"So, what's the plan?"
The group sat around the living room in the Salvatore mansion, glasses of bourbon littering the coffee table. Stefan took a sip out of his chalice, the delay in his reply giving the answer away clearly; they didn't have a plan.
The last few weeks had been hell. Bonnie was still trapped in the prison world, they had no idea how to get her out, Luke and Liv were still trying to figure out how to stop the merge, and now Elena had been kidnapped by Kai.
Caroline sighed heavily. She still had her mother's cancer to worry about as well.
She glanced around the room, noticing how the situation at hand affected everyone's mood in a different way.
"Are we just gonna sit here, then, trying to brainstorm ideas while Elena's being tutored at the hands of the little weasel?" Damon huffed, the annoyance evident in his tone.
Suddenly Caroline's phone rang. She felt everyone's attention turn to her, and her cheeks went red. Caroline glanced at the number, a frown appearing on her face. It was an unknown number. She had an anxious feeling in her gut, urging her to take the phone call, but the matter at hand was also important.
"Just answer the phone." Jeremy spoke, obviously irritated by the excessive noise that was Caroline's ring tone. She gave the group an apologetic look before leaving her seat and heading for the door.
"Hello?" she answered, her voice an octave higher than normal.
Caroline's eyes widened. The thick accent on the other end giving away the person's identity immediately.
"Rebekah! What an unpleasant surprise."
"Believe me, I thought I'd never have to speak to you again in this lifetime, at least."
"Than why are you calling me? Wouldn't you rather be compeling some girls into being your friends, rather than sit here talking to me?"
Rebekah didn't answer right away, and if it wasn't for the small gulp she heard her take, Caroline would've thought she hurt the original's feelings.
"It's Nik."
Caroline's heart stopped. She hadn't thought about klaus in a few months. The last time they had seen each other was a year ago when they slept together in the woods. A part of caroline always thought, and secretly hoped, that he would come back to mystic falls. But he hadn't, he had respected her wishes, always a gentlemen. She'd admit that she found herself thinking about him quite often after their encounter, but she felt that she had finally started to move on. Not that she was ever in love with him, the way he was with her, but she wouldn't deny she had feelings for him at one point.
Things we're good with stefan, somewhat, and she didn't think she wanted to ruin what they had by letting herself think about Klaus again.
"What about him?' Caroline finally spoke, gathering her wits enough to sound a bit sharp, and not flustered.
"He-he's dying."
"What? How? How is that even possible." she stuttered, taken aback with surprise and concern.
Rebekah told her the short version of the story, how one of Niklaus' enemy's had become an enhanced original, his bite so lethal that it could condemned even an original vampire to death.
Caroline felt her eyes start to moising, a single tear falling down her cheek.
"And you're sure there's no cure." she managed to spit out between the lump in her throat.
"Yes. The potion was made by the ancestors of the New Orleans witches. There is no loophole."
Caroline could hear the cracks in Rebekah's voice. Even after everything the two of them had been through, she loved Klaus with her whole heart, and caroline could tell that this was going to break her.
"Perhaps you would like to come say goodbye to NIk." Rebekah started. "I know you cared for him, how much you did I do not know, but I know he'd like to see you one last time. The bite acts like a werewolf bite on any vampire, it brings up memories. He's been calling out for you in his sleep."
Caroline felt her eyelids go heavy and she pursed her lips. Klaus had been calling for her. Out of all the memories he's had in his a thousand years, the ones that chose to surface were the ones they shared. Together.
She needed more time to consider her answer. Of course she wanted to see him before he died. He had played a big role in her life, promising to be her last love. A part of her always held him to that promise. But now, here he was on his deathbed, and caroline didn't know if she would be able to say goodbye to him.
Everything going on in her life made her decision even harder. She couldn't just up and leave everything. Elena needed her help, her mother was also limited in time.
"Caroline?" Rebekah coxed, sensing that this was a difficult decision for the baby vampire.
"Sorry, I uh, I… How much time do you think he has left?"
"Perhaps a day, 3 at the most. This bite is much more lethal than a werewolf bite and acts quite a bit faster as well. He doesn't have much time, so if you're going to come, it's best you come now."
Caroline took a deep breath. "Ok. I'll be there in a few hours. You guys are still in New Orleans, right?"
"Indeed." Rebekah's replied.
There was a pause of silence between them for a while until Rebekah finally spoke.
"Thank you, Caroline. This will mean the world to Nik."
A sad smile crept across caroline's face.
"Of course. I'll see you soon."
Once the phone had beeped, signaling the conversation was over, Caroline finally let the tears flow. She wasn't just crying for klaus, she was crying for everything in her life that went wrong. Caroline was strong, but she had been barely holding on by a thread. The news about Klaus had finally pushed her over the edge. She was glad to have a small break away from the drama in her life, but the reasoning for her unexpected vacation was not one that pleased her.
Caroline flattened her hair down with her palms and wiped away the remaining tears. She had been gone for 13 minutes and she figured if she didn't go back to the group soon, they'd come looking for her.
As Caroline walked back to the Salvatore mansion, she tried to think of ways to tell them she was leaving for a while.
When she reached the porch, she took a deep breath, and pushed the larger door open. Once again, everyone's attention fell on her. She watched as Damon crinkled his eyebrows and concerned wipped the rest of their faces. It was clear that she hadn't done as good of job as she thought she had of covering up her recent breakdown.
"What's wrong?" Matt asked her in a soft tone, hoping he wouldn't upset her more.
"I-I have to go away for a while." she replied, her voice a bit shakier than she wanted it to be.
"Why?" Stefan chimed in, worry written all over his face.
Caroline felt guilty as she looked at him. Their romance was finally starting to spark, and she didn't want to spoil their relationship by telling him she was going to see Klaus.
"I just, I just do. It's a long story."
"What about Elena?" Damon inquired. "Is whatever's going on more important than saving her?"
"No, of course not!" Caroline lied. "But she has all of you to save her, she doesn't need my help as well."
Damon nodded, obviously unsettled by her lack of explanation, but he seemed satisfied enough to let it go.
"How long will you be gone?" Alaric wondered aloud.
"3 days, maybe more. It depends."
"On what?" Stefan commented
"On when I decided to come home." Caroline replied, starting to get annoyed by the integration.
"Listen, I really need to go. Good luck you guys, please tell Elena I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help."
"Of course. Bye Care." Matt gave her a reassuring smile.
She gave him a soft nod in return before she stepped out the door and headed toward her home to gather some belonging for her trip to New Orleans.
Hi guys! I've never actually written an Authors note before because all of my previous fanfics have been one shots. Anyway, I've been in love with Klaroline for a long time and this Idea just kinda popped into my head so I decided to write it down. I know I haven't posted in a while but I'm hoping to maybe get back to writing. Please leave a review if you'd like me to continue this fanfic. Also, I know that the timeline is a little messed up because this is set in season 6 of tvd and season 3 of TO, which didn't air at the same time, but I thought it would be better to write this fic in a timeline where caroline isn't in love with stefan (barf) quite yet. Hope you enjoy :)