Disclaimer: Of course, Naruto doesn't belong to me, but I'm pretty sure we all knew that.

Author's Note: This is my very first attempt at a "lemon" and at a fan fiction involving Madara. I was thinking about making this into a story, but I don't know, you guys are going ot have to decide whether this is good enough to be made into a real story. I would really appreciate if you guys told me what you think. I'm sorry, I'm just rambling at this point. Anyways, I hope you guys like it!

"How long are you going to keep stalking me?" I asked, my eyes still focused on the lake in front of me. When he finally stepped out of the shadows I smiled, "That wasn't very hard, was it?"

We stayed in silence, not saying anything until a question popped into my head. "Why do you guys always act so serious?" He didn't answer, "I'm sorry, did I offend the big bad Uchiha?" Again, no response, "You know, I thought you were more fun, I guess I was wrong." I turned, giving him a bored glance, but he still didn't react. "Well, I'm out." I started walking away when I felt something grab my wrist.

"You're not going anywhere." I smiled, "He can talk, wow. Who would have thought?" The grip in my hand tightened, "Why can't you be more like Hashirama? He sure knows how to treat a lady."

I a split second my back collided with a nearby tree, "Don't ever bring up his name in front of me." I knew I was tempting the devil but I just couldn't seem to be able to control my words, "Did I touch a nerve? Are you mad because you're afraid he's more of a man than you are?" His hand flew up to my neck, "Mmm, rough. I like it." He stared at me, almost as if he were looking for my deepest, darkest secrets.

When he seemed to find the answer to what he was looking for he stepped back, and I found myself inside a room, my clothes being ripped and thrown to different corners of the room.

"Ah! Mmm!" I moaned, as Madara continued pounding into me. He flipped me so I was on my hands and knees and then he continued what he was doing.

"Oh god, don't stop, don't stop!" I cried, feeling my walls tighten around his length, leaving me breathless and shaking, but he didn't stop. No, he flipped me again, my back once again on the bed.

He kept on his fast pace and eventually I felt a familiar feeling at the pit of my stomach while my nails continued to claw at his back. "Ah, yes, yes!" He seemed to notice this because he began moving even faster. His face was on my neck, sucking and biting every inch of skin he could.

I felt myself go just moments before he emptied himself into me. My head fell back on the bed, while I tried regaining my breath.

Not even a minute passed before I felt him get up the bed, "Aww, don't tell me you're leaving so soon." He didn't even look back as he began to get dressed, "Well, that's a shame. You know, the least you can do is give me something to wear." I said, lifting up my ripped underwear.

He threw a large jacket my way just as he finished putting on his shirt and walked out the door. 'Looks like I'm gonna have to do the walk of shame looking like a slut.'