. Still...A thought crossed his mind, albeit a selfish one. I wonder if Keroro wrote a romance between me and Natsumi! If he wrote fanfic about himself he would have at least.

And if he was supposed to be a hero in this story, then maybe he actually got the girl. "Fine...Keroro, please...Tell us our back stories. And what we were supposed to be the magical girl of. And don't spare any details! Like those sappy romance bits. I don't care about how sick of a freak you are, as soldiers we have to hear it!"

Keroro just looked at him oddly. It sounded like Giroro wanted a romance. Keroro hadn't written anything like that for him though.

"Um...Okay...I'll start with Giroro. Giroro was the magical girl of fire..."

"The only thing firey about me is my temper. And I assure you I will blast you to bits if my back story is bad." Giroro growled.

"You went to my high school with me. We were neighbors." Keroro continued, "You always skipped class though and were angry. A true delinquent who liked beating people up!"

"Uh-oh. I'm this cliché..." Giroro knew this wasn't going anywhere good.

"Secretly though you were mad because you were always under your older brother's shadow. And he was perfect and a lot better than you at everything..." Keroro started talking about how great Garuru was.

"Keroro! Cut to the point! It's creeping me out how great you think my brother is!" Giroro crossed his arms. "And...Also, seriously? That's my reason for being angry?" He felt disgusted and terrified.

"I always tried to reach out to you for friendship and help you with your struggles, but you never accepted my friendship. You were too tough for me, but I guess you appreciated how nice I was anyway. It turns out you were from my reincarnated planet and were my number one bodyguard! When you remembered your true memories you took an oath of loyalty to me and swore to protect me." Keroro smiled. "You took Mois's contract so you could better protect me-"

"That story sucks." Giroro frowned. "Why the heck would I protect you?"

"Well because you love me obviously! One of Giroro's biggest secrets in this story is his secret crush on me! He's really tsundere about it though." Keroro pointed out.

Giroro gagged. "I...I have a crush on you? Why?" Did Keroro have a thing for him that he didn't know about? This is karma for asking for a written romance by Keroro. This is my punishment.

"Everybody has a crush on the main character. Haven't you ever seen any anime, like ever? Every body has to be in love with the main character secretly. And you are no exception!" Keroro proclaimed.

"Well, I'm bursting your dreams. It doesn't work like that. Ick." Giroro needed mouth wash, brain wash, and eye wash all at the same time.

Keroro didn't know what he had done wrong. He had thought Giroro would like his back story. "Dororo...Do you want to know yours next?"

Dororo was looking a little frightened, but gave a small nod.

"I'll just get it out of the way now, you also probably like me. You always fight with Giroro over my affection and who will get the number one bodyguard position to protect me." Keroro explained.

"We aren't going to fight over you, Keroro." Dororo said curtly.

Keroro frowned. He knew that! But they didn't need to be so blunt about it.

"You weren't born as Zeroro in this world. Zeroro's your evil brainwashed personality in this world, but you've always been Dororo. So your assassin self was only made by the villains, the anti-magical girls." Keroro nodded.

Dororo gave a small nod, allowing Keroro to continue. So far it wasn't so bad besides the fighting over Keroro part. He would have enjoyed the blotch of his sins as Zeroro to be gone. He liked being Dororo a lot more, peaceful.

"You were my childhood friend who was super rich and always lent me money in times of peril. You always had a strong moral code and stuck to it no matter what. Trying to help someone in need, protect me or your friends, that sort of thing. You believed me by far the most about being an alien prince. Although you became a magical girl the last you tried to help me from the side lines for as long as you could without powers, until you finally made the contract to save me." Keroro explained to Dororo.

Dororo looked thoughtful. "Huh...It doesn't actually sound that bad. I sound like a very good person in this world.

"You were the blue magical girl. You had powers over water." Keroro explained.

"So...You haven't mentioned anything about my trauma...Am I not traumatized in this world over you taking advantage of me or something?" Dororo was curious.
"I...I actually forgot to make you forgettable..." Keroro admitted, with a nervous laugh. "So everybody remembers you fine."

Dororo's eyes widened in shock and surprise. His eyes watered. "If Koyuki was my friend in this world it would have been perfect. I love my back story..." A world where he wasn't forgettable. It was amazing. And who knew it had come forth from Keroro forgetting him?

Still, his back story was now deleted since this really was a fake world. He couldn't rejoice at all with Koyuki in danger.

Keroro smiled. At least one of his friends realized the greatness in his writing style!

"So what now? We need a plan of action." Giroro pointed out. "We know that the three of us are free of the shackles of this world, but we don't know how many of the rest of us are."

"Not only that but the ones who aren't free have super powers and we could get our butts kicked!" Keroro pointed out.

"Speak for yourself." Giroro growled. "I still have my guns and Dororo has his ninja artes. Wait, are you saying that you're completely useless here, Keroro? Is that why Koyuki took you out so easily?"

Keroro was silent for a moment. It was true. He was useless. Without the natural talent that his platoon mates had he would have been dead.

"I think we should play along for now, stick to the script and pretend that we believe what's going on." Keroro decided. "Perhaps if we pretend that we believe in our back stories and act like our scripted selves we'll run into the others faster and then be able to figure out a way to free them."

Dororo nodded. He didn't mind that idea. Especially when he had such a lovely back story!

"No. No way. I'm not competing with Dororo for your affection as your best friend." Giroro frowned. "And I'm not being your cliché delinquent either. I'm going to look for Natsumi. I say we split up."

"But I'm in danger without you guys!" Keroro cried.

"He's right, Giroro. He'd be dead without us." Dororo pointed out.

Giroro didn't look like he cared.

"I think perhaps it would be our best bet to look around at the nearest restaurants." Dororo started to point out.

"Why?" Keroro mocked, "You hungry, Dororo? Geez, I didn't know you were such a glutton!"

Dororo frowned. Even if the world might be kind to him, Keroro sure wasn't kind. "No, I'm not hungry. But you said Kululu was eating virtual curry. He probably has a better idea than any of us on how to get out of this virtual world. Heck, he might be able to solve the problem immediately!"

Giroro nodded. He hated Kululu, but Dororo was right. It was in their best interest to find Kululu as soon as possible.

Keroro sighed. "Fine. I just hope for god's sake that he has his memories in tact instead of the fake ones this world would have given him."

"Why?" Giroro asked.

"His...Memories are really weird. He wrote his own back story. So obviously he made it has weird as possible. He's the magical girl of love." Keroro shivered.

He really wasn't excited at all to see Kululu.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Sorry I just wanted to start with the premise of the virtual world, so all the characters couldn't really be given the spot light in this chapter.

Kululu and Keroro are the main characters and Kululu will get way more stuff next chapter- I hope, I haven't actually completed the chapter summary.

And of course there will be more shipping stuff. Like Tamama. There was not enough Kerotama this chapter.

Sorry that Koyuki was weak, this fic is based on episode 86 of the anime and Koyuki was kind of a one-dimensional minion then too, so I thought I'd go with that since the pekoponians are evil in this fic.

Anyway please review and tell me which characters besides the main four (Keroro, Tamama, Kululu, and Angol Mois) that you'd like to see more of!