Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, heir apparent to the kingdom of Berk, son of King Stoick the Vast, stared in a surprised manner at the dragon sticking its head in through his balcony doors.

Now, this dragon wasn't black or red or green, as dragons usually are. This one was possessed of scales shaded pure white and eyes of icy blue, which made sense when one took into consideration that this particular dragon hailed from the far north and spewed from its teeth-laden maw nothing but the coldest of permafrost. It was, quite appropriately, referred to as a Frost Dragon, and to see one this far south was, while not unheard of, extremely uncommon.

This was not why Hiccup was flabbergasted, however, nor was it simply the shock of seeing a dragon in his bedroom. No, Hiccup was merely surprised that a dragon had managed to, quite literally, land on a rampart and stick its big nose into the castle's business without anybody noticing. Stoick the Vast was, while not overly paranoid, a very security-conscious king, and surely the vast amount of guards should have seen something, right?

"Oh," Hiccup finally managed to get out through his surprised stupor, "Uh, hi there. Can I, uh...help you?"

The dragon nodded immediately.

"Yes, actually. I didn't really wanna come so far south, because it's a little too warm for my tastes, but you're the only prince that's close enough for it to make sense," the dragon replied in its native tongue, the draconian language of Dragonese, and although it was a complicated and slightly ridiculous language, all the residents of the kingdom could understand it due to a spell cast by an ancient wizard.

It was supposed to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies, but oh well.

"And why do you need a prince, specifically?" Hiccup questioned, and the dragon rolled its eyes.

"My dad," it replied, an edge of exasperation to its voice, "He's really old fashioned, and he told me that until I steal a princess, I'm not really a grown dragon."

Here, though, the dragon took on a conniving tone. "He never actually said princess, though, so I thought I'd surprise him."

Hiccup snickered along with the dragon, commenting, "Sounds like something I would do. He's been really annoying about it, I take it?"

The dragon rolled its eyes with an emphatic, "You have no idea."

"Alright then," Hiccup concluded, throwing the fur comforter off of himself and bounding over to his wardrobe, "Let's go for a fly."

The dragon beamed, which was actually quite terrifying considering the amount of teeth it had, and waited patiently for Hiccup to get dressed. After considering for a moment, Hiccup decided to just bundle up in every layer of clothing he had, because of course the northern territories of the frost dragons was bound to be a bit nippy.

Once Hiccup was suitably satisfied, had written a note to his parents, and had a pack packed with even more articles of clothing stuffed inside, he bounded back over to the dragon, who pulled its head out of the window and turning around to allow the young prince to climb onto its neck.

With a mighty flap of wings, they were off.

Valhallarama, Queen of the kingdom of Berk, strolled into the throne room and sat down beside her husband with a decidedly amused expression gracing her features. The king glanced at the smaller, vacant throne on his other side, and leaned over to address his wife.

"Where's Hiccup?" the king questioned lowly, so as to not interrupt the peasant rambling about his problems, and Valhallarama's amused smirk widened.

"He's gone to help a dragon defy his father in a streak of teenage rebellion," she said, holding up a letter festooned with Hiccup's messy scrawl.

Stoick's eyebrows shot up to his forehead.